Scout News. ST. PETER'S SCHOOL JUNIOR TROOP. Our Scout work this term has been carried out after games on Tuesdays .and Thursdays, and in consequence has been curtailed to some extent through lack of time. Work in preparation for the first class scout badge has been done, and on two occasions we have been out on field work when the ground was too hard for rugger owing to frost. WOLF CUBS. We have been particularly busy this term in spite of shorter meetings. We have started to make a toy theatre which is really beginning to look like a theatre at last. We hope to be able to give a performance on it next term. Inspiration for the theatre was given by an excellent show done specially for us by Miss Sally Toyne, whith we thoroughly enjoyed. The Red Six also gave us a real play, written and produced by their Sixer, and acted outside the Big School-room. It was a great success and we hope the other Sixes will follow their example. Great work has been done towards the gaining of First Stars. Everyone is now well on with the Tests, and we should like to congratulate Ping and Stembridge on winning theirs at the beginning of the term. Brockbank and Stembridge are ready to pass their Second Star, and are only waiting for an outside examiner to see them. We did one afternoon's tracking to the Ings, during which we found a really muddy ditch to jump, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We had an observation game on the way home which was won by the Blue Six, chiefly owing to the number of birds' nests which they found. We are now looking forward to the Summer Term—Indians, Bandits, the Jungle !
NEW CUBS THIS TERM. P. Morison. F. N. Buckler.