DFID Risk framework analysis

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DFID Risk framework analysis – Update January 2015 The following possible obstacles to the achievement of the project’s results and objectives have been identified.

External risks 

Political risk: Political situation in target countries changes/becomes unstable (e.g. terrorist attack, public sector strike, governmental shutdown due to demonstrations), resulting in risks for programme implementation and beneficiaries’ safety. o

In 2013, 2014 and at this moment again (for more information on recent political violence Bangladesh political violence 2015), Bangladesh has been politically unstable. At the beginning of 2013, a political shutdown caused significant delay in programme implementation. However, this was corrected for in the second half of the year through intensification in programme activities.


Although the situation in Bangladesh is still unstable, we do not expect programme delay in 2014 nor 2015.


In 2013 prolonged teacher strikes took place in Kenya, influencing programme implementation of our partner in Nairobi specifically as their activities take place at school sites. Events were organised for the beneficiaries to catch up on missed sessions.

Legal & Regulatory risk: Changes in laws or regulations limit scope to act. o

In Kenya, law makers created a Bill that would cap foreign investment in local Kenyan NGO’s to 15%. Fortunately the Bill was rejected in Parliament in December 2013.


In 2015, public hearings were introduced in Kenya to propose amendments to the Public Benefits Organisations Act. This could influence the rules and regulations for NGOs operating in Kenya. More information can be found here: Kenya PBO Act 2015

Acts of God: Natural disasters prevent or delay action. o

In March 2014, the first case of Ebola was reported in West-Africa. Since then there has been an extensive Ebola Outbreak in several countries, including Nigeria. This has influenced programme implementation in Nigeria, although YEF has been able to mitigate the risk quite successfully. Policies by educational authorities to reduce personal contact as a precaution made peer session challenging. Therefore some girls used informal settings to reach out to their peers. They used break periods, and interpersonal communication to reach out to their peers. Weekly life skill sessions also

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