Oct 1956

Page 51

Native farmers are being encouraged by the governments of many countries to grow Rhubarb Tree plantations. The British Government is planning a great Rhubarb Tree scheme which I trust will be more successful than the ill-fated ground-nuts scheme in West Africa. Some of the unfortunate people who have been sacked by the Standard Motor Company have been offered handsome salaries to go out to Africa and help with the scheme. These facts which I have brought to the reader's notice will help to show that in a few years' time the Rhubarb Tree may have a very great bearing on the lives of the world's inhabitants. If one asks the average person what he knows about the Rhubarb Tree, he will look at the questioner as if he were mad, but suddenly remember that elephant's nest in Rhubarb Trees. This fact is most certainly true. The trees provide camouflage for the elephant, since the leaves resemble an elephant's ear. Also, elephants are attracted by the smell. C.W.G.

C.C.F. NOTES Firstly we welcome a new officer, Mr. R. C. T. Hall. He has joined the Contingent and is sharing his time between the Basic Section and the Signal Platoon; his experience both in previous C.C.F.s, the Royal Corps of Signals, and the Parachute Regiment, will prove a great asset and inspiration to training in the Sections. We congratulate C.W.O. Portlock on successfully completing his flying training and obtaining his Pilot's "A" Licence for flying singleengined aircraft under the Flying Scholarship Scheme. Owing to the short Easter Term the Certificate "A" Examinations were postponed and took place early this term. The results were satisfactory; the Part II candidates passing into the N.C.O. Cadre. Here they were joined by their equivalents from the R.N. and R.A.F. classes. In all the examinations the high standard of drill was particularly noticeable this year. The Signallers have been active throughout the term. L/Cpl. Procter made history for the Platoon when he made a two-way contact with a school in Scotland, 200 miles away, on a standard 18 set with a special aerial. On Saturday, 9th June, we took part again in the Inter-Schools' C.C.F. Shooting Competition at Strensall. Cdt. Lowley with his team put up a creditable performance in being placed 2nd. The Annual Inspection this year was taken by Brigadier D. A. Kendrew, C.B.E., D.S.O., from H.Q. Northern Command, with representatives from H.Q. 64 Group R.A.F. and H.M.S. Ceres. In the afternoon the Fernie Cup Competition was held, demanding a high standard of leadership and initiative from the squads. This year some drill was introduced again for the younger members of


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