2017 E news edition 3

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2017 E-News Edition 3

Platinum Sponsors

TThankk you to ou ur 201 16/17 7 Spon nsorss! Â

Pleasse join uss in thanking our 2016/17 7 Sponso ors for paartneringg with us to o deliverr vital serrvices to our mem mbers an nd the brroader sttrata munity in n WA. comm

Plat atinu um Spon S nsorss

Gold G d Spon onsor rs

Siilver r Spo onso ors


Page President’s Report


Upcoming Events


Article – The WA and Insurance Outlook, CHU Strata Insurance


Article – Are you ready for a digital fire? Body Corporate Brokers


Article – Step by Step (Trip Hazards), External Works


In the News


Article – Creative ways to extend the life of older apartments, Lannock


Education Update & Committee Training


National Update


Member Updates


Event Wrap Ups


Accreditation Pathway


Presiden nt’s Re eportt It is h hard to belieeve that we aare already h halfway throough the yea ar, where have tthe days gonne? Currently the SCA A (WA) Counccil is reviewin ng our Strateegic Plan for the next three years and w we have draftted the follow wing missionn statement: “SCA (WA) is thee peak indusstry body fo or the strataa title comm munity in Weste ern Australi a and is co ommitted to o the ongooing supportt of our memb bers by:

1. 2. 3.

Prroviding educcation and p professional ddevelopment; Prromoting pro ofessionalism m and a codee of conduct;; and Prroviding strong advocacyy and directioon to govern nment, comm munity and m members.” (I’d be keen to o hear from yyou directly rregarding this Mission Sttatement).

I certain nly think we aare on our w way to achievving these go oals!! Here’s a recap of thhe last 6 mon nths. 1.

Ed ducation and d Professional Developm ment

We havee conducted d 7 professional developm ment eventss, 3 owner w workshops, 22 A100 coursses and a seminarr for Law Week, with the National Co nference held in June. 2.

Prrofessionalissm and Code e of Conduct

The Straata Community Managem ment Practicee Standard (SSPS) is well p progressed. Followin ng the Princcipals Retrea at in April w where everyo one supportted the SPS,, the docum ment was presenteed at the Naational Confe erence in Junne, where all States offe ered their strrong supporrt for SPS and ackn nowledged tthe hard worrk the WA coommittee has put into co ompleting thee document. We caugght up with iindividual Sta ate Councils and Chapters, and follow wing a Natioonal Board m meeting it has been n agreed thee WA Commiittee will com mplete the document forr roll‐out acrross the coun ntry. It is our inteentions heree in WA to make m this ceertification available a forr strata mannagement bu usinesses towardss the end of this year, w with workshoops to be he eld early next year, follow wed by auditing and certification of busin nesses. A) is extremeely proud to be leading tthe way on tthis important initiative for our indu ustry, not SCA (WA just in W WA but acrosss the countrry. 3.

Ad dvocacy and d Direction to o Governmeent, Commun nity and Mem mbers

Over thee last three months we have conduccted five rad dio interview ws on both 6PPR and ABC covering topics reelating to strata reformss, licensing aand short term letting. In addition tto this, we h have had requestss for positio on pieces frrom The W West Australiian and we expect to see regularr articles appearin ng in the new wspaper ove er the comingg months. We also released ou ur June feature in The Weest Australiaan which wass very well reeceived by th he public and has sparked som me important discussion around refo orm and the n need for liceencing. Personally and proffessionally, my m biggest aaccomplishm ment this year was to ggain the support and signaturres from my friends and ccolleagues w who lead the other prope erty institutees and associations. Followin ng meetings with John Carey (ALP Member fo or Perth) an nd the Honoourable Rita a Saffioti (Ministeer for Lands,, Planning an nd Transporrt), I drafted a letter in support of tthe current reforms, thankingg the State A ALP for their support and making Straata Reform a priority. In aaddition, I re equested

