1 minute read
Theatricals, Christmas, 1936
from Jan 1937
by StPetersYork
Ebeatricals, Christmas, 1936.
Elsie Radfern Mrs. (Lucy) Baxley Bernard Baxley George Radfern Harold Russ Joe Fletten
J. C. Atkinson J. M. Rucklidge M. B. Marwood J. M. Dickenson D. W. Watson H. A. S. Hobson
Mrs. (Dorothy) Radfern R. S. Dixon
Inspector Stack
B. J. Eastwood Sergeant Morris M. S. Douglas Producer: K. H. Rhodes, Esq.
Stage Carpenter and Electrician : A. E. Schofield.
For the first time for many years the cast of the Christmas Play consisted entirely of boys, and Mr. Rhodes, the Producer, should be warmly thanked and congratulated on the success which in every way they made of it. Though in its denouement the play becomes a thriller, it is really a study in characterisation and the hum-drum life of a London suburb, a fact which was grasped and well portrayed throughout.
To an audience unaccustomed to women's parts being taken by boys, it was only natural that these should be the first interest. J. C. Atkinson made a particularly bright young thing, whose only difficulty seemed to be to produce the necessary tears when the situation demanded them. J. M. Rucklidge provided an admirable contrast in the hardboiled wife of a globe-trotting ne'er-do-well, M. B. Marwood, who made an almost likeable character of the impecunious loafer home from the East, where " men are men " ; but we wonder whether he ever wants to see a banana again.
J. M. Dickenson played the important part of George Radfern, on whom the whole play hung. He carried it through excellently, giving a realistic impression of a man more than twice his years leading a sensational life in the most unsensational circumstances. D. W. Watson, as the too prudent lover, was adequate in a thankless part, and H. A. S. Hobson was equally at home either as the gardener's companion or the forger's accomplice. R. S. Dixon, really motherly, was probably at his best as the reluctant hostess.