SCA (WA) E-News Edition 1 2017

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2017 E‐News Edition 1

Platinum Sponsors

~ Another satisfied customer ~

Dear Mr Perrott,

In the past 6 weeks one of your teams have been painting the Apartments at 105 Melville Parade in Como. I cannot find the exact words to express how impressed we are and grateful for the work that has been carried out by this very professional team of painters, superbly led by Kim. I have never seen a team work so cohesively. Their painting skills are second to none, perfection is an understatement. Nothing was too much trouble, the team communicated so well with the occupants, their cleanliness was to be admired. I would like to thank the team sincerely for making this experience for us so easy with the least amount of disruption possible. Kim is a credit to your organisation and is a great leader of his team. He also had some lovely words to say about Tom Perrott, very complimentary. Our sincere thanks and best wishes to all for the future.

Yours sincerely John and Caroline R.





President’s Report


SCA (WA) Introduction to Council


Article on Banking Security, Graeme Speak (founder of Bank Vault)


Member Benefits


Update on Education


Accreditation Pathway


Upcoming Events


Events Calendar 2017


Event Wrap Up – South West Seminar


Event Wrap Up – Outlook Breakfast


SCA (WA) 2017 Sponsors


SCA (WA) Office Contacts



Thank you to our members and sponsors for the very warm welcome I’ve received since joining SCA (WA) in early January this year, I’m excited to be here and I’m looking forward to working with you all to achieve the best possible outcomes for the strata sector. Many of the challenges faced by those involved in the strata industry often come as a result of a lack of knowledge and understanding, creating a difficult environment for stakeholders to effectively work together. It is a priority of SCA to provide all members with the necessary resources to assist them in bridging this gap. In this edition of E‐news, we’ve focused on education and have highlighted the fantastic training opportunities that are now available for Strata Community Managers, service providers, council members and lot owners. We’ve also provided a clear outline of the SCA Accreditation Pathway. New Member Portals An important change that SCA has introduced this year is the new online member management system. By now you will have received an email with instructions to renew your membership via your very own member portal. Moving forward, this system will allow members to register for events online and will also track your CPD points (we will advise you when this function is available). The introduction of this system will significantly enhance the service that we’re able to offer to our members and we thank you for your cooperation and patience during the transition period. If you’ve not already renewed your membership, please ensure you do so by 31st March 2017. If you’re having trouble renewing your membership, please don’t hesitate to contact our office for assistance. Cyber Crime I’ve recently been part of a number of conversations around cyber crime and it has amazed me how frequently this issue is affecting businesses today. One example involved a council member having their email hacked where the culprit found an invoice in the inbox, altered the bank details, and then sent the altered invoice to the Strata Manager from the council member’s email address. When the Strata Manager received the invoice together with an email from the council member instructing the Strata Manager to pay the invoice, nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary. This is one example of many, and these attempts are becoming increasingly advanced. It is important that we are aware of this growing issue and put processes in place to minimise the risk. Bank Vault has kindly provided an article (Page 24) on banking security and we have arranged a cyber security expert to present at the upcoming Principals Retreat. This will no doubt continue to be an area of focus in the near future with most banking transactions now occurring electronically. We hope you enjoy the first edition of E‐news for 2017 and we look forward to working with you all for the coming year! Kara Grant General Manager

