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Combined Cadet Force

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The concert given at the end of the Easter Term provided an interesting and varied programme of light music. The Brass Quartet must be congratulated on a masterly and lively performance, whilst the Wind Group deserves commendation for its beautiful interpretation of Tu es Petrus (Palestrina). The Wind Band gave a spirited rendition of Olivadoti and the soloists in Ballad for Trumpet (Renee) must be praised for their high standard of playing. The Choir obviously received as much pleasure from singing as the audience gained from listening to their enthusiastic but controlled performance which was much appreciated by one master in particular. The orchestra successfully tackled some ambitious pieces including the Overture and Minuet from Handel's Fireworks Music which provided an admirable Finale to the evening.

Our thanks go to all the boys involved in the concert and especially to the music staff, who must have put in many hours of practice to achieve such pleasurable results. Let us hope that next year the concert will be better supported by the School, so that the hard work of all the musicians and the choir could be properly appreciated.



For the second year we have worked with the Duke of Edinburgh Award in occupying all first year boys in a combined programme from which we hope that many of them will choose to continue either in one of the C.C.F. Service Sections or in the pursuit of the high stages of the Award.

A valuable and interesting innovation in Army Section training has been canoeing under professional instruction from the Regular Army in the swimming bath, and there have been two outstanding demonstrations: one showing modern weapons, and the other by The Royal Signals who showed their latest equipment, which cadets were able to operate for themselves; this demonstration followed an interesting illustrated talk on the work of Royal Signals.



First of all we should like to express our gratitude to Chief Ingrey, who visits us every fortnight to give instruction, to H.M.S. Caledonia, our parent establishment, and to R.J.B. and M.D. Congratulations are due to J. B. Littlefield on his promotion to Contingent Coxswain, J. P. H. Harrison on his promotion to Section Coxswain, V. J. Feeney, W. S. McIlroy, C. Duckling on their promotion to P.O., and C. J. Hirst, C. G. A. Morcom. G. C. Pattie and A. W. Tait on their promotion to L.S. 15

Last November there was the usual visit to H.M.S. Caledonia over a prolonged weekend: 10 cadets went, mostly from Nelson division, accompanied by R.J.B. and M.D., and enjoyed the use of the excellent facilities. There is a certain hope that there will be a week's course available there in the summer holidays.

At the beginning of the winter "Calley" went up to H.M.S. Caledonia for a complete refit: it has been painted battleship grey, the engine has had a complete overhaul, and an anti-theft device has been installed. It is expected that "Calley" will be back in the holidays, so that it can bt used regularly next term by all members of the Section.

There will be the usual variety of camps and courses this year; at Easter, three cadets went to H.M.S. Culdrose, while R.J.B. supervised a Q.M. course at H.M.S. Raleigh; in summer there will be the usual crew going to Loch Ewe for adventure training, while others will be going to H.M.S. Vernon for diving, H.M.S. Ganges for sailing, and L.S. Green and Hughes to B.R.N.C. Dartmouth for a Naval Acquaintance course.

This term we have had a visit from Lt. Commander Burkitt, Fleet Chief Booth and a stores P.O., and they are intending to come again. The Naval stores themselves have been entirely redecorated and are. on the whole, tidier than they have been for a long time. As usual, ou . thanks are extended to Q.M. P.O. Feeney for his work in the stores. It is unfortunate that the other N.C.O.s have suffered somewhat from lack of employment this term.



As in the previous term, the Section has been commanded by F./Sgt. Moxon with Cpls. Bannister, Shepherd and Spencer, R. M. assisting. Flight A has been mainly concerned with N.C.O. training, including the production of short illustrated lectures. Flight B has devoted the term almost entirely to Part 2 of the Proficiency exam., with little time to spare.

Air experience flying has unfortunately been suspended for the time being as a result of the fuel crisis. Gliding courses, however, are still available and a number of places will be allocated to St. Peter's in August. Flying Scholarships have also been unaffected so far by the extra cost of oil, but it is possible they may be reduced in number.

In the meantime the Section has a new activity which will commence in the summer term. A hang glider kit was purchased and put together by senior members of the Section. The launching has been delayed b insurance difficulties which have now been overcome.

Camp will take place during the summer instead of the Easter holiday and will be at R.A.F. Waddington, near Lincoln, from 2Oth-27th July.

Four cadets, Cpls. Bannister, Shepherd and J./Cpls. Atkinson, Steggal had a week at R.A.F. Giitersloh, Germany, from 10th-17th April. The flew from Gatwick and had a full training programme arranged excep for Saturday, 13th April, when there was a free day in Munster.

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