Strathallian The

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
Mother Teresa

Chairman of Governors
M A Griffiths LLB (Hons) CA
D M Lauder, MA (Hons)
Professor Dr J Crang BA PGCE PhD FRHis FRSA
Mr A J Sinclair BSc
NP Mr D Gillanders
Mr K C Dinsmore BA LLB DipLP
Mr N M Campbell CA
Mr P Johnston ACCA
Mr S Fairbairn MA LLB DipLP
Mrs E Lister BSc DipEd
Mrs G M Wilson MA (Fine Art) PGCE
Mrs A Clark MSc BA (Hons)
Prof G I Paton BSc PhD CSci FHEA
Mr A Naasan
Mrs C Clark
Mr R Gibson
Mr E Anderson
Bursar & Clerk to the Governers
Mr A C Glasgow, MBE BEng MSc CEng
Speech Day 2023 THE HEADMASTER

MR CHAIRMAN, GOVERNORS AND HONORARY GOVERNORS, GUESTS, LADIES, GENTLEMEN, STAFF AND PUPILS. We are especially pleased that you have come to support Strathallan and its pupils today. I thank Professor Andrew Morris, along with members of his family, for being here as our Guest of Honour.
Speech Day is of course a major celebration of the achievements of each school year with academic achievement at its heart and so it is right to reflect upon this first.
The Dux Medal is awarded to the pupil who has done best in public exams in the preceding summer, and I am delighted to congratulate Roli S for his stellar results last year of 4 A* at A Level. And I’m pleased to hear how well he’s doing at St Andrew’s University. Exam results were again impressive last year despite the disruption of the preceding years, and I congratulate the pupils and staff on this achievement. A Level grades were in line with best pre-pandemic grades which was significant and highly pleasing and the pass rate at 99% equalled that of 2019 and 2021. Twelve pupils achieved all A*/A grades and the UCAS points achieved by the top
third of pupils equated to 3 A* grades. Highers were the best ever results from exams with the highest number of A, B and C grades in a cohort – vindicating the move to one-year Highers and the introduction of Advanced Highers. Our first ever Advanced Higher grades were successful too with a 98% pass rate and three fifths of grades being As and Bs. GCSE results were the best ever outside of the pandemic years with 10% of all grades being 9s, over a third of grades being 7-9 and the strongest value-added results ever. Our EPQ projects too were excellent again and each year we see real progress and academic maturity developed through this additional qualification taken by some of our A Level students. Entry to Higher Education remained strong too, led by Glasgow and Edinburgh Universities on 9 apiece, Aberdeen on 6, St Andrew’s on 3 and Heriot-Watt on 7. Selective universities featured strongly as I would expect and there is a growing entry to international universities with 5 pupils last year opting to study abroad, including last year’s Captain of School Charlotte, who took up her place at Harvard on a Rugby Scholarship to study engineering. Now that’s an impressive achievement!
Speech Day is of course a major celebration of the achievements of each school year with academic achievement at its heart

High academic achievement this year is recognised today for all year groups. We should remember that a significant amount of work from pupils goes into these prizes and the academic leadership this requires, day in day out, lifts ALL our pupils over the course of a year – everyone benefits.
But preparing pupils for life beyond the school gates requires more than exam results, its only part of the picture. In preparing pupils for life after school a holistic approach is what we pursue and for that reason Strathallan is an all-round school. It includes too those elements of education that are not so easily measured but which we instinctively know are important alongside results, often called the co-curriculum. Bright, engaged children flourish and excel in a range of areas which change and develop as they do. Academic excellence is enhanced by extra-curricular activity when a healthy balance is achieved. And underpinning all of this are our values as a school and a community. It’s important to remember that grades open doors; but as I often say, it matters in the end perhaps more what kind of person is walking through those doors.
Values come from parents and families, but they are also lived out and tested in schools, especially boarding schools, when pupils away from their parents in their
first real experience of independence. Whatever we think about the future, however nervous we are about it, the one thing we know for sure is that to equip our children and young people with strong core values, as we do in this school, values shared by the staff, governors, parents and Strathallian community alike, will help set them up for an exciting future of possibilities and opportunities. This is as good a time as any to recognise the central role in school life chapel plays. Rev Wylie is a key person in all our lives at Strathallan and we are hugely grateful for all his insight, his support, his teaching, his services, his jokes and sense of humour and his care for us all. Values too have played a particular role in the Prep School this year with full accreditation being given for the Pre Senior Baccalaureate, or PSB. This is a core set of learning values that cross all subjects in those formative years and we are the first school in Scotland to achieve this status and recognition. I congratulate Mrs Lalani and her PSB team, led by Mr Gardiner, for their success. Mr Gardiner, alongside Miss Leese will be Assistant Heads in the Prep School from September, a planned part of our growth of the school’s structures and systems to ensure we are resourcing the time and care our youngest pupils need. I wish them both well with their new responsibilities.
In preparing pupils for life after school a holistic approach is what we pursue and for that reason Strathallan is an all-round school.

Part of that planning for the eventual extension to lower years is the decision now to move to years 1 and 2. Having our own prep school has allowed us to access IAPS events, competitions, staff training and more in a way that Riley House could not do. We have levelled the playing field for our junior pupils in relation to other prep schools and they are the main beneficiaries of this move which is as it should be.
Given our emphasis every year on values and personal development, we spend a lot of time and effort in engaging pupils in our extensive cocurricular programme. Community Service has been enjoyed and appreciated through both the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and volunteering activities. Learning through service to others who live in very different circumstances has been both rewarding, challenging and beneficial for our pupils and work with Fairview School in Perth with children with Special Needs is just one example of this. I am grateful to Mr Miles and the Chaplain for leading in this important area of school life as well as the pupils who engage with this — well done.
Charity work has been varied and generously supported with thousands raised for The Royal British
Legion, CHAS (The Children’s Hospice), Children in Need, CROW (Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife), the Turkey/Syria Earthquake Appeal, the Beatson Cancer Charity, Solidaritee and The Lighthouse (a mental health charity).
Thousands has also been raised for Kenya Children’s Home whom we have supported for many years. Toys were also collected and sent to Ukraine at Christmas and a 6 th form sleepout raised money for the Perth Foodbank. I congratulate all the staff involved across both schools as well as pupils; and of course, thank you to parents for your generous support too.
Music is flourishing in Mr MacAuley’s second year as Director of Music, assisted ably by Angus K as Music Captain. The year started again with The Big Sing and ensembles new and old continue to practice, prepare and perform to dazzling effect.
Our Christmas extravaganza in Perth Concert Hall was hugely enjoyable; House Music a triumph; Carol Concerts here, in Edinburgh and in London were enjoyed and appreciated; Remembrance music helped bring reflection to our service of commemoration. Masterclasses have been held and music trips undertaken. Piano music excels and of special
It’s important to remember that grades open doors; but as I often say, it matters in the end perhaps more what kind of person is walking through those doors.
The year started again with The Big Sing and ensembles new and old continue to practise, prepare and perform to dazzling effect.
mention is William L winning his recital class at the Edinburgh Music Competition Festival. The Chamber Choir Led by Head Chorister Mischa S has been strong this year and the Orchestra is the best I’ve heard yet in my time at Strath. Music in SPS goes from strength to strength too with musicians regularly performing in Chapel; informal concerts feature many of the SPS pupils and Div music was as much fun for the audience to listen to as it was for the pupils to perform in.
Associated Board music exams have been taken successfully at all age groups: Perform in Perth featured many of our pupils and saw certificates and commendations and class winners aplenty – this year’s results were amongst the best ever. How much our musicians develop is testament to the quality of teaching and opportunity they have and I am grateful to the Music Department for their dedicated hard work.
Our Drama and Performing Arts pupils this year have also been exceptional. Acting in the school is strong and in his fifth and final year Mr Foster did not take it easy with a challenging but brilliantly performed production of DNA . The senior Musical ONCE was also enthusiastically received with standout lead performances by Angus K and Laura B but brilliantly supported by a terrific ensemble cast. The SPS production of Oliver Jr just this last week was joyously
performed by an enthusiastic cast which clearly had several stars of the future. Acting medals, LAMDA exams and certificates and demonstrate the depth and range of our pupils’ ability, passion and commitment and I congratulate in particular Jemima B who has won a coveted place at the Royal Conservatoire in Glasgow for Ballet starting this September.
Art has also excelled this year. Aila D in 2 nd Form was Perthshire Young Photographer of the year 2022, Isobel W won 2 nd place in the Royal Scottish Academy’s School Art Competition, Scotland’s most prestigious school art competition; Rowan F won 2 nd place in the Perthshire Young Artist of the Year competition and Jing W was runner up in Perthshire’s Young photographer of the year 2023. The Art department won best Art Department in Perthshire for the fourth year in a row. My congratulations to all our artists as well as Mr Glancy and Mr Tod.
Piping and Drumming as well as Traditional Music continues to go from strength to strength. Mr Fraser and Mr Richardson took 13 pupils to Barbados this term as well as Mr Muirhead — no show without Punch — and a memorable trip as ever was enjoyed by all and a great experience for the pupils and staff involved — what a tough gig! Their continued success in competitions has been excellent and just goes to show what investment

School trips have begun again... these are wonderful opportunities and I know the pupils gained a great deal from the experiences.
in training and practice facilities can do. We are grateful to the Robertson family for their substantial donation which allowed us to refurbish the piping centre with proper insulation and sound proofing as well as installing two new soundproofed piping pods. The Traditional music performances all year have been hugely popular and entertaining and the recent Trad night in Art café was perhaps the best way to round off an excellent year for all concerned.
The CCF goes from strength to strength too under the leadership of Mrs Marjoribanks and our Army, Navy and Royal Marines sections all are doing well with plans for an RAF section now underway. A win at the Pringle Trophy for the Royal Marines Section was a particular highlight this year, but field days, sailing trips and Army camp all have contributed to what is becoming a very fine CCF Contingent indeed. And plans next year to revamp and reorganise Wednesday afternoons will continue this run of good form and ever-improving provision for even more pupils — I congratulate all the officers and staff in the CCF and those NCO pupils who support them.
Our Outdoor Education activities are growing ever more popular, it is therefore no surprise that DofE is on an upward trajectory thanks to the hard work and organisation of Mr Miles and his team. In February we
had 60 pupils complete the expedition training with Outlook Adventures. So far this term, we have had 17 pupils complete their three-day Gold practice, ten pupils have completed the three day Silver practice and 25 pupils complete the two day practice. At present, we have 13 pupils who have completed their Bronze Award, six who have completed Silver and three who have completed Gold.
The John Muir Award too continues to go from strength to strength under the guidance of Mr Kent. Wildlife monitoring, active involvement in the Global Earth Day, continued work on the Thorneyshades drainage ditches, nest box kit production and grafting of heritage apple trees to produce a new Strathallan Heritage Orchard have all featured this year. The group focus on planting and growing has established almost two hundred trees in hedgerows and small woodlands (mainly on the golf course and on Scout Hill), planting wildflowers across the estate and even converting waste woodchip into edible native mushrooms. Pupils have continued to manage the Graveyard as a nature reserve and are maintaining records of what has been found in the wild estate, with some rare species found. This is an excellent activity and the wellbeing walks established around campus build on and benefit for the work of the John Muir award group for which we are grateful.

School trips have begun again, and I am grateful to the staff who led the French trip to Paris and the Geography trip to Iceland — these are wonderful opportunities and I know the pupils gained a great deal from the experiences. It has been a particularly outstanding year for Sport at Strathallan where we continue to offer an inclusive environment which encourages all pupils to participate in a broad range of sporting opportunities.
Fixtures and competition play an important part in the programme, where we have played over 600 fixtures since the start of the academic year across 127 different teams and 19 different sports. The growth in competitive fixtures across all age groups, has provided opportunities for all our pupils to represent the school across the academic year. And by my estimation I’d say we’re on a 70% win rate — which is where I’d want it (Ok — 100% would be great but that means the fixture list is weak so 70% against the best is excellent!)
Our Netball teams have had an excellent year, with our U13 team winning the national cup. The same team also won the IAPS qualifiers and qualified for the national IAPS finals in England. Our 1st VII reached the semi-finals of the national cup and also became Independent Schools’ Netball Champions. Our U15 team also made the last 8 of the national cup and were awarded ‘Team of the Year’ at the Perth & Kinross Sports awards in March. But praise today perhaps needs to go our 2 nd form players — the first Team National Champions in the prep school before the end of its third year is quite an achievement. Netball has a bright future, which is more than can be said for my office carpet after the team had afternoon tea with me to celebrate. If they play the way the devour scones, no wonder they won!
Our senior rugby teams reached national semi and cup finals. The first team lost in the cup semi-final to the eventual winners in a tough but exciting match. The U16s lost only to one team in the conference and that was the team that beat them in the final. Our senior girls’ and boys’ hockey teams both won HPC indoor hockey tournaments, with our 1st XI making the national cup final and our junior boys hockey team reaching the national plate final, both narrowly losing in games that could, have gone either way. Again, our hockey players have excelled this year again. Our swimmers continue to excel on the highest stage. Recently, at the Scottish national age group championships, members of our swim team took part in 57 events, reached 36 finals, achieved 39 personal bests, and won 22 medals — quite an amazing set of stats.
Tennis continues to offer tennis to all our pupils all rear round. Our tennis teams currently have a win percentage of 90%, across the whole school, which is hugely impressive. We were nominated again to be the Tennis School of the Year, which we won last year. Our senior boys’ team were also in the national cup final 16, which has just finished — we came third, beating Millfield in the 3 rd/4 th place play offs after losing the semi-final to the winners and top seeds. The only Scottish school in the top four, this is the best our tennis players have done.
Our cricket teams have enjoyed competitive fixtures during the summer term. Currently our U15 boys’ team reached the national cup semi-finals with our 1st XI in the national cup quarter finals. Our 1st XI has hosted the forty club and the MCC during the summer term, where L6 pupil Joe T scored a brilliant century against the Forty Club and put over 70 runs on the board against

the MCC. For me the highlight was the last ten overs bowled by the 1st XI against Fettes who had Strathallan all out for 91. With 56 for 3 after ten overs, Fettes looked to be cruising towards a five or six wicket win. They should have. In an outrageous display of bowling and fielding, the 1st XI, captained by Archie R, bowled Fettes out for 81. Just stunning and a riveting ten overs — one of the best performances I’ve seen. It must have been quite the bus ride back to Edinburgh! Girls’ cricket continues to grow in the prep school with more girls opting to play cricket in the senior school and this is encouraging to see. Our link with Doo’cot cricket club is allowing more pupils to attend club cricket during the year, which has aided their development. Planned new nets are being installed ahead of next season will also help, I’m sure.
We have also enjoyed success — including wins, placings and international selection — in Fencing, Equestrian, Skiing, Basketball, Badminton, Golf, Gymnastics, Cross Country, Fives, Clays and Athletics where most recently Sophie W won the Scottish Schools’ 100m and 200m gold medals, smashing a 31 year school record in the process. That’s now over 8 school records Sophie has broken.
We have offered an average of 125 separate games and sports activity sessions each week across the academic year, which provides all our pupils the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of sports, which helps develop and grow their skill sets. This is part of our mission to offer our pupils the best multi-sport experience within a school programme in the UK and I am grateful to Mr Thompson, Mr Robertson, Miss Wardlaw and the sports coaches for their hard work and dedication in bring such a busy and successful programme this year to such a successful conclusion.

After successful tours to Italy (Senior rugby) and the north of England (Prep school Hockey & Rugby), our prep school also enjoyed a ski trip to France in February 2023. Our netball girls are attended the world school games in Loughborough in June, finishing a very creditable third if the plate competition. We are planning tours for senior girls’ hockey in August and more tours during the next academic year.
Facilities wise, the school completed the design and construction of an Indoor Strathallan golf studio, in partnership with our professional coach Gregor Wright. Golf at Strathallan continues to grow, with pupils across all year groups enjoying and developing under his expert guidance.
We also upgraded our Fitness suite equipment over the Christmas holidays. The upgrade has already made a positive change for pupils who can now access this state-of-the-art facility.
We have hosted several festivals and competitions over the course of the year. We had our biggest ever attendance at our Strathallan Cross Country Championships, with just under 600 pupils competing. We hosted IAPS netball qualifiers, independent schools’ netball championships, District tennis events, Scottish Hockey national competitions, Scottish Prep school hockey and netball competitions, Perth League Netball, Prep School clays, Prep school cricket festivals, and Caledonia Rugby training, to name a few.
Pupils continue to excel in chosen sports. Over twenty pupils currently in the school are at national or GB level and over 50 pupils currently representing district or regional sides from sports like Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Fencing, Pentathlon, Laser Run, Tennis, Swimming and Netball. And we have a World

Champion in Clays amongst us in Ali T — what an achievement! The focus moving into the next academic year will be to launch and develop more of our new academy programmes (Golf, Swimming, Tennis and Clays), which will provide even greater support to our pupils with ambitions to go to a higher level with their chosen sports. It is hoped that Hockey and Netball will follow in 2024.
The Rugby Academy in its first year had 13 boys and three girls engaged in programmes supported by Mr Henderson. This has resulted in Lottie R’s selection for Scotland U18s, six pupils in Fifth form being selected for the Caledonian programme, the highest number from a single school and players in the L6th have been recognised too in Scotland age groups selection. Three players who left last year have been selected for the Glasgow Warriors academy programme and all represent Scotland at U20 levels. Seven Strathallians, including Scotland Captain Jamie Ritchie, have been selected for the Scotland World Cup squad, a record I think for any school in any home nation national side. Rugby therefore continues to develop and impress and we are grateful to Arnold Clark for their generous sponsorship and support of the academy programme. Not only is it benefitting players here at Strathallan, the outreach and community work we can now undertake with support from Arnold Clark in primary schools is beneficial to the wider community as well as us.
Sport, and in particular rugby, has also helped in relaunching our school exchange programmes. The exchanges we are undertaking last five to six weeks
during which time the pupils are expected to embrace everything host schools have to offer. This year we are exchanging with Canberra Grammar School and Pymble Ladies College, Sydney, both in Australia as well as St Andrew’s College, Grahamstown, in South Africa. Next year we are also adding the following schools to the list of exchange schools, Kinross Wolaroi School, Orange, Australia ; Hilton College, South Africa ; St Andrews College, Christchurch, New Zealand. This is an exciting opportunity for pupils going forward and I am grateful to Mr Giles and our new exchange coordinator, Miss Leese in SPS.
Boarding too has been a focus for us this year.
I congratulate Mr Mace on his first year as Senior Deputy Head, his Boarding Passport initiative won the Boarding Schools Association Innovation award in May this year and this has helped increase and boost boarding in Riley. Our Boarding-In weekend last September saw 97% of senior school pupils boarding. We will be doing this at least twice next year due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback it generated.
We enjoyed the Coronation weekend earlier this term too, with a charity football tournament following the Coronation itself, and over 400 pupils, staff, friends and neighbours enjoying a street party afterwards.
Having opened the Wellbeing Centre this year we will be extending the wellbeing benefits of room furnishings to boarding houses as we begin a threeyear programme to update and upgrade furnishings. The pilot room in Simpson has been universally approved of by the boys which bodes well for the project. This project was launched by Miss Sime, who it

has been announced retires at the end of next term. I’ll be paying due gratitude to her in December and again at next year’s Speech Day which she will come back for as a guest of the school.
And speaking of projects, we have built a plane! Tests commence later this summer and final checks ahead of flying at Scone Airfield where the plane will be based. While we don’t own the plane, we are grateful to the investors who are the pilots for allowing us to benefit from the build programme and we look forward to seeing it airborne soon, sporting the winning tail design from the SPS competition held to earlier this term. Over 300 pupils have engaged in the build and toolbox talks on aspects of design, build, safety and flight have all been part of the process. I am grateful to former Strathallan parent Robin Chisholm who has over seen the build — some 800 hours of unpaid work with our pupils, as well as current parent Mike Pearson, the catalyst behind the project.
Looking ahead, in terms of staffing, Mr Hamill will, from next term, take on the new challenge of being Head of Strath Worldwide and school partnerships. This role is about connections across schools, that will help us to develop our commercial income, thus reducing further our reliance on fees for investment. Mr Hamill will also assist me in the academic admissions process and will pursue a clear strategy for our public benefit provision as a charity. Mr Watt takes over as Deputy Head Academic and I wish them both well in their new roles – there’s lots of work to be done!
So overall, this has been a busy, highly productive year. None of this happens by accident of course and many
people go into making a Strathallan year a success. My first thanks go to the Governors who give generously and freely of their time and expertise to ensure we get it right. Their contribution is essential.
To all our parents, thank you for helping to make Strath a better place through your support, whether it is on the touchline, watching a concert, ensuring homework is done, washing kit, sewing on labels, being a taxi driver, supporting trips and being proud of your children when they do their best. I firmly believe that a genuine partnership between parents and school is essential for the effective education of children so thank you too for your helpful input and feedback and most importantly your trust.
To all the Teaching and Support staff, thank you for your dedication and the care you show for our pupils. The affection and regard in which your pupils hold you is clear. And thank you to the Bursar and his team for the work that is undertaken with the smooth running of the operations and support functions we rely so much on. For some of this year’s staff, however, this is also their last Speech Day. To the leavers, thank you for all you have done in your time at Strath and good luck in your next adventure.
I would also like to thank School Authority — the Captains and Vice Captains of School and the Heads of Houses. You have been exemplary and a great support to me and senior staff. I’ve worked closely with school prefects for 16 years in three schools — and you are as a group are among the best of the bunch. I will miss you next year — your successors have very big shoes to fill.

