No. 343
EDITORIAL All readers of The Peterite will welcome the news that Mr. K. H. Rhodes was able to return to duty for the beginning of the Christmas Term. His genial and, as we have come to think, almost essential presence at the Commemoration festivities was sadly missed, especially by his countless friends among Old Peterites. An Old Peterite dinner without Mr. Rhodes was, indeed, unprecedented. He bore the anxiety and tedium of long weeks of confinement to a hospital bed, which began in the early days of July, with unfailing courage and cheerfulness. A period of rest in a convalescent home and a recuperative holiday in Scotland followed, and it is a relief to all of us to be assurred that he is now fully recovered and that the doctors have pronounced him fit to resume his normal work. The record of the events of the Summer Term contained in this issue is, we believe, eloquent testimony to the vigour and variety of our school life today. Of the three terms of the academic year the Summer Term is perhaps the most crowded, containing as it does not only the usual activities of our multifarious Clubs and Societies, but Commemoration and the General Certificate examination as well. It is not always easy, when there is so much afoot, to preserve a sense of balance in the direction of one's energies, but that we succeed in doing so at St. Peter's is surely proved by the fact that this number of The Peterite records both the highest number of State Scholarships ever gained by the School and an unprecedented season for the Boat Club, which in its visits to various regattas acquired no less than seven trophies. It is not our normal practice to comment in this Editorial on our routine games and other activities, since they are, of course, reviewed 1