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Presiden nt’s Re eportt It has been a fast paced start tto the year w with SCA (WA A) at the fore efront of a num mber of key aareas. Strata a Title Reform m Over tthe last threee months we e have been working clossely with Lan ndgate on the e drafting of the amendm ment to the S Strata Titles Act. SCA(W WA) has lon g advocated d that licenssing of stratta managerss is both desira able and neecessary to ensure efffective conssumer prote ection, a minim mum educatiion standard d is achieved, strata maanagers are of good characteer, trust acco ounting standards are im mplemented and sanction ns for defaullting strata m managers are put iin place. Funds m managed thatt are both co ollected and spent by strrata managers in Westerrn Australia a alone are estimateed at over $1 $ billion per annum. S CA(WA) rem mains firmly of the view that licensing is the most ap ppropriate way w to regulate strata m managers an nd is urging the governnment to im mplement licensingg using the same model a as many otheer occupatio ons. Strata m managers currrently require no formall education o or qualificatio on, nor are tthere any resstrictions on beco oming a stratta manager ssuch as policce clearance es. Yet, they are in effecttive control of multi‐ million d dollar assets and may ho old anywheree between sseveral millio on dollars to thirty millio on dollars on behaalf of their clients with no requiremeent for auditts. Consume ers often incoorrectly assu ume that they aree dealing with w qualified d professionnals who are e regulated along the ssame lines as other industriees. As it currrently stands, this ‘open door’ industtry is in dangger of attractting undesiraable operato ors whilst failing to o attract mo otivated proffessionals loooking for a respected and acknowleedged caree er. This is already evidenced by b the severre labour shoortage that many professsional businnesses are struggling with. SCA(WA A) is currently the onlyy body offeering memb bership, pro ofessional deevelopment and an accredittation pathw way for stratta managerss, with appro oximately 110 strata m anagement business memberrs. It is imp portant to no ote that we now have aa nationally recognised accreditation a n pathway for f strata managers. This paathway startts with the A100 Coursse offered by b SCA (soonn to be online) and progressses to the Ceertificate IV in Strata Com mmunity Management and Diploma in Strata Community Manageement. The Cerrtificate IV and Diplom ma are alreaady offered online via RMIT, whi le SCA(WA) have a commitm ment from the North Metropolitan M n TAFE and are working g hard, togeether with RMIT, to deliver tthe course sttructure for T TAFE to impllement this yyear. We havee never been n in strongerr position to implement licensing and d minimum eeducation sttandards. Saying this, the priority is that th he Draft Ameendments arre passed byy parliament this year. T To ensure there iss no delay, we propose e a minimuum educatio on requirement and reggistration sccheme is implemeented with the amended d Act, as detaailed in the kkey points be elow.

President’s Report There is also an expectation that a Licensing Consultation Group be established following the March 2017 election, which is made up of key industry representatives with the aim of delivering a pathway to Government, for the implementation of licensing of the strata industry in WA. Our submission to Landgate, which has been supported by the Property Council of Australia, detailed several key points, including 

Stronger regulation of strata managers and consumer protection could be achieved by including an additional requirement that Strata Managers must: o hold professional indemnity insurance of a minimum prescribed amount; o be registered (this would also assist in accurately identifying the size of the industry); o hold minimum education qualifications as prescribed; o hold a Police Clearance Certificate

This could be achieved by reference to such requirements as are prescribed by the Regulations however if such is to be considered, there must also be: a) An adequate transitional period to allow existing businesses to comply; b) Consideration of additional cost impositions on strata managers which will be passed on to consumers; c) Consideration of the definition of “Strata Manager” or a clear distinction between employed staff of strata management businesses and the business itself and/or its’ Principal. It may be appropriate to impose stronger requirements on the Principal/ responsible officer for the business with lower level requirements to apply to employed staff. SCA (WA) Position Paper With the State Election well and truly upon us, it is essential that SCA (WA) takes a more proactive approach in getting our voice heard. To achieve this, we are working with Market Place Communications on a Position Paper which has been sent to the political parties and Key Ministers and Shadow Ministers. In addition to Licensing, other key items within the position paper include building standards and protection for owners of new developments through a developer’s retention fund, the desperate need to introduce Community Title schemes to enhance the future development of WA and compulsory reserve funds, backed by regular building maintenance forecast reports. National Unification Following the National SCA meeting held mid February where the 5 year strategic plan was set, it was agreed that Head Office needed to focus on improving their delivery of services, prior to then reviewing unification. Scott Bellerby SCA (WA) President

SCA (WA) Council President – Scott Bellerby Scott Bellerby is the Managing Director for Bellcourt Strata Management, having only recently joined the strata industry in early 2014. Hailing from a diverse property background, Scott brings over 7 years’ experience working as a commercial property valuer and 5 years as a senior retail development manager working for a number of major national and international retailers in acquisition, leasing, planning and project management. Scott sees the strata industry being a rapid evolution and wants to be actively involved in helping shape this progression for the benefit of all strata managers, proprietor and developers of strata schemes. Immediate Past President – Rachel Cosentino Rachel is the Practice Group Leas, Business and Specialised Litigation Services with Slater & Gordon Lawyers. She has more than 10 years’ experience in dispute resolution across areas including employee and workplace relations, property disputes, professional negligence, trade practices, inheritance, breaches of contract, sports and recreational club law. Vice President – Marietta Metzger Marietta has been working in the strata industry for more than 10 years and is an Accredited Strata Company Manager. Marietta also holds a Certificate IV in Property Services (Operations), and is very passionate about providing and accreditation pathway to members of SCA (WA). This pathway will provide Strata Managers with nationally recognised professional qualifications. Marietta is now accredited under Level 2 – Certified Strata Community Manager (CSCM). Secretary – Janine Chapman Janine was elected to the SCA (WA) Council in September 2013. Janine is an experienced strata manager and has worked in the industry for over 8 years. Janine is an Accredited Strata Manager and is passionate about education and development of not only the strata managers in the industry but also the council of owners and lot owners. Janine is also a current member of the Professional Development Committee.

SCA A (WA A) Cou uncil Treasurer – Ryan M Murphy Ryan iss a Director of Richardso on Strata Management Services, assisting in running the familyy business and a responssible for a ccomplex porrtfolio of Strata Companies. Ryan has 15 1 years’ experience in business ba anking in NSW and WA and during his laast 5 years w was a Busine ss Banking M Manager, 0M. Ryan controlling a lendinng portfolio of $100M & deposit porrtfolio of $30 joins SC CA (WA) Couuncil with de esire to have e a positive i nfluence in tthe work being d done and to see our industry continue to evolvee for all stakkeholders as the peak industrry body in strrata. Andrew w Chamberss Andrew w has been iinvolved in tthe strata management industry for the past 21 yea ars. In 2001 he started his h own stra ata managem ment business which has gro own substanntially over tthe years and is now reggarded as on ne of the top 5 largest in WA A. Since 2002 Andrew ha as held a num mber of positions on A (WA) includ ding Secretarry, Vice Pressident and tw wo terms the Council of SCA as Pressident. In 20005 he was an inaugura al member oof the REIW WA Strata nd Tittles Chapter andd was a 2 de elegate for W WA on the paast NCTI boa ard. Paul Ke eet Paul is the Managging directorr of Strata Asset A Servicees WA and has h been involve ed in the straata industry since 1992. During thatt time Paul h has been an active member of the state council and various com mmittees with a focus m and management on leggal issues, ppublic policyy, licencing, law reform practicce standarrds. Promo oting high her servicee standard ds and professsionalism in the strata m management industry thrrough educa ation and management practtices has bee en of key imp portance to PPaul. Emma Watton Emma is an indeppendent con nsultant and d visionary leader who o defines strateggy and conneects stakeholders to effect change, w with a focus o on brand and ho ow it is deliveered through hout the org ganisation. S he has over 15 years workin ng internatio nal and locaally on develo oping brandss, creating strategies to connect compa nies to their market and working cclosely with business nd brand ownerss and entre preneurs to evolve and align both business an strateggy.

Introducing Schindler’s Smarter Reporting System Dashboard is Schindler’s new smarter reporting system, launching in March 2017. It is capable of providing you with enhanced real time reporting via an internet browser or smartphone app. It contains all the facts, figures and related maintenance plans for your elevators and escalators together with an online document and information repository. We are also beginning to perform smarter maintenance delivery, which will increase the performance of your equipment. Based on best demonstrated practices, across our most successful operations, Schindler service will soon be delivered in a smarter and more effective way.

Be prepared for NBN rollout The rollout of the NBN will affect the operation of lift emergency phones. In most cases, you will have 18 months from your connection date to migrate your services to the NBN. Be sure to register at to take advantage of the NBN disconnection extension period and to let NBNco know that the line is being used for emergency communications. We’ve been working on a clever solution which will allow you to equip your lifts with industry leading, smart technology. We’ll be in touch soon with more information... Contact us Glenn Fairey | Sales Manager Service Phone +61 8 9282 1821 Mobile 0 421379603 Email


Artiicle: B Banking Seecurity

Bankking Fob bs and SSMS texxts creatte a falsse sensee of security By Grraeme Sp eak, Foun nder BankVault

Two‐factor authentication (2FA) was developped decadess ago as a solution to thee eternally frustrating problem m of verifyingg who you are to an autoomated online system—liike online baanking. Logging on or, moree precisely, authenticatiion, can be done many different waays—with pa asswords the mosst familiar. B But, passwords can be sstolen or gue essed, and w we humans aare easily foo oled into giving th hem away to o scammers, so the two‐ffactor approach is popula ar because itt improves o on this by requiring a second, different typ pe of proof as part of th he process. Two login ssteps are bettter than one. ng SMS codees sent to ou ur mobile ph hones, but thhere are ma any other Most off us are comfortable usin examplees around su uch as synch hronised keyy fobs, finge erprinting, USBs and eveen voice recognition. Proving who you aree is made stronger by addding the second factor, but this hass led many p people to have a ffalse sense th hat this som mehow mean s they ‘are ssecure’ only because we can’t imagin ne how a hacker ccould possiblly access som mething we pphysically ho old, like the b banking Fob device or ou ur mobile phone. In everyy cyber heist the bankingg Fob or SMSS text messaage carrying a one‐time‐‐passcode was either bypassed or defeateed. There’s a lot more to security—tthere’s evenn a lot more (technically speaking) too logging on than just 2FA only rea lly addressess that first au uthenticatio n part of the e process double cchecking it’s really you. 2 of interaacting with a website, which w is justt one part of o a bigger security conccern you need to be addressiing. The false sense of ssecurity created by 2FA is, of course e, entirely un nderstandabble because iit’s really hard forr most of us to grasp the technical ccomplexitiess of how a human using a computerr actually logs on to a bankin ng website and managess their mone ey online. Itt is a multi‐l ayered proccess with many teechnical elem ments to ke eep secure: the communications co onnection yoour compute er makes with thee banking website, w the e typing of your passw word on you ur keyboardd, the encryyption of informattion and itss transmissio on through the interne et to the ho ost servers, the processing and response back to your computerr, and even w what you eve entually see on your screeen.

Article: Banking Security Hackers consider all of the steps in your security chain and are continually evolving new techniques. For example: 60 Minutes ran a story on a little electronic device that allows anyone to listen in to your mobile phone and receive your text messages. They used this onscreen to hack Nick Xenaphon’s phone live from Berlin. Hacker’s no longer need to impersonate their victim to access the SMS text from the bank. A new hacking technique called Man‐in‐the‐Browser is where the hacker is literally in your browser while you’re performing banking and can change account details, amounts, and even control how these are echoed and displayed on screen. 2FA is certainly an improvement to the logon part of the security problem, but not a solution to security online. The most vulnerable point in any online system is you, your computer and your network. The bank at the other end of the internet can’t secure your part of that information exchange. There are new technologies coming in now which promise a higher level of security. One of the most basic techniques you can do for yourself is have a dedicated laptop not used for anything other than banking. A commercial example of this is which essentially guarantees a pristine new computer without any history is created each login. You continue to use your banking Fob or SMS text as normal but using this system it makes it impossible for hackers to ever get your login details to begin with. It secures online banking and other critically important transactions. 2FA and dual‐2FA has raised the bar against attackers and it should definitely be used. But don’t make the mistake of thinking 2FA is impenetrable just because you can’t imagine how hackers defeat it. You can’t imagine how a magician saws a lady in half either but once you know the trick it’s normally quite simple. BankVault providing secure critical online transactions and communications from hackers by creating invisible temporary endpoint devices,which are secure, anonymous and untraceable. Founded and based in WA BankVault recently won the Silicon Valley Forum’s 2016 World Cup Tech Challenge. Media contact: Graeme Speak 0417.994.880
88 Havelock Street, Perth, Western Australia 6004

Member Benefits

Membership is for anyone involved in the strata industry, whether you’re a Strata Manager, service provider, council member or lot owner. Access to latest strata industry news and information

Through member e‐bulletins, e‐news, & our national magazine, ‘Inside Strata’.

Accreditation & Training

As a member you are entitled to earn Professional Development points with SCA, Department of Commerce and the Legal Practice Board (where applicable) by attending SCA (WA) training. Four levels of Accreditation are available to members of SCA (WA). Members receive discounted rates when attending training events.

Best Practice Series

As part of our commitment to the industry we have developed the Practice Series, aimed at providing owners and residents of Strata Titled properties a greater understanding of the key essentials required to effectively navigate the maze that is Strata Title. The Best Practice Series are a set of three booklets:  The Appointment of Strata Company Manager;  Role of the Strata Company Manager;  Strata Company Financial Reports and information;

Member advisory line

Obtain objective advice on day to day issues, operating fortnightly on Tuesday's between 10am and 11am on 9382 2395. The advisory service is provided solely for general information purposes, and should not be taken as constituting legal advice. You may consider seeking independent legal advice to see if the information provided by SCA (WA) relates to your circumstances. The advisory line is a member only service and offers general information to property owners in relation to matters affecting management or use of strata titled property. The aim of our advisory line is to enable better understanding of strata regulations, obligations, and owners’ rights.


This is maintained through our Professional Standards Committee to ensure that actions by SCA (WA) members are in accordance with the Association’s Constitution and Code of Ethics.

Knowledge Sharing

Whether you are just starting out in strata management or have years of experience under your belt, we can all benefit from sharing our knowledge and experience with others in the industry. Why reinvent the wheel when a fellow member may have recently dealt with a similar issue to the one you are facing? Being a member of SCA (WA) can help you forge lifelong business associations and friendships that will stand you in good stead throughout your professional life.

Business listing

Make it easy for potential customers to find you! All members of SCA (WA) have their name and contact details listed on the SCA (WA) website.


With an important national voice on strata matters, SCA (WA) takes an active interest in ensuring State interests are represented when national policy is developed. We aim to advance the interest of our members by lobbying the WA State Government on issues that affect its members, particularly in relation to the Strata Titles Act, ensuring your voice is heard.

Education SCA has made fantastic progress in developing new and improved education opportunities for people involved in the strata industry. The SCA A100 Course This comprehensive strata community management course provides a practical overview for new managers, an essential review for veteran managers and an advanced course for committee members. You’ll receive a 400-page participant guide filled with dozens of sample forms and time-saving tips for working with homeowners, vendors, managers and other professionals. Successful completion of this course is the first step in obtaining a professional designation from SCA in Strata Community Management as it is the Pre-requisite for entering the SCA Accreditation Pathway for new entrants. Next course: 15th – 17th March 2017 Click here to enquire

Certificate IV in Strata Community Management The Certificate IV Strata Community Management is an industry accredited program for professionals working in strata management or professionals in the property sector looking to move into strata management. This nationally accredited program has been developed by Strata Community Australia and RMIT University. The Certificate IV in Strata Community Management qualification reflects the role of those involved in providing management services for strata communities. Students studying this qualifications will learn about strata schemes and communities; the functions and duties of a manager including the administration and facilitation of meetings, handling strata funds and reporting on financial activities, administering insurance, implementing contracts of appointment and the ability to read plans. SCA (WA) are currently working with North Metropolitan TAFE in Perth to have this training delivered locally, and have applied for the establishment of a traineeship. Click here to enquire

Ongoing Professional Development Our Professional Development committee is dedicated to preparing useful and relevant professional development sessions for our members each year. See Pages 16 to 18 for upcoming events.

Council Member & Lot Owner Training SCA (WA) has introduced regular workshops for council members and lot owners, providing a comprehensive overview of the role of the council and training on how to read strata plans. SCA will also be working with a group of our strata company members to develop online training for council members.

Accreditation Pathway

The Strata Community Australia (SCA) Strata Community Manager Accreditation Program provides nationally recognised professional qualifications for strata managers. Consumers now demand it and strata managers, in order to remain up‐to‐date and competitive, need to have it. Each level of accreditation includes specific obligations for the member to undergo continuing professional development (CPD) to maintain their accreditation status. Successful applicants are issued with certificates with their accreditation level and official accreditation logos for use in electronic and hard copy stationery.

Why accreditation is necessary Consumers need to have a high level of trust with those who manage property on their behalf. The strata sector accounts for half a trillion dollars’ worth of assets, yet outside of New South Wales, Victoria, the Northern Territory and the ACT (where licensing is compulsory), anyone can currently set up a strata management business with no formal qualifications or industry self‐regulation. For consumers: accreditation provides a way to identify strata managers who have submitted themselves to a code of ethics and undertake continuing professional development, so creating security, trust, professionalism and recognition. For the strata industry: accreditation enables strata community managers to gain professional recognition, and thereby a competitive advantage, which can enhance their business, and help build a long term career. Consequently, accreditation works to raise strata industry standards overall. Specifically it helps ensure strata managers:      

are aware of relevant and current legislation follow the specific requirements of legislation adhere to best practice adopt current procedures commit to clerical excellence and continually enhance their managerial and meeting chairmanship skills.

