In any case, "all must have prizes" presents a contradiction in terms. A prize means a mark of distinction, and if the trend to equality means sweeping away distinction then prizes must go too. But there must still come times when choices will have to be made between two or more people for one job, and when creative ability must be allowed to show itself and to receive its due reward. In short, there will always be some "more equal than others" unless the computer takes over from the thinker, and the machine from the craftsman as well as from the unskilled worker, with the result that man will become the commonest and most prolific form of vegetation, blissfully untroubled by inspiration or., ambition, by frustration or by failure. Here without shame we seek to encourage excellence; prizes are competed for, not in the spirit of the rat-race but because we still like to give generous applause for achievement and for prowess. In the same spirit we are beginning, in this magazine, to publish original creative work of high standard, so that the individual may have the chance to share his ability with us all, and that we may take pride in the creative work of our community.
SCHOOL NOTES We welcome five new masters. Mr. M. Dawson, from St. John's College, York, has taken charge of the Workshop; Mr. D. R. Du Croz, B.A., from Trinity College, Cambridge, is teaching History; Mr. S. G I'Anson, B.Sc., from the University of Sussex, is teaching Mathematics; Mr. A. J. Leng, B.A., from Durham, teaches French; and Mr. T. Tiffany, from St. Luke's College, Exeter, is in charge of Swimming and taking P.E. We hope they will all enjoy their time at St. Peter's.
In the Sanatorium Miss P. Ellis, S.R.N., R.C.N., has become Sister-in-charge, and we wish her success and enjoyment. *
Congratulations to J. C. W. Williams on the Award of a Hastings Exhibition in Classics at The Queen's College, Oxford, and to the following on gaining places as shown: A. P. R. Dean, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, (Natural Science); S. Foster, Wadham College, Oxford, (Physics); J. D. Harrison, St. Peter's College, Oxford, (Geology); G. Hodgson, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, (Law). * * * We would like to share the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Coulthard as we congratulate their daughter, Alison, on the award of the Nuffield Scholarship for Science at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, after only four terms in the Sixth Form of Queen Anne Grammar School. 2