team. Three points are awarded for each of the three doubles matches and two for each singles match, thus there is a maximum of 17 points. A House can therefore gain the nine points necessary for victory on doubles alone or on a combination of doubles and singles wins. It soon became obvious that the new system was improving the general standard of tennis, especially in its encouragement of singles play. School House beat The Manor in the first round of the competition and The Rise in the semi-final Temple defeated Queen's and then The Grove. In the final School House emerged victorious by 10 points to 5 with one singles match unplayed. This is the second year in succession that Temple have been the losing finalists; the experience gained should stand them in good stead for next year. In the Staff Match the School were once again defeated, but the day must surely be near when Mr. Harding and Mr. Dodds lose at least one set ! Finally, grateful thanks must be expressed to all the "willing" umpires who presided over the games : they successfully combated all criticism and, led by Hr. Holbeche, formed a very capable body of officials. G.P.R.
SWIMMING The temperature of the baths in our English summers continues to be a dominating factor in the School swimming. To get over this the School swimming team has practised in the York Public Baths, but the only time possible for full team training was 8-0 a.m. on Sunday—when the attendance was not what it might have been. One looks forward to possible future improvements in the School baths. But there has been a nucleus of keen seniors, and—even more encouraging—juniors showing real talent. If these boys realise the need for continuous training the standard is bound to improve. In the School swimming matches—which were both away and both lost—the juniors did exceptionally well at Bootham, and Welbeck College proved much stronger opposition this year. The life-saving classes in land drill went on throughout the term, and, after too few water practices for the boys doing external exams., it was pleasing to note that all the 29 candidates were successful. The awards gained were : Instructor's Certificate: J. H. Ormiston, D. N. Milnes. 2. Award of Merit: D. N. Milnes, R. M. Fawcett.
3. 4.
Bar to Above: J. H. Ormiston. Bronze Cross:
M. G. D. White, R. M. Fawcett, G. B. Gaunt, R. C. R. Wilson.
Bar to Above: J. H. Ormiston. Bronze Medallion: S. Croft Baker, M. J. Oxley, T. A. N. Wilson, H. J. R. Hyde, J. R. Coles, R. J. D. Wilson, R. A. Archer-Burton, P. J. Flint, R. C. R. Wilson, G. B. Gaunt, M. A. Town, N. G. Pace, D. E. Rowbottom, J. E. Perks, J. M. Winn, P. W. Brown, D. J. Mutch. Bar to Above: R. M. Fawcett, M. G. D. White. B.P. 58