4 minute read
from Oct 1960
by StPetersYork
Rise again triumphed, 5-3, but Temple gave them a good run for their money. Once more thanks must go to all those who were cajoled by Mr. Holbeche to assist him in umpiring these matches.
In the Staff match, the boys suffered their usual defeat, but the individual games were closer than the final result (5-2) suggests. The term ended with an excellent exhibition match in which our own Mr. Craine (after a heavy dinner, he claimed) played Mr. M. T. Fallon, the York champion, and only lost 5-7 in the second set. F.D.L.
Lack of enthusiastic training and "loss" of swimmers to other sports have been partly responsible for the School team losing its two swimming fixtures against Welbeck College and Bootham School. But there is an encouraging keenness among the younger members of the team; in some of the senior events the juniors had to fill the places, often with great credit.
Flaming June lived up to its reputation, but much valuable practice time was lost by eventual competitors in the House Sports. By the time July arrived, not only did the weather deteriorate considerably but the demands of examinations added further to the difficulties of finding time for training. As a result, with the exception of C. D. Ibberson's record in the Open 50 yds. Breast-stroke event, performances were hardly up to standard.
Competition for the Kazerooni Cup became a runaway affair for The Manor, who were well represented in all age-groups.
The life-saving class has met throughout the Summer Term on a Monday evening for theory work, and after the examinations a great deal of water work was achieved in a short time. As a result the following candidates have been successful in the Royal LifeSaving Society examination held just before the summer holiday :-
Instructor's Certificate: G. P. Robinson. Bar to the Award of Merit: G. P. Robinson. Award of Merit: R. J. Adcock, R. L. Bruce, J. H. Starkey, J. H.
Ormiston, D. S. Yeadon, D. H. Rhodes, J. J. Kettlewell. Bar to Bronze Cross: G. P. Robinson, R. J. Adcock, R. L. Bruce, J. H.
Starkey, J. H. Ormiston, D. S. Yeadon, D. H. Rhodes. Bronze Medallion: E. White, R. M. Fawcett, D. Frehsee, R. J. Shields,
P. W. Quickfall, P. A. Liversidge. Intermediate Certificate: R. W. Metcalfe. 72
1. Under 164 Free-style-50 yds. 1st J. A. B. Carruthers, 2nd G. R.
Monfort, 3rd S. H. Reiss. Time : 32.5 sec. 2. Open Back-stroke-50 yds. 1st J. V. Noel, 2nd A. Hardman, 3rd C. Metcalfe. Time : 35.9 sec. 3. Under 15 Dive. 1st D. I. Lewis, 2nd C. R. Barton, 3rd J. R. Dalkin. 4. Under 15 Back-stroke-25 yds. 1st M. H. Bowe, 2nd C. J. L. Clarke, 3rd equal N. G. Pace and R. H. Grayson. Time : 18.2 sec. 5. Open Breast-stroke-100 yds. 1st C. D. Ibberson, 2nd I. T. Parkin, 3rd G. P. Robinson. Time : 1 min. 23.7 sec. 6. Under 164 Plunge. 1st J. H. Ormiston, 2nd J. C. Cossins, 3rd C. G. Evans. Distance : 48 ft. 5 in. 7. Under 15 Free-style--50 yds. 1st P. E. Jackson, 2nd D. I. Lewis, 3rd
R. W. Metcalfe. Time : 35.7 sec. 8. Under 164 Breast-stroke-100 yds. 1st D. S. Yeadon, 2nd S. H. Reiss, 3rd R. L. Bruce. Time : 1 min. 24.1 sec. 9. Open Free-style--100 yds. 1st J. V. Noel, 2nd H. L. Sutcliffe, 3rd
R. G. Bruce. Time : 1 min. 6.6 sec.
Monday, 25th July
10. Open .Free-style--25 yds. 1st J. V. Noel, 2nd G. P. Robinson, 3rd U. A. Alexander. Time : 12.7 sec. 11. Under 164 Free-style-25 yds. 1st J. C. Cossins, 2nd R. L. Bruce, 3rd J. A. B. Carruthers. Time : 13.8 sec. 12. Under 15 Breast-stroke-50 yds. 1st P. M. Semper, 2nd R. M. Fawcett, 3rd J. M. French. Time : 39.7 sec. 13. Open Free-style-50 yds. 1st I. T. Parkin, 2nd U. A. Alexander, 3rd H. L. Sutcliffe. Time : 28.7 sec. 14. Open Breast-stroke-50 yds. 1st C. D. Ibberson, 2nd D. H. Rhodes, 3rd F. J. A. Hewitt. Time : 35.3 sec. (School record). 15. Under 164 Dive. 1st R. L. Bruce, 2nd M. A. Popplewell, 3rd J. R. P. Lee. 16. Under 164 Breast-stroke-50 yds. 1st D. S. Yeadon, 2nd R. H. Atkinson, 3rd A. Brining. Time : 39.1 sec. 17. Open Plunge. 1st S. P. Burton, 2nd W. E. Jones, 3rd D. H. Rhodes. Distance : 44 ft. 114 in. 18. Under 164 Obstacle Race-50 yds. 1st R. L. Bruce, 2nd D. G. Woolley, 3rd D. S. Yeadon. Time : 41.5 sec. 19. Open Obstacle Race-50 yds. 1st I. T. Parkin, 2nd U. A. Alexander, 3rd A. M. Headlam. Time : 42.0 sec. 20. Under 15 Obstacle Race-25 yds. 1st D. Dove, 2nd M. G. D. White, 3rd J. M. French. Time : 19.8 sec. 21. Open Dive. 1st I. T. Parkin, 2nd R. G. Bruce, 3rd W. Mitchell. 22. Under 15 Free-style-25 yds. 1st P. N. Abel, 2nd R. J. Slade, 3rd D. I. Lewis. Time : 14.7 sec. 23. Under 164 Back-stroke-50 yds. 1st R. S. Le Pla, 2nd G. R. Monfort, 3rd M. A. Clegg. Time : 38.7 sec. 24. Under 15 Plunge. 1st H. N. Blackford, 2nd A. C. Milnes, 3rd A. R. Magson. Distance : 48 ft. 4 in. 25. Under 164 Relay (4 x 25 yds.). 1st School House, 2nd Temple, 3rd Grove. (Queen's disqualified.) No time recorded. 26. Under 15 Relay (4 x 25 yds.). 1st Temple, 2nd Manor, 3rd Grove. Time : 65.7 sec.