9 minute read
from May 1974
by StPetersYork
the result of £1,200 was far in excess of our target. Almost a third of the proceeds came from a generously supported raffle; the first prize most appropriately being won by a man whose wife suffers from multiple sclerosis.
Our extreme thanks should go to the Lord Mayor, to the heads of all three schools, to the many shops and firms for their most generous donations, to all the parents who contributed so much towards making the Fayre a success, the staff of St. Peter's, especially Mr. Dawson for his many hours of patient assistance, Anita Gray and Jane Johnson from York College and Leslie Finch, Jane Howell and Joyce Newcombe from Queen Anne.
Finally, mention must be made of the dance, ably organised by Paul Scott, which was held in the Hall during the evening after the Fayre, the proceeds from which swelled our total by another £15. C.J.S. and N.A.S.W.
The above report would not be complete without mentioning our own efforts within the School. Each House had representatives who attended our meetings and chivied their Houses into collecting things. They all did a marvellous job and I would like to thank John Ray, Graeme Perks, Nigel Foley, John Snowdon, Bob Terry, Nick Gillgrass, Chris Monro, Tim Gibson, Prasannajit De Silva, Tim Ward, Chris Smith and Nick Wormald for all their support.
Nick Wormald and Chris Smith were a tower of strength from the day we first mentioned the Sale until after it was all over. They organised the raffle and with help from others visited the majority of shops in York. Nick held himself responsible for the distribution of raffle tickets, and sold over 11,000, raising more than £330; Chris in his spare time (!) collected hundreds of books. As well as this they were willing to do any job which cropped up, and these were numerous.
All in all it was a great success and a very happy term working all together.
September 1973
As year succeeds year, for the majority athletic standard times and performances present an ever-increasing challenge. It is heartening to note that the real athletes are able to maintain their standards year after year, but in most cases an additional effort is demanded. It is this effort which really sorts out the sheep from the goats, and not only exposes personal courage but also brings to the fore where House spirit and leadership is most marked. Inevitably success breeds success, but all can derive much benefit from such competition at the beginning of a new School year.
This year the weather didn't quite live up to its unbelievably high standard, but even if the track was heavy on occasions the essential ingredient for good athletics, warmth, was seldom lacking. Nevertheless there was evidence this year of a marked tailing off of performances 27
amongst Seniors, both in the collective output of effort in Standards and in the finals. Times invariably compared unfavourably with those of previous years, and one's immediate reaction was to be fearful of the possibility of a lean year ahead on the games fields. Could it be the barometer for what lay ahead?
In contrast there was no lack of success for the younger age-groups in particular. In Standards, maximum points were achieved by C. P. Sanderson (M.) and S. R. F. Stark (Q.) in Set D, and by E. M. Parkinson (SH.) and J. R. Markwick-Smith (G.) in Set E, while no less than 10 others, 7 of whom again were in Sets D and E, fell short of the maximum by only one point. Queen's, frequently close contestants in previous years, had the competition well sewn up this year and won the Dickenson Cup, with School House making a welcome and striking recovery in second place. Final results being :-
1. Queen's 8.90 pts. 2. School House 8.25 pts. 3. Rise 7.40 pts. 4. Temple 7.33 pts. 5. Manor 7.31 pts. 6. Equal f Dronfield 5.91 pts. Grove
Sports Day and the preceding finals came up with five new School records, and the excellent condition of the track may well have made its contribution. R. J. Holden (Q.) in the Intermediate age-group had an excellent year. By winning his 100 Metre race in 11 .9 sec., one tenth of a second faster than the Seniors, he established a new record as well as being the first Intermediate ever to win the Clive Lewis Cup as the fastest sprinter. A new School record in the 400 Metre race (56 .3 sec.) was his other success. In the Junior section C. P. Sanderson (M.) claims a new record with 12.6 sec for the 100 Metres, while the Temple relay team clipped the smallest of margins off the 4 x 100 Metre relay race.
