Oct 1954

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No. 337

EDITORIAL Not the least interesting aspect of the Speech Day proceedings was that part of the Head Master's annual review which dealt with our building plans for the immediate future. Inevitably, in consequence of the numerical growth of the School, we have been faced for some years with the problem of making good serious deficiencies in our accommodation, a problem which the restrictions on building imposed by the war and its after-math had necessarily aggravated. Gradually, however, the difficulties are being overcome. Perhaps only those who remember the low-water mark of 1942, when enemy action did its worst, can appreciate the tremendous improvements which the vigorous policy of the Head Master and the Governors has effected in little more than a decade. The completion of the extensions to the Science Block, which will give facilities for the teaching of science equal to those of any school of comparable size, is a notable milestone along the road to our ultimate goal of perfection. The Head Master's report revealed that another important step is to be taken immediately with the enlargement and modernisation of the School Library. Facilities which were satisfactory enough in 1927 no longer meet the needs of the School as it is today. There is much wisdom in the dictum of Thomas Carlyle that "the true university in these days is a collection of books", and it is certainly true that the best work cannot be done by VIth Form boys who are aiming at university scholarships without an adequate Library. Indeed, something more is necessary than a mere "collection of books". The books, in fact, we already have in sufficiency. What is needed is accommodation for them which will be inspiring and dignified and will create the atmosphere necessary for serious reading; a Library where our senior boys may isolate themselves from the hurly-burly of school life and devote themselves to serious study. The importance of private reading for VIth Form boys, particularly those on the Arts side, cannot be over-emphasised, and it may rightly be considered that the new Library will do no less for the Humanities than will the improved Laboratory accommodation for Science. Of the vigour of the Humanities at St. Peter's no clearer evidence is needed than the extremely satisfactory results in Classics in the midsummer Scholarship Level examinations. The awards are given 1

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