So I wish Joe T and Eva D L as Captains and Angus G and Annabel A as Vice-Captains every success as they take on the mantles next year — well done and congratulations to them.
Chloe and Ethan as Vice Captains of School this year have been the most dependable prefects as deputies I can recall. You have done a sterling job and I have been hugely impressed by your contributions to the school.
Our school captains, Melissa and Max, have taken their roles seriously this year and both have been proactive and shown genuine care and concerns for their peers. That’s the job of course. But more than this they’ve both genuinely led by example and have made a significant contribution in their own right over their years at Strath. Their thoughtfulness and maturity have been of great help to me this year and to many others besides.
Let me conclude this report thus: The school is in exceptionally good heart and has made further significant progress this year in making changes for the better fulfilment of its purpose. The school roll remains buoyant and further steps to increase investment in the school from sources other than fees are underway. Good staff appointments have been made and steps to increase our effectiveness in and out of the classroom for the benefit of pupils’ progress are ongoing. While there may be difficulties ahead for all independent schools, Strathallan is well placed to meet these challenges and is confident about doing so. A busy year educationally has been a busy year for internal changes too in how we do things. We have achieved a lot. There is more to come however as we continue to sharpen up academically, invest in our pastoral care, improve our facilities and seek to be ambitious for our school and our pupils. There are exciting years ahead of us.
So overall, this has been a busy, highly productive year. None of this happens by accident of course and many people go into making a Strathallan year a success.
Captains of School
Captains of School 2022-23: Melissa F-S & Max M
Vice-Captains of school 2022-23: Chloe M & Ethan W

Our year began with what has become a Strath tradition — accompanying the 3rd form to Lagganlia. It’s a trip designed to give the new 3rd form a warm welcome to the senior school but perhaps warm isn’t quite the right word given the unseasonably cold water and flimsy wetsuits we inevitably have for this trip. It wasn’t just the new 3rd form who were finding their feet. Mr Mace as our new Senior Deputy Head was made aware that Dundee McDonalds was the final bastion of civilisation
and that a stop was absolutely non-negotiable! Just to add extra excitement to the formative experience, the legacy of a certain virus bought back from the preseason Italian rugby tour also made its presence known.
The pre-season tour had, in fact, been excellent. Ten days of training provided a fantastic opportunity to build team spirit and fitness. Rumours were rife, however, about the number of injuries sustained which led more to impressive sun tans rather than sprint speeds. The rugby season that followed was filled with success for the U16 squad in particular, though the first XV certainly showed the prowess of their scrum on one memorable occasion. Unfortunately that memorable occasion was the St Andrew’s Ball but Mr Muirhead remained adamant, when questioned, that the marquee broke itself!
Rugby wasn’t the only sporting success the school had this year. The junior girls’ netball team and the junior and senior boys hockey teams all reached the national cup finals. In the end, it was the U13 Netball team who showed us all how it should be done by bringing home the national trophy.
One of the highlights in the first term is usually House Music, a family favourite and an opportunity for the musically inclined to display their talents whilst also trying to piece together a house choir. However this year it was delayed due to the rugby boys bringing back yet another virus, this time from St Joseph's rugby festival. Though that festival didn’t end with a podium place, it did provide some excellent opportunities. First, three full days of rugby spam for your Instagram feed, second for kick starting Muzz’s commentary career and finally
This year everyone in the country apart from Strath had two extra national holidays. That being said, Coronation Day was celebrated in true Strath style as we hosted a street party, a whole school ceilidh and a highly competitive football tournament
for allowing almost an extra term for House Music rehearsals which led to Ruthven taking home the musical honours.
Bringing the second term to a close was the drama department’s production of ‘Once’. An emotional performance from Laura and Angus didn’t leave a dry eye in the house and unsurprisingly this included the Headman. A huge number of people returned for two or more performances and we are sure that this was all down to the quality of the show – nothing to do with the fact that there was a real bar on stage serving free drinks to the audience.
This year everyone in the country apart from Strath had two extra national holidays. That being said, Coronation Day was celebrated in true Strath style as we hosted a street party, a whole school ceilidh and a highly competitive football tournament which resulted in Mr Fraser breaking his ankle, Mr Hamill breaking a rib and Mr Thompson being awarded the most aggressive player – a worthy title indeed for our Director of Sport! Throughout the year there were a number of staff vs pupils fixtures, each of which reflected the Coronation Day losses and injuries and, it has to be said, showed the staff teams to be sadly lacking when it comes to being a good sport — despite what they say week in, week out in training.
We have already mentioned Mr Mace, and on behalf of the whole prefect team, would like to thank him for all the work he has done with us. We also prepare to say goodbye to Ms Sime. Although she isn’t leaving us till Christmas, this has been her last working Speech Day and we want to thank her, on behalf of the pupil body, for the impact and difference she has made at Strath as Director of Sport, Head of Co-Curricular and most recently as Head of Safeguarding. We speak on behalf of the whole community
when we say that our time here would not have been the same without the hard work and dedication that you put into meeting every pupil’s needs. You are a source of guidance, trust and encouragement for so many and we wish you all the best in your retirement.
For many of us, our Strath journey began in the Prep School or Riley house as it was to us. Saturday night films, four square in the paddock and of course Jacy unpegging Mr Gooch’s tent at Riley camp are memories we will never forget. Our visits to Riley have been a highlight of our year as Captains. Our weekly dodgeball was enjoyed a bit too much by Max, as I had to remind him that he was 10 years older than some of the pupils and the point was to get to know them and not knock them out. As the year progressed and the pupils frankly lost interest in us, the dodgeball nights turned into hot chocolate and gossip sessions with Mrs Lalani and PK bringing our Strath Journey full circle in the best way possible.
For many though, their Strath journeys began in Sixth Form and we think you have changed our year for the better. We have also appreciated the changing classroom dynamic the one-year Highers programme has brought about with Lower and Upper Sixth form students in the same classes. Sixth Form feels a much more cohesive experience than it used to and we thank Mrs McBain for all that she does to make that happen.
We would also like to thank our Vice Captains, Chloe and Ethan for all that they have done this year. Ethan, your dedication to lunch duties was exemplary and Chloe, thank you for all that you did to promote girls’ sport especially. And to our entire prefect team, even Adam, you consistently turned up with unfaltering enthusiasm all throughout the school year, especially if that event was a prefect social or a wine tasting. We would also like to wish the next Captains of School, Joe and Eva, the very best of luck. Alongside Angus and Annabel and the strong team of prefects, we are sure you will do brilliantly. Finally, to our fellow classmates, it has been a privilege to grow up alongside you and now become Strathallians with you. We wish you all the best for what the future holds. Thank you.

Another year in the life of the Strathallan Chaplain
Every day at Strath is so jam packed with lessons, sport, music, activities from early in the morning until late at night and yet every week seems to fly past. I cannot believe that we are at the end of another year. I cannot believe that I have passed the seven year mark as Chaplain and I am now beginning to see those pupils who were very young when I first arrived now leaving school.
Chapel began with a bang this year. After an opening weekend of fun at the ‘Big Sleepover’ for all pupils staying in for the opening weekend of the year we had a ‘Big Chapel’ at which I tried to dislocate expectations about what Chapel was all about by hitting golf balls into the huge congregation to keep them all awake.
And so, another year of interactive and messy Chapels began. Soon we were back to cracking eggs on unsuspecting volunteer’s heads and letting pupils taste some wonderful cuisine all in the name of getting an inspirational message across or explaining our values in
a new and stimulating way. Of course, the death of the Queen which happened so early in term was marked with great solemnity and in an appropriate way by the entire school and Chapel become a focus once again for that emotion and understanding of national grief — a once in a lifetime occasion.
We welcomed back guests from the local Church of Scotland minister to the Chaplain from Fettes College and various charity speakers from across Scotland in order to vary my dull and monotonous voice. I am grateful too for the input of the Director of Music into our worship with varied styles across the year including newer and more upbeat modern hymns for us all to learn all supported every week by an enthusiastic and ever-growing Chapel band. A real highlight this year has been the continued development of the Prep School worship band under the guidance of Mrs. Simon. It has been amazing to see the repertoire of hymns expand and the number of musicians exponentially increase — I can honestly say that the singing in the Prep School is a joy to behold and regularly beats the Senior School both for volume and for quality!
Chapel began with a bang this year. After an opening weekend of fun at the ‘Big Sleepover’ for all pupils staying in for the opening weekend of the year we had a ‘Big Chapel’ at which I tried to dislocate expectations about what Chapel was all about by hitting golf balls into the huge congregation to keep them all awake.
Remembrance was marked in the usual poignant fashion by the whole school and Christmas services successfully reincorporated some of our local Forgandenny community and some parents when we were able to squeeze them in. Coronation weekend was a particularly fun and unique occasion with a charity football tournament, ceilidh, special Coronation Church Service and a street party for 400 afterwards — a memorable weekend!
A trial this year has been to focus on one big theme each month on a Sunday when we were able to welcome parents along to see the madness of Chapel and I would expect this to continue next year — watch out for Harvest Thanksgiving, Remembrance, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Mother’s Day next year — all celebrated as part of a whole community and opened up to parents who wish to come along and join in.

A real highlight this year has been the continued development of the Prep School worship band under the guidance of Mrs. Simon. It has been amazing to see the repertoire of hymns expand and the number of musicians exponentially increase
I would particularly like to thank my two Chapel prefects this year, Madi S and Moritz S for their amazing support and help. From drumming up readers to prayerful support at the CU group on a Friday lunchtime, to all their insights into the pupil body I am very grateful, and I wish them well in their future careers and lives.
One of the last Church services conducted this academic year was led by Laura B and I wanted to finish this article by reflecting on her wisdom, insight and inspiration as she talked during ‘Pride month’ about inclusivity and how to treat each other — the message concluded with a simple yet very moving and evocative call for us all to show love to one another no matter who we are or, where we come from or even what we believe — a message at the heart of our school values and I believe at the heart of Chaplaincy here at Strathallan — long may that continue!
Rev Jonny Wylie
Salvete 2023
Strathallan Prize Winners 2023
Dux 2022
The Draper Cup for Vice Captain of School
The Draper Cup for Vice Captain of School
The Smith Cup for Captain of School
The Morley Quaich for Captain of School
The Alistair Jeynes-Ellis Memorial Prize
The Alistair Jeynes-Ellis Excellence in Enterprise Award
Royal Navy Section Prize
The Lauriston Broadsword Prize
The Lee Rick Trophy Army Prize
The Quaich CCF Prize (RM)
The McMaster Quaich for Piping
The Senior Pipe Band Drumming Prize
Dunbar Quaich for commitment to Pipes and Drums
The Campbell Award for Best All-Round Sportsman
The Campbell Award for Best All-Round Sportswoman
The Jeff Goddard Photography Prize
The Wilfred Hoare Senior Reading Prize
The Senior Debating Prize
The Headmaster’s Prize for Musical Theatre
The Traditional Music Prize
Ralston S
Ethan W
Chloe M
Max M
Melissa F-S
Alasdair M
Zheel B
Ethan W
Katelyn T
John L
Finn G-R
Angus C
Max M
Fionn T
Hamish N
Chloe M
Juliette S
Chloe M
Ethan W
Laura B &
Angus K
Ashley Q

The Headmaster’s Special Prize for Exceptional Achievement (Dance)
The Headmaster’s Special Prize for Exceptional Achievement (Clays)
The Headmaster’s Special Prize for Exceptional chievement (Tennis)
The Patrick Grandison Prize for Strings
Ashley Q Headmaster’s Prize for Outstanding Contribution to the Performing Arts
The Robert Barr Memorial Prize for Music
The Andrew Wiseman Prize for Organ
The William Pasfield Salver for Outstanding Contribution to Music
Headmaster’s Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Dance
Headmaster’s Prize for Outstanding Leadership and Commitment to improving School Inclusion and Diversity
The Choir Prize
Headmaster’s Prize for Outstanding Leadership and Commitment to improving the Environment
The Hayward Award for Citizenship
The Thomson Salver for Achievement
The Houston Prize for All Round Merit
The John Fulton Memorial Prize for Overall Contribution
The Buchanan Strathallian Prize
The Scanlan Cup for Merit Headmaster’s Prize for Conspicuous Leadership
Biology A Level
Business Studies A Leve
Chemistry A Level
Classical Civilisation
Computing A Level
The David Bogie Prize for Economics
Geography A Level
The Lord Kincraig Prize for English
Music A Level
Physics A Level
Psychology A Level
The Richard Moffat Prize for History
The Robert Rankin Prize for Mathematics
The Senior Drama Prize
The University of Dundee English as an Additional Language Prize
The William Tattersall Art Prize
Jemima B
Ali T
Marcus M
Ashley Q
Ethan W
William L
Ed C
Angus K
Caitlin M
Laura B
Laura B
Eva G
Angus B
Ballen M
Finn G_R
Oliver K
Moritz S
Chloe M
Katelyn T
Isabella Z
Zheel B
Isabella Z
Magnus M
Isla M
Zac M
Finn G-R
Isobel W
Laura B
Isabella Z
Melissa F-S
Terrence W
Kevin M
Ethan W
Moritz S
Isobel W
Biology Advanced Higher Prize
Chemistry Advanced Higher Prize
English Advanced Higher Prize
French Advanced Higher Prize
Geography Advanced Higher Prize
History Advanced Higher Prize
Mathematics Advanced Higher Prize
Music Advanced Higher Prize
Music Technology Advanced Higher Prize
Physical Education Advanced Higher Prize
Physics Advanced Higher Prize
Art A Level
Biology A Level
Business Studies A Level
Chemistry A Level
Classical Civilisation A Level
Computing A Level
Economics A Level
English A Level
Geography A level
History A Level
Further Mathematics
Mathematics A Level
Music A Level
Physics A Level
Physical Education A Level
Psychology A Level
The Extended Project Qualification “EPQ”
The Gary Rogers Prize for Creative Writing
Art Biology
Business Studies
Computing Design and Technology
French Geography
German History
Physical Education
The Louise Wallace Memorial Cup for Junior Public Speaking
5th Form Army
5th Form Navy
5th Form Marines
Isabella A
Isabella A
Madeleine S
Tessa H
Millie G
Sophie W
Rosalind Q
Ashley Q
Angus K
Murray O
Rosalind Q
Chloe T
Hailey H
Cecilia N
Angus G
Rowan F
Eva D L
Gleb J
Yi W
Isabella D C T
Lisa B
Lisa C
Angus G
Lisa C
Lisa C
Zachary G
Hailey H
Jayden M
Isabella D C T
Mini L
Charlie M
Christie A
Charlie M
Eleanor R
Willian M
Eve B
Francesco R
Lucy T
Thomas C
Charlie M
Eve B
Louis C
Eleanor R
Charlie M
Lucy W
Tally M
Eve B
Angus M
Fynn H
Sebastian G
Biology Higher Prize
Business Management Higher Prize
Chemistry Higher Prize
Economics Higher Priz
Design Technology Higher Prize
English Higher Prize
French Higher Prize
Geography Higher Prize
History Higher Prize
Human Biology Higher Prize
Latin Higher Prize
Mathematics Higher Prize
Modern Studies Prize
Music Higher Prize
Music Technology Higher Prize
Physical Education Higher Prize
Physics Higher Prize
Psychology Higher Prize
RMPS Higher Prize
Spanish Higher Prize
Drama Higher Prize
Art Biology
Business Studies
Classic Civilisation
Design and Technology
German History
Physical Education
Religious Studies
Navy Recruit
Army Recruit
House Academic Effort Freeland
House Academic Effort Glenbrae
House Academic Effort Nicol
House Academic Effort Ruthven
House Academic Effort Simpson
House Academic Effort Thornbank
House Academic Effort Woodlands
Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement
Sofia A
Eriskay M
Eriskay M
Rohan M
Sofia A
Sophie W
Rohan M
Annabel A
Annabel A
Annabel W
Annabel W
Sofia A
Ethan W
Alexandra M
Owen C
Joe T
Rohan M
Rosalind Q
Amy S
Annabel W
Annabel A
Niamh C
Hamish Q
Philippe L
Ben W
Ben W
Hamish Q
Constantin S
Isla C
Ben W
Francesca W
Paul B
Paul B
Ben W
Cecelia Q
Fiona W
Megan A
Paul B
Farrah C
Skye R
Philippe L
Sophia G
Rosie E
Scott G
Rose C
Hector C
Faisal H
Oliver D-H
Amy A
Enfys W
Hamish B
Rose C
Rebecca S
Hector C
Amy A
Anna P

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

The academic year began with the largest numbers SPS has ever had, as well as welcoming new members of staff. Our new Year 6 teacher, Rebecca Morris, has moved down from Highland Council and Rebecca’s enthusiasm has been very much in evidence this year. She is particularly keen to further develop our outdoor learning provision. The experience for all of us has been enhanced with as we are now able to offer an ever-growing list of clubs and activities for pupils to be involved in. The joy emanating from this and the willingness of the pupils to engage with all opportunities presented to them has been a pleasure to behold and I want to thank all the pupils for such a fantastic year. We’ve certainly had some incredible achievements this year — not least our Scottish Schools’ Cup winning Netballers — but it’s the participation and contribution of everyone which makes us who we are.
We began in September with our traditional trip to Landmark. Friendships were forged and term was off to a great start. Before we knew it, Halloween was upon us. This year’s parties were a great hit and featured some particularly scary costumes. Just a few short weeks later the Christmas parties were also a success — although, with a visit from Santa, how could they not be?
A trip to Glenshee to go skiing in Term 2 was widely attended. With staff clamouring to accompany the trip and the sun shining on the actual day, the pupils had a fantastic time; as one participant enthused, “I didn’t realise skiing was such fun!” During February half term 30 pupils accompanied by Ms Leese, PK and Ms Wardlaw had a fabulous week in L’Alp D’Huez fine tuning these skills. An amazing time was had by all.
It has been great to see celebrated reading in SPS and we hope to foster this with the arrival of our new librarian, Mrs Susan Mullen, who comes with a catalogue of fun ideas.
head-to-head, describing their book to the audience who then decided which book they liked the most and hence was the winner. Contrary to the football version, Australia won our Reading World Cup to great applause from the audience. It was fantastic to see all the pupils so engaged with reading. As if this was not enough, March saw the return of World Book Day with the usual fancy dress and competitions focused on all things reading!! A major part of the day was a bake sale organised, advertised and facilitated by four of our own pupils. Money raised went towards our SPS library. A big thank you must be said to these pupils and also to everyone who provided and bought baked goods. It has been great to see celebrated reading in SPS and we hope to foster this with the arrival of our new librarian, Mrs Susan Mullen, who comes with a catalogue of fun ideas.
The introduction of our new Pre-Senior Baccalaureate (PSB) for Form 1 and 2 has seen the implementation of Curriculum Days which utilise the core skills learnt over the course of their weekly PSB lessons. The first Curriculum Day involved groups working together to make a bridge from set resources which would allow a remote-controlled car to drive across it. The second Curriculum Day presented the challenge of designing and implementing a new school – some hugely ambitious and interesting ideas were presented. Form 2 then reached the culmination of their PSB journey with the presentation of their projects.
At the time of the football World Cup, SPS were having their very own Reading World Cup. Each pupil was allocated a country and had to champion a book of their choosing. The ‘matches’ involved the two teams going

Not only was there tremendous variety and depth to the range of projects chosen, the standard of the presentations themselves was extraordinary. Many of the senior school teachers who attended the presentations remarked on their quality and how the skills developed will reap dividends for our pupils as they progress with their academic and personal challenges.
We’ve made the most of opportunities to embed our learning in places other than school with trips to the Black Watch Museum, the Victorian School, St Andrews Aquarium, and a Year 5 Roman trip.
Drama has been a big part of our year. A Greek Tragedy was performed by Year 3/4 who also participated as a group, in Perform In Perth alongside Year 6. There were a number of individual performances too, with music also represented at this competition. Music in general has had another fantastic year with the informal concerts, the musical showcase, our Divisional music competitions, as well as the Pipe Band playing with Skerryvore in the Perth Concert Hall. The number of pupils in SPS opting for individual music lessons and the number involved in musical activities continues to go from strength to strength and we look forward to hearing the results of this next year.

