10 minute read
Old Peterite News
from Oct 1960
by StPetersYork
The 69th Annual General Meeting of the Club was held at the School on Saturday, 23rd July. The President (Dr. Marcus Clegg) was in the Chair. The Head Master was present and there was an attendance of 73 members.
Mr. H. L. Creer in the absence of the Hon. Treasurer (John Saville) who unfortunately was indisposed, presented the audited accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1960, which revealed a cash balance of £260 11s. 11d., and the membership during the year had increased by 70.
T. H. Burdon, K. G. Chilman, A. A. Collins, D. C. Holmes, W. G. Huntley, and C. W. Thompson were re-elected to serve on the Committee for a further term of three years.
C. C. Fairweather was re-nominated for co-option on the Board of Governors for a further term of three years.
It was reported that an additional O.P. Regional Dinner had been inaugurated for the East Riding at Driffield on 27th May, P. S. Atkinson being the organiser. Harry Gedge has kindly offered to organise an O.P. Regional Dinner in Birmingham, which it is expected will be arranged in the Spring. In addition, the established Regional Dinners will be held as follows :— N.E. Dinner at the Three Tuns Hotel, Durham on Friday, 21st October. West Riding Dinner in Leeds on Thursday, 3rd November. London Dinner at Brown's Hotel on Wednesday, 9th November. N.W. Dinner in Manchester on Friday, 3rd March, 1961.
O.P. DINNER, 1960
Following the Annual General Meeting the O.P. Dinner was again held in the School Dining Hall by kind permission of the Head Master.
By altering the seating arrangements it was possible to increase the accommodation to 138 but, nevertheless, it proved insufficient for the demand, so that some O.P.s were unable to secure tickets. There is, however, no difficulty for those who will apply as soon as they receive the Commemoration circular.
Those present enjoyed an excellent dinner provided by the School catering staff to whom once more the Club is indebted. It was a most successful evening.
The time-honoured toast of "The School" was proposed once again by the President (Dr. Marcus Clegg) to which the Head Master responded. "The Club" was proposed by Dennis Norwood who, now 75
living in retirement, was able to again attend the whole of Cont. memoration, and the Hon. Secretary responded.
The following were present :—
The Head Master. The President. Addey, J. Alderson, B. R. Amos, W. Atkinson, P. S. Badham, S. M. Baines, J. H. Beachell, F. M. Bell, N. J. Bellwood, P. L. Blunt, D. A. C. Bough, R. G. Bower, R. Browne, F. D. Burdass, C. M. C. Burdass, J. U. Burdon, T. H. Burgess, N. B. Byass, D. E. Carter, M. T. Chadwick, C. I. Chilman, K. G. Coates, J. W. Colley, R. H. Crane, P. A. Creer, H. L. Cutforth, L. E. Dench, P. Denison, E. A. K. Denison, J. A. Dixon, J. B. Dixon, R. S. Dodsworth, G. H. Dodsworth, J. M. Dodsworth, W. D. Dronfiehl, P. J. Dutton, I. S. T. Easten, J. A. Ellis, J. Fairweather, C. C. Fearnside, F. Field, R. A. Garbutt, M. G. A. Gedge, H. F. S. Gray, D. St. G. W. Gray, G. P. Gough, C. W. Hallas, M. Hanson, J. A. Harding, J. T. Harnby, F. B. S. Hick, R. M. Hindle, P. M. Holmes, D. C. Holt, D. R. Hopwood, A. P. Huntley, W. G. Ibberson, W. R. Jenkinson, T. M. Jones, M. A. Kent, M. J. King, C. D. Kirby, D. Knowlson, D. W. Layfield, T. D. J. Leach, C. W. Le Pla, R. G. Lewis, C. H. Lewis, T. J. MacKellar, W. G. Magson, N. J. McDermid, N. Megginson, P. B. R. Mervyn, R. F. S. Metcalfe, R. H. Miers, J. F. Milner, G. H. Moore, J. E. Morris, P. A. Norwood, D. Pacey, F. W. B. Peacock, R. W. Pfluger, D. Ping, A. W. Plester, G. W. Powell, W. W. Proudfoot, R. H. Rayner, D. Rayson, J. C. M. Rhodes, K. H. Ringrose, P. F. Roy, M. H. T. Ruddock, G. F. Ruddock, R. H. 0. Rumfitt, D. T. Ryder, J. M. Saville, J. M. Sedman, E. C. Shepherd, C. S. Simmons, D. N. Smith, C. D. Sproulle, M. I. H. Stanley, J. E. Stork, R. M. Thomas, T. E. Thompson, C. W. Thompson, D. W. Thompson, E. G. Thorp, R. H. Walton, J. M. E. Watson, F. F. Welsh, M. Wheatley, P. J. Wheatley, R. D. Whitmore, .1. A. Wilson, P. B. Woolley, P. J.

