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Record Library
from May 1961
by StPetersYork
Mr. Swale allowed himself a wide spread of marks from 40% to 90%—far wider than we had been accustomed to—with the result that the difference in attainment between the beginner and the more experienced performer was made devastatingly clear.
His brief comments at the end of the concert must have been as helpful to the performers as they were illuminating to the audience. His point that a performance must be projected to the audience and the performer's enjoyment of the music shared with them was admirably illustrated by C. F. Foster's witty playing of Ibert's "Le petit ine blanc". The vital importance of stance and bowing in violin playing was stressed; and Brisby and Hunter were complimented on their success in choosing just the right pace for Bach. Another most helpful comment was that good Chopin playing should suggest something of extemporisation.
The concert could hardly have had a better send-off than Anfield's "opulent" performance of Brahms (to borrow Mr. Swale's description) nor a more exhilarating ending than Foy and H. G. N. Fawcett gave us with their trumpet tune. What a delight to have a new trumpet tune, and to hear a performance of music for trumpet that was thoroughly musical and not a sort of Grand National, with rushed fences and many falls.
May I end with three purely personal comments of appreciation? First to the Queen's trio, for their enterprise in persuading Mr. Mee to write a special work for them, of which we had the world premiere, when they might very well have retained the cup if they had played for safety; secondly to Yunibandhu, who has obviously made such progress since last year; and lastly to Scholefield and Webster for their dogged first effort. They kept going; and that was quite a feat. Good luck to them next year ! N.K-W.
The Library has been used more than ever this term with over one hundred and eighty withdrawals. Certain additions have been made and, although they are mainly for "A" and "S" level exams, they have received reasonable approval.
We are very grateful to an Old Peterite's father for three 12 in. long playing records of Bach's English Suites, numbers one to six.
Other additions have been :—
Coppelia and •Sylvia by Delibes.
Double Concertos by Bach and Vivaldi. "Archduke" by Beethoven. J. G. AINLEY (Librarian)