428 We welcome the following cubs up from our pack :—Shillitoe r Brenikov,MsSl(ma)ndHiyr;also Griffiths and Border as new Scouts. Meetings have been held on Mondays this term, in addition to which we have had two outings ; the first on Thursday, October 26th to the Kirk's Iron Foundry, near Foss Islands, and the second on November 23rd, to the National Glassworks (York), in Fishergate, both of which we found most interesting and we are grateful to those concerned, who granted us permission to make these visits.
WOLF CUBS. This term there have been many changes in the Pack. The three new sixers are Hillyard, mi., Calder and Buckler, mi ; the latter being First Cub and working very hard for his second star. We have welcomed several new cubs who have been enrolled and have made a start with their first stars. We have never had more Cubs who have learnt to skip so quickly. The meetings have all had to be indoors this term, except for the very enjoyable treat provided by the Red Six, when they set us a trial which led back to some excellent treasure. The Yellow Six's treat was a short play, written and produced by themselves. We found the plot rather difficult to follow, but the effects were very good. An interesting exhibition was provided by the Blue Six. Steele brought many Eastern curios, and there were meccano models, white mice, stamps and coins. Besides these special meetings we have been learning some Cub songs, hearing all the stories out of the Jungle Book and working to get at least one eye open. Yellow SixBlue Six— Red Six— Buckler, mi. Calder. Sixer Hillyard, mi. Pulleyn, mi.. Denison, ma. Second Morey. Ping, mi. Inglis. Belchamber. Anderson. 1 Short. * Steel, ma. Denison, mi.. Platts. * Seville, mi. *Steele, mi. Holli ngton. * Forbes-Adam * denotes new cub. 0
ILibrary. Head Librarian—Rev. F. H. Barnby. Librarians— D. Lupton, W. Toulmin, j. Whalley, J. M. Atkinson, H. E. T.. Summers. The following books have been added to the Library :— A.37d.—A Prince of the Captivity.—John Buchan. V.IV. 27a.—Rackets, Squash Rackets, etc.—ed. : Lord Aberdare (Lonsdale Library)