Members of Staff : Craven, A. Cummin, D. G. Dodds, A. E. R. Harding, R. F. Howat, A. T. Jeffs, E. S.
The Bursar, the Head of the School and the Captain of Cricket were the guests of the Club.
The next meeting of the General Committee will be held at the School on Saturday afternoon, 10th December, at 5 p.m., following the annual Rugger match between the School and the Club. 76
O.P. Colours and Blazer buttons.
The price of the all-silk tie is 18s. 6d. and the rayon-reppe tie 1 ls. 9d. and may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Chebula, Clifton Road, Runcorn, upon receipt of the appropriate remittance together with a stamped (4+1) addressed foolscap envelope. Silk squares and cravats in the same design may also be obtained from the Hon. Secretary price 60s. and 34s. respectively.
The chrome blazer buttons machine-indented with the School coat of arms may be obtained direct from the Manager of the School Shop. The large size 3s. and the small size ls. 8d. each.
Those wishing to play Rugger against the School on Saturday, 11th December, are asked to write to C. W. Thompson, c/o Frank Close and Simpson, Easingwold, Nr. York.
As usual on the first Friday in March we held our Annual Dinner and once again had a very enjoyable evening. As will be seen from the list, 27 of us got together to "chew over" old times with the aid of the appropriate equipment. We were pleased to welcome Mr. Ping back from Australia (I think he must have timed it specially), and it was very nice indeed to have D. P. Norwood with us.
I would like to thank all the O.P.s who wrote in, even though they could not be present, no fewer than 72, some of whom intend to be with us at the next meeting. It was very gratifying to receive so many replies out of a total of 140 to whom the circular was sent.
These dinners are well worth attending by Old Boys regardless of the age group, and it is almost certain that they will meet someone who was at School with them. This particular group it will be seen ranged from 1909 to 1958, from Head Masters and Head Boys down to the likes of me.
Here's to the next time !
The following were present :-

;Baines, J. H. (1945-54). Baines, P. J. M. (1948-57). Blackburn, W. D. (1922-31). Booth, J. G. (1946-50). Buttrum, A. P. (1944-50). Caley, J. P. (1938-43). Chadwick, C. I. (1953-56). Dronfield, J. (Head Master). Frank, C. (1942-49). Graham, G. E. L. (1932-37). Ibberson, W. R. (1949-54). Ibberson, J. S. (1953-58). Jackson, G. F. (Master). Lewis, T. J. (1923-26). Maclldowie, A. B. (1921-29). Miller, R. L. (1935-43). Norwood, D. P. (1909-18). Ping, A. W. (1921-55). Rainford, T. C. (1917-25). Ratcliffe, K. (1944-50). Raylor, J. M. (1947-52). Shepherd, C. S. (1936-46). Shirtcliffe, J. R. (1950-55). Smith, P. (1945-53). Stratton, R. A. (1935-43). Thompson, C. W. (1948-53). Troughton, A. P. (1920-23).
The first East Riding Old Peterite Dinner was held at the Highfield Country Club, Driffield, on 27th May, 1960.
The following were present :-
Atkinson, P. S. (1928-32). Beachell, D. H. (1948-52). Beachell, H. M. (1922-23). Beachell, S. Beachell, J. M. (1951-59). Hodgson, E. Huzzard, J. V. (1927-29). Huzzard, J. B. (1946-55). Hopkinson, R. C. (1949-57). May, M. (1952-57).
Browne, F. D. (1942-50). Burdass, C. U. (1942-48). Burdass, R. D. (1949-55).
May, A. (1952-57). Megginson, J. S. (1945-51). Megginson, P. R. B. (1948-55). Burdass, J. U. (1942-48). Potter, B. (1949-52). Burdass, C. M. C. (1946-53). Richardson, H. (1909-14). Byass, D. E. (1938-41). Rowbottom, P. J. (1950-53). Cooke, J. D. (1942-49). Stephenson, R. F. H. (1914-24). Dawson, J. R. (1948-54). Dronfield, J. Dee, C. C. (1943-46). Ping, A. W. Giddings, M. P. (1949-58). Blunt, D. A. C. Hardy, F. W.