We are very much looking forward to next year as we get set to welcome our youngest ever pupils in August when we open our doors to Year 1 and 2.
One of our whole school values is kindness which SPS has shown on numerous occasions through fundraising. The Riley Ramble raised money for Children in Need and the Valentine’s Disco raised money for the Kenya Charity. The quiz night may have been postponed, but it lived up to expectations when it did happen (although one could question if the results were fixed to favour our head of SPS…!). All money raised was donated to CHAS.
Finally, as well as monetary contributions, some of the SPS pupils have spent Term 3 collecting material goods to send to Ukraine to help the victims of the war with Russia.
The kindness and generosity shown by our Strathallan family is always something to celebrate.
Our Divisional competitions are always a fantastic chance for all pupils across SPS to come together, work together and produce performances, whether musical, drama or sporting. This year has been a clean sweep with Balmanno winning Divisional Music, Drama and Sports Day! However, more importantly, it has been a joy to witness our pupils of all ages, working together and encouraging each other.
In June, Form 2 headed off for camp. Pupils and staff headed up to Nethy Bridge for a week of fun activities, good food and group bonding. Bar the odd shower, the sun shone for the whole week. Every day started with an opportunity for an early morning jog (not compulsory thank goodness!) followed by a hearty breakfast. A rolling timetable of aerial runways, Jacob’s ladder, orienteering, canoeing, raft building, bush craft, adventure course and forest adventure kept everyone busy during the day. As if this was not enough, there was the opportunity to swim every evening alongside

other evening activities. The bus on the way back contained some thoroughly exhausted but very happy pupils! The celebrations of their time at SPS coming to an end was continued when the Sinclairs at East Dron Farm hosted a magnificent Leavers BBQ. A fun evening of food and music away from parental observation (mainly!) was just what they needed to let their hair down and celebrate how much they have achieved during their time at SPS. A big thank you to the Sinclairs for their wonderful generosity.
We're very proud of our Form 2 and want them to always remember this message: As you move into the senior school, do your best to work to your maximum potential and go and represent our school values. Remember — as Rileyites, our doors are always open for you to come back and visit.
Sadly, it has come to the time to say farewell to this year’s gap students
Kyle Fleming and Christy Wiseman. They have been an essential part of SPS and will be missed greatly. Having said that, don’t worry too much as Kyle is returning to SPS in August — as Mr Fleming! Kyle will be teaching Year 3/4 as part of his Primary Teaching Qualification year. We wish him all the best. Christy is also staying in the world of education. She is moving to Aberdeen to train as a teacher of

History. We wish her all success in the next chapter of her life, and who knows, perhaps she will return to teach History at Strathallan in the future!
We are very much looking forward to next year as we get set to welcome our youngest ever pupils in August when we open our doors to Year 1 and 2. This exciting expansion will see significant changes to the classroom setups around SPS. However, I know that our youngest pupils will be welcomed and accepted with open arms by the rest of our SPS community.
Before we finish, however, we need to mention the spectacular finale of the year — ‘ Oliver .’ Our core cast, led by Ollie D in the title role, were simply amazing. Hundreds of hours of rehearsals for music, drama and dance culminated with three amazing public performances. With all SPS pupils involved, there was no better illustration of the statement “involve me and I will learn.”
When Harry Riley founded the school in 1913, he based it on four core principles: pupils should be known for who they are; education should be enjoyed; education should be inclusive; and hard work is essential. I think Harry Riley would be proud of the way in which SPS continues to embody these core values.
Rona Lees Deputy Head: SPSWe are very proud of our Form 2 and want them to always remember this message: As you move into the senior school, do your best to work to your maximum potential and go and represent our school values.
Remember – as Rileyites, our doors are always open for you to come back and visit.
SPS Science

WE HIT THE GROUND RUNNING THIS YEAR IN PREP SCHOOL SCIENCE WITH TWELVE 2ND FORM STUDENTS TAKING PART IN THE FARADAY STEM CHALLENGE DAY HOSTED BY KINROSS HIGH SCHOOL AND RUN BY THE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY. Our two teams of innovative young students were given the challenge of designing and building a working prototype to support the delivery of packages by drone to difficult to access areas such as war zones or isolated communities. Our students embraced their roles to the full, whether it was as project manager, accountant or resources manager, and worked together to develop their prototype which they then persuasively presented to the assessor and other participating teams. While we didn’t walk away with a winning trophy many skills were gained and a lot of fun was had.
Are left-handed people really more creative? Do parents and their children have similar fingerprints? How does the moon affect the tides?
THESE ARE JUST A SOME OF THE THOUGHT PROVOKING QUESTIONS OUR INQUISITIVE YOUNG PREP SCHOOL STUDENTS investigated when carrying out their science fair projects. It was evident that a huge amount of work was involved in preparing the projects and that much fun was had along the way! The projects were enjoyed by many throughout the day and we were delighted to show them off to our families and friends this year. The winners were judged by the heads of Senior Science, Mrs Hodson, Dr Sharples and Dr Mitchell — not an easy task! — and were as follows:

1ST PLACE Y3/4/5 Daniel S (Paper Airplanes)
HIGHLY COMMENDED Ajay S (What temperature is best for welding metal?) and Harris CH (Mission Pump Rocket)
1ST PLACE Y6 Sebastian LP (Does your grandparents and parents height determine your height?)
HIGHLY COMMENDED Blair M & Siobhan H (Up in flames) and Robert S (Bowling in cricket)
1ST PLACE F1 Amy M (Family Genes)
HIGHLY COMMENDED Constance S & Reiya M (Are sibling fingerprints similar?) and Ross M (Family connections in rugby success)
1st Place F2 Ruby A (What is the connection between food and energy?)
HIGHLY COMMENDED Anna M (Fingerprints)
YEAR 6 CLASSES TOOK TO THE SKIES IN THE SCHOOLS AIR RACE CHALLENGE, AN INITIATIVE RUN BY AEROSPACE KINROSS AND LINKED TO STRATHALLAN’S BUILD-A-PLANE PROJECT. The students skilfully navigated drones through a series of challenges; created a safety charter for flying the drones; researched inspirational people in aviation and aeronautics; learnt about various careers in aviation and aeronautics; designed their own skins for the drones; and delivered top class flight training to enthusiastic Year 5 students. Through this exciting challenge, pupils explored the principles of engineering, forces, organising and displaying data, problem solving and design as well as developing their collaboration skills.


FROM 10TH-19TH MARCH, SCHOOLS ACROSS THE UK CELEBRATED BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK, AN ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHS (STEM). At SPS, to launch the week with a bang, Years 3-6 enjoyed an action-packed trip to Dynamic Earth where they were immersed in the depths of the ocean in the planetarium, enjoyed interactive workshops about strange creatures from the deep, and had a huge amount of fun exploring the wide range of interactive exhibits on display.
LL PREP SCHOOL STUDENTS WERE TREATED TO A VISIT TO THE HANGAR TO SEE THE BUILD-A-PLANE PROJECT AND HEAR FROM BUILDERS MIKE AND ROBIN ABOUT ITS PROGRESS. The project was designed to encourage interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects and certainly piqued the interest of our students going by the many fantastic questions they had to ask Robin and Mike during their visits. The first flight is planned to take place in the Autumn term and the opportunity to experience flying in the Eurofox two-seater microlight aircraft will be available to Strathallan students for the next five years.
Mrs Clare Angus
I was interested to learn about how the engine works and was surprised to learn that the fuel is stored in the wings. I also enjoyed learning about the different materials, especially as we had recently been investigating materials and their properties in our science lessons.
Harris CH
The Magic of our World: SPS and the Environment
WE SPENT A LOT OF TIME OUTDOORS THIS YEAR, LEARNING ABOUT OUR ENVIRONMENT AND TAKING ACTION TO CREATE A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE FOR OURSELVES AND OUR SCHOOL. ‘Bee the Change’ was a student led initiative designed to inspire tiny, incremental, collaborative changes which will help this mission. A prep school team presented their ideas to a United Nations Water Conference in March. Year 6 were proud that their efforts were rewarded with the Junior Foresters Award, presented to them by Alex Cairncross, His Majesty’s Deputy Lieutenant of Perth and Kinross. Under the guidance of Ms Gill and Mr Vallot, Year 6 successfully completed six diverse activities ranging from tree identification, studying minibeasts, constructing a bug hotel and planting trees.
The dedication and hard work shown by the Strathallan Prep pupils by planting 480 trees and completing their award this year is remarkable. Their love for nature and their desire to create a greener future is evident in their actions. They are setting a brilliant example for others to follow.
Alex Cairncross
His Majesty’s Deputy Lieutenant of Perth and Kinross

Strathallan Prep School Prizes 2023
Year 3/4 Effort Prize
Year 3/4 Academic Prize
Year 5 Effort Prize
Year 5 Academic Prize
Year 6 BM Effort Prize
Year 6 BM Academic Prize
Year 6 RM Effort Prize
Year 6 RM Academic Prize
Form I PK Effort Prize
Form I PK Academic Prize
Form I SS Effort Prize
Form I SS Academic Prize
Form 2 TA Effort Prize
Form 2 TA Academic Prize
Form 2 JT Effort Prize
Form 2 JT Academic Prize
Form 2 KMM Effort Prize
Form 2 KMM Academic Prize
Art Prize for Girls
Art Prize for Boys
The Junior Piping Prize
The Junior Pipe Band Drumming Prize
Commitment in Drama Girls
Commitment in Drama Boys
Girls Most Promising Musician
Boys Most Promising Musician
Sports Prize for Girls
Sports Prize for Boys
English as an Additional Language
Riley Prize for Commitment to Boarding
Adam Pattinson Memorial Prize
Headmistress Award for Leadership
Hewson Cup for Contribution to Prep School
Hewson Cup for Contribution to Prep School
Philippa W
Katie M
Sasha L
Aksil S
Beatrice P
Isla A
Jock B
Charles C
Eilidh B
Ross M
Matilda S
Amy Ma
Anna G
Onxy L
Tara C
Ruby A
Shannon P
Damiete I-L
Mikella K
Zac T
James S
Alfie P
Annabel A
Oliver D
Damiete I-L
George M
Aila D
Andrew G
Even W
Aila D
Freya P
Alfie P
Ruby A
Andrew G
Ruby A
George M
Charlie S
Jacob S
George M
Captains of Sport:
Aila D, Andrew G, James S, Onyx L
WHAT A FANTASTIC RECORD-BREAKING YEAR FOR STRATHALLAN PREP SCHOOL SPORT! We had 12 pupils called up to Caledonian U13 Representative Teams, we were IAPS National Finalists and Scottish Schools Cup Winners. As well as all of this, over 250 matches were played across 10 different sports; there was a Hockey and Rugby Tour to England and a Ski Trip to France. A fantastic achievement for SPS and a massive thank you to all the pupils, staff and coaches for their time and dedication in the 2022-2023 season.
THROUGHOUT THE YEAR NUMEROUS INTERDIVISIONAL SPORTING COMPETITIONS ARE HELD WHICH COUNTS TOWARDS THE OVERALL DIVISIONAL WINNER. These are highly anticipated events for which and each Div dawns face paint and coloured tops. Listed here are the 2022-2023 winners:

Strathallan Prep School
Inter-Divisional Sports Results
Boys Rugby: Dron
Girls Hockey: Glenearn
Boys Hockey: Dron
Girls Netball: Glenearn
Swimming: Balmanno
Girls Tennis: Balmanno
Inter Divisional Athletics Champions: Balmanno
Victor and Victrix Ludorum winners:
SPS Girls Victrix Ludorum — Harriet R
SPS Boys Victor Ludorum — Andrew G
OUR U13 HOCKEY TEAMS HAD AN ENJOYABLE TERM OF HOCKEY, MAKING NOTABLE IMPROVEMENTS OVER THE COURSE OF THE TERM. The first fixture was against neighbours Craigclowan, where the U13A drew 4-4 and the U13B won impressively by 7-0. Before the cold weather set in, which took out a number of mid season matches, the U13A then suffered a tight loss to Ardvrevk by 2-1, while the U13B team continued their good form by beating St Mary's 4-0. We finished the season with competitive away fixtures to Cargilfield, which showed how much the teams had come on over the course of the year. This was the first year the U13A’s Team played in the IAPS National Qualifiers Tournament held at Fettes College. The team played the top prep schools
from North England and Scotland. In their group matches they faced St Peters York and lost 3-1 with Lucas B scoring a fine goal. They lost their remaining pool matches 1-0 and 3-0. This was a tough learning experience, and they should be proud of their efforts.
Congratulations to Ross M and Cameron C who represented the U13 Caledonian Regional team and played in the Scottish IAPS Representative Tournament. Both players showed great skill and hard work in the tournament and learnt lots as a result.
The hard work and energy that was applied by all the boys during every session from the team was impressive. I would like to thank the all the players for their efforts and application over the season and wish the Second Form boys well as they move into senior hockey next year.
Ms Wardlaw and Mr Thompson

THE U11 TEAMS SHOULD BE PROUD OF THE WAY THEY IMPROVED AND DEVELOPED OVER THE COURSE OF THE TERM. The teams only played 5 games over the term, due to a number of fixtures being cancelled by the weather. We enjoyed excellent games against St. Leonards, Ardvreck and St. Mary's Melrose, where the boys showed continuous improvement over the course of the term.
Well done to all the boys who represented the U11 teams during the Spring term. A talented hockey group who I am sure are ready to step up to U13 hockey next year.
THE U13 TEAMS PLAYED A TOTAL OF 33 MATCHES AND 2 TOURNAMENTS IN THE AUTUMN TERM. The U13As were an enthusiastic team who worked on learning different defensive presses and attacking using channels. They played 10 matches: winning 6, drawing 1 and losing 3. Highlights included beating Craigclowan, Kilgraston, Ardvreck and Robert Gordons School.
Competing in the IAPS National Qualifier Tournament at Glenalmond, they first played Sedbergh School and drew 0-0. A great effort in defence by Ruby A and Aila D denied Sedbergh a last-minute goal. The girls went onto have 2 further draws, 2 wins and 2 losses. Valuable experience was gained over the term leading to a more attacking threatening team. Congratulations to Aila D, Harriet R, Jing W and Ruby A who were selected to play for the U13
ACaledonian Representative Team. This team travelled to St Marys School in November to play in the IAPS Representative Tournament. All four players played a crucial role in beating Thistles and Saltires to be crowned Scottish IAPS Representative Winners 2022. The U13B girls had their most successfully hockey season and were able to win 6 games and lost 4 in total. The team made up of U13 and U12 players started of the season beating Kilgraston 4-0 and they continued to score 41 goals in total!! Anna M captained the team and worked tirelessly to encourage and support her teammates on the pitch.
Well done to all players and I look forward to seeing Form II pupils playing U14 11 aside hockey in the 20232024 season.
Ms WardlawTEAM MADE UP OF MANY NEW PUPILS TO HOCKEY WORK VERY WELL IN ALL GAMES SESSION TO DEVELOP THEIR BASIC SKILLS SUCH AS PASSING, DRIBBLING, AND TACKLING. They played 15 matches in total and first up they played Kilgraston School which ended in a 2-2 draw with Phebe M captaining the team. They continued to work well as a team and managed a further win against Cargilfield and two draws. This was a tough season with lots of learning taking place. Well done to all players for their time and effort this season.

They enjoyed some excellent matches against Ardvreck, Craigclowan and an outstanding all-round victory against St Mary's. They also enjoyed a tour to the north of England, where they played Dame Allan and Barnard Castle, playing some excellent all-round rugby. When they play as a team, they can be a match for anyone. Cameron C, Allan C, James S, Andrew G, Alexander W and Finlay S were selected for the Caledonian U13 Rugby Team. They had a tremendous experience at the Sottish IAPS Tournament.

THE U12 RUGBY TEAM HAD A GOOD SEASON WITH A SOLID 55-45 WIN OVER LATHALLAN AND A REWARDING EXPERIENCE AT DUNDEE HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY TOURNAMENT. The team was captained by Matthew F and had two draws and two narrow losses by one try a piece.
Well done to all the boys who represented the U13 teams this year and we wish all the Second Form boys the best of luck when they move up to senior school rugby next year.
Ms Wardlaw and Mr Thompson
THE U11 RUGBY TEAM ENJOYED A COMPETITIVE TERM OF RUGBY WITH A NUMBER OF WELLMATCHED FIXTURES AGAINST LATHALLAN, MERCHISTON, ARDVRECK, AND FETTES. From the start of the season, it was clear to see that their ability. The main work-on area was defending as a team, while also having the confidence to get into the right position to make low tackles. As the term went on, all the boys improved in these areas while also improving their attack, decision-making, and game understanding.
The U11 rugby team this year have shown resilience and teamwork over the course of the year and always worked hard to improve. They are a talented group that I am sure will continue to improve and work hard as they move into U13 rugby.
Well done on a brilliant term of rugby.
Mr Thompson
During the first two terms, we took shelter from the weather in the Wilson Hall and were thrilled to see so many children in every year sign up for a tennis activity. Numbers rose even more when we were able to get outside, which naturally we did at the earliest opportunity! During the Summer term, we had six different teams represent SPS in fixtures against other schools. There have been many opportunities for a lot of children to improve their tennis and everybody who has taken part in fixtures has demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and represented SPS extremely well. I would like to give a special mention to our Girls U13 Development Squad who this year went undefeated, winning all ten of their fixtures throughout the season. This included winning a tournament which secured promotion into Division One for next season. Aila D, Ruby A, Harriet R, Onyx L, Isa M, Grace D, Sophie D, Eilidh B and Jing W have all shown brilliant commitment and demonstrated impressive talent on court. They have trained multiple times a week since the beginning of September and have all set excellent examples for every tennis player in SPS to follow. Congratulations to all these girls, and for those leaving SPS this summer I look forward to seeing your tennis develop further in the coming years. I would like to say a huge thank you to Tommy for organising our fixtures and for all his hard work with the SPS tennis programme, we couldn’t do it
without you!

