3 minute read
'CELLO SoLo .. (a) " Tranmeroi" . • .. Schumann
from Dec 1910
by StPetersYork
After the match H. Price Jones, F. Ferguson, R. T. Brode, and A. C. Molony received their First XV. Colours, and R. C. Bethell and R. M. Baskett their Second XV. Colours.
Played at home, November r6th. This match was originally arranged for December 3rd, but since the school team would have been weakened by the absence of some members who were in for scholarship examinations, St. John's very kindly agreed to play earlier. The school kicked off against the sun, and for some time play continued in the John's 252 York failed to score on several occasions, owing to Wood trying to run through on the blind side of the scrum. St. John's then, by good kicking, kept the school in their own 25.' After some good play one of their centre threequarters scored, the goal being kicked. Froin the kick-off the school pressed and Lacy scored far out, Peters making a good attempt at goal. Just before half-time St. John's scored an unconverted try. Half-time score : St. John's, 8 pts., School, 3 pts. On the resumption many scrums took place in mid-field, till the York hacks were set in motion and Peters was collared on the line. The game remained in the John's ' 25,' and A. B. Molony ran and passed to H. P. Jones, who dropped over the line under the posts. Brode had no difficulty in converting. John's then broke away and scored from a mis-kick by Brode. Matthews then headed a dribbling rush to the John's 25,' but John's managed to clear. F. Ferguson made a splendid opening for Peters to score, A. C. Molony kicking a good goal. With ten minutes left for play the game became exciting. After keen scrumming in mid-field, York broke away and Barry, making the best of an opportunity, scored a splendid try, which A. C. Molony converted with a good kick. Soon after time was called with the score : St. Peter's, 18 pts. ; St. John's, it pts.
TEAM : Full-back, R. T. Brode ; threequarters, K. Shann, A. J. Peters, A. 0. Lacy, 0. Tennent ; half-backs, F. Ferguson, L. F. Wood ; forwards, A. B. Molony, F. E. Ferguson, L. G. Barry, H. Price Jones, A. C. Molony, R. C. Bethell, A. H. Jackson, and B. Matthews.
REMARKS : St. John's was the heaviest team the school has met this season, and would be an excellent side with proper coaching. Their two centres were very fast and all their backs kicked splendidly. Their scrum did not understand quick heeling. For the school Wood played well after the first ten minutes, and his touch kicking gave the forwards much needed rests. Lacy and Ferguson both played well. Among the forwards Barry, Price Jones and Mr. Matthews were noticeable. A. B. and A. C. Molony were very good in the loose, the former's opening for Price Jones being brilliant. The latter also kicked two splendid goals. Brode at full-back did creditably, except for one mistake. Mr. Tendall refereed most impartially during the match, and probably this was the best match the school has had, except the Wanderers.
Played at Ripon, October 19th. This match proved an easy win for the znd XV. The score at half-time was 18 pts. to nil, no goals being kicked. In the second half 31 pts. were added. The following scored tries :—Camm (2), Medhurst (2), Tennent (z), Shann (2), Haynes (z), Reynolds (z), Baskett (2), Bethell (I). Only two goals were kicked, which was very disgraceful. Bethell and Wilson kicked one each.
TEAM :—Full-back, B. Jolly ; threequarters, A. Wilson, K. Shann, R. M. Baskett, 0. M. Tennent ; half-backs, B. Camm, E. Medhurst ; forwards, L. F. Jones, R. C. Bethell, G. Hargraves, R. Thornton, W. Farquharson, H. Reynolds, 1'. Darley, H. Webb.

ST. PETER'S znd XV. v. LEEDS GRAMMAR SCHOOL 2nd XV. Played at Leeds, Saturday, November 5th. This is the first victory the second team have won at Leeds for many years. York scored two tries and a goal to one try in the first half, Wray being responsible for one try and Tennent for two. Hargraves kicked the goal. In the second half Leeds did better,