1 minute read
Notes and Items
from Jan 1937
by StPetersYork
'Rotes anb Stems.
We congratulate V. L. F. Davin, A. C. W. Ping, M. S.. Hall, A. H. Moffatt, E. H. Tankard, J. A. Wright, G. P. G. Stephenson, P. Heywood, R. N. Rimmer, T. F. Cameron, H. D. F. Amor, W. G. Barnby, J. M. Dickenson, H. A. S. Hobson, R. S. Dixon, on receiving their 2nd XV colours, and M. B. Marwood, V. L. F. Davin, A. H. Moffatt, J. T. Harding, A. C. W. Ping, M. S. Hall, E. H. Tankard on being awarded their 1st XV colours.
The School congratulate Mr. R. M. Cooper and Miss D. Turner on their engagement.
On December 4th a party from the Senior School had the pleasure of going to St. John's College, York, and seeing a performance of " Dr. Faustus."
Earlier in the term a party went to the Rowntree's Theatre to see one of Shakespeare's lesser known plays, " Troilus and Cressida," performed by York Settlement Community Players.
Mr. W. N. Corkhill has been appointed House Tutor at the Rise.
The Day Boys have ceased to be known as such, and are now known as Temple House. Mr. P. H. Sykes has been appointed House Master, and together with Mr. Smith, will look after the interests of Temple House.
We were very sorry to see the announcement of the death of Mr. G. C. MacLaurin, a former master at this School. He was killed in Spain while fighting for the Spanish Government. Mr. MacLaurin held a temporary appointment here during the summer term of 1935.
A party went to the L.N.E.R. Institute on December 9th to witness a boxing contest between the Army and the L.N.E.R. The result was a draw, six fights all.
J. M. Dickenson and B. J. Eastwood were appointed Editors of " The Peterite."
Last term saw the foundation of a new society, known as the Saturday Society. The object of this Society is to provide entertainment for its members every Saturday night.
On November 7th the VIth form had the pleasure of being personally conducted round parts of York Minster by the Rev. Chancellor F. Harrison. Many interesting and generally unknown facts were told them in a most interesting way.