Looking forward to next year, I am excited to continue working with the Development Squad as well as giving every pupil the opportunity to play and hone their tennis skills. We also eagerly await the addition of Years 1 and 2 in SPS; plans are already underway to welcome them to our enjoyable and successful tennis programme at Strathallan. Finally, thank you to every pupil who has played tennis this term. Whether it be socially, a games session, an activity or a Development Squad training session it has been a pleasure being involved in the SPS tennis programme!
The U13 development squad team have really enjoyed playing tennis together and have worked hard this year, and it has really paid off, by us having an undefeated season. We have learned many things on court and off court as a team and we are looking forward to achieving more in tennis. I would encourage every pupil to give tennis a go, because it is a fun and enjoyable sport, and you learn a lot of skills from it. I would also like to wish luck to next year's development squad and tennis teams, and I hope they achieve wonderful things.
THIS YEAR AND THEY PLAYED A TOTAL OF 44 MATCHES OVER THE SEASON, THIS INCLUDED THE U13A WINING THE SCOTTISH CUP. The U13B team had a good season with three wins, three loses and two cancelled matches due to weather. The team worked tirelessly over the season to improve their shooting and defensive skills. In their final match against Cargilfield the team were leading 9-7 at half time after excellent work by Lilly G and Shannon P. The team showed great teamwork to edge a win 14-11. Our U12A team played four matches winning two, drawing one and losing one. The team were captained by Sophie D who helped her team to two wins over Kilgraston and Cargilfield School. Netball continues to be a growing sport and this year saw five players selected for the Caledonian U13 Representative Team; Aila D, Harriet R, Onyx L, Ruby A and Jing W. These girls along with Miss Wardlaw (Caledonian Coach) competed in the Scottish IAPS Representative Tournament where they defeated Saltires and Thistles to be Scottish IAPS Representative winners 2023.
THE NETBALL SEASON STARTED IN SEPTEMBER WITH SCOTTISH SCHOOLS CUP GROUP MATCHES AGAINST KILGRASTON, PERTH ACADEMY AND PERTH HIGH SCHOOL WHERE THE TEAM SECURED THREE STRONG WINS TO GO INTO THE KNOCKOUT STAGES . In the quarter final of the Scottish Cup we faced St Ninians High School away in Glasgow. After a nervous first quarter Strathallan trailed by 5 goals, into the second quarter and we started to dominate possession and were only losing by 2 goals at half time. The third quarter was a tied score and Strathallan players Onyx L and Jing W were intercepting many passes in defence. The final quarter Strathallan played exceptionally well with Harriet R scoring 10 unanswered goals and Ruby A and Aila D produced impressive passes to find our shooters, as

Tthe final whistle went Strathallan celebrated a 37-25 win. In the semi-final we hosted Albyn School and secured a Scottish Cup final spot with a 36-5 win. In April, the team travelled to Edinburgh University for the finals and were thrilled to have a coach of supporters watching. The team had spent many weeks preparing for the final and they displayed tremendous grit, determination, and sportsmanship to be narrowly ahead of Fettes at half time. The girls rallied in the final quarter to continue to chase each ball and they scored 14 goals to win by 32-10. They were crowned Scottish Schools S1 Cup Champions and Harriet R was awarded player of the match for her excellent shooting.
Between the Scottish Cup matches the U13A squad attended the Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) qualifying tournament held at Strathallan School. In a round robin format Strathallan faced five schools and went undefeated which resulted in the team qualifying for the IAPS National Finals in England. The team excitedly flew down to England to face the top schools in the UK. A challenging tournament in tricky weather conditions saw the girls struggle to find their form. They took away lots of experience from the tournament and it undoubtable helped the girls preparation for their remaining matches. In the Ardvreck Netball Tournament the team made it to the final to play Cargilfield and after a slow start they narrowly lost 11-9. A massive well done to the following players who were the U13A Netball team for all their energy, effort and success this season and I look forward to coaching and seeing how they get on in the 2023-24 season;
Ms A WardlawHE U13S HAVE HAD AN AMAZING NETBALL SEASON AND WE HAVE LEARNED AND ACCOMPLISHED A LOT THROUGHOUT. Our best achievements are winning the U13 schools Scottish Schools Cup, qualifying for IAPS and getting into the finals. It took us a lot of hard work, dedication and training to achieve this. Going into the Scottish Schools Cup final against Fettes was very nerve-racking as we had beaten them twice before but only by a couple of goals. To be Scottish Schools Champions will be a memory to last forever and a highlight of our time in SPS.
The IAPS finals that were held down in England and this became an incredible experience for us even though we didn’t have good results. We still are known as the best IAPS school in Scotland. We are all proud of our achievements and have all enjoyed the season and it has been a great experience and learning opportunity. Many thanks to all the team for their contributions this season and to Miss Wardlaw for being our coach and pushing us to our limits and believing we could win the Scottish Cup.
Onxy L and Harriet R — Co-Captains
ATOTAL OF 13 MATCHES TOOK PLACE FOR THE U11A AND U11B NETBALL TEAMS. It was a tough start to the season with narrow defeats to strong opposition. The teams developed nicely over the term and worked on improving their coordination, agility and teamwork. There efforts were rewarded with a
great 10-8 win over Belhaven Hill School. There was excellent interplay from Isla A, Phebe M and Isabella M who maintain possession, and this led to many scoring options. A season full of growth and I look forward to next year.

THE U13 GIRLS CRICKET TEAM HAS SHOWN GOOD PROWESS THIS TERM WITH MANY OF THE PUPILS PLAYING FOR THE FIRST TIME. The U13s played 15 matches in total and two tournaments. The U13As played 4 matches, winning one match and losing the other 2 matches by a very small margin (13 and 2 runs respectfully). The team finished on a high winning the Strathallan U13 Kwik Cricket Tournament by defeating Loretto and Dundee High School. The U13B team had lots of success with 2 nail-biting draws and three wins over the season. A particular highlight was defeating Belhaven Hill School by 8 runs after excellent bowling from Constance S and Shannon P. It is exciting to see where these teams may go in the future.
Ms A Wardlaw
WITH A TOTAL OF 10 MATCHES AND ONE TOURNAMENT IT WAS A BUSY TERM FOR THE U11 AND U10 GIRLS CRICKET TEAMS. Lots of learning took place including wicket keeping, bowling and batting, for many there first time experiencing cricket. They had tough matches and after a few defeats they had an impressive win against Fettes School by 28 runs. Still a new sport to many of the girls in this group they should be really proud of what they have achieved this term and I look forward to next year.
THE U13 TEAMS HAD A TOTAL OF 15 MATCHES ACROSS U13A, U13B, U13C AND U12 TEAMS. The boys were able to focus on developing the main skills of cricket; batting, bowling and fielding for softball and hardball cricket. All pupils developed across the term with many pupils able to play in a hardball match for the first time. The U13A’s were captained by Lucas B and played 4 matches and a tournament. Over the term they got better at working as a team when fielding and backing up the ball. This was a theme across all the U13’s teams and good luck to all those moving into the Senior school next year.

A NEW GAMES PROGRAMME HAS BEEN DESIGNED and they receive a one hour swim lesson every week and two further games sessions focusing on key fundamentals and movements across the traditional sports. During the year, as the U9’s developed they were given the opportunity to play matches against other prep schools. These matches were competitive with scores not counting but the focus on sportsmanship and showcasing their skills. They were able to compete in mixed touch rugby, mixed hockey and mixed cricket across the three terms.
During the first few weeks of term, our focus was to remind the boys of the basics in batting, bowling, and fielding. We focused on always asking for a guard when going into bat, being able to hit the ball straight, clear and effective communication when running between the wickets, bowling a nice line and length, attacking the ball at pace when fielding, and always backing up when going for run outs.
The learning and understanding of the basics and understanding of the game got better every week, and the boys should be commended for how much they improved over the course of the term. This led to a number of excellent performances by the U11A team, where the boys ended up playing 8 matches and winning 5, with the standout being a fine victory over Ardvreck on Riley Paddock. The team was led superbly by captain Robert S, but all the boys should be commended for their attitude and hard work over the course of the term. Well done to all the U11A team on a brilliant term of cricket.
Mr Thompson

ALL SPS PUPILS COMPETED IN THE STRATHALLAN CROSS COUNTRY COMPETITION AND A SELECTED TEAM WENT TO COMPETE AT THE MERCHISTON CROSS COUNTRY RELAYS. The U13A Girls (Aila D, Annabel A and Lilly G) won overall and set a new course record, a fantastic achievement and lots more to look forward to next year.
This year saw SPS host their own stand-alone Sports Day at the end of June. It was a fiercely competitive day, with many highlights on the track and in field events. After 3 hours of events the Inter Divisional Athletics Competition came down to the relay races. A new relay race this year saw teams dress up their Divisional Leader and PK was crowned best dressed! Back to the serious relay races and Glenearn won the girls 4x100m and Dron the boys 4x100m. After totalling up the points Balmanno won on 191 points, 2nd place was Glenearn on 162 points, 3rd place Dron on 159 points and 4th place Dupplin on 158 points.
A very tight Victor Ludorum and Victric Ludorom went down to the final events and points. The Victor Ludorum was Andrew G who won the 100m, 200m and Shot Putt. The Victrix Ludorum closely fought between Harriet R and Onyx L with 3 individual wins each. After consulting the athletics points system Harriet R won with 68 points.
Ms A Wardlaw

TWENTY-SIX PUPILS AND FOUR STAFF VENTURED DOWN TO NEWCASTLE ON DAY 1 TO PLAY DAME ALLAN SCHOOL. The girls played a competitive match winning 3-0 and the boys drew 20-20 in the rugby. After a lovely lunch it was back onto the bus to our accommodation. We were treated to a Bella Italia dinner. This was so good and only four drinks were spilled, which we thought was pretty impressive! Day 2 was a day off sport and we spent our time exploring Durham. First up was Beamish Museum. The sun was shining, and we got to try traditional sweeties and theme park rides. In the afternoon we burnt off our energy by going to a trampoline park. Everyone had a great time with some amazing flips and the staff defeating the pupils in a fiercely contested dodgeball game. Out for dinner we went and learnt our lesson by not spilling a single drink! Day 3 saw time spent looking around Durham Castle then traveling to Barnard Castle School to play our matches. Unfortunately, the hockey lost, but there were some amazing saves from Surina C who had never played in goal. Harriet R was awarded player of the match. On the rugby side the boys had a tough match, but it was a great score with Barnard Castle School coming out on top. The man of the match was decided by the team to be William V because he set up a try with a cross field kick that Andrew G scored. Afterwards we headed off to dinner which we had to eat quickly as we were heading off to bowling! Everyone had great fun and there were lots of strikes and a few misses…. Mrs Lalani! On our final day, the girls played Durham County Hockey team and in a close match they won 4-2. The boys played a triangular against two local club sides which was a great experience. We headed back to Strathallan and reflected on an amazing tour where friendships were formed, and many memories made.
Aila D and Alfie P

ALL ABOARD WERE 30 PUPILS AND THREE STAFF WHO EMBARKED ON A JOURNEY TO ALP D’HUEZ FOR A WEEK OF SKIING. The ski trip started with a dilemma - does one go to bed or not given that we had to be out of bed at 2am? By the time one had made the decision, it was time to leave for the bus! Luckily that was the only dilemma in what was a fantastic trip!
Beach weather whilst skiing is a novelty for the Brits so whilst the locals were worried about not having enough snow, we were happily skiing in t-shirts whilst avoiding the brown patches (something anyone who has skiied in Scotland is well experienced in).
Our accommodation was lovely and served us delicious food every mealtime, and our ski instructors entered into the spirit of the trip and provided lots of fun activities whilst on the slopes. After spending an afternoon skiing with Miss Leese, PK declared that 'Miss Leese is trying to kill me' and decided not to accompany her for the rest of the trip. Poor PK provided endless entertainment for the pupils guessing how many times he would fall in a day. To be fair, there were numerous entries for our 'Best Fall of the Day' and the winners had the honour of wearing the animal helmet cover for the next day.
A great time was had by all and a massive thank you to Miss Wardlaw for organising such a fantastic trip.
Ms R Leese

Head of House Hamish N
Deputy Head of House Owen C and Angus K

THIS ACADEMIC SESSION HAS BEEN A TRANSITIONAL ONE FOR THE FREELAND BOYS. Not only were we welcoming a new housemaster in Mr Rose, but we also saw Mr Johnston arriving as resident tutor, Dawn our new laundry assistant, and finally Mr Hill as L6 tutor. Mr Rose has carried Mr Heaney (and Mr Vallot’s) legacy admirably. With his ‘hard-work’ and ‘try your best’ ethos really sticking with many of the boys. Thanks also need to go to our resident Mary Berry, Mrs Rose, who aside from being Music Admin, never fails to bake a treat up for the boys whenever it’s their birthday. The U6 this year aimed to improve spirts and rally the troops from a Covid stricken few years, and they certainly did that. New house kit from the Oddballs Foundation and a new house tie; Toasty Thursdays; Sunday BBQ’s still kept their popularity as did the classic post exam spa (paddling pool!!) in Mr Rose’s garden.
Academically, Freeland has consistently topped the inter-House Merit award league tables with us being way above the other boys’ houses. This clearly reflects the hard work and commitment the boys have shown in the classroom. The Build-A-Plane project has seen many boys get involved with all of them being fascinated by the process of building aeronautical machinery. Alfie and Scott G together with Paul B saw awards in
the Junior Maths Challenge, as did Martin H and Joshua C in the Senior competition. In Debating, the dream team of Paul B and Ben W saw a victory for the third year running and Edward C and Ratmir K representing the school for University level competitions. Rowan F coming runner up in Perthshire’s young artist of the year. Ethan W, as school Debating Captain, famously made an an appearance on BBC One’s Debate Night, arguing with MP’s for hours on end. Freeland always does well in House Music and this year was no exception. House Music Rep, Oliver K lead the team to win the Boys Choir Award for our cover of Take That’s ‘Shine.’ Even without Music Captain, Angus K, the boys all did themselves proud. On the stage, Drama Captain, Ethan W led the team to a fantastic production of ‘DNA’ and Angus K, ended his Strath musical career in style being the lead in a spellbinding performance of ‘Once.’
With this being the first full academic year without any sort of Covid restrictions, the boys were pleased to get stuck in, with the inter-House competitions. The success this year on the sports fields has to be down to the fantastic leadership of our Sports Reps in Colby T, Robert C and Jake S. Head of House, Hamish N lead the hockey players to a victory in Senior Hockey, and 1st team player Ewan McL lead the juniors to victory completing the hockey double for the boys. Our success in hockey doesn’t stop there with the 1st Hockey team making multiple finals and winning a significant amount of silverware, Sebastian S, Karl P, Jake S, Ewan McL, Joshua C and team captain Hamish N should all be very proud of themselves. Also having notable success in Hockey were the juniors: Beryl L, Tom D and Hugo J who reached the National Plate final. Winning inter-House Swimming for the third-year running was seamless and on top of that Owen C and James G were selected for youth Scottish swimming. On top of that, our very own future Duncan Scott, Evan D competed for Britain bringing back a magnitude of medals and is soon to compete in the youth Olympics and Commonwealth Games. On the rugby pitch Colby T, Stan B, Hamish N and Robert C all were regulars for the 1st XV, and Robert C even got the call up for Glasgow Warriors. Finlay T, Ruadrih P and Adam W and the rest of the U16 XV also
With this being the first full academic year without any sort of Covid restrictions, the boys were pleased to get stuck in, with the inter-House competitions.
had the opportunity of playing on Murrayfield Stadium after reaching the Scottish Schools Cup Final, with them narrowly losing to Stewarts Melville. We also had sporting achievements elsewhere this year with Ethan W’s refereeing prowess on the football pitch allowing Ratmir K, Lewis McG and Adam W to show off their skills. We also saw success elsewhere with Sports Day giving more victories to the House. Outstanding moments included Finlay T winning the Victor Ludorum and a 1, 2, 3 in the 400m for Tom D, Sami L and Buzby W. The Junior Cricket team including Lauchie O’F, Hugo J and Sami L, also saw victories and as did first players Hamish N and Aussie exchange student Hugh T in reaching National schools finals for the 1st XI Cricket team. Victory was also ours in Tennis with Tom D being an integral part of the 1st team and the Juniors winning the Inter-house tennis. Max M has represented both the house and school on the golf course. Andy P and Jonny I and Gia K all represented the school in Badminton competitions and Jonny I captained Owen C and Hamish N in local Volleyball leagues.
This calendar year was one of the most ambitious years Freeland has had. From the start our Events Rep Andrew P, wanted to make memorable occasions for all the boys right the way up from 3rd form to U6. The year started with a House Dodgeball activity, which went down a blast. As always, all Freeland events must be done in style, so all the boys were asked to be in fancy dress for the dodgeball, which allowed them to show off some of their creative whizz. The Christmas Party allowed for some fun activities and games, with the quiz and the awards being the highlights. The traditional 6th From Formal Dinner was a huge success where the handing of the baton from U6 to L6 commences, as well as an opportunity to ponder on some of the fantastic achievements of the House. And finally, year group socials were also popular with every year group having either a pizza night or an outing, with the classic U6 Kirkstyle night, Sixth Form dinner and summer whole House BBQ closing the calendar in style.
I’ve already touched on how grateful we all are to Mr Rose for how seamless the transition has been, but none of this could have happened without the hard work the house staff put in for the boys. Leone, Alison and Dawn all work behind the scenes tirelessly to keep everything running smooth in the house. Diane, our matron, keeps everything running like clockwork with her dedication and commitment to the house being truly inspiring. Mr Johnston, also joining us this year, has had a huge impact as resident tutor working closely with the Third Form and thoroughly enjoying debating and Historical topics at every given opportunity. A thank-you also must go to the tutors of the house: Mr Mitchell, Mr Kalman, Mr Hill, Mrs McBain and of course Mr Barnes for all they have done for us and for all the time they have given up keeping the boys in check. We wish Mr Hill, who left us in the in the Summer term, all the best in his new venture.

Leaving the House is a bittersweet moment for me. I will always have Freeland tattooed on my forehead for life and while I am excited to get into the big bad world, it still won’t be the same not being around the boys. I certainly have made many friends for life and I wish much success for the House Leadership team next year. Like my fellow Valedictorians, will be back, always supporting the boys from the side-lines.
Hamish NLeaving the House is a bittersweet moment for me. I will always have Freeland tattooed on my forehead for life and while I am excited to get into the big bad world, it still won’t be the same not being around the boys.
Head of House Natalie R
Deputy Head of House Madalena P and Regina O-O

We started off strong winning the swimming trophy and followed this with a less successful but nevertheless rather fun inter—House hockey. Zoe W, who had just come back from hip surgery, managed heroically to save the team from too big a goal difference. Some may say it's unfair that we added to the silverware by winning the first—ever girl's inter—House rugby as we not only have Captain of Rugby, Nathalie R and an U18 Scotland international, Lottie R but actually, we made rather heavy weather of our victory! Fortunately the girls managed to keep their cool – well, there was a notable exception with Lottie R who almost got carded for rough contact — and we managed to secure the trophy. Lottie has had a very busy year playing for Scotland in the U18 Six Nations and securing a place in the Scotland Sevens squad. She has also spent more time driving back and forth than actually at school this year. We are so proud of how well she’s done and hope the success continues.
Going into the second half of term two, Glenbrae managed to bring to fruition their entries for House Music. Weeks of effort earlier in the year had come to a halt when the event was postponed due to a stomach bug. Conspiracy theorists speculate that this was, in fact a ruse by some of the other houses to buy them more rehearsal time but we’re not so sure. We sang ‘Dear Future Husband’ by Meghan Trainor; our ensemble performed a rock version of ‘Blank Space’ by Taylor Swift and IV form’s Lily G was magnificent in the solo, singling ‘There are worse things I could do’ from the musical ‘Grease.’ Thanks to Zoe
W for taking the lead on this mammoth project. Glenbrae won the best choir and came second overall: a significant improvement from last year. We must also give a special mention to Amelie S, who debuted her singing skills alongside Lily G. Their performances were outstanding, and we are in awe of the confidence it must have taken to sing in front of the whole school.
To keep the girls fuelled throughout the year and never more so than during exam season, Ms Wilson makes sure there are more than enough biscuits to fill the entirety of Scotland on a Wednesday and keep the house happy! This is paired with the famous Monday night Bingo with Mr Samson, who throws sweets at the participants to keep it interesting. Without these sweet treats we aren’t entirely sure how we would get through the days! Elise C, Harriet W and Kristin M spent most of their days missing the house treats because they were in the pool but they have been compensated with an exceptional swimming season, their medal haul far outweighing the biscuits they've missed. Kristin M also recently became an Open Water champion at the East District Championships, what an achievement!
This year we were invited to a Reels night, but the generosity of Ruthven’s invitation was rather undermined by their enthusiasm during the event itself — most of our girls spent the evening sprawled across the floor after being swung too hard but enjoyed it nonetheless. Another event enjoyed by the whole house was our Halloween silent disco. It definitely was not silent at Strath that night as the whole of Forgandenny could hear ‘I’m gonna be (500 miles)’ 500 miles away. Upper 6th also enjoyed a dinner night out in Perth and even managed to bribe Mr Samson to take them to Tesco afterwards.

On a cold winter's night in mid—February some of the girls in the Sixth Form spent their night outside of the main building on the floor with nothing but a sleeping bag and cardboard to raise money for the local food banks.

On a cold winter's night in mid—February some of the girls in the Sixth Form spent their night outside of the main building on the floor with nothing but a sleeping bag and cardboard to raise money for the local food banks. We are really proud of the girls for sticking the night out and hope it made them realise how lucky we are to have our own rooms and heating.
This term Glenbrae got some new outdoor furniture, which the girls were happy to put to use on the sunny hot days (some a little too much). Special mention to Katie L for achieving the worst sunburn this year!
We're really proud of the effort and hard work the girls put into their exams this term, from the Fifth Formers who overtook the downstairs lounge area to study for their GCSEs, to the LV1 and UV1 studying tirelessly for their A levels or Highers. The girls’ dedication and hard work throughout the year has proven to be worth it, as Glenbrae has constantly been at the top of the merit leader board!
This year we also welcomed Ms Gill our new resident tutor and DT teacher. Along with keeping everyone in house in check, Ms Gill’s new puppy Fauna has certainly kept her busy. Glenbrae wouldn't be Glenbrae without all the dogs as we also welcomed Orla, Mr Samson’s new puppy. A special thanks to Lynn, Belinda, Amanda and Linda who keep the house at its best and remind some of the girls that their bedroom floors are meant to be seen! The House would not be the same without them. We also owe a big thank you to Miss Wilson, who has not only kept our stomachs at bay but also always ensures that the house runs smoothly. With her constant threats of taking away UVI’s sleeping—in privileges and everyone else’s phones, she’s made sure we’re always the first souls in the chapel.
Good luck to Elise C who will be next year’s Head of House and the two deputies, Adriana F and Chloe T. Best of luck with the VI form! We know you’ll be brilliant and that Glenbrae will have another wonderful year.
Natalie RNICOL
Head of House Finn G-R Deputy Head of House Adam A and Ed L

T HAS BEEN A BUSY YEAR IN NICOL WITH ALL BOYS TAKING PART IN HOUSE COMPETITIONS AND REPRESENTING THE SCHOOL IN ALL SPORTING AREAS. Inter-House events have been extremely successful with our juniors winning the treble of Rugby, Cricket and Football — a rare achievement in our ultra— competitive school! The juniors also put in a strong performance in inter-House debating thanks to Dan C who also this year impressed everyone again with his Christmas party costume. The Intermediates had stiff competition this year but put massive effort into all.
Seniors have had a tougher year despite huge potential and effort, taking second place finishes in almost every inter-House event. Some (most of us!) may question whether this unlikely run of bad luck was due to some questionable refereeing decisions! However, Nicol came out on top form in the Summer term, winning Athletic Standards though unfortunately we just missed 1st place by one race on Sports Day.
House Music was another enjoyable event this year. We were ready to take it away with a bit of Katy Perry after some pretty impressive rehearsing during September and October. Then, of course, the whole show was postponed. When we did get the chance to perform during the Spring term elements of our performance were missing due to absentee performers. But in true
Nicol style we weren’t going to let that stop us from giving it everything we had and putting on a show. We’re pretty sure most would say we were the most enjoyable performance of the night. Never mind, there is always next year and we will win this at some point — we are determined.
Another highlight of the year was the Nicol Christmas party, where the whole house enjoyed a buffet and a movie in Dundee and, of course, the traditional double decker ride (with music) between venues. The theme of the party was Superheroes. Special costume mention must go out to Mr. Fraser and Harry A and Hector C who dressed up as Mario and Luigi. Another Nicol tradition — the annual competition to see who could finish the most plates was also a feature of the night with restaurant staff looking on in awe as everyone gave it their best shot!
The Nicol BBQ was a huge success this year and the weather held. Thank you very much to all the parents who attended and the chefs who appeared on the day to cook our delicious food — namely Max F, Franco M, Jayden M and Mr B himself!
A recurring feature of Nicol life this year has been our hot dog Sundays (where Mr B tries to explain American Football rules to us whilst eating — very few people were actually interested but the food was great!) and bagel Thursdays. Many thanks to Max F for always stepping in to help cook. The kitchen has been a large success this year allowing us to have these events and allowing individuals to cook meals on the weekends.

The House has always been in good spirits this year and we are lucky to have such a good group of lads — jokes and a laugh are always close to hand.

The House has always been in good spirits this year and we are lucky to have such a good group of lads — jokes and a laugh are always close to hand. The Upper Sixth have led the house by example and we have had a great Prefect team this year and thank you to my Deputy House Authority team of Adam A and Ed L for their efforts. We dominated school team selection in the Rugby, Hockey and Cricket areas and we now account for nearly half of all the wider Pipe Band with many of our new boys taking up the chanter – though perhaps this success is helped in part by having Mr Fraser as our amazing Resident Tutor.
I want to thank the whole staff in house from Matron through to Shona and Lana, who keep the house immaculate, and the tutor team who always give of themselves to further our interests. Many thanks to Mrs Bergin for all she does in the house and it’s certainly largely thanks to her that we regard Nicol very much as a home.
For some of us we are now saying goodbye to Nicol — we have been here a long time and the fact we will not be passing under the half moon and wearing our red and gold again as a Nicolite will take some getting used to. But we are happy to know the ethos of Nicol will always remain the same — Honesty, Respect and Inclusivity — it is a simple and very effective set of values to live your life by and we will take that with us.
Finn G—R

Head of House Ross T
IDeputy Head of House Nico N and Elliot H
We started strongly with inter-House Tennis and a triumph over Nicol in the final. It came down to the last point with Logan W and Zac H coming out on top.
After the tennis it was a quick sprint to the basketball court where we played Freeland. A comfortable win here put us into the final against Nicol, our close neighbours and respected opponents. This was a hard-fought battle between two equally committed teams but with brilliant leadership from Jason C tipping us into the lead, we got another win under our belt and trophy in the cabinet.
But it doesn’t stop there — we also took home first in clay pigeon shooting with Robbie W being the high gun and Ali T — who would later become a World Champion- shooting left-handed. This was an excellent performance from the boys to take the win.
One of the hardest fought and highest stakes inter-House competitions is Rugby. The competition was tough, especially the final against Simpson. Once again it came down to the final seconds, and once again we were victorious — a try gave us the win and made us champions.
Success continued with Athletics as we were crowned over-all winners for the second year in a row. The lads all did so well with each event getting us points to give us the win. As a bonus, Joe T who will be next year’s Captain of School and who represented Scotland in the Junior Commonwealth Games over the summer, was senior Victor Ludorum — a well-deserved accolade after a very close contest. In cross country we had an outstanding performance from Alex D in the senior event who took the win with Ross T coming in second giving us lots of points in the senior division. Elsewhere, Matthew M ran very well from the start to win the intermediate division but despite these stand-out performances we relinquished our grip on this event after a strong run over recent years . It’s been a year of victories and stellar performances in the sporting arena in general.
Along with all those sporting performances the house has shown up brilliantly for a range of other events. House Music was a notable moment where we sang Call Me Maybe to perfection, led by Carter R and Rafa N. Carter — who during the course of the year was selected for the National Youth Choir

of Scotland, performed the solo with Riptide. Frankly, the judges had no choice but to give us third place overall and best boys house! An achievement the house was proud of. At the end of the year, house football began with a tough game against Simpson which ended 1-1. Going to penalties is always nervewracking but we held steady and made it through to the final against Freeland. The boys dug deep, scoring first. Unfortunately, subbing Muzz on proved to be costly. He gave away a penalty which allowed them to score their only goal and as a result was immediately taken off again! We didn’t let that get to us and pushed on, scoring another twp goals making it 3-1. Notable players included Kevin M and Alex D who had some great passing play.
Unfortunately we can’t win them all, and decided to give the other houses a chance in the cricket competition when we narrowly lost to Simpson in the final on the last ball. Nevertheless, the boys were still proud of their performance with Robbie W and Joe T being the key players during the games and in the semi-final against Freeland. Both put up some incredible scores with neither getting out.
50 The StrathallianIt would be easy to assume Ruthven does nothing but sport, but in reality the boys are working hard at all their endeavours every day and often into the night. The appointment of a Ruthvenite as Captain of School for two consecutive years is indicative of this and we are proud to see Max pass the baton on to Joe.
We also just missed out on the win for hockey as we lost by one goal to Freeland, but this was another instance where the boys left it all on the pitch and we held our heads high after the loss.
Some of the boys have also had some incredible success in their own sports. Max E became the Scottish U16 skateboarding champion. Hearing this news made us all very proud of this excellent accomplishment. We also had Ross T playing for Scotland U18 hockey in a victorious match against Wales. This was a hard-fought process with multiple cuts and trials. A brilliant achievement.
Joe T was another who played internationally, getting into the U18 Scotland rugby training squad and playing against Wales for his first international cap. The team unfortunately lost but still that didn’t stop Joe from scoring, and we were all very proud of him. We also have Robbie W in the U17 Scotland cricket team, and he has been training all winter and can’t wait to play his first game in the summer where we are sure he will do so well. Meanwhile Ali T, who was U16 World Champion last year, formed part of the medal winning Scotland U21 team at the European Championships, and competed with the spectacular success mentioned above at World Championship level. Meanwhile Jacob H continued to perform at the highest level of pentathlon as a GB athlete. Findlay M also continued at international level in canoeing, with Ali R is fast following in his footsteps. Murdo H is prominent in Scottish skiing and we hope these boys will all enjoy further success next year. It would be easy to assume Ruthven does nothing but sport, but in reality the boys are working hard at all their endeavours every day and often into the night. The appointment of a Ruthvenite as Captain of School for two consecutive years is indicative of this and we are proud to see Max pass the baton on to Joe.
We have welcomed a number of short stay boarders and sadly had to say farewell to them as well, but each time we do it is a moment to reflect on how busy a time they have had and how well we have helped them enjoy their time.
As one of the longer-term members of the House, it is now my time to move on. I know, however, that I will always have a connection with the house through my
friendships. Like all the leavers, I will be keeping a keen eye on how things are going for the house over the coming years. With Mr McGowan and Mr Herbert at the helm, together with an excellent team of domestic staff and tutors, Ruthven continues to go from strength to strength. It has been a very rewarding year for me personally working with Nico N and Elliot H and I would like to thank them for their help and support. I wish next year’s leadership team and all the boys the very best of fortune for the future.

Head of House John L Deputy Head of House Magnus M
It started off with the usual challenge of getting to know new faces around the boarding house - the breaktime House Music practice sessions came in helpful here! It also allowed us to share our collective passion for singing - I think. Anyway, the year was up and running in a positive manner, with lots of new friends being made.
Rugby was in full flow soon enough, with the U18s driving all the way down to Ipswich for the St. Joseph’s College tournament. Seven of the travelling squad were proud Simpsonites, highlighting our sporting prowess. The team came up against some of the top sides in schoolboy rugby and was an experience they won’t forget in a hurry. The U16s too had their claim to fame through their brilliant run to the Scottish Cup final — with five Simpson boys starting the match. The fixture made for a great day out at Murrayfield for all the supporters, and although it was defeat on the day, it was an immense group effort to get so far in the competition. We ended the term in the usual fashion; the traditional curry night and cinema combo. Competitive spirits ran high as the boys sought to dethrone Cole S’ record seven helpings of chicken tikka masala. Overall, a fantastic way to end the busy first term!
Christmas came and went, and soon mock exams were upon us. Traditionally, it’s a difficult section of the year as slowly but surely Simpson pupils are exposed for their revision methods during the festive period — or rather, lack thereof. After this intense period of cramming, our attention turned to House Music. On the night, the boys gave an outstanding rendition of ‘Pompeii’ by Bastille, and had it not been for a choreographic slip up there is no doubt that we would have won the Best Boys Choir prize. After this rousing performance, our Head of House John L played his rollercoaster piece ‘Rush E’ on the piano. We wrapped things up with our ensemble song ‘Summer of 69’,

which had all the parents in the crowd boogying. Whilst we did not win any awards, the boys left with their heads held high and a conscience far clearer than the Ruthven pupils who paid the judge off. After half-term, we were closing in on the business end of the hockey season. The U15s did a great job of becoming Shield Cup finalists, and our 1st XI reached the Scottish Cup final — which Strathallan have never won — losing narrowly to Fettes College. Eight Simpson boys contributed to these phenomenal efforts. Team sport was evidently thriving, but individual sport also triumphed. Euan W was exceptional in the pool, winning two golds and one silver at the Scottish Nationals. Josh B also shone for Simpson, winning Gold in the U17 Scottish Fencing Championships. So it was a successful term, packed full of music and sport.
After the Easter break, it was time for our senior year groups to knuckle down in preparation for their real exams. In the midst of this, inter-house events helped break up the schedule. On paper, House Tennis looked like a clean sweep for Simpson, boasting two 1st IV players in Marcus M and Nic B. Unfortunately for us, our two superstars were unavailable on the day and so we limped to a hard-fought 3rd place. In House Cricket, we got our mojo back. We saw off Nicol in the semi-final but knew that we faced a far

greater challenge next against a strong Ruthven side. A good bowling performance was followed up with an even greater batting display, chasing down the total in the final over to crown ourselves champions. House Fives was an even more dominant showing, winning every match to sail to yet another House victory. Next on the calendar was Sports Day; sprinters Archie R and Oscar B did a fantastic job in the 100m and 200m, bringing home one gold, two silvers and a bronze. The 4 x 100m was also a huge success, winning gold despite Fergus M-S running barefoot. And just like that, the exam period was over, and the end of the school year beckoned. A couple of teary goodbyes and firm handshakes later, our Upper Sixth were off and our younger ones were left waiting to do it all again. On behalf of the boys, I’d like to thank: Mr Batterham, all the Simpson tutors, and of course Carol, Nikki and Debi who all continue to work their hardest in spite of our (somewhat constant) shortcomings. What a fantastic year!
John L

We ended the term in the usual fashion; the traditional curry night and cinema combo. Competitive spirits ran high as the boys sought to dethrone Cole S’ record seven helpings of chicken tikka masala. Overall, a fantastic way to end the busy first term!

Head of House Madi S Deputy Head of House Isobel W and Valerie K
Through the turmoil of a post-covid year, the girls have truly turned the House back into a home.
The year began with introductions and name-learning and ended with unbreakable friendships. We mustn’t leave out the connections we’ve made with our brilliant tutors, shown through the weekly chitchats in the foyer with Mrs Halley.
However, friendships aren’t the only thing Thornbank has managed to obtain this year.
We’ve had a brilliant year of sporting successes, in the house and out with and our silverware cabinet is needing an extension…
Chloe M and Sophie W must be commended for their tireless efforts to get people to participate in House competitions. In Sports day this year, it was amazing to see everyone from all years get involved, and it’s fair to say we used more than enough green face paint! Many girls stepped up in less favourable events as they knew that every point counts. We managed to have two victrixes, Sophie W and Francesca W. Moreover, we led a very convincing victory in both Sports Day and Athletics Standards! In inter-House swimming, the Thornbank team consisting of Grace H, Emma S, Katelyn T and Ella S, set a new school record for the medley relay.
We’ve had many personal successes as well. In swimming, our own Grace H swam at national level, gaining herself a new pbs. In running, Sophie W, won gold at Scottish Schools in the 100m and 200m. Not only this, but she’s obtained 8 school records over her time at Strathallan. In Netball, Olivia F and Chloe M are both members of the district team, U17’s and U19’s respectively. In Rugby, Anna S and Jos N are members of the Caledonia Regional team, with Jos making Scotland U18s, Tier 2. Katelyn T earned her Shodan black belt in karate this year. We are so proud of all these girls’ achievements, and we wish them the best for their future endeavours.

However, I’ve yet to talk about our biggest victory: House Music! With the house being led by our music rep Ashley Q and the UV1 team, the Thornbank Cowboys, along with Eriskay M’s beautiful fiddle playing and the fabulous ensemble, won the overall title of 2023 champions. It wouldn’t have been possible without the constant energy and participation of the girls, as well as our matron Jackie’s enthusiasm!
Our calendar has been jam-packed with house events. Our annual Banksy dinner was a great success where we gave out Thornbank awards and enjoyed listening to Eriskay’s fiddle playing. We enjoyed our second year of the junior dinner, the Binksie. Filled with pizza and mocktails, from the Halley Sunrise to the Kent Mojito, our UV1 led a great night. We upheld the tradition of having a Halloween party, with the scare walk around campus, and also our Christmas party where the LV1 had one chance of embarrassing our UV1. Did they manage it? Perhaps that shouldn’t be recorded here … They were both nights of laughter and fun, truly embodying the Thornbank spirit.
This year has shown what can be achieved when we work together. Our successes can only be put to the efforts of the girls in House.

Alongside this, each year group has enjoyed innings and outings where they have bonded with each other and their tutors.
This year has shown what can be achieved when we work together. Our successes can only be put to the efforts of the girls in House. But we must also thank our brilliant in-house staff, from Jackie and the domestic team, to Mr Kent and Miss Grubb, and to Freya, Rupert and Hestia (our support dogs.) Their constant support made all our pursuits possible.
The leavers in UV1 and I will miss the Thornbank community so much as we move on, but I have no doubt we will all stay in touch. I’m leaving the House in very capable hands of next year’s House captain; Grace H. I am excited to see her journey in Thornbank develop as the House continues to thrive. Finally, I want to thank all the girls in House for making 2023 another brilliant year for Thornbank.
Madi S

Head of House Rosalind Q Deputy Head of House Laura B
ANOTHER YEAR, ANOTHER CHANCE FOR THE WOODLANDS GIRLS TO SHOW OFF THEIR TALENT, KINDNESS AND MULTITUDE OF SKILL SETS. Woodlands has a reputation of having an amazing community within the House and this year, once again, Woodlands has felt like a home away from home. The creation of House families and the numerous house social events have helped inter-Year friendships thrive and have made a significant contribution to the community feel within the House. Mrs Ettle has played a key role in helping to plan and run these events and create the fun energetic and friendly atmosphere that defines Woodlands House.
A highlight of the year for many girls was quiz night. Tensions ran high between the house families who were competing for the great prize of bragging rights and chocolate. Along with your quiz ability being tested, the families all had to dress up in costumes and a prize was awarded to the best dressed. We had Rugby Lads, Skittles, Swimmers and Cards Against Humanity all with great costumes but the Traffic Cones came out on top with their winning handmade outfits. The Skittles were victorious in their quizzing abilities and gained the luxurious prize of a share box of chocolates.
Along with quiz nights the girls enjoyed other social events such as the Christmas Dinner, Halloween party and Woodlands Reels. Weekends were also filled with fun activities such as gingerbread decorating, cupcakes and movie nights. Each one of these events is professionally photographed by our own personal photographer Eva G, who always knows the perfect opportunity to capture.
This year, Woodlands thrived in the sporting world with victories at multiple inter-House events such as senior Hockey, junior Netball, junior Rugby, Tennis and Football. At every event the Woodlands girls could be easily spotted due to our colourful face paint, banners and screaming supporters. Our teams were carefully organised and selected by our captains of Sport Katie M and Tessa H. Playing in teams with each other really brings the House together and solidifies the strong friendships within the House and throughout the year groups.
Sporting talent abounds in Woodlands. Many significant achievements have been accomplished this year, which is extremely impressive, as our busy school lives are balanced with a high level of sporting performance. Rachel F has been a showstopper on the hockey pitch this year. Not only has Rachel been selected for Scottish Hockey and received her first and second Cap for the team, Rachel has also been accepted by an American Sports Scholarship Program to play high level hockey in America.

This year, Woodlands thrived in the sporting world with victories at multiple inter-House events such as senior Hockey, junior Netball, junior Rugby, Tennis and Football.
Scottish Sport is also well represented in Woodlands with multiple girls being selected to represent many different sports. Emma F has been selected to be a part of the U18 Scottish Cricket. Tally M has been selected for Scottish Canoeing. Olivia D has been selected for Scottish Netball. Freya C has been selected for Scottish Tennis. To have so many national sports players in Woodlands is amazing, each one of the girls is dedicated and beyond talented at their sports.
Sport, of course, isn’t the only place where talent can be found in Woodlands. At House Music our very own Lisa C amazed the judges with her beautiful piano performance leading her to win best soloist. Her dedication and skill shone through from the stage and I can safely say her performance was mesmerising. Additionally, if you went to see this year’s musical ‘Once’ you would have seen our fantastic deputy head of House Laura B take the leading role. Laura blew everyone away with her amazing singing and emotional performance and was truly a delight to watch.
Woodlands would not be the friendly and lively environment that is it without the brilliant staff in the House. The girls appreciate the time and effort of the tutors in House greatly. Sadly, this year our resident tutor Miss Mckay will be leaving her position. The girls have loved our time spent together whether it be weekend activities or having a wee gossip in the foyer, sometimes too much for Miss McKay’s liking. However, Miss Mckay is not going far as she will still be a tutor in the House, much to the girls’ delight! The girls are very excited to welcome Miss Hill to Woodlands as the new resident tutor and look forward to teaching her the Woodlands’ ways.

One of the hotspots in the House is the tuck shop, where the girls get their chocolate bar fuel before prep. This year the girls all decided to donate a large portion of the tuck shop profits to help with the aid and relief for the Earthquake in Turkey. The rest of the money was put towards the delicious ice cream that was served at the Wooodlands BBQ by Joelato, a treat that was enjoyed by all!
All of us in UV1 and leavers throughout the House are going to greatly miss the warm environment in Woodlands House. The friendships made will allow us to stay in touch once we have left and I can say on behalf of all of us, we are so grateful for our time in Woodlands. The House will continue to grow and thrive next year with Alice E taking over as Head of House. I am excited to see her flourish in the role over the course of next year.
Rosalind Q

AT STRATHALLAN, THE ARTS ARE IN OUR DNA. This year we have celebrated diversity and inclusivity, with a magnificently impressive, groundbreaking and inspirational programme of activity, offering opportunities for all our young people and allowing for creative potential to be reached.

It's in our DNA Music
It was a year of firsts and a year of growth!
We were delighted that The Big Sing performance of John Farnham’s “You’re the Voice” by every pupil in the school went viral across the world. To date there have been over half a million hits across all social platforms. We found our first Strathallan Young Musician of the Year. We launched our first International Showcase and we celebrated our pupils’ success in our first ‘Strammys’..!
The co-curricular provision in the school is comprehensive and provides opportunities for 200 of our young musicians to take part in one or more of the 30 weekly activities offered.
Instrumental provision continues to increase. We delivered 4500 music lessons this year. Two of our music instructors (Dougie Flower and Dan Jones) have moved on and have been replaced by Robert Duncan (piano) and Jacques Carroll-Leitao (classical guitar)

Performance is our pupil’s opportunity to show off all their hard work and talent. Through our Platforms, Showcases and Recitals, there were hundreds of performances to enjoy. Some of these were recorded professionally and the views of the music department videos have been higher than ever before. Highlights include The Big Sing, House Music, Div Music, Christmas Concert, SPS High Tea, Head Man’s Music, Perth Festival of the Arts, Rock & Folk Night, Once (Senior Musical) and Oliver (SPS Musical)

The school’s Big Sing featured all 577 pupils as well as hundreds of staff performing John Farnham’s “You’re the Voice” on the school’s front lawn. With the Pipe Band providing the backbeat to the song, the power ballad also features singing solos, a full orchestra and a rock band. The resultant video went viral, garnering well over 600,000 views and reaching audiences as far as Australia.
To view the video of "You're the Voice" click on the QR code here.

A central objective of the Music Department is to increase the participation, enjoyment and impact of music on all pupils. This includes academic music as well as the exhaustive co-curricular and events provision.
The number of students taking music GCSE and A Level across the UK in 2022 is at an all-time low. At Strathallan the academic uptake of music exam classes has risen to 22 pupils — we are seeing an all-time high!
Live music is vital in our young people’s music education. Our music exam pupils attended several concerts by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Estonian National Orchestra in Perth Concert Hall and Edinburgh Queen’s Hall to experience music by Mendelssohn, Haydn, Britten, Rachmaninov and Dvořák. The SPS also got to see the Scottish Chamber Orchestra performing ‘The Chimpanzees of Happy Town’!
Fascinating and inspiring workshops were delivered to our Music Scholars and included:
• Improvising, Jazz & Ensemble Playing
• Zack Moir - Associate Professor of Music at Edinburgh Napier University and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
• Exploring performing and composition through folk, jazz and technology
• Fraser Fifield - Traditional Artist in Residence at Edinburgh University. A multi-instrumentalist and composer from Scotland, performing on low whistle, saxophone, and bagpipes.
• Piano Recital & Masterclass - Prof. Peter Seivewright, International pianist, and held posts as Professor of Music in Universities at Trinidad and Tobago, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Thailand and Scotland.
Every individual performance is a success. Every ensemble working together is a success. Some of these are highlighted in our Roll of Honour that follows. We also launched The Strammys, our take on The Grammy Music Awards, to celebrate our young people’s success.
All of these events, and the opportunities they bring, highlight and emphasise the importance of the creative arts in our school.
Arts education has a transformational role in empowering children and young people. Our vision and desire is that the music department is a happy place, a safe place, a creative place, and a place where our young people can be themselves, take risks and flourish.
Mr J McAuley — Director of Music
All of these events, and the opportunities they bring, highlight and emphasise the importance of the creative arts in our school.

An exciting development in November was the Strathallan Young Musician of the Year. Our winners were William L (Seniors) and Jing W (SPS).
William L (Seniors)
Jing W (SPS)
Angus K
Jacy E
Megan A
Lisa C
Lilly G
Isobel W
Yi W
Jing W
Surina C
Gregory B
Tinaye-John P
George M
Shannon P
Timothe E
Hector C
Myla C Bass Guitar
RacheF Singing
Oliver Trumpet
Angus K Guitar
Owen C Trumpet
Isabella DCT Piano
Alexandra M Singing
Alexandra M Piano
Carter R Singing
Eva DL Saxophone
Emily P Flute
Surina C Bass Guitar
Natalie DCT Theory
Natalie DCT Bass Guitar
Natalie DCT Piano
Oliver K Theory
Oliver K Theory
Ava M Theory
Grade 8 Merit
Grade 8 Merit
Grade 8 Pass
Grade 8 Merit
Grade 7 Pass
Grade 7 Merit
Grade 7 Pass
Grade 7 Merit
Grade 7 Merit
Grade 6 Distinction
Grade 6 Distinction
Grade 5 Merit
Grade 5 Pass
Grade 5 Merit
Grade 5 Merit
Grade 5 Pass
Grade 5 Merit
Grade 5 Merit
Evie G Singing
Emily P Piano
Annabel A Drum-Kit
Oliver DH Trombone
Finlay G Drum-Kit
Matilda S Piano
Rebecca S
Zachary T Piano
Timofey A Drum-Kit
Lucas B Drum-Kit
Sum Foon L Guitar
Tinaye-John P Drum-Kit
James DH Trumpet
Sunaya C Guitar
Alfie M
Harris C-H
Sunaya C
Grade 4 Merit
Grade 4 Pass
Grade 3 Distinction
Grade 3 Merit
Grade 3 Pass
Grade 3 Pass
Grade 3 Merit
Grade 3 Pass
Grade 2 Merit
Grade 2 Merit
Grade 2 Pass
Grade 2 Merit
Grade 1 Merit
Initial Merit
1st PLACE William L Chopin Recital Class
1st PLACE William L Piano Recital Class
1st PLACE Sophie D Violin Solo (Level 5)
2nd PLACE Gregory B Violin Solo (Level 4)
2nd PLACE Amy M Violin Solo (Level 2)
1st PLACE Hector C Scots Fiddle Solo
2nd PLACE Charlie C Scots Fiddle Solo (Elementary)
Carter R
We are delighted that three of our Upper 6th Pupils prepared for auditions and were successful. We look forward to hearing where their musical journey will take them!
Angus K
The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance, London
Ashley Q
The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance, London
Owen C
HND Music at Aberdeen College

Colours in Music are awarded to pupils with excellent all-round commitment to the music department. This includes commitment at multiple weekly ensemble rehearsals and participation in events. In addition, colours are awarded to those with an exceptional level of achievement in music exams and external music activities.
Laura B
Owen C
Joshua C
Myla C
Jacy E
Finn G-R
Grace H
Angus K
Oliver K
Eriskay M
Ashley Q
Carter R
Mischa S
Constantin B
Edward C
Lisa C
Sophie D
Eva DL
Sum Foon L
Grace H
Valerie K
William L
Alexandra M
Isla M
Chloe M
Rafael N
Rosalind Q
Eleanor R
Madi S
Yi W
Zoe W
Ethan W
HEADS OF MUSIC 2022-2023
Captain of Music
Head of Choir
Head of Woodwind
Head of Brass
Head of Strings
Head of Percussion
Head of Piano
Head of Rock
Head of Chapel Music
Head Chorister
Organ Scholar
Angus K
Laura B
Jacy E
Oliver K
Ashley Q
Laura B
Millie G
Finn GR
Madi S
Mischa S
Edward C

This was one of the best ways ever of showing the benefits of joining the Pipe band. The opportunities we get are second to none.
PIPING AND DRUMMING CONTINUE TO BE AT THE HEART OF THE SCHOOL’S IDENTITY. We are proud to be front and centre of Strathallan’s public profile and are hugely impressed, as a department, by the level of commitment to practice and rehearsal by our pupils that leads to the standard this level of attention demands.
Our year started off with the incredibly generous donation by the Robertson family of two dedicated practice huts. The difference this legacy will make to piping and drumming at Strathallan cannot be over-estimated.
During the year we took part in a number of recitals, showcases and competitions both in school and beyond, from amazing folk nights in Blend to a sold-out audience at Perth Concert Hall with the renowned folk band Skerryvore which was an incredible moment; a performance many of our young pipers and drummer will remember forever.
Welcoming the U16A squad to BT Murrayfield for their cup-final was a moment of pride and certainly one of the year’s highlights. We also had a successful outing to the Scottish Schools Pipe Band competition; Strathallan Pipe Band were placed second in the Nov Juv B category and, in collaboration with the Folk Band, another second place was achieved with a rousing performance of Greenland Whale Fisheries in the Freestyle competition. We spread our wings far this year, it was great to once again be part of The Celtic Festival in Barbados – apart from anything it typified just how far piping and drumming at Strathallan can take you. We can’t wait to do it all again next year.
Barbados was an incredible trip for all of us, it was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. Our time there was filled with lots of awesome activities and incredible piping experiences. Our itinerary saw us swimming with turtles which Mr Muirhead always loves. We paraded through the streets of the capital, Bridgetown, performing alongside the Barbados Military Brass Band. It was awesome to see their national instruments being played alongside ours. Every day on the trip was memorable but my particular highlight had to be performing at the Harbour Lights festival, held at an amazing beach-side restaurant. Other notable performances included playing at the Barbados Yacht Club and St Patrick’s Cathedral.
This was one of the best ways ever of showing the benefits of joining the Pipe band. The opportunities we get are second to none.During the trip we were lucky enough to have workshops with two incredible pipers: Roddy MacLeod MBE and Connor Sinclair. In Barbados, the response from audiences and other musicians was excellent and it really brought home to us how amazing the experience that our instructors, particularly Mr Howie, Mr Fraser, Mr Richardson and Mr Muirhead, make sure we have.
Finlay G (Fifth Form)

DNA, DENNIS KELLY’S 2008 PLAY HAS THE CORE THEMES OF SELF AND GROUP IDENTITY, BULLYING AND CRUELTY AS SEEN IN THE LIVES OF A GROUP OF TEENAGERS. The action follows a shocking incident where one of the “gang” is accidentally killed. In trying to cover themselves they inadvertently implicate an innocent man. Despite having opportunities to be honest about it, they continue to weave a darker and ever more complex web of lies.
The cast worked together excellently well and each actor’s performance enhanced the tense atmosphere. Particular mention must be made of the performances within the group of Imogen S, Isla C and Iona F who veered towards truly chilling characterisation.
The two main characters were exceptional. Ethan W in the role of Phil, although with very few lines to say, portrayed the character vividly, with an intensely physical performance which took a great deal of self-control.
Francesca W, too, was outstanding as Leah, truly inhabiting the extremely challenging role. Leah’s speeches are basically monologues in which she uses a variety of techniques to attract Phil’s attention, including putting herself down, revealing her insecurities, talking about intellectual subjects, and even harming herself. Francesca brought to life these contradictions with mesmerising authenticity. Her spellbinding mastery of such a challenging piece was simply one of the finest performances we have ever seen.
This ensemble piece about aspects of the society we live in is challenging for young people and the issues covered allow them to explore their own attitudes to peer pressure, bullying and the age-old question of nature versus nurture.
Alice M’s nervy portrayal of Anna again took the audience far beyond any notion of comfort. In acknowledging the extraordinary acting ability, audience members agreed that there simply wasn’t a weak link in the cast; more a collection of increasingly dark and complex and utterly convincing cameos. Isabella DCT, Dan C, Ivianna Y, Amy A and Eva DL negotiated their roles seamlessly – a true ensemble cast of exceptional quality with Zheel B and Chloe M alternating the role of Anna’s mother.
The fact that the play does not prescribe a specific time or place in which the events occur allowed for a Brechtian approach to the setting. The staging was a mixture of realistic and non-realistic designed to compliment the unsettling darkness of the piece. Once again, the contribution of stage crew to the overall impact of the performance was crucial. Their skills in stage management stand out again with yet another example of near professional quality theatricality.
Mrs I McFarlane

— the musical
Let’s begin at the end, with a complaint: “You put the lights up too early! I was still crying!”
It was difficult — on any of the three performances — to find a dry eye in the house at the end of ‘Once.’ Laura B and Angus K held their audience entranced as the fated connection between two strangers played out on a set that was both a thoroughly convincing Dublin bar and a magical fantasy of lighted glass and gave us one of the most beautiful shows Strathallan has ever produced.
That our leads were perfect: musically accomplished and breath-taking in their characterisation, only tells part of the story of the show’s success. For the cast as a whole were tremendous — and what a journey the audience were taken on.
The show opened with an immersive experience as the bar opened early! They were treated to pre-show drinks, music and interaction with the cast of characters they were about to meet as they were welcomed in not to their seats but the on-stage bar instead. The whole score is lyrically beautiful traditional folk music with the actor-musicians supported by a wonderful array of pupils from the school’s folk band. A tremendously engaging play then unfolds with actors bringing the wonderfully eclectic cast and story to life. Really strong performances (and Irish accents) were evident from all, the experience of Alice M, Eva DL and Isla C was met by the fresh talent and performance of Kyle F, Carter R and — at last — Owen C. Youngsters shone: Iviana Y, and Imogen S continuing their theatrical journey and Megan A making a lasting impression with her incredible vocals. The award for ‘having most fun’ on stage has to go to Constantine B — though I think Carter’s melodrama threatened to upstage everyone at its peak! The incredibly strong ensemble cast was strengthened by George B, Amy A and Emma K , all of whom show such potential for future roles.
The vision of David Foster in his last senior show, and of Neil Hamilton who knows exactly what will suit his musicians, was beautifully realised. Thanks as always go to Robyn Goodfellow for her choreography and to Oliver Beetschen for quite simply a stunning transformation with the set and lighting. Finally, the smooth running of the show is due entirely to the stage crew who take responsibility, initiative and pride in every moment of the production. It was wonderful to see their expertise so appreciated at the end of every performance — they are as deserving as the sparkling cast of the rapturous applause which came their way.
That our leads were perfect: musically accomplished and breath-taking in their characterisation, only tells part of the story of the show’s success.

The curtain rose and the stage was set for the whole of Strathallan Prep School to bring the classic tale to life. Oli D, fittingly enough, met the challenge of the title role brilliantly. He was then more than ably matched by the wonderful talents of Evie B as Nancy and Annabel A as Dodger. Annabel has a track record of acting excellence, but Evie made her Strath debut — and what a debut is was as she sang with a confidence and ability far beyond her years. The dastardly deeds of Bill Sykes (Will D) and Fagin (Ruby A) kept the audience enthralled — again these two have shown their acting worth before and it is testament to them and their teachers that they go from strength to strength. Mention must go to the sheer quality of performance from these leading players who carried the weight of these roles admirably but the whole cast and crew more than matched their standard.
Song after song was delivered by a young cast with a great future ahead of them.
They acted, sang and danced as if they were born to it and the rapturous applause at the end of each performance showed true appreciation of their efforts. Backstage, the Prep School stage crew worked together with their senior counterparts to make sure the show ran smoothly whilst others had been responsible for hair, make-up and costuming. Every part of this incredible performance was a tribute to the skills, enthusiasm and efforts of this hardworking cast and crew.
Musical Director Sarah Simon, Director David Foster and choreographer Robyn Goodfellow had worked for weeks with the young cast. How proud they must have been to see this hard work pay off. Mr Foster in particular, whose last show at Strathallan this was, signed off in fitting fashion.

THE ART DEPARTMENT AT STRATHALLAN HAS CONTINUED TO BE A HUB OF CREATIVITY AND EXCELLENCE. Our exam groups had a busy year, completing both coursework and exam projects for the first time since 2019. Our Fifth Form and UVI Form students sat a two-day trial exam in December and final exams in May with some fantastic work created focusing on a wide range of themes. We were successful again at the annual RSA Schools Art Award with Sophie D (Fifth Form) being Highly Commended in the Intermediate category. Sophie’s work was selected from over 1000 entries which was an amazing achievement and continues our excellent track record of success in this annual national school’s art award. Jing W (SPS) won runner up at the Perthshire Young Photographer of the year 2023 and Rowan F (LVI Form) won runner up at the Perthshire Young Artist of the year at the Perth Annual Art Exhibition. The Strathallan School Art Dept also won best overall school for a fourth straight year at the same exhibition. Rowan F and Morgan L (both LVI Form) exhibited their work at the prestigious Caledonian Club in London as part of their Scottish schools’ exhibition, representing the school with a strong showing.
We are delighted that our students are consistently being recognised for the standard of their artwork and long may it continue.
This year’s work was exhibited once again at Speech Day. Opening up the department at this time of year in order to give students, parents and the wider Strathallan community the chance to see the amazing art which is produced, is one of the highlights of our year.
Mr F Glancy

We are delighted that our students are consistently being recognised for the standard of their artwork and long may it continue.

Human emotions are complex, and they affect everything we do. They are an essential ingredient in our lives and help us process the world around us. From the beginning, emotions have been linked to art, with many artists using their artwork as a way of symbolising how they are feeling or giving a glimpse into the state of their mental health. In the early 20th Century, there developed an art movement called "Expressionism," in which the artist was more interested in expressing an emotional experience and less focused on depicting realism. The artwork could be a record of what the artist was feeling at the time of making it, and it could also bring about emotional reactions in the viewer. Different ways artists express emotions in art pieces are through light, composition, symbolism, and colour. Colours can have a significant impact on how we respond to art. They can symbolise a wide range of emotions such as green with disgust and yellow with happiness. I’m interested in the way colour can affect my own images and have explored this in my coursework project this year.
Amy S

Having battled through my own experiences with mental health and discovering that it’s a different experience for everyone and can be shown in many ways, I have decided to use mental health as the theme for my coursework. I became interested in focusing and reflecting on mental health to increase the awareness of this condition and to start a conversation as I believe this is an area that is not talked about in a deep enough way and can be overlooked. I have been heavily influenced by artists such as Tracey Emin and her infamous ‘Bed’ installation which displayed her many struggles and chaotic life. I believe that mental health shouldn’t be taken lightly and varies in intensity, and I think that my work will convey this to whoever will see it.
Eilis H

I believe that mental health shouldn’t be taken lightly and varies in intensity, and I think that my work will convey this to whoever will see it.

I moved to Southeast Asia during my developing teen years. I was immediately hit with the unrealistic standards, with respect to beauty, that women face today. Plastered all over billboards were glass skinned, thick haired, beautifully photoshopped models. Naturally this created a pressure on me and my peers to look a certain way — 13-year-olds trying to look 20. I want my work to reflect the development of insecurities and how people will go to desperate measures such as paying thousands to have plastic surgery just to fit into the unrealistic ideal that women are set just to be called ‘beautiful’. Furthermore, I want to explore what a flaw or perfection is or is perceived to be, looking at other factors such as religion for example. As soon as we are born, we are hit with immediate expectations, such as following in our parents’ footsteps, even if our heart says differently; this leads people to feel unworthy and to question their identity.

Mental illness has proven to be an ever-rising issue, one with which a large population of young people battle, myself included. Expressionism opens the pathways for distortion of reality that often accompanies mental health, with some psychologists believing that mental illness itself is an inability to perceive reality. Having personally been affected by severe mental health issues for the majority of my life, I understand the extreme confusion and oftentimes pain which results from mental illness. I wish to find a method to express the bizarre, oftentimes baseless distortions to reality that affect many people’s daily life. By pursuing a bizarre, surrealist presentation of mental health, I hope to demonstrate the distortion created by mental illness and allow viewers to form a deeper understanding of the effects of the condition.
Emma S
I wish to find a method to express the bizarre, oftentimes baseless distortions to reality that affect many people’s daily life. By pursuing a bizarre, surrealist presentation of mental health, I hope to demonstrate the distortion created by mental illness and allow viewers to form a deeper understanding of the effects of the condition.

Emotion and colour go hand in hand. There have been several psychcological studies on how colour is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood or even physiological reactions. Certain colours are associated with certain moods or ideas, for example white can symbolise peace, cleanliness or simplicity. "Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions," the artist Pablo Picasso once remarked. I'm going to be looking at how colours can affect one's mood or emotion towards a piece of art, looking at certain colours, either on their own or paired with other colours and what this can do to one's mind. Artists who explore colour heavily are Pablo Picasso, particularly in his blue period as well as his cubism, looking at several different colours in one piece. I have started to explore the changes that different colours can make to a piece, and I want to explore this further to develop an understanding of the influence of colour.
Isobel Wa

Having grown up frequently moving countries with my family, I have become connected with the idea of nostalgia. Finding a way to represent how time and distance can fade a memory of a different life that we hold in our past. Memories of places and people hold meaning to us long after we have moved on. Through deeper exploration into this idea, my interest has been centred around the expression of my personal memories, but in a way to show how each has faded over time. I have developed my artistic style and explored a range of expressive and creative approaches, hopefully finding a way of working that best expresses my thoughts and feelings on this subject.

Humans have been inspired by nature, making discoveries and inventions for thousands of years. Planes and Bullet trains were inspired by birds, and their physical characteristics such as wings and beaks acting to symbolise the feathered creatures their designs are inspired by. Mathematicians, pharmacologists, and physicists have all been inspired by mother nature, linking many projects, theories or even medicines to elements found in the natural world. As an artist I wanted to explore the inspiration of nature to mankind. Fashion is a way of expression, and the outfits designed are another invention of nature’s inspiration. The outfits have characteristics of water, trees, flowers and so on, that can be seen in different parts of the natural world. In the generation of climate change and so much synthetic use of resources over natural resources, what better way for a human to embrace nature than through an artistic form of fashion?
Khyrystyna B
Khrystyna’s A-Level Artwork led to seven offers from around the world to study fashion. She has accepted a place at the elite London Fashion School, Instituto Marangoni.

The Academic Year 2022-23
AT THE HEART OF THE SCHOOL IS OUR ACADEMIC PROGRAMME. From our Academic Scholarship and Extension programme to our lectures, hands on learning opportunities and school trips to bring the classroom to life.
Over the next few pages, we hope you enjoy the many and varied academic achievements of our pupils and join us in celebrating their success.
Build A Plane
The pupil builders:
UVI: Oliver K, Ros Q, Nicholas N, Katelyn T, Zoe W, Moritz S.
LVI: Ballen M, Joshua C, Myla C, Valentin E, Emma F, Kyle F, James G, Reece M, Lewis M, Anna S, Chloe T, Hailey W, Lucas Z, Eriskay M, Andre L.
V: Eve B, Connie D, Fynn H, Bailey L, Jacob M, Charlie M, Ruairidh P, Oscar P, Alastair R, Casper S, Forbes S, Francesco R
IV: Paul B, Nisha B, Jack B, Sofiia B, Angus C, Dan C, Natalie DCT , Rosie E, Beryl L, Lauchie O, Cecilia Q.
III: Nell M, Tom N, Rebecca S, Hamish .
The trustees: Robin Chisholm (ex RAF Tornado navigator), and Mike Pearson (pilot and airport designer).
The STEM HODs: Ian Barrett (DT), Rod Macleod (Maths), and Ian Mitchell (Physics).
The first mission was to bring the airframe from Kent to Strathallan. The airframe and wings were built in Nitra in Slovakia and transported to Eurofox UK in Kent. Microlight aircraft are under 600kg so can be transported by trailer. The 1000-mile round trip was undertaken by Robin Chisholm in freezing conditions, delivering to the newly repurposed Strathallan hanger on December 9th, 2022. By December 13th the plane build had begun.
The build has been better than normal school. I have enjoyed learning about how engines work.
Fynn H (Fifth Form)

I enjoyed the chance to build and am planning my future in the aeronautical industry. I will definitely have a flight next year
Casper S (Fifth Form)
As you would imagine, (and hope!), aircraft are manufactured and tested to a very exacting standard. Meticulous preparation for the fitting of each component is required. Each nut and bolt must be set out according to the build manual. Nothing must be missing or spare at the end of a build session. Therefore, the first weeks of the build were slow as pupils needed instruction on tool control, hanger safety, and the basic principles of construction. Many parts of the plane are fragile, so a calm and ordered approach is required. Good communication and teamwork are essential. Pupils were split into 3 teams, building on either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoons under the guidance of a STEM head of department and Robin or Mike.
Spontaneous toolbox talks on pop rivets, blind rivets, torque wrenches, metric and imperial threads, compression fittings, wire locking, O-rings, Ny lock and hex nuts became commonplace as the build schedule required. Coupled with whiteboard STEM based teaching on meteorology, aerodynamics, air traffic control and engines, the pupils were gaining a real insight into precision engineering processes.
By February 8th with work now complete on the firewall of the fuselage, the engine could be fitted. The honour of mounting the engine on the plane went to the Tuesday team, and more demanding work on plumbing the engine for fuel and oil could begin. By Easter, the focus had switched to the cockpit controls – brakes, the handbrake, flying control rods and the instrument panel. The wings could now be folded away and reattached securely so the plane could leave the hanger and be viewed on sports day. The team hope to have full electrical installation complete by the end of summer term, then the inspection process can begin in earnest.
The legacy of the build will be manyfold.
Firstly, all the build team pupils have gained an enormous amount of hands-on construction and STEM expertise. Its fair to say that they won’t be lacking for relevant content in their UCAS personal statements! There have been visits to the Glasgow Science Centre, the National Museum of Flight, and to Air Service Training at Scone airport. Strathallan was the Scottish host for the Sandy Gunn career event with 3 days of input from industry and academic leaders in the field of
aeronautics. All the external visits and the Sandy Gunn event were hugely enjoyed by pupil builders, each offering a wider perspective of the aerospace industry. The hope of build staff is that pupils will be encouraged to see the practical value of applied maths and physics and consider careers previously unthought of in the field of engineering.
Secondly, the wider community of pupils in Strathallan and beyond have benefited. Over 400 pupils from Strathallan Prep School (SPS) and senior school visited the hanger in small groups to experience the build process first hand. SPS and Forgandenny primary school children loved seeing and touching the plane, moving the wings and tail with the flight controls as well as learning about forces and flight, and holding the lightweight propeller. Their energy and enthusiasm were a delight. Their questions reflected unbridled curiosity. The 2nd form in SPS got involved in designing the artwork on the cowling of the nose cone and 3rd and 4th form Physicists also got a hanger visit and a forces of flight lesson as part of British Science Week activities in January.
Thirdly, the plane is owned by ASSET and run by its operational arm Aerospace Kinross. Over the summer break the British Microlight Aircraft Association (BMAA), completed their inspection under the auspices of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) — part of the transport department of the UK government). All Strathallan pupils will get the chance to experience flight in our microlight for at least the next 5 years.
It’s experts who bring engineering to life to inspire young minds. A huge thank you must go to the Aerospace Kinross team of Robin Chisholm and Mike Pearson, and to Alisdair Stewart for the genesis and organisation of the project. Thanks also to the STEM heads of department and the pupil builders for their engagement and passion for engineering. This project has been a hands-on authentic learning experience for all involved from start to finish.
Dr Brian Cooper — STEM CoordinatorThe aircraft has been pre-registered with the CAA as G-OLOV reflecting the Strathallan School motto — Labor Omnia Vincent — “Work Conquers Everything”. Happy flying!
Biology Extension
N SEPTEMBER THE HIGHER BIOLOGY CLASS SET OUT FOR THE HIGHLAND WILDLIFE PARK NEAR AVIEMORE. Our enthusiastic and informative tour guide Jasper took us on a walk through the park and enabled us to understand the animal behaviours we were witnessing. First stop was the macaques where in any primate society you can see a social hierarchy in action. Appeasement of the dominant individuals takes place through grooming and helps cement friendships.
Girls in STEM Day
NNext were the tigers where we discussed cooperative hunting and welfare indicators. The wildlife park has huge enclosures compared with most zoos so all the behaviour we saw was natural and indicated very high welfare standards. A break for lunch, then we risked the school minibus on a drive around the open plan ungulate enclosure and past the polar bears. Joe T won the photography competition for his close-up snap of a tiger.
EAR THE END OF THE AUTUMN TERM FIFTEEN GIRLS FROM THE 3RD AND 4TH FORM PARTICIPATED IN A “GIRLS INTO STEM DAY” AT UHI PERTH. Alongside other schools they were divided into 6 groups for a circus of STEM activities that they rotated around for the rest of the day. The highly competitive ‘rocket launching’ and ‘robot wars’ were firm favourites of all participants in the main hall. In addition, bespoke sessions were put on by female industry leaders in microchip technology and aerospace designed to direct the girls towards possible careers in STEM. AI technology that can discriminate between a teddy bear face and a human face was a key highlight. Overall, the day was hugely inspiring and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Flight Simulation at Glasgow Science Centre
CENTRE. There they were treated to a flight/STEM experience that saw them fly two missions. Firstly, a training mission around Glasgow’s streets with a precision dive under the Erskine bridge. With the Glasgow mission under their belt, a more logistically
challenging mission to Norway to introduce the issues encountered flying over a large body of water was undertaken. The pupils were shown how the simple Physics equations they learn about in GCSE lessons are used in a real life setting to produce flight plans. My thanks go to Dr Mitchell and Dr Sharples and the staff at Glasgow for a great flying adventure.
Juniors take top prize for Bridge Building
WE WERE BACK AT UHI PERTH IN FEBRUARY FOR AN ENGINEERING FOCUSSED BRIDGE BUILDING EVENT with a team from the lower sixth, (Josh C, Anna S, James G and Hailey H), and another from the 5th form (Sophia G, Katie N, Eric M and Dan C). Teams had an hour to plan, then three hours to construct a bridge using wooden skewers and glue with a minimum span of 1 metre, with prizes for heaviest weight held, best designed, and longest span. A lack of time and a lack of glue sent our senior team into a downward spiral. In contrast, the junior team thrived, producing a construction that Alec Guinness would have been proud of. Their final bridge was 1.4 metres long with a cantilever design across the entire span. It held an impressive 100 Newtons before collapse – this was double the mass of their nearest competitor, and won them top prize. Our thanks go to the civil engineering department of UHI Perth for putting on an exciting STEM challenge.
N STEM CLUB, ISABELLA Z AND JESSICA T, PUT THE FINAL TOUCHES TO THEIR SILVER CREST AWARD PROJECT ON VITAMIN C SOURCES. They compared gummies, effervescent tablets, fresh and concentrated juices for vitamin C content using chemical titration. Comparing their results with a school survey, and even testing the juice served in the dining hall they carefully employed the scientific method throughout their project to ensure reliable and meaningful results. In March they were finally awarded the Silver CREST award – the first to achieve this level at Strathallan.
The CREST assessor commented: ‘A great group project with a range of approaches taken into account and conducted. Quantitative data was collected and presented, and a logical conclusion was formed. There is also evidence of active involvement in the project’.
Well done Jessica and Isabella and good luck with your university science careers.
Elsewhere in STEM club Hamish B has been working on the aerodynamics of rockets. He has established a simple but interesting project to look at the effect a tapered nose
cone has on the altitude reached by a water-propelled bottle rocket. As I write he was completing the analysis, and I expect him to attain a CREST Bronze award when it is finished. Also working on rocket design for a CREST award are Sophia G and Amy G. Instead of the nose cone, they are instead looking at the effect on flight of different designs of fin. The girls are using the DT department’s cutting machines to good effect, and I look forward to seeing the rocket in action.
In LEGO club we have had regular attendance from a committed band of friends and builders: Huddy McW, Kate M, Holly P, James P, Grace P, Paige M, Struan R, Frederick R, Ajay S, David L, Sebastian L-P, Thomas L-P, Leo B and Ewan G. Transport has ended up being the overriding theme this year with some excellent examples of car, planes, boats and trains including Sebastian’s famous ‘Mega wheeler’. Sessions begin with a LEGO build challenge but often end up as an expression of the pupil’s imagination, with no two builds ending up the same.
British Science Week
BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK’S THEME THIS YEAR WAS INTERCONNECTIONS, AND MY AMBITION WAS TO PROVIDE AN EXTENSION ACTIVITY IN 3RD FORM BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS LESSONS THAT WOULD PROVOKE STUDENTS INTO ASKING QUESTIONS AND LOOK FOR COMMON THEMES BETWEEN THE SCIENCES. In Biology we grew a slime mould, (a single celled protist), in a maze using a porridge oat for incitement. We were astounded to see that the organism, that we started referring to simply as ‘Slimy’, had in most cases grown the shortest route to the food source, in many cases ignoring the dead ends. Microscopic study allowed us to visualise the intricate pattern of growth and speculate on the ‘informed’ choices made by an organism lacking a nervous system/brain.
In Physics, pupils were asked to construct a glider and measure the distance it travelled when launched. A working knowledge of forces like thrust, lift, weight and drag would prove useful when modification to the design were considered to improve performance. The flight theme continued in Chemistry where two types of mouldable polymer — liquid rubber and polymorph plastic — used in some aeroplane components was made into bouncy balls. The bounciness of these balls was then tested and compared, and the usefulness of polymerisation in manufacture was discussed.
The goal of Science Week activities is to expand the horizons of our 3rd form scientists and hopefully provoke further reading, inquiry and investigation.
Back on Flight
N THE FIRST FEW WEEKS OF THE SUMMER TERM THE RESERVE TEAM BUILDERS’ MINDS WERE BACK ON FLIGHT WHEN THEY ATTENDED THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF FLIGHT IN EAST LOTHIAN AND THEN VISITED THE STRATHALLAN HANGER FOR A SAFETY BRIEFING PRIOR TO SLOTTING INTO A BUILD TEAM ALONGSIDE THE 6TH FORM BUILDERS. The museum was a real treat for flight enthusiasts. We were met by our guide Rona for a STEM activity on the forces of flight. Having interactive models and the planes as a backdrop means any teaching points on forces like drag and lift can be quickly visualised and realised by the learners. Next, the often-decisive role of aviation in modern warfare was beautifully explained by George, a museum volunteer with years of flying experience. To finish, a quick run round the assault course then lunch. My thanks go to all the museum staff and volunteers, and Mrs Leadbetter, for an excellent visit.
Eight senior plane builders, (Josh C, Lucas Zahn Z, Hailey W, Kit H, Myla C, James G, Valentin E and Oliver K), and three very senior plane builders, (Robin Chisholm, Mike Pearson and Dr Ian Mitchell), took their expertise and enthusiasm for flight to Air Service Training (AST) at Scone airport near the end of May. A classroom session on what it takes to get qualified as an aircraft engineer – lots of applied maths and physics leading to a very healthy starting salary — followed by the obligatory paper aeroplane building competition, then off to the flight simulator. Josh smashed into Dundee, whilst Oliver flew from Scone to Strathallan before coming down to (crash) land in a field near the river Earn. The final part of the visit was a hanger tour taking in several historical engines, the cockpit of a Cessna, and two helicopters. Throughout our helpful AST guides for the day, Scott and Dave, were superb at explaining the design features of the aircraft and linking engines to aerodynamics and the forces of flight. Our thanks also go to Alisdair Gilbert for arranging the visit.
Annual Ecological Sampling Day
VENTURED EAST FROM STRATHALLAN ALONG THE RIVER TO TAYPORT FOR THE ANNUAL ECOLOGICAL SAMPLING DAY. A short walk brought us to the picturesque Tentsmuir National Nature Reserve, home to a wide variety of habitats. We counted all the plants along a straight line for one hundred meters from shoreline, through swampy salt marsh, past embryonic and grey sand dunes, to the fringes of the mature forest. Our results showed clear evidence of a gradual change called ‘succession’ in which conditions become less

hostile and more biodiverse the further away from the beach you travel . A wee nature walk guided by the expert eye of Mr Kent through the forest and back to the buses revealed butterflies, moths, and insect life in abundance. Luckily, we enjoyed splendid weather throughout. The day finished with cakes and coffee at the nearby Larick café. My thanks go to our biology technician Mrs Harold for setting up the equipment we required, and to Mr Kent for his intimate knowledge of the local and natural history of the area.
Dr Brian Cooper — STEM Co-ordinator

Academic Scholarship & Extension
N ADDITION TO THE BUILD A PLANE PROJECT AND STEM EXTENSION, A PROGRAMME OF ACADEMIC EXTENSION HAS CONTINUED TO RUN IN SCHOOL THIS YEAR. The co-curricular programme offers opportunites for pupils to gain not only sporting but academic enrichment with activities such as LAMDA, Greek, and Chess to name but a few. Additional activities available for Academic Scholars have been organised such as academic quizzes in the first term for the junior and senior academic scholars, an academic dinner in the second term for 5th form scholars and in the summer term senior school scholars took part in an Escape Room activity hosted by the English Department. Pupils in the junior school were not forgotten and were given the opportunity to follow a two-week extension programme of Mandarin in the summer term as part of their enrichment.

SPS Extension Programme
THE SPS EXTENSION PROGRAMME HAS ALSO PROVIDED PUPILS WITH THE OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR FROM SPECIALIST SENIOR SCHOOL TEACHERS WITH PUPILS PARTICULARLY ENJOYING AND THEN CREATING THEIR OWN ROLE PLAY GAME INSPIRED BY DR SAPSFORD’S LECTURE. Additionally, they were enthralled by hearing all about Mrs Troup’s travels in American and South America before she became an EAL teacher. The senior school sport scholars were treated to a lecture in the spring term by the Headmaster, entitled ‘How to win the boat race’, and senior academic scholars had a pre-dinner lecture given by Flight Lieutenant Addlington, who was our guest at the Senior academic dinner. As part of Fl. Lt. Addlington’s lecture he spoke about how AI is expected to influence and change the RAF in the future. Pupils had the opportunity to follow this up by attending the Strathallan lecture given by given by Ian Yorston, former director of Digital Strategy and Radley College with a lecture entitled ‘Be kind to your robot’.
As part of the senior and junior extension programmes we have run a ‘Big Questions’ series for pupils, in which they have been encouraged to discuss key global events and issues, such as ‘Should Qatar have hosted the World Cup?’ and ‘Is nuclear energy the solution to the current energy crisis?’ We are looking forward to developing this discussion group further into a Model United Nations group next academic year.
Competitions have also featured as part of the academic extension programme and many departments have offered a range of extension competitions, such as the Maths and Chemistry Olympiads as well as a Lego competition organised by the DT department. In addition to these department competitions, all pupils in the junior school were invited to take part in a creative and essay competition on the theme of flight. Finally, in the summer term, senior pupils were invited to take part in the first ‘one hour-one shot’ essay competition in which they had an hour to write an essay from a series of unseen prompts. The winning essays were outstanding and demonstrated a high level of thought and creative style.
Brian Miles — Scholarship Co-ordinatorLectures 2022-23
THE LECTURE SERIES THIS YEAR WAS THEMED AROUND STEM AND FLIGHT, AS THE BUILD A PLANE PROJECT GOT OFF THE GROUND POST COVID. To this end we invited parents and OS in the industry to share their experiences with the 6th form.
Sean Murray - Alumni
Sean led us through his time at Strath and Uni, before pursuing his lifelong dream of becoming an airline pilot. He shared the ups and down of his journey and using his own experience as a vehicle, he stressed the need to be adaptable and resilient in all you do.
His time at Strath was obviously very special and he explained how his experience, including taking the lead role in the school musical at twentyfour-hour notice, had helped him to always grasp any opportunity with both hands and to treat any hurdles as challenges and not barriers.
The pupils enjoyed his anecdotes and stories from school and asked him even more questions during the supper that followed.
Stephen O’Flynn