After a splendid afternoon of keen competition, Queen's finally won the Athletic Shield and achieved the double.
DETAILED RESULTS Intermediate 400 Metres
I . R. J. Holden (Q.), 2. A. D. B. Yates (M.), 3. B. M. Kay (D.), 4. J. S. M. Thomas (R.), Time: 56.3 secs. New School Record. Senior 400 Metres 1. K. D. J. McCarter (M.), 2. R. F. Pulleyn (T.), 3. M. S. Bidgood (D.), 4. Equal: P. Green (Q.), and C. E. S. Monro (R.). Time: 56.3 secs. Intermediate 1500 Metres 1. M. P. Haw (M.), 2. R. J. Holden (Q.), 3. E. P. V. Storey (M)., 4. J. S. M. Thomas (R.), Time: 4 mins. 43.5 secs. New School Record. Senior 1500 Metres 1. A. E. Hills (S.H.), 2. M. S. Bidgood (D.), 3. N. P. Moxon (Q), 4. D. M. H. Phillips (R.). Time: 4 min. 40.1 sees.
Saturday October 6th. 1. Senior 100 Metres 1. N. Gray (S.H.), 2. P. A. Scott (S.H.), 3. P. W. Brumfield (R.), 4. J. E. Cresswell (D.). Time. 12.0 sec.
2. Junior 100 Metres 1. C. P. Sanderson (M.), 2. J. P. McGrath (G.), 3. P. M. Witty (R.), 4. M. J. Glaysher (S.H.). Time 12.6 sec. New School Record. 3. Intermediate 100 Metres 1. R. J. Holden (Q.), 2. S. J. Winrow-Campbell (T.), 3. A. D. B. Yates (M.), 4. B. M. Kay (D.). Time: 11.9 sec. New School Record. 4. Senior Long Jump 1. D. G. Senior (Q.), 2. S. D. Lloyd-Jones (Q.), 3. C. E. S. Monro (R.), 4. C. W.
Maher (S.H.), Distance: 5.33 metres. 5. Junior High Jump 1. K. W. Kerr (T.), 2. R. I. Hepworth (T.), 3. J. S. Taylor (D.), 4. Equal J. W. Stone (D.), and E. M. Parkinson (S.H.). Height: 1.43 metres. 6. Intermediate 800 Metres 1. R. J. Holden (Q.), 2. M. P. Haw (M.), 3. E. P. V. Storey (M.), 4. S. B. Irons (T.). Time: 2 min. 18.9 sec. 7. Senior 800 Metres 1. A. E. Hills (S.H.), 2. M. S. Bidgood (D.), 3. R. F. Pulleyn (T.), 4. C. E. S.
Monro (R.). Time: 2 min. 13.3 sec. 8. Junior 400 Metres 1. J. N. Denison (Q.), 2. J. P. McGrath (G.), 3. P. M. Witty (R.), 4. C. P. San-, derson (M.). Time: 61.6 sec. 9. Senior High Jump
I. C. W. Maher (S.H.), 2. K. D. J. McCarter (M.), 3. Equal I. M. R. Thomas (Q.) and M. S. Bidgood (D.). Height: 1.60 metres. 10. Intermediate Long Jump 1. D. J. Hughes (Q.), 2. T. S. D. Kirby (D.), 3. M. P. Haw (M.), 4. D. Hargreaves (R.), Distance 5.13 metres. 11. Junior Cricket Ball 1. K. W. Kerr (T.), 2. C. Hawkswell (T.), 3. T. I. J. Newstead (Q.), 4. J. W. Stone (D.). Distance 53.09 metres. 12. Junior 200 Metres 1. T. I. J. Newstead (Q.), 2. J. R. Markwick-Smith (G.), 3. M. J. Glaysher (S.H.), 4 K. W. Kerr (T.). Time: 28.3 sec. 13. Intermediate 200 Metres
I. S. J. Winrow-Campbell (T.), 2. J. S. M. Thomas (R.), 3. D. J. Hughes (Q.), 4. T. S. D. Kirby (D.), Time: 26.2 sec. 14. Senior 200 Metres
I. K. D. J. McCarter (M.), 2. R. F. Pulleyn (T.), 3. P. A. Scott (S.H.), 4. P. W. Brumfield (R.), Time: 25.4 sec. 15. Intermediate High Jump 1. I. R. Pullan (S.H.), 2. P. D. Widdicombe (T.), 3. M. P. Haw (M.), 4. C. I. Hodgson (G.). Height: 1.50 metres. 16. Junior Long Jump 1. A. F. Heavens (T.), 2. R. I. Hepworth (T.), 3. R. H. Taylor (M.), 4. E. M. Parkinson (S.H.) Distance 451 metres.
