EXIT, PURSUED BY A BARE The planned production of Macbeth with nude scenes will no doubt reveal deeper meanings in this stark tragedy, and should be good boxoffice. But what bad luck on the cast that this first cultural venture should be set on a blasted heath and in a drafty castle. They will be happier when the warmer climate plays take their turn, with some of the better ones suitably re-written to get over the disguise problems of Portia, Rosalind and Viola. Bardman
C.C.F. NOTES A long week-end visit to H.M.S. Caledonia at Rosyth; afternoon flying from Church Fenton and night flying from Topcliffe; exercises on Strensall training area, including a night exercise planned by Captain Oxley, C.W.O. Harrison and Sgt. Elsworth; the Military Band working up to a standard of considerable self-assurance; all in all, membership of the C.C.F. has plenty to offer to the boy who wants some activity out of the routine. At the end of the Term there was a March Past which showed that a good deal of drill will be needed to bring the Contingent up to a proper standard of smartness. Captain Bulcock has taken firm command of the Royal Navy Section with its wide ranging activities; Contingent Warrant Officer Harrison gave a very good lead as the Senior N.C.O., and Sergeant Hamshaw has organised the Band in a most promising way. Adventurous Training, formerly known as Arduous Training, will be in March, in the Brecon Beacons area of Wales; this is open to members of all three Service Sections, and we are grateful to the Scouts for giving some useful instruction in outdoor cooking. D.G.C. R.N. SECTION The following appointments were made at the start of the term, i/c section, L/S Young; 2i/c section, L/S Bell; i/c Collingwood Division, L/S Sherriff; i/c Nelson Division, L/S Pearson; i/c Rodney Division, L/S Craven. The Section continues to thrive and thirty new recruits have joined this term which is a fine tribute to my predecessor's inspiration, Lt. Maw. Instruction has been varied and we are very grateful to Captain Le Tocq for coaching the new boys in shooting, and help from Lt. Maw, the late C.P.O. Keefe, L/S Craven, L/S Bell and L/S Slater has been most welcome. The camp lists are now available and many cadets have made enquiries to avail themselves of the opportunities to see the Navy in the Easter and Summer holidays. An addition to our "fleet" has been promised by H.M.S. Caledonia in the form of a new 8hp diesel-engined, 16 foot slow motor boat. This boat has been built by the apprentices at Rosyth. This should be in operation in the Summer Term. 19