1 minute read

A Tale with a Moral

El rate with a Moral.

Three wise men sat in a study, and two of them were talking politics. The first was a Communist; the second was a Fascist ; and the third, who did not know what he was, poked the fire thoughtfully with a toasting fork.

The Communist had condescended. " Gentlemen," he said, " this is serious."

The gentlemen agreed. " Very serious," said the Fascist. " Awful, I should think," mumbled the unknown.

The Communist was alarmed at this universal peacefulness. " Take Africa," he said, " thousands of native chiefs beating their Tom-toms to ' Tiger Rag,' and thousands of monkeys playing bumble-puppy with coconuts. Think of it, thousands of 'em, and all playing with coconuts. Then take us ; not a coconut between us and no gramophone to play ' Tiger Rag.' Serious ; something must be done about it."

The Fascist absently raised his right arm. " Quite," he said, and brought it to his side, " but you'll not do it."

The unknown said nothing. Anyway he hated coconuts. He picked up a piece of paper and began to fold it into an aeroplane. " Take China," barked the Fascist, " what a time they have! Thousands of pounds spent on strikes and fights and things. And we have not a bean among us; can't fight either, against the rules." .

He kicked the poker viciously, and grunted as it fell on his shin. " Yes," said the Communist, " China. All that money wasted on fighting. Why don't they grow rice, or something? " " Sound idea," growled the Fascist, and to make himself more clear he added, " Sound idea."

The unknown smiled to himself. He knew why they did not grow rice ; nobody liked it. His aeroplane was nearly finished.

A pause came here for the Communist knew he had forgotten something. He remembered.

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