3 minute read
School Notes
from May 1974
by StPetersYork
And what is the future for us in St. Peter's? Not long ago we recorded that the City Council, almost in its death throes, had ended its long educational connection with the School by withdrawing support for "City scholars". Now education has passed into the control of North Yorkshire, and perhaps the thinking in the larger area could result in a return to the former happy relationship. In 1977 the school will celebrate the thirteen hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its foundation; and no doubt the City and the County will not allow to pass unnoticed the fact that in 627 Paulinus, the first Roman Bishop of York, came here to found both Minster and School. It would be pleasing to think that by that time St. Peter's will once again be in educational harmony with its local authority.
The Editor wishes to thank the many contributors to The Peterite and would welcome correspondence and articles of general interest from Peterites past and present.
Christmas Term
Term started on September llth when there was a party for parents of new Day Boys. * *
A Presentation by 1st King's Own Border Regiment: "My life as a Subaltern Officer" was given in Hall on September 26th. * * *
The Inter-House Athletic Sports were on October 6th. * * *
Colonel N. A. Butler gave a talk on Defence on October 10th. * * *
The House Singing Competition was on October 19th. * * *
There was a party for parents of IVth Form boys on October 20th when Half-term started. The holiday lasted until the 28th. * * *
On October 31st the Choir sang Evensong in York Minster. * * *
Birkbeck Tests were held on November 7th. * * *
On November 8th, 9th and 10th the Drama Group presented "The Fire Raisers" by Max Frisch. A review is given elsewhere in this number. * * *
The Yorkshire Branch of the School Library Association visited the School on November 10th. * * *
Common Entrance was from November 12th to 14th. * * *
The Boarders' Exeat week-end was from November 17th to 19th:
an extra day being included to celebrate the Wedding of H.R.H. The Princess Anne.
On November 22nd there was a Concert for St. Cecilia's Day in Chapel. * * *
The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of York opened the Christmas Fayre in Hall on December 8th. * * * "H.M.S. Pinafore" by Gilbert and Sullivan was presented on Decem- ber 13th, 14th and 15th. A review is given later in this number. * * *
Term ended after the Carol Service on December 16th.
Easter Term
We congratulate R. M. Harland on the award of an Open Exhibition in Natural Sciences at Clare College, Cambridge; S. A. Atkinson on a place at Pembroke College, Cambridge, to read Classics; and P. A. E. Challis on a place at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to read Natural Sciences. * * *
We welcome as Bursar Colonel J. P. F. Abbott, C.B.E. * * *
Term started on January 14th. * * *
On January 20th the Choir and School took part in the Epiphany Procession in York Minster. * * *
A Middle VIth Presentation, "Sound and Sense" was given on February 4th. * * *
The Inter-House Cross-Country was on February 11th. * * *
The R.A.F. Schools' Liaison Officer visited the same day. * * *
The Rise presented "Aladdin" on February 14th. * * *
The Northern Secretary of I.S.C.O. visited on February 19th. * * *
The Army Schools' Liaison Officer visited on February 22nd. * * *
The Manor presented "Big . . . Bad . . . Mouse" on February 22nd. * * *
Queen's presented "Oh what a lovely war" on February 28th. * * *
The second Boarders' Exeat Week-end was on March 2nd and 3rd. * * *
Temple presented "The Fatal Gazogene" on March 7th. * * *
Confirmation was taken by the Rt. Revd. The Bishop of Selby on March 9th. * * *
The first Boarders' Exeat Week-end was on February 9th and 10th. * * *
There was a York Symphony Orchestra Concert for Schools in Hall on February 9th.