Oct 1963

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No. 364

OBITUARY THE VERY REV. ERIC MILNER-WHITE, C.B.E., D.S.O., D.D., Litt.D., DEAN OF YORK The Dean of York died on 15th June, 1963, after a long illness. At a Memorial Service in the School Chapel on 21st June, the Head Master delivered the following address : This morning we are interrupting our normal timetable to meet in our Chapel and to pay tribute to the memory of the Very Rev. Eric MilnerWhite, Dean of York and Chairman of the Governors of St. Peter's School for the past 22 years. And it is surely very fitting that we should do so, both (as I have said) to remember him with gratitude before God and also to consider what we may learn from his life and example. The Dean of York, whoever he may be, is Chairman of the Governors of this School, and we can readily imagine that this arrangement might not always be successful. But from the very beginning it was evident that in 1941 our School was to gain immeasurably from the appointment of Eric Milner-White as our Chairman. Times were not easy in those war days from any point of view, and wise direction was more than ever essential. I have often felt—in thinking over the past—that the arrival at this time of a Chairman so obviously interested and experienced in the best of contemporary educational thought, was perhaps the greatest good fortune of any experienced by our School. If ever a history of St. Peter's in the 20th Century comes to be written, the years 1941-63 will surely be known as the years of Milner-White's Chairmanship. It would not be appropriate for me to dwell on my own personal experience of his inspiration and encouragement. Suffice it to say that I have for the last 22 years been supported in the sure knowledge that, whatever the problem, he was always there to give advice and guidance—and indeed, if need be, instruction and direction. His parting leaves a void the extent of which I do not fully realise. Many of you will recall the Dean's personal interest and help, in fact he was always at his best in dealing with the problems of the individual. You will all remember his termly visits to this Chapel, and the able manner in which he 'presided over Speech Days and other School functions. He did much to draw the School and the Minster closer together, and among 1

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