in extenso in the body of the magazine. But perhaps we may be
excused a reference to the Shooting VIII. Our visit to Bisley in July for the Public Schools' Competition was only the second of its kind, since 1955 was the first year in which it was found possible to overcome the many serious difficulties which had hitherto stood in our way. (That the effort is well worth while is, we think, beyond a doubt. Among other things there is much to be said for leaving our northern fastnesses and making contact with the public schools of the south.) Appreciating as they did their own inexperience and the traditionally high standard of the competition for the Ashburton Shield, the Shooting VIII did not expect to set the Thames on fire in their early ventures. It is all the more gratifying that the VIII graduated from 84th place in 1955 to 37th in 1956 (incidentally beating all other north of England schools) and that one member of the team, J. R. Peverley, who gained 16th place in the "Schools' Hundred Competition" with a score of 67 out of a possible 70, was awarded a badge.
THE STAFF CANON PArrESON At the end of last term we said goodbye to Canon C. Patteson, who had been the School Chaplain since September, 1947. During this period of nine years we have been very conscious of Canon Patteson's enthusiastic ministry in the School, and there are few boys who have not been considerably influenced by his teaching. Canon Patteson combined all that is best in both the Parish Priest and the Schoolmaster, and everyone connected with the School will feel that we have lost a friend and guide. We are glad to know that Canon Patteson, in becoming Vicar of Howden and Rural Dean, will not be far away, and we hope to see his familiar figure from time to time both in the School and on our playing fields.
MR. R. BENNETT We congratulate Mr. R. Bennett on his appointment as Head Master of Rutherford Grammar School, Newcastle, from the beginning of this term. We are very sorry on the other hand that this means his severing his connection with St. Peter's School, where he 2