1 minute read
from Newsletter Week 31
by StPetersYork
The sun has got his hat on, hip–hip-hip hooray! The sun has got his hat on and is coming out to play! What a gloriously sunny week it has been for Reception and there has been lots of amazing learning through play this week.
We have been building dens and traps in our outdoor area, planting sunflower seeds ready to grow over the summer and started to draw our own maps, developing our mapping skills.
RJ had their Forest School session with Mr Tickle, where they watched as he lit a fire safely and demonstrated how to build an impressive den!
In Maths, the children have been working hard on their number bonds to 5 and 10, playing games of snap and number bond races to consolidate their learning. We have also continued looking at odd and even numbers and sharing numbers fairly.
In Literacy, we are super writers! We have been using our phonics to help write sentences about inspirational pictures during our writing sessions as well as writing some special cards for Sunday. Inspired by the work of Vincent Van Gogh, we have drawn and painted sunflowers for a special person this weekend, all shall be revealed on Sunday!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend!