2 minute read
School News
from Feb 1959
by StPetersYork
We welcome three new members of the Staff and hope their time at St. Peter's will be very happy. Mr. G. D. Field, an Exhibitioner of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, joins us from Glenalmond to teach Classics; Mr. D. R. Gailey, an Exhibitioner of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, takes Mr. Montgomery's place on the Mathematics staff; and Mr. R. J. Wilson, an Exhibitioner of Trinity College, Cambridge, fills the gap at Mr. Holbeche's side left by Mr. Hart's departure for New Zealand. * * *
The Rev. R. C. Pickard has been appointed Chaplain of the Royal Wolverhampton School. During his short stay in the Junior School Mr. Pickard made many friends, and we wish him well in his new post. * * *
We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Mair on the birth of a son (Nicholas) on 7th January, 1959. * * *
The Annual School Dance was held on Friday, 9th January, and, despite the foggy weather, some '250 parents, Old Boys and friends enjoyed a very successful evening. On the following night a Boys' Dance was held, also in the School, and appeared to be enjoyed by all. Mr. Holbeche very nobly "volunteered" for the job of M.C. at both dances—a task he performed with conspicuous success. The two functions raised over £300 for the Appeal Fund. * * *
The British Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its Annual Meeting in York from the 2nd to the 9th of September. The Physics Section, of which Mr. Robinson is the Local Secretary, will hold all its meetings in the School, and some of the members are also to be accommodated in the Boarding Houses. * * *
The Scott Building will be officially opened on Saturday, 7th March, the day of the Old Peterite Hockey match. The ceremony will be performed by the Dean of York, Chairman of the Governors, who will also unveil a plaque in memory of Colonel Scott. * * *
The ninth Science Exhibition will be held on 20th and 21st March; it will be opened by Sir Walter Worboys, a Director of I.C.I. * * *
In December the School purchased No. 18 Clifton, a very handsome house on the corner of St. Peter's Grove. It is at present being used as an Annexe of the Grove, and the very extensive garden will doubtless be put to good use at a later date. 2