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Athletic Sports

Athletic Sports

Ebe library.

Librarian—Rev. F. H. Barnbv. Assistant Librarians— A. W. Douglas, R. S. Sickle, C. A. Smart, R. White, I. L. Lupton, J. M. Dickenson.

The following books have been added to the Library this term :— B.V. 8a.—As it Was : 1930—by Capt. N. Ward-Smith, 0.P_ (Presented by the Author). D.VI. 12d.—Nanda Devi : by E. E. Shipton. K.V. 30.—Harvest of Victory : by E. Wingfield-Stratford. K.VIII. 6.—History of Europe, Vol. 1 : by H. A. L. Fisher. K.VIII. 6a.—History of Europe, Vol. 2: by H. A. L. Fisher. K.VIII. 6b.—History of Europe, Vol. 3 : by H. A. L. Fisher.


After five years on the Reserve, Capt. P. H. Sykes has taken over the command of the O.T.C. again this term.

At the very beginning of term we were called upon at very short notice to take part in the Proclamation of King Edward. VIII at York Castle. The contingent acquitted itself well, and was congratulated on the smartness of its drill and turn-out.

Training during the term has pursued its normal course The recruits carried on their training under Sergt.-Major Puddick until his unfortunate accident. May we take this opportunity of expressing our sympathy with him, and our hope that he will be none the worse for it next term?

The middle platoons have had to swallow rather a large dose of Platoon and Squad Drill. They don't like it, and we have heard some grousing. But " it's a way they have in the army," and we suppose that its tedium must be endured if we are to be ready at a moment's notice to put up a good show whenever we are called upon to do so.

The Certificate " A " candidates have been more fortunate : they have had a good deal of very useful instruction from Capt_ R. G. Rooth, Depot West Yorkshire Regiment, who also gave a most interesting lecture to the whole Corps on " Poison Gas," a subject on which he is an expert.

The Band has put in its usual amount of hard work under Watson and Smart. They have had the benefit of coaching from Drum-Major Swales, late of the West Yorkshire Regiment, and have improved considerably.

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