Oct 1970

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COMMEMORATION, 1970 The Cricket Match against the Old Peterites started on Friday, July 10th, and the following day the Speeches and Presentation of Prizes were presided over by the Chairman of the Governors, the Very Revd. the Dean of York; we were honoured by the presence of the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, Alderman and Mrs. A. J. Hardcastle. The Provost of the Queen's College, Oxford, R. N. W. Blake, Esq., MA, F.B.A., presented the Prizes, and a summary of his speech is given further on. On Sunday, July 12th, the Sermon at the Commemoration Service was preached by the Revd. J. C. Yates, B.A. (O.P.), Vicar of Martonin-Cleveland. SPEECHES AND PRESENTATION OF PRIZES The ceremony began with the following Welcome to the Provost of the Queen's College, Oxford, by J. C. W. Williams: Salvete omnes, et maximo cum gaudio. Quid enim nobis est agendum? Num quid aliud nisi de republica? 0 diem fortunatum et salutarem, quo Optimates in comitlis superaverunt et quasi triumphum iam diu speratum egerunt. Nonne Fortuna ipsa populo Britannico maxime favet? Nonne stultissimi sibi videntur ipsi qui futurum per populi sententias quaerendas praedicere soleant? Quae omnia sunt non nobis modo optata, sed etiam certe hospiti nostro, quem hodie salutamus, R. N. W. Blake, Collegii Reginae apud Universitatem Oxoniensem Praepositum, virum illustrissimum et clarissimum. Nam haud dubie in numero Optimatum vult haberi, qui cum disceptationes de republica et orationes iam apud discipulos suos sapientissime habet in ea Universitate, tum Arius et in concilio Oxoniensi eas fortissime partes suscepit et de principibus nostris nonnullos libros diligentissime scripsit. Itaque non hospes solum nobis gratissimus, sed etiam praeclarus ades socius hodie; nec hodie primum advenisti Eboracum, ut ipse fateris te quondam intravisse ut id luderes quod Angli cricket nominant. Num quid est revera hoc dulcius vel nobis gratius, qui omnes Brigantum regiones habitamus, et eum ludum tantopere colimus; quod si tibi adhuc placet, idem spectaculum tibi post meridiem offerimus; vel si mavis, credo Dorotheae Perkinensis tabemam esse apertam, spem sociis amplam tuis nummorum, qui muneri Hastingensi praesint. Quidquid id est, nos omnes ad unum speramus te laetissimum adesse, et gratias tibi summas agimus, quod contionem nostram tua praesentia illustrare vis.

The Headmaster then gave his report as follows:— Those speaking in public about education this year

have usually started by referring to the First Education Act of 1870. The centenary of that Act has been most markedly celebrated by the fact that education in 1970 is a topic of burning importance, or rather is a whole cluster of controversies eagerly discussed in almost every home in the country. These controversies, whether about the progress to Comprehensive 4

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