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Scout News
from April 1936
by StPetersYork
%t. Olave's %cbool Zamcs.
At the commencement of the term snow and ice made the fields unfit for football, but it afforded us several days' skating which was very welcome, and quite a number of boys " got off." We had some games of Ice Hockey on Victoria Park, the flooded field opposite Clifton Scope.
When the thaw set in with its resultant flooding, we took to Cross-country running, and this was followed by Rugger for the Senior game and Soccer for the remainder.
Unfortunately infection prevented us having any School matches this term ; however, Mr. Stevenson got a St. Peter's School Junior XV together to play a St. Olave's XV, who were without one or two who would have been in the regular team, and, after a very hard game, a pointless draw resulted.
During the last fortnight all our efforts have been concentrated on training for the Sports, the Heats of which were held on Thursday, April 2nd, and the Finals on Monday, April 6th, along with the Senior School.
\Ve wish to thank Mrs. Toyne for kindly presenting the prizes for the Inter-House Relay Race, and Mr. Rhodes and Mr. J. S. Cooper for presenting the prize for the Open Quarter Mile. The detailed results of the races will be found in another part of the magazine, together with those of the Senior School.
scout -Sews.
We welcome the following new members to the Troop Bulmer (ma.) to the Curlew Patrol ; Wright, D. H., and Holt co the Peewits.
Most of our time this term has been taken up with Second Class test work and the weekly Inter-Patrol Competition, which has been very keenly contested, and the positions of which are :- 1st, Woodpigeons. 2nd, Hawks. 3rd, Curlews. 4th, Peewits.
We look forward to the " OUT " in SCOUTING next term when the weather is fine, and then, hurrah, for Camp ! ! I