How to become accredited Strata community managers seeking accreditation must:  be members of their respective SCA state or territory affiliate  submit to a code of ethics  undertake additional training or submit evidence of their competency. How it is administered The program has been developed by the SCA Professional Standards and Membership Committee which includes state and territory representatives. This group governs the overall accreditation program nationally while SCA's state and territory affiliates oversee the delivery of education programs and accreditation of individuals under the national framework. Accreditation levels and Requirements for Members of Strata Community Australia. There are four levels of accreditation. For all Levels, it is mandatory that the applicant is an ordinary member of SCA in their respective state or territory and adheres to the Code of Conduct/Ethics. Prerequisite to join SCA’s Accreditation Pathway For an ordinary member to join SCA’s Accreditation Pathway, successful completion of the SCA A100 Essentials of Strata Community Management is a prerequisite.

Accreditation Pathway To be awarded accreditation, the following requirements are mandatory:

LEVEL 1 ‐ Accredited Strata Community Manager (ASCM) 

Minimum of 2 years membership & adherence to SCA Code of conduct plus Completion of Cert. III in Strata Community Management or approved equivalent


Minimum of 24 CPD points acquired through to ongoing professional development (minimum of 12 points per annum)

LEVEL 2 ‐ Certified Strata Community Manager (CSCM)

Minimum 2 years membership & adherence to SCA Code of Conduct plus Completion of Cert IV in Strata Community Management or approved equivalent plus

Minimum of 24 CPD points acquired through to ongoing professional development (minimum of 12 points per annum)

LEVEL 3 ‐ Practicing Strata Community Manager (PSCM) 

Minimum 5 years membership & adherence to SCA Code of Conduct plus Completion of Diploma in Strata Community Management or approved equivalent plus

Minimum of 24 CPD points acquired through to ongoing professional development over a period of two years

LEVEL 4 ‐ Fellow Strata Community Manager (FSCM) 

Existing Practicing Strata Community Manager (PSCM) plus

Minimum of 15 years membership plus extensive record of service to industry e.g. through board and/or committee participation and involvement and dedication in training and mentoring OR

Existing Practicing Strata Community Manager (PSCM) plus

Minimum of 12 years membership plus minimum of 10 years’ experience in managing Strata Communities plus Completion of Post Graduate qualification or Master Degree in an industry related discipline OR

Existing Life Members of SCA

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Summer Holidays!

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Another bi-product could be

with an increased bather load.

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Bathers bring dirt, suntan

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water, which could be costly

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to reverse.

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chlorine become more

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This could lead us to believe that a lower pH would be the

Free chlorine can bond with

route to take, especially over

nitrogen from swimmer waste

the summer months, with the

higher bather loads when

of infectious diseases, achieve

maximum disinfection would

maximum comfort for all

be desired.

bathers, and maximize

However the comfort of the

longevity of the structure.

bathers as well as healthy

The basic principles of

water is essential. The pH of

maintaining a swimming pool,

the human eye and mucous

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are 7.4, so this, along with

in the correct range, and

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sufficient circulation and

sanitizer would be the reason

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why the ideal pH range is

sound and well established.

between 7.2 and 7.6

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the maintenance of a

with increased temperatures

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Upcoming Events Strata Assistants PD Training This workshop is ideal for Strata Assistants and Administrative staff to develop your skills on how a strata works, the importance of communication and using real life scenarios discuss how you can assist your strata manager better. When: Tuesday, 14th March 2017 Time: 2:00pm – 4:40pm Where: Technology Park, Theatre, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley CPD: 2 CPD Points Register:

A100 This comprehensive course provides a detailed overview of the Australian Strata Community Industry. It is the perfect introduction for new strata managers and a great refresher for experienced members of the industry. When: Wednesday 15th – Friday 17th March 2017 Where: Level 10, Brookfield Place, 125 St Georges Terrace, Perth Register:

How to read a strata plan & what does it comprise? Participants will learn what comprises a strata/survey-strata plan and how its contents can affect the ongoing management of a strata scheme. When: Friday, 24th March 2017 Time: 8:30am – 12:00pm Where: Technology Park, Seminar Room 2, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley CPD: 3 CPD Points Register:

PD Events Calendar 2017


CPDs / Event Type / Venue/ Speakers

14 Mar

2 CPD Workshop Bentley 2.00pm – 4.40pm Carole Anderson 15‐17 Mar 24 Mar 3 CPD Workshop Bentley 8.45‐12.00 Peter Munday 28 Apr Social Sundowner 5.00 – 9.00 11 May 1.5 CPD Breakfast Crown 23‐25 May 2 Jun 4 CPD Workshop Sundowner Bentley

14 Jun

7 July

20 Jul

4 CPD Convention Hunter Valley 4 CPD Workshop Sundowner Bentley

1.5 CPD Breakfast Crown

Topic Strata Assistants PD Training

SCA A100 How to read a strata plan & what does it comprise?

