1 minute read
SONG .. .. `• Snow Flakes " . Cowen
from Dec 1910
by StPetersYork
conclusion. Mr. Tendall has been as untiring as ever in his coaching, and we hope that he thinks his efforts have not been in vain.
Amongst other events of the term, the celebration of November the 5th in excellent style should not pass by without some notice. The features of the evening were a bonfire of greater proportions than ever and several startling explosions, whose effect resembled a small earthquake, but really came from some newly invented bombs. We thank Mr. Jolly most sincerely for his kindness in providing such excellent material for the bonfire.
On November 25th the school listened to a most interesting address on the work carried on by a large publid school in Cashmier, by the Rev. C. E. Tindall Biscoe, the Headmaster. The speaker gave us a most vivid impression of the life in North West India, and of the great changes that have been effected since the school was opened.
The first concert was given on Saturday, November 26th. A full account will be found on another page, but we should like to offer our most sincere thanks to Airs. Oborne Walker and Dr. Shadwell for their kindness to us in performing.
In conclusion we would wish our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
The first concert of the term took place on November 26th, before a large audience. As is usual at this concert, the efforts of the boys were supplemented by contributions by visitors. Mrs. Walker played us two Piano Solos with all the skill of a very great artist, for both of which she was encored, and Dr. Shadwell played us a 'Cello Solo, and also sang us two songs. He was encored for the latter of these and sang us two more in a lighter