Oct 1971

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clearly destined for Zeal-of-the-Land Busy (James Brockbank). However, he did declare that "long hair is an ensign and a banner, and the world is full of these banners, very full of these banners" and won sympathy from some of the audience with that. Younger players sometimes stop acting when they are not speaking, and though Justice Overdo (Peter Brooker) was a little flat-voiced, if audible, he did maintain his character throughout. Full marks too to the wardrobe—even all the extras were very gay in their blues and reds and slashed sleeves, and breeches. We should be all right for "The Mikado" now: I wonder whether those yellow tights will fit Koko? P.M.N.

C.C.F. NOTES First we must thank the Regular Services for two special additions to the Contingent. Our parent Royal Navy establishment, HMS Caledonia, provided the Diesel motor boat that has proved so valuable and popular as a training aid. The Royal Engineers at Hessay, who had already supplied us with two rubber dinghies with outboard motors, undertook to make us a new naval mast which was raised shortly before the Annual Inspection. The Inspection was on June 7th, and while there was alertness and vigour in the day's programme, we must note that three separate references were made to hair-cuts in the Inspection Report. "Hair-cuts were modern" was one euphemistic phrase; "shoulder-length hair" was noted on a senior Associate member; and "dreary hair-styles" were referred to by the Inspecting Officer. So we should let it be known that a few members of this voluntary contingent are continuing to let it down. Of course these hair styles worn by boys wearing Service uniforms cause a shudder to anyone who has connections with the Services, for they see the "style" as an insult to Service custom; and one wonders how long the Services will allow boys in Cadet Forces to wear recognisable Service uniform since they are sometimes mistaken by the public for regulars. Nevertheless, the final remarks by the Inspecting Officer, RearAdmiral J. E. Dyer-Smith, sum up his penetrating and shrewd assessment: "Altogether I was impressed with the involvement of staff and cadets in the CCF activities and consider there is much potential in the unit." We were proud to have the CCF Centenary Banner for the Inspection Parade, carried by a very smart Guard of Honour from the Army Section. This Banner was presented to the CCF by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh in 1960, when the centenary of Cadet Forces in schools was celebrated; the Banner is kept at the Cadet Training Centre at Frimley Park, and may be borrowed by contingents for special occasions. We are grateful to RSMI Power for bringing the Banner from Oundle and returning it to Frimley Park. Accounts of special activities follow this introduction, but there are some particular subjects to mention. Congratulations to Sergeant Hamshaw on the splendid progress of the Military Band, and our warm thanks to Mr. K. R. Pemberton and Mr. W. Riley for their instruction and 19

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