No. 349
EDITORIAL The term closed on a note of sadness with the news of Mr. Burgess's relapse, which came so soon after he had delighted us all by attending Commemoration. His death on 9th August, although unfortunately expected, was nevertheless a tragic blow to all who knew him. We publish elsewhere the Head Master's address at the Memorial Service in the School Chapel on 27th September—the School's tribute to a man, who was loved and admired by master and boy alike. We offer our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Burgess and her family We extend a warm welcome to our new contemporary, "Oasis", and congratulate the Editor and his Committee on such a promising first edition. Literary magazines in schools are tender plants, and, it is the duty of all to see that "Oasis" does not wilt and die. As our reviewer points out, "support means contributions", and we sincerely hope that many more will be encouraged to offer their support by the success of the first number In order to anticipate any gross exaggeration on the vexed question of the weather, we publish a statistical survey, based on information obtained from the School's weather station. This would seem to indicate that some of the grumbling was justified but that the "nuclear explosion" theorists will have to look elsewhere for a scapegoat. 1