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Baird Cup

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following a student apprenticeship course, whereby they work with the firm for three years, alternating periods of study with practical experience in several different branches of the firm.

Having bidden farewell and thanked our guides, we re-embarked on our bus and set off back into the centre of the city. It was now about 5-0 p.m. and, as the train did not leave until 7-30, we were left with over two hours to spend in the great Metropolis. Some tried, unsuccessfully, to get to the Picasso exhibition. Others were content to wander through the smaller streets, imbibing the cosmopolitan atmosphere of London and its people. But all enjoyed themselves thoroughly, some to such an extent that they nearly missed the train. Another long but by no means boring train journey took us back to York, where we arrived about 11-30, tired, but having had a most enjoyable day, for which our thanks are entirely due to Mr. Coulthard for arranging the trip. R.L.B.


At the preliminary meeting J. 0. Armstrong was elected Chairman, and D. L. Brown Secretary. J. N. Hanson became a member.

Mr. Willstrop addressed the Society at the first meeting. He gave a very enlightening talk on "The Sport of Kings". Besides imparting useful factual knowledge, he drew many ethical lessons from his wide experience of the turf.

N. R. Barton, speaking at the second meeting, presented his ideas on discipline in schools, and thereby sparked off a lively discussion on a subject of deep concern to every member.

On the final evening members were invited to produce some artistic creation which appealed to them. Poetry, painting, and music were the most popular choices, and generally the differing tastes of members were well illustrated.

At an extraordinary meeting held during the term, it was decided that every meeting of the Society should be in confidence, and anyone guilty of a breach of this confidence would automatically cease to be a member of the Curia. D.L.B.


At a meeting of the Committee at the end of the Summer Term, J. R. Anfield was elected Honorary Secretary for the coming year. 38

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