P. S. Atkinson proposed the toast of "The School", to which the Head Master responded.
This year's competition, despite the few entries received, was again a success. Held over the York Golf Club's course at Strensall, in nearly perfect conditions, the results were as follows :-

Gross. Handicap. Nett. P. Crowe ... ... 97 24 73 J. N. Bamforth ... 92 18 74 H. Bamforth ... 94 20 74 N. Burnett ... 93 18 75
The winner becomes the second holder of the Old Peterite Golfing Trophy and holds it until next year's competition.
Now that the competition has been running for three years and is established it is hoped that next year a more ambitious afternoon's programme can be attempted. Further details will be appearing in a future edition of "The Peterite". Meanwhile should any Old Peterite golfing enthusiast have any suggestions to make it would be appreciated if he would get in touch with the organiser, P. Crowe, 95 Stockton Lane, York.
R. L. EVANS (Grove, 1952-59), who is studying Medicine at King's College,
London, was awarded a Warnford Scholarship on the result of his 1st M.B., an honour which his father had also won, and he has been elected
President of the Medical Society of the College, a very rare appointment for a second year student. E. H. N. TURNER (Grove, 1947-56) passed out as a Pilot Officer at the
Royal Air Force Station, Tern Hill, and was awarded the Flying Trophy for efficiency and the Loraine Memorial Trophy for the best all-rounder of his course. Turner joined the R.A.F. after graduating in Science at
Durham University.
HOPKINS.—On 17th July, 1960, to Pamela and David Hopkins, a son. [Rise, 1940-48.]
CLEMONS—AINLEY. George Richard Henry Clemons, Avalon, Brayton,
Selby, and Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ainley, Church Lane,
Selby. [School House, 1951-55.] DOOK—THOMPSON. Lieutenant-Commander J. M. L. Dook, 22 Broadmark Avenue, Rustington, Sussex, and Susan, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Benn Thompson, Sand Hall, Crowle, Lincolnshire. [1937-46.] OLDROYD—HILL. James Colin Oldroyd, "Roxby", Carlton Avenue,
Batley, and Susan, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hill, Yan Yak,
Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. [Rise, 1948-53.] PACEY—HENDERSON. Frederick John Pacey, Allerthorpe, Junction Road,
Norton-on-Tees, and Marna Jane, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Henderson, Cleveland Cottage, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough. [School House, 1950-55.]
CLARK—ANDREWS. On 3rd August, 1960, at the Parish Church, Stocktonon-the-Forest, Richard Thompson Clark, A.R.I.C.S., 23 Trentholme Drive,
The Mount, York, to Julie Monica, daughter of Mrs. M. A. Andrews, "Oddiscombe", Bar Lane, Stockton-on-the-Forest. [Temple, 1944-53.] DENHOLM—KNOX. On 10th September, 1960, at Perth, Western Australia,
Peter James Denholm, Brandon Village, Durham, to Lucy Mary, only daughter of the late Leonard Needham Knox and Mrs. Knox, 60 Castlebar
Road, Ealing. [School House, 1941-42; Manor, 1942-45.] SWALE—BARNITT. On 16th December, 1959, at St. Nicholas Church,
Itchingfield, John David Swale, Christ's Hospital, Sussex, to Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Barnitt, Sandsend, Yorks. [Temple, 1943-46.]

HINGSTON.—On 29th May, 1960, at Walton-on-Thames, Alfred Alwyne
Hingston, M.B., Ch.B., in his 89th year. [1881-89.] RUSSELL.—On 30th May, 1960, in Ramsey Hospital, Richard Forbes
Russell, aged 81. [1891-97.] (Russell played Rugger for Yorkshire and England.) SCHOLEFIELD.—On 2nd May, 1960, Rev. Joshua Scholefield, Vicar of
Arthington, Yorkshire. [Grove, 1919-23.]
Squares. All Silk Reppe Ties, Formal. All Silk Reppe Ties, Informal. Terylene Ties, Informal. All Silk ... Eccentrics C.C. Ties. Silk Reppe Embroidered Gold and Silver Thread Blazer Badges ... Gilt Metal Cuff Links. Blue enamel School Crest at one end with torpedo at the other connected by a chain ...
The above can be obtained on application to: — — CUFF LINKS s. d. 34 11 post free. 11 3 post free. 8 3 post free. 13 6 post free. 10 11 post free. 32 3 post free.
18 5 post free.
Estd. 1860