President’s Report

in the letter that following the passing of the current reforms through Parliament, we then look towards licencing and greater regulation of the industry. This letter was signed by the Presidents of SCA (WA), the Property Council of Australia, REIWA, UDIA, API, PIA and FMA. This week we received a letter from the Honourable Rita Saffioti personally thanking us for organising this letter of industry support, for our work on the reforms and committing to licensing. Going forward, we will be continuing to meet with the Minister and Landgate to drive the reforms and regulation of the industry. We’ve also been approached by Landgate to consult with an Independent Reviewer that is engaged every five years to deliver a report on the effectiveness of Landgate, and we have met with that Reviewer today to provide feedback. Lastly, following the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in London, we have been asked to be part of a consultation group with the Building Commission to discuss the way forward for addressing this issue in WA. SCA (WA) is certainly now recognised as being the voice for the industry and I’d like to thank all of our staff and volunteers for helping deliver on the above goals of the association. Thank you to our 2016/17 Sponsors! A special thanks to our sponsors who are crucial in allowing us to provide these services to our members and the community. The contribution they make to the strata industry by supporting our association cannot be overstated. We have greatly enjoyed working with our sponsors for 2016/17 and look forward to partnering with our 2017/18 sponsors to continue the important work that we do. We have an impressive list of courses coming up, culminating with the Symposium in November, followed by our Gala Awards Night in December. AND….. watch out for our newly formed Special Interest Group who are currently putting together a couple of amazing Social Events for you all to enjoy. Details will be circulated soon!!! Scott Bellerby SCA (WA) President

Save the Date

2017 Symposium 17th November 2017 Joondalup Resort

Awards Gala Dinner 8th December 2017 Pan Pacific Perth

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Upcoming Events NBN & Strata Schemes – PD Hear from the NBN Community Affairs team and Schindler Lifts on how NBN will affect the schemes you manage. When: Thursday, 13th July 2017 Where: 2 Hubert Street, Belmont *Limited places available* For more information and to register, please click here.

ACOSH Smoking in Strata – Open to Owners and Strata Managers This 3 hour interactive panel workshop is ideal for strata managers and owners to gain an insight in to how best to manage smoke drift in strata schemes. When: Tuesday, 9th August 2017 Where: Technology Park, Theatre, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley For more information and to register, please click here.

Lego-Land of Strata – PD Learn the best way to proactively handle management of a new development from our panel of experts in facilities management, property development, strata management and strata law.

How to read a strata plan & what does it comprise? - PD Participants will learn what comprises a strata/survey-strata plan and how its contents can affect the ongoing management of a strata scheme.

When: Thursday, 20th July 2017 Where: Crown Perth, Botanicals, Great Eastern Highway, Burswood

When: Wednesday, 23rd August 2017 Where: Technology Park, Theatre, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley

For more information and to register, please click here.

For more information and to register, please click here.

Save the Date 2017 Symposium 17th November 2017, Joondalup Resort

Awards Gala Dinner 8th December 2017, Pan Pacific Perth

THE WA STRATA AND INSURANCE OUTLOOK Strata Title seems to be on everyone’s mind at the moment, Western Australia is not immune to this. The proposed WA strata reforms aim to provide more flexible and sustainable housing options to benefit strata owners, residents, tenants, investors and developers. They aim to improve the way strata schemes work but not to change current strata owners' land titles and boundaries. On the positive side of these reforms, it would appear there are no significant changes to the insurance requirements of strata corporations in WA. With this in mind, we asked Bobby Lehane (CHU CEO) “what insights can he share, and what does the future hold for the market in WA?” Australians are embracing the benefits of both living and working in strata title developments, says Bobby. And according to Strata Communities Australia, around 50% of the nation’s population (including WA) will work or live in strata by 2040. Bobby describes the strata insurance market as “very dynamic”. “There have been a number of new entrants in the market over the last couple of years, which, in addition to the soft market cycle, has driven a significant suppression of rates as the new players strive to find market share and secure survival,”. He says the industry has seen double-digit levels of discounting for the past two years. “I believe the market should be a billion dollar market nationally, in terms of insurance premium. In fact, it’s probably closer to $750-$800m at this point in time due to the levels of discounting” Lehane says. But he adds that there are positive signs that the market is turning. “In the last quarter of 2016, we started to see the discounting slow down and, certainly this year, we’ve started to see the market harden, as in the general insurance space,” he says. However, Bobby doesn’t expect that rates will rise dramatically. “What we’re going to see is a slow and gradual adjustment over the next 12 to 18 months. It’s not going to go up as dramatically as it has come down over the last couple of years, in my opinion.” “We would expect to see WA following the same trend”.

Choosing strata coverage When it comes to the purchase of strata insurance products, Bobby mentions several attributes that should be taken into account in that process. He mentions the need to ensure minimum legislative requirements are met, as well as the importance, as with any insurance type, of veering clients away from decision-making purely around price. “The phrase ‘not all things are created equal’ is never more relevant than in strata insurance,” Lehane adds. “While the products may look similar, we see, with the influx of new players, that there are vast differences in the quality of service and of security.” And, as he emphasises, claims performance is the key to a satisfied customer. Bobby also adds the need for strata managers to ensure their clients are clear on precisely what is insured by their strata policies. “Many lot owners and tenants in strata complexes incorrectly believe all of the personal assets are protected as part of the strata insurance policy,” he says.

CHU Underwriting Agencies 08 9466 8616


THE WA STRATA AND INSURANCE OUTLOOK “Strata insurance specifically excludes contents within individual units such as carpets, curtains, blinds, light fittings and electrical appliances not actually wired into the premises. These items should be insured by contents insurance or a landlord insurance policy.” CHU is currently in the process of releasing two new products CHU Contents for Strata and CHU Landlords for Strata. Both of these new products will offer unique benefits to consumers and fill this gap in the market. More information will be released in July 2017.

A positive outlook Looking ahead, Bobby describes the future for strata as “very bright”. “Strata will be the preferred way for Australians to live in the future,” he says. “If strata can be typified as the modern way Australians will live, CHU is looking to provide solutions for modern living.” He says, right now, the strata insurance market is behind the times when it comes to embracing technology. “The processes for underwriting and claims are still manual and there are many inherent inefficiencies in the current systems all providers utilise. This, of course, is not sustainable.” Bobby expects digital transformation to have an “enormous impact” on strata insurance similar to the way in which it has elsewhere in the industry. “CHU is taking the leadership role by disrupting ourselves and exploring ways to lead the inevitable change in strata insurance. CHUiSAVER is the first digital underwriting agency with the ability to provide real-time quotes.” He anticipates strata insurance will begin to follow other lines of insurance, in terms of using higher deductibles to offset premium. “In home insurance, motor insurance and health insurance, it’s a common tool to offset the increase in premium, but strata hasn’t really caught up with that at this point in time,” he notes. “One of the things we are piloting through CHUiSAVER is actually having much higher minimum excesses, and that is resulting in premiums that are 20% less.” He believes the shift may start to happen this year. “As the market hardens and people are looking to keep their premiums at a manageable level, then they may well be open to the concept of a higher deductible or a higher minimum excess, but we’ll see. “The uptake of CHUiSAVER’s been pretty positive, and what we’ve found in three-quarters of the new business opportunities that we get is that they’re going with a much higher water damage excess.” As the market starts to harden, Bobby believes that insurers will bend over backwards for a loyal customer, which reinforces the importance of choosing an insurer partner that will last the distance. “Just because you make $50 in savings this year doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in the long- term interests of the clients,” he says. “The competition is there, but not all of them are going to be around for the duration.”

Article supplied by CHU Underwriting Agencies

CHU Underwriting Agencies 08 9466 8616


June 2017

Are you ready for a digital fire? In our increasingly digitised age, criminal activity via computers and digital networks is pronounced, malicious and threatening. In just the last month, we witnessed WannaCry - the largest ransomware attack to occur in history; an incident that saw valuable business data held for large ransoms. Businesses - now more than ever - are seeking to comprehensively protect themselves and their assets from digital crime. It’s a smart move, given that ransomware creators specifically target victims that appear most likely to pay up - such as small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Today, every organisation relies on the digital in some way: whether that be to communicate, to transact, or to compete. Cyber risk affects all organisations; regardless of industry sector or size. Data breaches and cybercrime events are not an IT security problem. They’re a business problem. There's no such thing as an impenetrable digital system, and cost compromise can end up being expensive. Ultimately, lack of appropriate cover and protection can result in financial losses, damage to reputation, loss of intellectual property and disruption to business. According to research conducted by PC World, the majority of recent clicks on links spreading malicious software came from small to medium-sized businesses. While most SMEs tend to look for affordable IT security options to protect themselves from digital crime, they often overlook - or don't know about - cost effective insurance protection. Insurance to cover cybercrime is a new and evolving risk transfer option for businesses. Some insurance solutions already available can offer protection in the following ways: ■ Losses to your business – costs and revenue replacement cover ■ Loss to others - including regulatory fines, penalties and defence costs ■ Cyber event response costs – costs incurred through event response and management services ■ Contingent business interruption – costs and revenue replacement if an external supplier suffers an insurable Cyber Event that affects your business Cyber crime is unrelenting and unstoppable. Data from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) estimates it currently costs the Australian economy upwards of 3 billion dollars. If you'd protect your business from a real fire, why not protect it from a digital fire? Get your business cybercrime ready - ask your trusted BCB adviser for a cyber insurance quote today.


Did you know k that we e all have one thing in common when n walking? Each E time we e take a step,, our foot com mes off the ground g less than n two centime etres before it goes back k down! There efore, anythiing that sticks out half ann inch can ca ause you to trrip.

Fact Trips and d falls consttitute the general majoritty of industry ry accidents and 55% off them occurr on walking g surfaces! They T are responsible for 15% of all accid dental deaths s and are th he second le eading cause e of all injurries accordin ng to The Australian Bureau of o Statistics.

n Trip Haza ards? What arre common In most cases, c peoplle trip on low w obstacles that are not e easily noticed such as un neven edgess in flooring, unclearly marked step ps, broken kerbing, unevven paving, sprinklers, s tree roots andd c foo otpaths. cracked concrete

Implica ation It should d come as n no surprise that t failure to t rectify or modify trip hazards can result in ffurther legal proceedings should an incident occur. If th here is a hazzard situated d within the boundaries of common of Care issue e and require es a swift solu ution. property it is a Duty o

Ensure e efforts have been made to identify i th he risk unttil hazard has been rectified. This is your requ uirement under u Duty of Care.. Cones, bunting b and ssigns are som me ways in which w the riskk can be marrked.

Solutio on External Works ensu ures that while we keep your y propertty looking we ell maintained, we also fe feel it is impe erative to ny potential risks that ma ay cause pro oblems dow wn the track. Our employ yees are prooficient in rec cognising report an probable e safety issu ues and we e can sugge est and acttion solution ns to any of o those unw wanted trip hazards jeopardis sing safety. With our regular prop perty mainten nance sched dule we workk with the Strata Managerr to prevent aany issues th hat might p. trip us up To find out o more, visiit www.extern nalworks.com m.au

t: 9204 37 700 e:rece eption@exte ernalworks.c com.au Â


In The News The West Australian Property Feature SCA (WA) ran a feature in the Property Section of The West Australian 21/06/17 highlighting the need for reform. Click here to view the feature

Strata Comes of Age as a Profession - SCA Featured Article provided by Sourceable Wind back 50 years and real estate offices in Australia discovered a useful extra income stream: helping owners of small blocks of units or flats to create and manage a separate legal entity though which issues relating to common property such as driveways, shared lawns, elevators swimming pools or shared utility services were managed. Nowadays, the owners corporation management industry looks after more than 270,000 different strata schemes covering more than two million properties housing around seven million people with an asset base worth around $1.3 trillion… Read more

Thousands of Australian buildings could have the same fire trap as the London tower - SCA Featured Article provided by 7News Building authorities here have known about the problem for years but have mostly failed to act with fears the repair costs could run into tens of billions of dollars Australia-wide. Cheap, imported, noncompliant cladding - it's been compared to strapping a bomb to the side of a building. The Melbourne Docklands blaze in 2014, Dubai on New Years Eve in 2015, and a residential tower in France - all these fires were attributed to cheap or faulty cladding… Read more

Body corporate bosses warn it’s ‘a matter of time’ before a disaster like London fire happens here - SCA Featured Article provided by Courier Mail BODY corporate bosses warn it is ‘’a matter of time’’ before a disaster like the London tower inferno happens here unless authorities act urgently to get rid of dangerous building materials. “This is a ticking time bomb,’’ Strata Community Australia Queensland president Simon Barnard said… Read more

In The News Time ticking on cladding disaster: Shorten Article provided by news.com.au Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has threatened to make building cladding a political issue after being told by frontline workers it is only a matter of time before Australia has a high-rise fire disaster. Australian building regulations will be examined by a Senate committee after the deadly London residential tower fire, which may have been fuelled by the same flammable cladding responsible for a Melbourne blaze three years ago… Read more

Apartment owners put clamp on smokers Article provided by The West Australian A Scarborough apartment block has become smoke-free after residents introduced a strata bylaw outlawing smoking in common areas. Residents at the Oceanside complex can smoke in their units but not in areas such as balconies, where smoke can drift into other units, or common space. The council of owners received a small grant from the Australian Council on Smoking and Health to help with the costs of introducing the schedule two bylaw, phased in this year… Read more

Get in on the ground floor: How apartments can join the solar power boom Article provided by ABC News While there are now more solar panels in Australia than people, many apartment-dwellers have largely been locked out of this solar revolution by a minefield of red tape and potentially uninformed strata committees. In the face of these challenges, Stucco, a small co-operative housing block in Sydney, embarked on a mission to take back the power… Read more

Should Airbnb hosts pay extra owners corporation fees? Article provided by The Age Victoria Airbnb operators could be hit with extra building fees to repair the wear and tear inflicted by holidaymakers on Melbourne's apartment buildings. A parliamentary committee has recommended a major overhaul of the Andrews government's planned short-stay reforms, saying the proposed laws do not give owners corporations enough power… Read more

Defects disclosure Article provided by Choice Strata insurance doesn't seem to be delivering as intended for more than a few apartment owners. In the 12 months between July 2015 and July 2016, strata insurance claims went up 42% to 58,326 and denied claims jumped 244% to 1722, according to the General Insurance Code Governance Committee, an independent group that monitors how well the industry observes its code of practice… Read more

Unprecedented class action launched against Victoria's building regulator Article provided by The Age Victoria An unprecedented class action is being levelled against Victoria's building regulator for failing to protect dozens of home owners from shoddy and dangerous building work.Victims of a disastrous townhouse development in Diamond Creek in Melbourne's outer suburbs claim they suffered financial losses and physical and psychiatric injuries as a result of the inaction of the Victorian Building Authority… Read more

In The News Infinity electrical cables still present fire risk for thousands of homes, ACCC warns Article provided by The Sydney Morning Herald A national recall of faulty electrical cabling has only captured 54 per cent of the total 4313 kilometres that were installed, putting thousands of homeowners at risk of house fires or electrocution. The recall of Infinity electrical cables was launched in August 2013, after it was found the cabling could become prematurely brittle and break when placed under stress near heat sources and roof access areas… Read more

Assumption that ‘people in units don’t have children’ has led to chronic schools shortage in NSW Article provided by news.com.au THE NSW Education Minister says a “foolish assumption” that people who live in apartments don’t have children is the reason why there is a chronic shortage of schools in the state. Rob Stokes was on ABC radio discussing the state government’s announcement that it will spend $4.2 billion over the next four years building new primary and secondary schools across the state, as well as updating existing schools. More young Australians are moving into apartments because they can’t afford to buy stand-alone houses in the current market… Read more

Owners, landlords and managers of private tower blocks in England asked to check cladding Article provided by Property Wire The owners, landlords and managers of private residential blocks in England have been told by the British Government that help is available for them to check their buildings in light of concerns following the fire in London. Melanie Dawes, Permanent Secretary at the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), has written to them after being asked to make more information available by representative bodies in the private rental sector… Read more

Reports of Overcrowding at Melbourne’s ‘Lacrosse Building’ Article provided by Sourceable Allegedly overcrowded conditions at the infamous Lacrosse building are set to be investigated following reports that apartments were being crammed with half a dozen people in an apparent breach of the occupancy permit. News Corporation has reported that Melbourne City Council is set to investigate reports of overcrowded conditions in the building, which created headlines in late 2014 as flames ripped up the side of the building… Read more

Bayswater's big decision spotlights soaring developer power Article provided by WA Today Bayswater Council will on Tuesday decide whether to recommend refusal of a controversial new high-density, developer-led urban planning document for the Meltham station precinct. The plan is the second high-profile example of Perth developers flexing bigger planning muscles granted through a law change, with councils worried by the results but largely powerless to change them… Read more

New apartments to transform historic Perth ground The West Australian Hundreds of new apartments are on the cards for Perth’s inner west, with an iconic ground set to be transformed. Dubbed Claremont on the Park, a 9.5 hectare development will surround the historic Claremont Oval. The latest stage, a seven-storey $120 million apartment block, launches this weekend by developer Blackburne… Read more





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Creative ways to extend the life of older apartments Proposed changes to the WA Strata Titles Act are intended to introduce more transparency and certainty around the termination of strata schemes. A decision to terminate a scheme is not one to be taken lightly but sometimes when owners are facing high repair and maintenance costs it might seem the only option. Lannock Strata Finance CEO Paul Morton, whose company is one of only a handful that provides funding to owners’ corporations and bodies corporate, says Strata Companies could be missing out on a golden opportunity to update and add value to their homes by not considering alternatives to termination. “Apartment owners can choose to cash in by terminating and selling to a developer, but they may be better off holding on and redeveloping their property to perhaps add a penthouse

or other amenities with the proceeds shared by all owners to carry out other necessary refurbishments,” said Mr Morton.

retain ownership and enjoy the benefits of an upgraded apartment building, with the only disruption being the inconvenience of a renovation.”

The gentrification of suburbs means that many low-rise apartments are under-capitalised and ripe for redevelopment or improvement. Mr Morton said one problem with termination of schemes by a majority vote was that the most vulnerable owners could find themselves reluctantly forced to move home. “There are many creative ways to undertake renewal that don’t involve selling,” said Mr Morton. “Owners can collectively undertake the renewal work or do so in partnership with a developer. “This approach allows lot owners to

Mr Morton said funding for strata renewal projects did not have to come from a special levy as many owners wrongly surmised. “Strata loans are a great alternative to special levies, or waiting for sinking funds to accumulate,” said Mr Morton. “They usually have superior economic benefits and are particularly well suited to renewal projects. “Many people are realising that their dated 70s unit is a potential goldmine if the common property is improved.”

