2155061 katalog tif tiffy

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Bea VNeck Blouse 2224 / BluMaiolike Scarf 3255

TTdk Pulse Poncho 3209 / FloriaSpring Scarf 3257 2

Geko Solid Poncho 6800

Bangkok Scarf 4016 / Simple Long Sleeve t-shirt 2219 4

DissolveColor Scarf 4015

NoveauFace Scarf 4013

Alabama Light Poncho 3049 Behve Scarf 4019

Bangkok Scarf 4016

Victoria Poncho 3248 6

life is all about the right accessories

Boho Dress 3300 / BluFlower Scarf 3264 8

TTdk Bat Blouse 2214 / TTdk Lue 1608

Boho Kaftan 3301 / BlackRoseMicro Scarf 4018

Boho Dress 3300 / OneIdea Scarf 4014 11

GioGlific Scarf 3263 / Assortments of our basic scarves: Calypso 3171, Whisper 2136, TT Basic Cot 2606, TT Basic Wool 2133


Capitals Scarf 3243 / Dolores Kimono 3274 / Simple Tank 2217

Bea VNeck Blouse 2224 / BluMaiolike Scarf 3255 14

Bea Long Cardigan 2222 Manola Scarf 3223

Bea Dress 2220 IndianElephant Scarf 4009



Tif-Tiffy.dk Hammerhusvej 12B 7400 Herning ph. +45 97 22 30 70 info@tif-tiffy.dk www.tif-tiffy.dk

Nordrhein-Westfalen Jochen Schäfer Country Manager Markus Genge ph. +49 163 8505 283 jschaefer-lev@web.de Nord- & Ostdeutschland Volker Strenge ph. +49 173 2045 104 fashion-agent@web.de Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland Modeagentur Walenta ph. +49 171 7560 210 schultz-walenta@t-online.de

BENELUX Fashion Parts ph. +31 73 5131058 info@fashionparts.nl

AUSTRIA + BAVARIA Jürgen Rozbaud ph. +43 676 408 5218 juergen@modeagentur-rozbaud.at

NORWAY Tove Sørlund Agentur ph. +47 4161 8181 tovehil@online.no

SWEDEN Peter Skoglund Agenturer ph. +46 321 27650 info@peterskoglundagenturer.se

Boho Kaftan 3301 / Romance Scarf 3265

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