The School Orchestra split into two groups from January onwards. The string players, under Mr. C. G. Sandercock, practised and performed separately from the wind section. At the combined concert in Queen Anne's Hall, the string group performed two pieces very creditably. The wind group, led by Mr. K. R. Pemberton, also performed successfully at this concert. During the term the Orchestra provided the accompaniment for the hymns in Hall services; this was extended to include an experimental brass element during the summer. Although the two groups did not work for a concert in the latter term, practices continued and much valuable sight-reading knowledge was gained. Next term musicians of St. Peter's and Queen Anne will team-up to provide accompaniment to Ibsen's "Peer Gynt". E.R.W. THE CHORAL SOCIETY The liaison with Queen Anne School, commencing from the start of the Christmas Term, was continued during the Easter Term and throughout the summer. The efforts of the Easter Term culminated in a performance of Sir C. V. Stanford's "Songs of the Fleet" in Queen Anne's Hall. The inspired singing of the Society and the soloist, Mr. P. Mindenhall, drew many favourable remarks from a very appreciative audience. During the summer, pressure of examinations limited the number of voices in all ranges; however, the decrease in numbers allowed us to sing some very pleasant madrigals ideally suited to a small group of singers. I think it is necessary to point out to members of the School that a Choral Society exists largely through sheer weight of numbers, with, perhaps, several prominent singers in each voice taking the lead. Enthusiasm within the group is very high and we all look forward to next term's activities. E.R.W.
SCHOOL PLAY ZIGGER ZAGGER Through the turnstile, and with the roar of a football crowd, the rattles going like crazy. We, the audience, become part of the scene: the hooters, the chanting. We even rise to join the singing. The Set might be Anfield, or Elland Road, thanks to Dobbins and his men. There are footballers practising, and community singing. A motley gang of fans dominate the terraces, under their cheer-leader "Zigger' (A. G. B. Perks). They are now menacing, now ribald; fickle and shallow. Harry is contemporary Youth, frustrated by his environment. He seeks self-fulfilment from a Youth Officer who fobs him off with a 15