Newsletter Week 14

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Newsletter No: 14

Friday 13th January 2023

Happy New Year! A warm welcome to the start of the Spring Term 2023 to our existing families and to the new families starting their journey at St Peter’s 2-8. I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break and it has been wonderful to hear the adventures the children had over the holiday.

The children have returned to school excited about the learning opportunities that will be on offer. It was so lovely seeing the children excitedly finding out what their new learning themes were – It is going to be such a brilliant term! The theme in Year 1 is ‘The Music Sounds Better with You’ and their term text is ‘The Accidental Rockstar’ by Tom McLaughlin, in Year 2 the theme is ‘Arctic Explorers’ and their text is ‘The Polar Bear Explorers’ Club’ by Alex Bell and in Year 3 their theme is ‘Riding the Americas’ and their text is ‘The Boy Who Biked The World –Riding the Americas’ by Alastair Humphreys. Please read each year group section of the newsletter to see what they have been up to.

As you will be aware we have made a planning application to create improved sport facilities at school for the children and the local community and we need your help!. The planning application for a new floodlit synthetic pitch, road access and parking (as seen on the picture) has been submitted to City of York Council and is live on the planning portal. This is a fantastic development for the school and will provide increased access to our sports facilities for the local community. We would like as many people as possible to share their support for this scheme on the planning application. Please add your comments by visiting the City of York Council website, or by mailing quoting 22/02288/FUL

Please see pictures on following page.

At the end of term in December the school community raised over £1500 for our school charity Zarach. This resulted in 10 children sleeping in a new bed on Christmas day, with new pyjamas and a teddy bear all donated by the school community. Huge thanks for all your support and the difference you made to the lives of the children.

The Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 have their first social event of the year on Friday 3rd February ‘Quiz and Curry Night’ an evening of good food, fun and competition. The tickets for this event usually sell extremely quickly. More information is included in the newsletter.

What an inspiring week we have had, there has been so much packed into the last 5 days. Reception start their swimming lessons tomorrow and next week our after school clubs start. There are House Netball matches, Year 2 have a field trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park, several of the year 3 children have auditions to be a Chorister at York Minster and so much more. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. A warm welcome to our new staff in school Mrs D’Arcy (1E, Year1) and Mrs Rawkins (Acorns, Nursery). They have already made such a positive start and I am sure you will make them most welcome at school.

M O N D A Y School Council Year 1 Lexia Year 1 Ball Skills Year 2 & 3 European Culture Year 2 Cricket* Year 2IT Year 3 & 3 Football* Year 3 Cookery T U E S D A Y Year 1 Football* Year 2 STEM (cancelled) Year 2 Tag Rugby Year 3 Swimming Year 3 Tennis* Year 2 & 3 Dance Club* W E D N E S D A Y Year 1 Construction Year 1 Football* Year 1 Cricket (cancelled) Year 2 & 3 Choir T H U R S D A Y Year 1 Board Games Year 1 Tag Rugby Year 2 Tennis* Year 2 Art Year 3 Netball Year 3 Environment F R I D A Y Year 1 Wellbeing Year 1 Street Dance* Year 2 & 3 Football* Year 3 Board Games Year 2 & 3 Film Year 3 Cricket (cancelled)

PE Award

Music Award

Notice Board House Points Trophy
• Arjan (2H) • Lucas (RC)
• Popy (1C) • Breatrix (2H) VALUE
• Tatiana
• Harriet
• Arthur
• Thomas
• Harry
• William
• Finbar
• Hugo
• Hannah
• Anabel
• Manny
• George (3C) LEARNING SUPERHEROS • Tori (RC) • Raffy (RP) • Alfie (RJ) • Eva (1A) • Theo/Oliver (1C) • Ivy (1E) • Georgia (2J) • Zachariah (2H) • JoJo (2P) • Rosie (3C) • Matilda (3S) • Hamish (3M) MICKLEGATE

P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n

We've had an exciting start to term, it has been lovely to hear all the children's stories from the holidays. This week all year groups have been finishing our gymnastics unit before heading onto dance next week. Our particular highlights are Year 3's attempting rope climbing and the Year 2's mastering cartwheels.

Preparations are well underway for next weeks Inter-house competitions. We are very excited to welcome parents back into school for these events. The netball matches will take place on Clifton Courts on the dates below:

Year 2 -Tuesday the 17th of January

Year 3 -Thursday the 19th of January

The event will start at 9:00am and run until approximately 10:20am. The children are very excited to showcase their skills in competitive matches and to collaborate with one another as a team. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to come into school to watch the matches take place and to see your child’s development. Refreshments will also be available to you throughout the morning.

Music ....


SomeofourYear3childrenwillbeauditioningnextweektobe ChoristersinJ1.Thiswillbeaveryexcitingtimeforthechildren butalsoalittlebitnerve-wracking,wewishthemalllotsofluckin theiraudition!Year2and3areverymuchonthecountdownto YoungVoices2023onThursday9th February.Iwasluckyenoughto gotothefirstconcertofthetourlastweek,itwasamazingsoIalreadyknowthechildrenaregoingtohaveafabuloustime.We're stillwaitingforouraudienceticketstoarrive,oncetheydoIwill letyouknowtolookoutfortheminyourchild'sbookbag.Thereisa playlistonSpotifyofalltheYoungVoicessongs(searchYoung Voices2023)ifyourchildiskeentopracticeathomeorinthecar! We'vehadafunweekinourmusiclessons,NurseryandReception havebeenmakinglotsofnoiseexperimentingwithdifferentpercussioninstruments;Years2and3havebeenworkinghardlearning newdancemovesfortheYoungVoicessongsandYear1havebeen takenbackintimetothe1960s.Thechildrenwerefascinatedto findouthowarecordplayerworks,it'samazinghowsoundcan comeoutofaplasticdisc!!!


