OLD PETERITE NEWS COMMEMORATION, 1964 Old Peterites are reminded that the 1964 School Commemoration will be held on the 24th, 25th and 26th July and Old Peterites are urged to support it. The Head Master has again kindly agreed that a limited number of unaccompanied O.P.s (in order of application) can be accommodated in the Junior School, charge 12s. 6d. per night for bed and breakfast. The official programme is circulated with this issue of "The Peterite". Please complete the pro forma and return it to the Head Master's secretary without delay. Organisers of the O.P. teams for the sporting events, with whom members desiring to participate are asked to communicate as soon as possible, are as follows:— Boat races—K. H. Rhodes, St. Peter's School, York. Cricket—K. M. Ratcliff, The Thatch, South Willingham, Lincoln. GolfPaul Middlebrook, Highfield, Brayton, Selby, Yorks. Tennis—C. H. Lewis, 15 Longfield Avenue, Mill Hill, London, N.W.7. Old Peterites are reminded that the President of the Club will, as is customary at Commemoration, lay a wreath on the Memorial Shrine in the Ante-Chapel at 10-30 a.m. on Saturday, the 25th July, and it is hoped that O.P.s attending Commemoration will accompany him.
NORTH WEST REGIONAL DINNER The North West Regional Dinner was held on Friday, 13th March, 1964, at the Old Nags Head Hotel, Manchester. Mr. R. F. Harding represented the School and the following Old Peterites attended : — Rev. M. J. Baddeley, J. G. Booth, A. P. Buttrum, G. R. Cormack, I. S. T. Dutton, I. R. Fairweather, Dr. G. E. L. Graham, Dr. J. Grainger, J. A. Hanson, Rev. J. C. Houghton, T. J. Lewis, A. B. Madldowie, A. W. Martin, R. F. S. Mervyn, J. H. Moss, J. D. A. Platts, T. C. Rainford, E. J. M. Ranson, D. E. Rayner, G. E. Shepherd, R. A. Stratton, P. Yates. J. G. Booth proposed the toast to the School and Mr. Harding responded. The Rev. M. J. Baddeley proposed the toast to the Old Peterite Club and the President, Mr. J. A. Hanson, responded. A meeting of the General Committee of the 0.P. Club was held at the School on the 29th February. The Head Master reported that the School Development Fund amounted to £75,076 and that the appeal would close at the end of October. Further, that H.R.H. The Princess Royal would perform the opening ceremony of Dronfield House on Thursday, 29th October. A suggestion having been made that a woven terylene crested tie should be available the Hon. Secretary submitted samples and it was decided that 44