Sundowner (SM office competition) Mosman Park Bowling Club ‘’Moral Dilemma’’ A breakfast workshop covering elements of the Code of Conduct, what is expected of a strata manager. SCA A100 4hr Workshop Legal Category 1. Strata Titles Act 2. OHS – Risk Management (asbestos & building survey’s) Finance Category 1. Mutual & Non‐mutual Income/ Tax Returns Technical & Professional Category 1. Development of lifecycle schedule Managing Asset register (new & old buildings) SCA Convention

4hr Workshop Legal Category 3. Strata Titles Act 4. OHS – Risk Management (asbestos & building survey’s) Finance Category 2. Mutual & Non‐mutual Income/ Tax Returns Technical & Professional Category 2. Development of lifecycle schedule Managing Asset register (new & old buildings) ‘’Lego‐Land of Strata’’ Building & Structural Alterations Section 7 Application & Altered Boundaries

PD Events Calendar 2017

23 Aug

14 Sep

11 Oct

3 CPD Workshop Bentley 8.45‐12.00 Peter Munday 1.5 CPD Breakfast, Crown

CPD Breakfast, Crown 23‐25 Oct TBA 16 & 17 4 CPD Nov 8 Dec

How to read a strata plan & what does it comprise?

‘’The Under Belly of Strata”  Dealing with suspected crime, prostitution, bad behaviour, drugs etc.  As a strata manager, what can you do or not do?  CCTV – releasing images PD Workshop A100 AGM 2017 Symposium 9.00am ‐ 3.00pm 2017 Strata Community Awards Gala Dinner MBM donate gift to charity Xmas tree

Even nt Wraap Up p

Soutth West Region n Seminaar

The yeaar began witth the South West Reggion Strata SSeminar, a ffantastic tu rnout of Strrata Manageers and Lot Owners fro om all arounnd the South West Reg gion. The 4 hhour workshop was a b brief compilaation of wo orkshops hoosted in Pertth, with pre esentations from Paul K Keet (Strata Asset Servicces), Shane White (Straata Title Consult), Leon nie Milonas s (Strata Commu unity Insurance), Kara G Grant (SCA WA, General Managerr) and Scott Bellerby (SCA WA, Presideent). Topics iincluded thee role of the e council, hhow to read strata plans, insurancee requirements and working with sshort stay strata schem mes. There w was great in nteraction ffrom the audience with pro oductive discussions built amongsst the group p. Many reegional members and non‐memb ers miss ou ut on great learning oppportunities that are read dily available in Perth. The outsta nding turno out from ma anager and owners in tthe South W West proved d more education needds to be con nducted in rregional areeas.

Thank you to our Evennt Supporte er:

Event Wrap Up “Back to the Future” Outlook Breakfast This years’ Strata Outlook had a great turnout of Strata Managers, Suppliers and Sponsors. SCA (WA) President, Scott Bellerby opened by discussing how he and SCA are vying for licencing of the strata industry and changes wanting to be made to the Strata Titles Act. SCA CEO, Kim Henshaw explained why SCA (WA) has merged with National and the positives it will bring to the association. Next up was Stephen Padbury of Macquarie who went into the finer detail of the financial market, comparing where it sits today to this time last year and how current affairs can and have affected the economy. One of the highlights of this year’s outlook was Paralympian and founder of NoXcuses, Brant Garvey, an incredible athlete who proves that no matter what, nothing should stop you from achieving your dreams. To learn more about Brant visit his website Insight, jokes and motivational stories, the SCA (WA) Outlook was the perfect way to kick start 2017.

Thank you to our Event Partner

Thank you to our Event Supporters:


Plat atinu um Spon S nsorss

Gold G d Spon onsor rs

Silver r Spo onso ors

SCA (WA) Office

Contact Us!

We’re here to help, so please don’t hesitate to contact us with any queries you may have!

Phone 08 9381 7084

For Events, Memberships & general queries, contact Sasha Costanzo Events & Administration Coordinator Email

For Accounts queries, contact Sue Gamble Accounts Officer Email

For Sponsorship enquiries, contact Kara Grant General Manager Email 9381 7084 215 Hay Street Subiaco East WA 6008

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