Strata improvements without a special levy? The future of funding for Strata Companies

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SCA has made fantastic progress in developing new and improved education opportunities for people involved in the strata industry. The SCA A100 Course This comprehensive strata community management course provides a practical overview for new managers, an essential review for veteran managers and an advanced course for committee members. You’ll receive a 400‐page participant guide filled with dozens of sample forms and time‐saving tips for working with homeowners, vendors, managers and other professionals. Successful completion of this course is the first step in obtaining a professional designation from SCA in Strata Community Management as it is the Pre‐requisite for entering the SCA Accreditation Pathway for new entrants. Next course: 22nd – 24th May 2017 Click here to enquire

Certificate IV in Strata Community Management The Certificate IV Strata Community Management is an industry accredited program for professionals working in strata management or professionals in the property sector looking to move into strata management. This nationally accredited program has been developed by Strata Community Australia and RMIT University. The Certificate IV in Strata Community Management qualification reflects the role of those involved in providing management services for strata communities. Students studying this qualifications will learn about strata schemes and communities; the functions and duties of a manager including the administration and facilitation of meetings, handling strata funds and reporting on financial activities, administering insurance, implementing contracts of appointment and the ability to read plans. SCA (WA) are currently working with North Metropolitan TAFE in Perth to have this training delivered locally, and have applied for the establishment of a traineeship. Click here to enquire

Ongoing Professional Development Our Professional Development committee is dedicated to preparing useful and relevant professional development sessions for our members each year. Find all of our upcoming events here

Council Member & Lot Owner Training SCA (WA) has introduced regular workshops for council members and lot owners, providing a comprehensive overview of the role of the council and training on how to read strata plans. SCA will also be working with a group of our strata company members to develop online training for council members. Find all of our upcoming events here

Edu ucatio on

Naational E Education ‐ Com mmittee Trainiing On Wed dnesday 2st JJuly in chilly Canberra thee National Committee training progrram was rolle ed out to a Focus group of 20 Committee members froom various SStrata Communities in Caanberra. The train ning commeenced at 5.30 0pm and com mpleted at 9.00pm although it could have gone o on longer with thee level of intterest and participation shown by th he attendeess. The traininng covered tthe roles and responsibilities of Committtees and th eir managerr, meetings, strategic annd disaster planning along wiith financial managemen nt and long‐tterm mainten nance fundin ng. Many off the A100 trrainers from Canberra al so sat in on the training and a big, b ig, thank you u to Sally Shaw an nd Steve Wiebe W from Canberra C fo r putting th he training together t witth the assisstance of National Education. SCI the majo or sponsor foor Education n within SCA were also reepresent by Stuart & Jane. The feed dback from tthe attendee es was very rrewarding: “I am go oing away to consider a d disaster plan with my felllow Committtee memberrs” “Our budget will now be review wed to make sure we havve adequate funds to su pport the da ay to day ns of our com mmunity” function “When’ss the next on ne I want the e rest of my ccommittee m members to attend this”.. Julie MccLean President of the V Victorian Sta te Board and Carole Anderson Natioonal Education were the pressenters for th he course. Both ladies arre on the National Educa ation Committtee. We understand from Caanberra that there is now w a waiting list of Canberra Committee membeers waiting to t attend the nextt Committee Training pre esentation. Outside of the National Committee trainingg there are many excitin ng proposalss ahead for National on and we lo ook forward to the involvvement with the states a and chapterss as we move e on with Educatio the deveelopment off Education ffor everyonee within the Strata Indusstry, Strata M Manager, Co ommittee memberrs, lot ownerrs and suppliers to the inndustry. Carole A Anderson Nationaal Education

Update from SCA National

A Message From The SCA National President Greetings to you all At our very successful National Conference in the Hunter Valley, our CEO, Kim Henshaw, announced that he would be resigning from his position, effective from the 3rd of July 2017. Kim’s reason for leaving is to pursue other interests and we wish him every success in the future. On behalf of your Board, I would like to thank Kim for his work during the last 3 years. Under Kim’s watch, and largely as a result of his actions and initiatives, your organisation has grown in membership, increased its member services, and our financial position has become exceptionally strong. Kim has balanced the needs of many stakeholders, and our brand has continued to receive increased public recognition. We are now an organisation that is recognised by regulators, governments, stakeholders, sponsors and a wider Australian audience. At our Board Meeting last week, I agreed to step aside as President. The Board endorsed my appointment as your interim CEO, effective from today. This arrangement will continue until the Board has approved well defined criteria and specifications for the new CEO. Once this has been developed and approved, the search for a new permanent CEO will begin. I have agreed on this course of action to cause the least disruption of service to our membership. I have met with all our existing staff and, subject to some further negotiations, they will all remain and are all committed to SCA and its strategies. It will be business as usual. Your Vice President, Greg Haywood, has agreed to take the reigns as President and I am sure we will be well served under his leadership. I look forward to spending more time with you, and to progressing our outstanding organisation along its very well-ordered path to greater success. Erik Adriaanse National President