Happy New Year to our Acorns both old and new! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. We are really happy to let you know that Mrs Rawkins will be joining us in Acorns. We have 12 new starters this term and they have all been brilliant. They look super smart in their uniforms and have settled in so well. We are very proud of the older Acorns who have done a sterling job of looking after the new Acorns and ‘showing them the ropes’. The Acorns have been very busy playing and exploring in the setting. We have enjoyed the sand the water, making pizza sandwiches, looking after the teddies and making cakes out of play dough. It has been a wonderful start to the year.

It really has been fabulous to be back together and see all our friends after our Christmas break!

We are always so busy in Nursery and this week certainly did not disappoint.

It has been full of wintery fun, creating different snowflakes, moulding snowmen with playdough and exploring both The Antartica and The Artic area.

The unexpected theme for this week came from our visit to forest school on Wednesday. On the way back we spotted the river had flooded and decided to take a closer look. We discovered plastic cups and all sorts of litter bobbing on the surface which sparked conversations about why floods happen and what can be done about the rubbish we had seen.

We chatted about the importance of looking after the world around us and how littering can harm different animals and creatures. We took this matter into our own hands and set off the next day with our litter pickers and bags in hand. It was a shock to find that we collected a full bag of rubbish in less than an hour!! This showed us that we can all make a big difference.

We have pledged that from now on we will take a litter picker out with us on all our adventures!


Welcome back everyone and a Happy New Year to you and your families. The children have settled back in brilliantly after the break and have been enjoying our provision this week. We have had several focus skills sessions in the different provision areas: learninghowtomakeaplanin the construction area, practising our colour mixing and also introducing the woodworkareatothechildren, which has been great fun. Down at Forest School we found lots of tree trunks and logs where the trees had been felled and the children have loved exploring over and around them. In maths we have been learning about the days of the week and months of the year and which month our birthday is in. We have been singing lots of songs to help us learn them- listen out fortheearwormsathome!


The Music Sounds Better With You!

Welcome back to Year One and a Happy New Year to you all!

The Year One children have returned to school have stepped back in time for our new music inspired theme of ‘The Music Sounds Better With You!’ Where the children will be learning about the history of music! We have begun our journey by dancing our way back to the sixties! We have spent a great amount of time researching into one of the most famous rock bands of all time - The Beatles! We have discovered many facts about the band and have enjoyed beginning to learn some of their songs. Lots of construction play and designing has been inspired by this theme. We have seen the most incredible stages that have been built by the children as well as structures of famous landmarks and stages around the world.

As well as incredible bands, the sixties had incredible fashion and make up! The children have enjoyed researching into the iconic hairy styles such as the Mop Top and Beehive and have had great fun in styling them on themselves and their friends (plus teachers!).

Our classrooms have been dressed and changed to suit this musical theme and all have their very own stage area! The children have had a great amount of fun performing songs as they dressed themselves up as rockstars and artists! It has been wonderful to see the children using a range of different musical instruments to support their performances too!

It really has been an incredibly creative and fun first week back! ROCK AND ROLL YEAR ONE!


The Year 2 Team welcomed back to a very excited group of children on Monday to a land of polar adventure! In our classrooms we discovered a suitcase of interesting clues … all pointing to an expedition to colder climates then we are currently experiencing in York! We saw that the suitcases were on the property of Stella Starflake Pearl, who, on starting to read the book in the case called ‘The Polar Bear Explorer Club’, we found is the man character in the story who desperately wants to be an explorer. She is not allowed to join in with the new expedition because ...she is a girl! Year 2 were outraged by this, but, we are hoping the story will show that she CAN join in. The story is full of exciting descriptions of polar pet penguins along with an igloo and pet polar bears and we have kicked off our learning with modelling penguins and using them to make snow globes! The penguins were so cute that we squeezed in some animation time as well. We have been creating collage pictures of Stella and using them to write detailed descriptions of her—pop in and see our creations ! Amongst all of this we also found time to learn about 2D shape and we have made penguins and polar bears as well as hunting for 2D shapes around us. This theme will take us to some very exciting areas of learning and we are all looking forward to polar bear week next week, including a trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park to take part in a polar bear workshop! Sleep and a weekend off for all of us before then, please!

Year 3 have kick started their learning journey on a boat trip from South Africa to South America with Tom, the main character in our class text this term “The Boy who Biked the World” by Alastair Humphreys.

We have been plotting a potential journey through the Americas to Alaska looking at all the different countries that make up the two continents. We enjoyed reading the first chapter of our story, acting it out and then creating our own storyboard to depict the version of events. After learning more about the 12 countries of South America, we went on a hunt at Forest School to try and locate, then match each one to its correct flag. The children have been incredibly inquisitive about the geography of South America and have particularly enjoyed using maps to find locations and make comparisons between countries. We discussed the difference between physical and human features of a place and enjoyed applying this to a sorting activity which involved locating features of South America, then deciding whether it was natural or manmade. In art we created a water colour landscape picture, featuring Table Mountain in the background. In our story, we read that Table Mountain could be seen up to 100 miles out to sea on a clear day...WOW!


In maths we have been working on multiplication and have been looking at multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 with numbers with decimal points! We will continue to develop this skill and introduce the formal method of working, grid multiplication, next week.

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