17. Junior Relay (4 X 100 Metres)
1. Temple, 2. Queen's, 3. Manor, 4. Grove. Time: 54.4 sec. New School Record.
18. Intermediate Relay (4 x 200 Metres) 1. Queen's, 2. Manor, 3. Dronfield, 4. Temple, Time: 1 min. 46.9 sec.
19. Senior Relay (4 x 200 Metres) 1. Queen's, 2. Temple, 3. Rise, 4. Dronfield, Time: 1 min. 44.5 sec. 29
Presentation of the Athletic Shield 1. Queen's 2. Temple 3. Manor 4. School House 5. Dronfield 6. Rise
75 points 63 points 53 points 351 points 27 points 211 points 7. Grove 12 points Winner of the CLIVE LEWIS CUP (Sprints): R. J. Holden. Winner of the GOFTON CUP (400 metres): K. D. J. McCarter. Winner of the ROBINSON WALKER CUP (800 metres): A. E. Hills. Winner of the EMSLEY CUP (1500 metres): A. E. Hills.
The Goodburn Cup Monday, 1 1 th February
Over the years, the riverside scene has changed very little in Yo but one striking change has been the greatly improved control which no exists over flood-water. Had this not been so, one might well ha expected Clifton Ings to have been in a permanent state of flood in t one of the mildest and at times wettest winters on record. As it w training opportunities were seldom interrupted and the race was able be held against all the odds on the due date.
None of last year's leading runners were in the field this year, nev theless the pundits were well on target with all their predictions. course was heavy, particularly on the homeward stretch on the inner si of the Ings, and only one adjustment had to be made to the course view of the collapse of the well-renowned Jetty bridge. Unfortunat in the absence of any running commentary, spectators at the School e were completely in the dark as to the progress of the race. The lead' contestants however soon began to assert themselves on the outw journey up the Ings, with Marcus Haw in the lead, and it was not un the runners had returned to the Ings after the loop, that Albert Hills to over the lead which he developed into a 70 yard convincing margin by t finish.
The first 3 Houses all ran with great merit. Admittedly Queen's h rather a depleted team, but the Rise victory, with four in the first was none the less very deserved. RESULT 1. A. E. Hills (S.H.), 2. N. P. Moxon (Q.), 3. M. P. Haw (M.), 4. D. M. H. Philli (R.), 5. C. E. S. Monro (R.), 6. M. D. Ellison (R.), 7. C. J. Hirst (T.), 8. R. J. Hold (Q.), 9. J. S. M. Thomas (R.), 10. P. N. Jones (T.), Time: 25 min. 0 sec.
Dronfield Grove Manor Queen's Rise School House Temple 14 15 3 2 4 1 7 17 25 11 8 5 24 10 22 34 12 13 6 26 19 31 45 20 16 9 33 30 43 48 21 18 23 41 36 44 49 32 28 27 45 37 Total 171 217 99 85 74 170 139 Place 6th 7th 3rd 2nd 1st 5th 4th 30