Update from SCA National

2017 SCA National Convention Wrap Up Another National Convention over! Around 20 delegates from WA travelled to the Hunter Valley in NSW for the 2017 National Conference themed 'Better Together'. It was a fantastic event and a great opportunity to share knowledge and ideas with key stakeholders from across Australia & New Zealand. Congratulations to Marietta Metzger, the deserving winner of the President’s Award (image below). A sample of photographs below capture a group of WA attendees at the ‘Rock’ Gala evening, Paul Keet and Scott Cole presenting the Strata Community Management Practice Standard, and some of our WA crew at the opening golf day. We look forward to next year!

Member Update Please be reminded of the following important changes that may affect you as a member of SCA (WA). 1. All CPD records for 2017 have been updated in the member centre under the "My CPD" tab. Your CPD record has been updated in the "My CPD" tab to reflect your attendance for any 2017 events. Any CPD records prior to 2017 will need to be maintained by you, however all future events will be recorded in the member centre so you will not be required to keep your own records. 2. Magnetic name badges will only be produced and held for Accredited members. Due to the growing number of members, many of which are not in a role that requires them to attend regular events, the magnetic name badges will no longer be produced for all members. Temporary badges will be produced for each event, with magnetic name badges being reserved only for Accredited members and Life members. Accredited members are encouraged to return their magnetic name badges to SCA (WA) staff after each event for safe keeping. If you are not Accredited and wish to keep your magnetic name badge, the name badges will be available for collection at the next 4 Professional Development events or may be collected by appointment from the SCA (WA) office. 3. Owner members will now receive discount membership to all owner workshops. If you are an owner member you will now receive a 40% discount to owner workshops. To receive the discounted registration rate, please remember to login to the “Member Portal” prior to registering. 4. Accessing the Member Portal To access the member portal, visit strata.community and select “Member Portal” in the top right hand corner, you will then be redirected to the login page. If you do not know your login details, input your email address and select “forgot password”, an email to change your password will then be sent to you, please follow the steps to reset your password. Once your password is reset you will be able to access the member centre. 5. Changes to the E-News As of the 1st July 2017 the E-News layout will be changing to an email format. SCA (WA) will no longer be able to supply a copy of the E-News in hard copy via post.

If you have any questions regarding these updates, please contact the SCA (WA) office on 9381 7084 or admin.wa@stratacommunity.org.au

Event Wrap Up Social Bowls Sundowner Our first social event for the year was a success, with over 80 members coming together at the picturesque Mosman Park Bowls Club for a friendly game of lawn bowls. Drinks, a sausage sizzle and competitive banter made it the perfect social outing to close out the summer season.

Thank you to our Event Sponsor:

Thank you to our Event Supporters:

Moral Dilemma Legal experts Mark Atkinson of Atkinson Legal and Rochelle Castro of RC & CO Lawyers presented to a room of 90 strata managers and industry professionals at Crown about the Moral Dilemmas that can affect strata managers and how to appropriately deal with them.

Thank you to our Event Partner:

Thank you to our Event Supporters:

Event Wrap Up Law Week This free owner workshop held as part of Law Week was a great success with 70 people in attendance. The panel of strata professionals, John Park of Park Legal Solutions, Rachel Cosentino of Slater & Gordon Lawyers and Karen Richardson of Richardson Strata Management explained the key concepts of the Strata Titles Act whilst putting it into practical perspective. Facilitated by SCA (WA) President, Scott Bellerby this workshop was a fantastic success proving owners are eager to learn more about strata.

The Trilogy 70 strata managers and suppliers attended the half day workshop focused on Strata Law by Mark Atkinson of Atkinson Legal, Meeting Procedures by Henry Vurens Van Es of Smithwick Strata Services and OH&S and Asbestos by Scott Driscoll of Strata Community Insurance. This workshop was the first time featuring the coffee cart, which was a great success and will be introduced to all future professional development events. The barista churned out over 300 coffees! “Loved the information today – it was great. Well done!” – Attendee “I enjoyed the topics discussed and would like to go to a continuation” – Attendee

“Coffee cart = 11/10 – Great move” – Attendee

Thank you to our Event Supporters:

