Newsletter Week 28

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Registered Charity No: 1141329

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It has been an such incredible and inspirational week at St Peter’s 2-8 with the visit of Joel Fearon and Antony Cotterill from Athletes for Schools providing a memorable and amazing experience for the children. Antony Cotterill, a Paralympic wheelchair tennis player, told the children about his love of sport as a child and how becoming a paraplegic following an accident in his twenties did not stop him from pursuing his dream of a career in sport. He was inspired by a fellow GB wheelchair tennis player who he met when he was just about to leave hospital after completing six months of rehabilitation. This led him to learn to play wheelchair tennis and just two years later to compete for Team GB. He has had an incredibly successful nineteen year career which has included competing at the Paralympics in Rio and Tokyo and becoming a gold medal winner at the World Championships. The children were enthralled listening to him tell them about his journey and they had a fabulous time in the workshops which included learning how to maneuver his specially designed wheelchair that he uses for competing. He told the children that despite his successes he has also had many defeats from which he has learnt so much. He encouraged the children to understand that you can’t always win, to accept challenges and difficulty, to persist and always give every task or activity one hundred percent effort and just like him not let any barriers stop them!

Joel, a sprinter and bobsleigh athlete, was so entertaining. The children listened with such interest about his career as a sprinter and the children were amazed to hear

that he can run at almost 30 miles per hour! He has represented Team GB at both the summer and winter Olympics. Due to his speed and power, he was persuaded to take up the bobsleigh and in 2016 won a bronze medal for Team GB. He brought his medal to show us all and it was incredible to see a real Olympic medal up close! Joel explained that throughout his career he had always had to remember to be brave at each and every step of the way. He told the children all about his first trip to Canada to learn the bobsleigh and how he relied on his mother’s advice telling him to always be brave as he encountered flying for the first time, snow, bears and moose before he even arrived at the bobsleigh track to get in his ‘tin bath’. He showed the children an incredible video of him sprinting and of his bobsleigh which included 100 mile an hour crash. The children loved the workshops where they learnt all sprinting skills and had the opportunity to race against Joel! Sadly, we weren’t able to have a female athlete visit as they are at Team GB training camps in Greece and Italy this week. Inclusivity and promoting sport for all is very important to us so we have booked an online live presentation and Q&A with a female Olympian for after half term. More details will follow nearer the time.

Our Year 3’s have returned this afternoon from their residential trip to Newby Wiske and we look forward to hearing their news next week.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend.

No: 28

Friday 17 May 2024


School Council

Year 1 Lexia

Year 2 Art

Year 3 Cricket*

Year 1, 2 & 3 Lioness Football*

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC

Year 1 Outdoor Games

Year 1 Wellbeing

Year 2 Cricket*

Year 2 STEM

Year 3 Tennis*

Year 3 Swimming

Year 2 & 3 Dance*

Year 2 & 3 French

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC

Year 1 Football*

Year 1 Yoga*

Year 2 & 3 Choir

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC

Year 1 Clay Craft

Year 1 Board Games

Year 2 Tennis*

Year 2 Cooking

Year 3 Athletics

Year 3 Sewing

Year 3 STEM

Year 2 & 3 European Languages & Cultures

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC

Year 1 Dance*

Year 1 Cricket*

Year 2 Board Games

Year 3 VR

Year 2 & 3 Football*

Year 1, 2 & 3 ASC


Next Week’s Menu

Snack Menu Summer 2024

Remember to get your entries in by the closing date.

by The Friends of St Peter ’ s 28
Year 3 Leavers Hoodies gifted


As our wonderful Holiday Camp Manager, Miss Flockhart, is due to get married this summer, and a list of works taking place over the holidays, we have taken the decision not to run our own holiday camp in the summer of 2024.

We do however, want to ensure there is a programme of summer camps available for our parents and therefore will be piloting a new multi activity camp to be run by an external partner, United Education. We hope that this programme will complement our own camps in future years and offer an extended period of provision throughout the holiday period.

This camp will run for 3 weeks over the summer holidays, together with our usual Petersport programme, Cricket Camp and some of our external camps such as Creative Coliseum, All out Cricket, Sells Goalkeepers and Core Netball.

Please see HERE for a full round up by week of activities we are offering this Summer.

United Education

We are very pleased to be partnering with United Education, who offer a plethora of activities ranging from sports and arts to science experiments and more, ensuring that there’s something enticing for every camper. To find out more from them and for booking links, please see our dedicated page HERE.

Whole School Fundraiser

As you are already aware, on Friday 28th June we will all take part in a whole school fundraising day for 5 charities. We are delighted to tell you that our fundraising page is now live.

We are circulating QR codes to the page here in school, but a direct link for you is here.

Thank you for your support of this exciting fundraising challenge.

Lieutenant Colonel Barney Barnbrook

Regional Director North East and Yorkshire TAPiTAG

Join us for the Yorkshire Big Curry Lunch on Thursday 13th June at the Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, York. For more information, please visit our microsite:

The Yorkshire Big Curry Lunch 2024 - Army Benevolent

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