Event Wrap Up Owner Workshop - Role of the Council Over 30 owners attended this workshop, presented by Sheryal Griggs, to help them gain a better understanding of how to be a successful member of the council and the key areas that they must be aware of. A fantastic turnout with excellent questions, the owners walked out with a far better understanding of their role and responsibilities. “Good session for overview knowledge” – Owner “Seminar very worthwhile – information well presented, thank you” – Council Member

Save the Date 2017 Symposium 17th November 2017 Joondalup Resort Awards Gala Dinner 8th December 2017 Pan Pacific Perth

Accreditation Pathway

The Strata Community Australia (SCA) Strata Community Manager Accreditation Program provides nationally recognised professional qualifications for strata managers. Consumers now demand it and strata managers, in order to remain up‐to‐date and competitive, need to have it. Each level of accreditation includes specific obligations for the member to undergo continuing professional development (CPD) to maintain their accreditation status. Successful applicants are issued with certificates with their accreditation level and official accreditation logos for use in electronic and hard copy stationery.

Why accreditation is necessary Consumers need to have a high level of trust with those who manage property on their behalf. The strata sector accounts for half a trillion dollars’ worth of assets, yet outside of New South Wales, Victoria, the Northern Territory and the ACT (where licensing is compulsory), anyone can currently set up a strata management business with no formal qualifications or industry self‐regulation. For consumers: accreditation provides a way to identify strata managers who have submitted themselves to a code of ethics and undertake continuing professional development, so creating security, trust, professionalism and recognition. For the strata industry: accreditation enables strata community managers to gain professional recognition, and thereby a competitive advantage, which can enhance their business, and help build a long term career. Consequently, accreditation works to raise strata industry standards overall. Specifically it helps ensure strata managers:      

are aware of relevant and current legislation follow the specific requirements of legislation adhere to best practice adopt current procedures commit to clerical excellence and continually enhance their managerial and meeting chairmanship skills.

How to become accredited

Strata community managers seeking accreditation must:  be members of their respective SCA state or territory affiliate  submit to a code of ethics  undertake additional training or submit evidence of their competency. How it is administered The program has been developed by the SCA Professional Standards and Membership Committee which includes state and territory representatives. This group governs the overall accreditation program nationally while SCA's state and territory affiliates oversee the delivery of education programs and accreditation of individuals under the national framework. Accreditation levels and Requirements for Members of Strata Community Australia. There are four levels of accreditation. For all Levels, it is mandatory that the applicant is an ordinary member of SCA in their respective state or territory and adheres to the Code of Conduct/Ethics. Prerequisite to join SCA’s Accreditation Pathway For an ordinary member to join SCA’s Accreditation Pathway, successful completion of the SCA A100 Essentials of Strata Community Management is a prerequisite.

Accreditation Pathway

To be awarded accreditation, the following requirements are mandatory:

LEVEL 1 ‐ Accredited Strata Community Manager (ASCM) 

Minimum of 2 years membership & adherence to SCA Code of conduct plus Completion of Cert. III in Strata Community Management or approved equivalent


Minimum of 24 CPD points acquired through ongoing professional development (minimum of 12 points per annum)

LEVEL 2 ‐ Certified Strata Community Manager (CSCM)

Minimum 2 years membership & adherence to SCA Code of Conduct plus Completion of Cert IV in Strata Community Management or approved equivalent plus

Minimum of 24 CPD points acquired through to ongoing professional development (minimum of 12 points per annum)

LEVEL 3 ‐ Practicing Strata Community Manager (PSCM) 

Minimum 5 years membership & adherence to SCA Code of Conduct plus Completion of Diploma in Strata Community Management or approved equivalent plus

Minimum of 24 CPD points acquired through to ongoing professional development over a period of two years

LEVEL 4 ‐ Fellow Strata Community Manager (FSCM) 

Existing Practicing Strata Community Manager (PSCM) plus

Minimum of 15 years membership plus extensive record of service to industry e.g. through board and/or committee participation and involvement and dedication in training and mentoring OR

Existing Practicing Strata Community Manager (PSCM) plus

Minimum of 12 years membership plus minimum of 10 years’ experience in managing Strata Communities plus Completion of Post Graduate qualification or Master Degree in an industry related discipline OR

Existing Life Members of SCA

wa.stratacommunity.org.au 9381 7084 215 Hay Street Subiaco East WA 6008

Contact Us!

Phone 08 9381 7084

For Events, Memberships & general queries, contact Sasha Costanzo Events & Administration Coordinator Email admin.wa@stratacommunity.org.au

For Accounts queries, contact Sue Gamble Accounts Officer Email accounts.wa@stratacommunity.org.au

For Sponsorship enquiries, contact Kara Grant General Manager Email gm.wa@stratacommunity.org.au

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