Strathallan parent, Stephen joined us in October to share his experience in the Air Traffic Control and Airline industry. Stephen runs a company AVISU that is involved in flight travel safety, air traffic control around the world. It was fascinating to learn how the airspace, we take for granted, is compartmentalised in 3D and carved up so that any aircraft can fly safely to its destination. Pupils were fascinated by the intricacies of the process and how aircraft are “handed on” to controllers as the plane moves from one area/country to the next.
Iain Hutcheson
It was great to welcome Iain Hutchison, another Strathallan parent to the chapel to talk to the 6th form about his experience with building his own Spitfire.
Iain is an engineer owner of Merlin Engineering, but in his spare time he and a group of like-minded friends built a 2/3 scale Spitfire. Ian walked us through the timeline and problems he encountered and shared the highs and lows of the project. He also told us of the many experiences he has had flying his Spitfire around the world and meeting WWII Spitfire pilots, which were both awe-inspiring and jaw-dropping.
Iain bought a kit Spitfire in Australia where he spent several years working on putting it together, piece by piece. Having built the plane in Perth, Australia, he now flies it from Perth, Scotland, and has flown over Strath many times. His plane is a scaled down version of the Supermarine Spitfire, producing around 200bhp compared to the original’s 2400bhp, but the plane is much lighter so still reaches an impressive top speed of over 200mph. As we at Strath are doing our own Build-a-Plane project, it was very appropriate for Iain to talk to us, as he knows many of the challenges we now face from first-hand experience. With even choosing the colour of paint apparently much harder than you might think – simply saying “camouflaged” is not enough — and the painting itself taking weeks, He went on to describe how difficult it was to complete the project, but that perseverance allowed him to continue, displaying resilience in the face of adversity to finish the plane, and now he is reaping the rewards — having his own Spitfire!
Iain talked about the struggle of balancing home life — with two children still at home at the time — and working on the plane, and how to keep in touch with his friends he had a Wednesday night hangar meet up, working on the plane with his friends. After the talk in the chapel, Iain joined some of the 6 th form Build-a-Plane students in the Pighills Room for some dinner and to ask any other questions we had one-on-one. In all, it was a very interesting lecture, and many thanks go to Iain for giving up his time to talk to us.
Josh C (LV1)Launching the Enterprise Award
WE WERE VERY PROUD THIS YEAR TO LAUNCH THE ENTERPRISE AWARD IN MEMORY OF ALISTER JEYNESELLIS. It was felt important to remember AJ by linking into the skills and values he is remembered for, especially problem solving and entrepreneurship, while providing the 6th Form with the opportunity to develop key skills, vital as they go into the world of work. The participating pupils were required to pitch their idea to a panel including AJ’s parents and members of staff. Their presentation needed to include their concept, and costings as well as equipment required; the successful team were ‘The Wafflers’ led by Zheel B, and they were awarded the seed money required with the profits going to the Charities Committee.
85 waffles are never enough!
A bunch of 16 and 17 year olds started an Enterprise. A small one. It was inspired by the love of Strathallians for the Art Cafe and how a food business is something interesting as it’s always a profitable business, but has its own regulations, ethics and uniqueness to abide by. A group of four 6th formers; Eva DL, Grace H, Moritz S and Zheel B got together with the vision to start an enterprise called Wafflers. Their pitch to the investors really touched them and persuaded them to finance their startup which lead to the sales of delicious waffles on several occasions. They specialised in a variety of flavours and endorsed them with aesthetic pictures and the best marketing tool of all, word of mouth. Pupils were very excited to try them and were very appreciative of the fact that all profits were donated to charity and hence gave very generous donations as tips to this small business. It was a sensation on the school Winter Wonderland as they were completely sold out within the first hour and a half. Which lead them to a lesson, 85 waffles are never enough! The Wafflers made big sales and raised £200 in profit, which was given to the Charities Committee. It was a team effort as they were constant chefs in the kitchen during the event showing great commitment to business, with a salesperson standing in front of customers who dealt with a continuous queue of 20 people at a time and the saddest, yet happiest, part of the evening was saying “we’re sold out”. They also beat their competitor who was a professional pancake stall which was a victory of its own.

They specialised in a variety of flavours and endorsed them with aesthetic pictures and the best marketing tool of all, word of mouth. Pupils were very excited to try them and were very appreciative of the fact that all profits were donated to charity and hence gave very generous donations as tips to this small business.

Modern Languages trip to Paris
Day 1 did begin with a delay at Edinburgh airport but we managed to fill it with eating, shopping and relaxing. Finally, we managed to board the plane with only a short flight until we landed in Paris.
Our hotel was small but practical. Once we had unpacked and changed, we headed off into town for dinner. Staying in our area, half of the group went to a Greek inspired restaurant where the others went to a sushi restaurant. The servers at the Greek restaurant were lovely and even gave us some food on the house! After dinner, we all went on a relaxing walk by La Seine and then returned to the hotel for the night.
Day 2 began with a reasonably early start and a traditional French breakfast at the hotel. We took the metro into the centre of Paris and walked to the Montparnasse Tower which is famously known for having 56 floors and 360 views of Paris. After spending time observing the outstanding views, we walked a long way in the 25 degree weather toward the Eiffel Tower. On the way there we stopped for lunch at a traditional brasserie with some good food. Next, we walked to the breath-taking Eiffel Tower and chilled there sunbathing and enjoying the beautiful weather. After ice cream, music and a little sunburn we headed across the ‘Pont d’lena’ Bridge and continued towards the Trocadero. Following this, we walked toward L’Arc de Triomphe and then we walked to Le Champs Elysees where we were given one hour to explore the designer shops. After this, we made our way back to the Pont d’lena and stopped at this quaint restaurant on the way, which had some absolutely delicious pizzas! Once we arrived at the bridge and after we managed to skip the painfully long queue, we went on an evening boat tour along La Seine which was beautiful. Now, it was late evening
and we were all exhausted so we made our way back to the metro and almost missed the train twice!
After the long and tiring day before, day 3 was much more relaxed. Beginning with a slow morning and a stop at the local bakery, we took the metro all the way to Le Louvre where we explored the shops inside for half an hour. This included some VERY expensive clothes shops, Starbucks and of course a souvenir shop. Next, we went above ground and indulged in the gorgeous weather whilst viewing Le Louvre, taking some extra-touristy photos for fun! Following this, we went for a lovely walk through the Jardin des Tuileries and stopped at the gorgeous fountain for some delicious ice cream. Once finished, we made our way into town and had a late lunch where we devoured the tasty food. Next, we continued walking and exploring the streets of Paris and made our way back to the hotel (luckily there were no train issues this time!) As it was the last night of the trip we were allowed to choose whichever restaurant we wished in our own groups in the local area. It was delightful! Finally, we returned to the hotel for the night. We are so grateful to Madame Crane for this amazing opportunity.
Cecilia Q (4th Form)

Geography Trip to Iceland
We began the first day by visiting the famous ‘Bridge between Two Continents’ where we were surrounded by vast boulders and volcanic sand. Later we experienced the hot steam of Gunnuhver hot springs where a rain jacket was definitely needed, before finishing the day at the Rekyjanes lighthouse looking out onto the sea from the most western point of the Reykjanes peninsula.
After lodging ourselves into the hotel for the night we moved onto a fantastic second day consisting of many picturesque locations of the Kerið crater with such huge depth, the frozen Gullfoss waterfall. These preceded a leisurely time at the Secret Lagoon where all the pupils and staff enjoyed a swim in the warm water rich in sulphur, heated by the nearby geyser. Soon after we saw the incredible views of the Geysir geothermal area and Thingviller national park. Again, ending the day with a nice meal and perhaps a swim in the hotels pool before closing in after another action-packed day.
Bring on day 3 where we were in for a packed day, beginning with a visit to the Lava Centre, where we were all shown more in-depth information about geothermal activity in Iceland and how it all works, with grand models and exhibitions. Following a short bus ride we visited two beautiful waterfalls — Seljandafoss (where we enjoyed a fantastic bagpipe performance by Angus C) and Skogafoss, the latter we climbed to the top to look down the fall itself. We then made our way to the scenic village of Vik, the most southern village in Iceland with a population of 300. We then finished our last visit of the day at the Black Sand beach where the wind speed was so high, we had to link arms before venturing nearer the coastline or water. I can honestly say it’s the most sureal experience I have and will ever witness, the towering waves and winds were just so strong it was unbelievable. After that unforgettable activity we travelled back for a well-deserved rest until day 4.
Our final activity day began with the Hveragerð shake house, simulating earthquakes followed up with the fascinating Krýsuvík mud puddles. Then we went to Reykjavík, starting at Hallgrimskirkja (a beautiful church) where we then began some free time to explore central Reykjavík, with a vast array of shops, activities and attractions to visit. We then finished with the Perlan centre, a natural history museum, consisting of a Northern Lights Planetarium, simulated ice caves, a nice café on top and a host of separate exhibits. After an eventful trip we had one last night staying at a new hotel in Rekjavik before an early wake-up to catch our plane home back to sunny Scotland. Thanks to Mr Swaile, Ms Haddick and Mr Mitchell for organising such an incredible adventure for us.
Reuben L (5th Form)

6th Form Burns Supper
Mrs Irene McFarlane chaired the evening and introduced each speaker and performer with a quotation from Burns works or an incident from his life that tied in with the performer’s name. Curtis M piped in the haggis which was enthusiastically addressed by Burns enthusiast, Mr Andy Henderson. Chloe McM delivered the Selkirk Grace. After a splendid three course dinner the Loyal Toast was proposed by Mr Jonathan Mace.
The Immortal Memory was delivered by Ethan W. He based his speech on that favourite Burns poem — also,

of course, popular as a song — A Man’s a Man aa That. To assist with this Magnus M recited the poem. Ethan and Magnus are very experienced performers of Burns. Ethan spoke of how the words of A Man’s a Man show how Burns endorses equality and rails against social injustice.
The Toast to the Lassies and the Reply were delived by the Heads of School, Max M and Melissa F-S. Isabella Di C-T recited Willie Wastle and Magnus supplied another recitation. The Folk Group provided music and the excellent evening of entertainment rounded off with the Vote of Thanks from Murray O.
Irene McFarlane
Strathallian Speech and Drama
From Riley days to Upper 6th every single LAMDA exam brought Distinction (80% plus) for Chloe McM (over 20 exams) and for Ethan W (almost as many.) Each has also won numerous classes at ”Perform in Perth” every year, as well as at the Perth Burns Club’s Schools’ Competition for Ethan. He was also privileged to be invited to perform at the 150th Anniversary Dinner of the Perth Burns Club in January this year.
Another performer, Magnus M, achieved Distinction in every LAMDA exam from Riley days on, and was also very successful at “Perform in Perth”. Like Ethan, Magnus is an excellent performer of Scots poetry and I anticipate that both will be greatly in demand at Burns Suppers in Scotland and beyond!
The names of these 3 young people appear, needless to say, yet again, among the list of successful LAMDA candidates this year. Ethan and Magnus achieved Distinction for Gold Medal (Grade 8) in The Speaking of Verse and Prose, and Chloe for Grade 8 Reading for Performance. Max M and Murray O also achieved Gold with Distinction for Speaking in Public. Murray’s 98% for Bronze Speaking in Public in November encouraged him to Go for Gold in May. And it certainly paid off.
Speaking in Public is certainly the most popular subject for the seniors. Understandably, as it is such a useful skill. In this, there were Distinctions for Madi S (Silver) and Gleb J, Francesco MR, Niicholas N, Kaiming M, Eva B, Elliot H and Tim A (Bronze) Sophie D and Tara G-R achieved Distinction in Silver Medal Acting.
Distinctions in lower grades went to Francesca W, Amy MacL, Matthew F, Madeleine E, Sunaya C, George M, Ivianna Y, Anna P, Isla S, Amy A, Ben W and David L.
A Group Introductory exam brought 100% for the combined Year3/4 while Year 6 achieved Distinction for Choral Speaking, Grade 1.

Year 6
Firsts went to Eriskay McL (2), Bea P, Reiya M, Madeleine E, Sunaya C, Ivianna Y, Ben W, Tom N (also the Bible Reading Trophy), Francesca W, Isla S, Amy A, Taylor M, Douglas P (also the Burns Trophy), Chloe M (2), Isla C, Iona F, Magnus M, Ethan W, David L, Harris C-H and Blair M.
Isabella Di C-T, Isla C and Iona F were also awarded “Young Ambassador Certificates” by “Perform in Perth” for their work in helping to prepare younger pupils for the Festival.

Academic Achievements
Session 2022-2023 Biology
Biology Challenge
Leo C
Sami L
Alec P, Buzby W, Joshua R, Nancy Z, Iona F, Harry A,
Enfys W, Lucy G, Lois M, Juliette S, Nell M, Hamish B, Skye R, Frankie W, Rosie E, Jack F, Radomir A
CREST Awards
Timofey A
Kevin M
Angus G
Eva G
Nathalie R
Madalena P, Nicholas N, Isabella Z, Valerie K, Regina O, Nadira A, Kieran R
Isabella Z and Jessica T “Vitamin C Content of Fruit Juices”
Hamish B “Build a Rocket”
British Physics Olympiad Senior Physics Challenge (Lower Sixth)
Joshua C
Valentin E
Lisa C
Abdalla K
Eva D-L
James G
Martin H
Yasmin K
Juan A L
Caitlin M
Emma R
Chloe T
Hailey W
Lucas Z
John Muir Awards
Linus B, Aryan S, Nicholas v S, Fiona W, Abbie Z
100 The Strathallian
Amy F-P, Ashleigh F-P, Eva G, Callum P
UK Maths Challenge - Olympiad for Girls
Bei D
Valerie K
UK Maths Challenge - Senior
Joshua C
Martin H
Lisa C
Gleb J
Isabella Z
Jessica T
Hailey W
Rohan M
Robbie W
Kieran R
Valentin E
Morgan L
Kevin M
John L
Samuel K
Isla M
Regina L
Angus G
Lewis M
James G
Valerie K
Rosalind Q
Bei D
Zac M
Khrystyna B
Moritz S
Fred S
Katelyn T
Jacy E
Nicholas N
Oliver K
Sophie W
UK Maths Challenge – Junior
Ruby A
Tara C
Even W
Scott G
Hamish B
Annabel A
Lucas B
George M
Thomas D
Alfie G
Sami L
Lois M
Alec P
Isla S
Rebecca S
Enfys W
Harriet B
Allan C
Ava C
Magnus F
Isabell G
Rory H
Nana I-L
Edia K
Mikella K
Onyx L
Douglas P
W Jess B
Oliver D-H
Freyja D
Niki H
Anna P
Kristina W
Frankie W
UK Maths Challenge –Intermediate
Eleanor R
Lucy T
Mia L
Louis C
Sophia G
Fiona W
Derek M
Ruairidh P
Benedikt v R
Abbie Z
Natalie DCT
Farrah C
Iona F
Flora R
Louise B
Reuben L
Neil R
Mini L
Gia K
Charlie M
Thomas C
Michael W
Megan A
Harriet W
Klara T
Esther C
Evelina C
Olivia D
Sparke L
Kirstin M
Charlotte M
Francesco M R
Daniel C
Cecillia Q
Eva B
Reece M
Orley M
Joshua R
Bela V
Lochlan B
Sebastian G
Scottish Maths Challenge
Fred S
Kevin M
Gleb J
Samuel K
Bei D

Sports Report
Director of Sport, Jim Thompson reports on a bumper year of Sports
IT HAS BEEN ANOTHER BUSY AND REWARDING YEAR OF SPORT AT STRATHALLAN. We continue to offer an inclusive environment which, I hope, allows us to marry both sporting excellence and extensive participation, enabling potential to be fulfilled at all levels.
We aim to provide the best multi-sport experience within a school programme in the UK with a clear focus on the continuous development of our traditional sports. We offer an average of a hundred and twenty five separate games and sports activity sessions each week and want to provide opportunities for all pupils to have a varied, challenging, multi-sport experience. Within this principle exists both opportunities to compete for the school and to gain regional or national representative honours across all sports.
Fixtures and competition play an important part in the programme. We have played over 630 fixtures this year over 127 different teams and 19 different sports, giving an unprecedented number of pupils the opportunity to represent their school.
But we won’t rest here. We aim to continue to grow, improve, and develop, competing nationally across multiple sports.
Netball has had an extraordinary year, with our U13 team winning the national cup. The same team also won the IAPS qualifiers and qualified for the national finals in England. The senior 1st VII reached the semi-finals of the national cup and also became Independent Schools’ Netball Champions, winning all five matches. Our U15 team made the last 8 of the national cup and were also awarded the team of the year at the Perth & Kinross Sports awards in March. The 1st VII attended the World School’s Festival in Loughbourgh in June, where they competed against some of the best teams from around the globe.
Rugby continued to show success with the senior rugby teams reaching the national semi and cup finals. Our senior girls and boys hockey teams both won the HPC Indoor Hockey Tournaments, with our 1st XI making the national cup final and our Junior boys’ hockey team reaching the national plate final. Our swimmers continue to excel on the highest stage. Recently, at the Scottish national age group championships, members of our swim team took part in 57 events, reaching 36 finals, achieving 39 personal bests, and winning 22 medals.
Tennis continues to offer year round opportunities to all pupils from Year 3 to UV1. Our tennis teams currently have a hugely impressive win percentage of 79%. We were nominated again to be the Tennis School of the Year, which we won last year. Our senior boys’ team finished 3rd in the national cup finals, beating Millfield and Merchiston. To be ranked in the Top 3 in the UK is an amazing achievement and is exactly where we want to be.
Our cricket teams have enjoyed competitive fixtures during the summer term. Both our U15 and 1st XI got through to the national cup semi-finals, both losing to the eventual winners. Our 1st XI hosted the Forty club and the Marylebone Cricket Club during the summer term with Joe Townshend in LV1 scoring memorable century against the Forty club. Girls’ cricket continues to grow in the prep school and is a popular option in the senior school.
We enjoyed success at the Scottish Schools Athletics Championships and have also enjoyed success in cross country. In early February, we hosted our annual crosscountry championships and Inter-house races. We had over 600 pupils running from both Strathallan and eight local schools. A huge well done to all who took part in a brilliant event.
We have played over 630 fixtures this year over 127 different teams and 19 different sports, giving an unprecedented number of pupils the opportunity to represent their school.

Our U13 girls’ team won the Merchiston cross country relays while also breaking the course record. We have enjoyed successful athletics meetings with Fettes College, Merchiston Castle School and Robert Gordon's. House and Prep school divisional sports and competitions continue to be enjoyed by all, with both boy’s and girl’s houses competing in hugely competitive rugby, cricket, football, basketball and tennis competitions. The highlight for many was the senior school sports day, and prep school sports days, which were enjoyed by all.
After successful tours to Italy (Senior rugby) and the north of England (SPS Hockey & Rugby), our prep school also enjoyed a ski trip to France in February 2023 with more tours being planned for the next academic year.
Golf received another tremendous boost this year with the completion of an Indoor Golf studio now located in the Wilson Hall.Participation with golf at Strathallan continues to grow, with pupils across all year groups enjoying and developing under the expert guidance of our professional coach, Gregor Wright under whose expert tuition, pupils can enjoy both individual and group coaching.
We also upgraded the fitness suite equipment over the Christmas holidays. The facility is now state-of-theart, catering to all our pupil's needs and is extensively used throughout the year.
Individual success continues to be a source of pride for the school. We currently have 18 pupils at national or GB level from sports as diverse as rugby, hockey, fencing, pentathlon, Laser Run, tennis, swimming and netball. Many of these pupils benefit from the academy programmes currently in place and this will continue to expand as we move forward.
We were pleased to see our pupils take the lead for our participation in Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week during October. Activities such as water polo, boxing and trampolining allowed girls to try new sports with friends and we were pleased to welcome Olympian Hannah Miley MBE to talk to the pupils.
As we finish the summer term and reflect on the many successes of the year, my thanks must go to the staff who continue to go above and beyond in supporting and offering a wide range of opportunities to our pupils. The pupils themselves have been excellent at all levels. Their successes and highlights are detailed in the rest of this section. To our supporters, we express gratitude. Your support means the world to the pupils and their coaches. Our final thanks go to the 2023 leavers, many of whom have played a significant role in our successes but more importantly, for all I hope that sport has played an important part in your lives during your time at Strathallan and that you all continue to enjoy sport wherever you go next.
Jim ThompsonCAPTAINS OF SPORT 2022-2023
Captains of Athletics
Captains of Badminton
Captain of Basketball
Captain of Clay Pigeon ‘A’ team
Captains of Clay Pigeon
Captain of Boys Cricket
Captain of Girls Cricket
Captain of Equestrian
Captain of Football
Captain of Golf
Captain of Boys Hockey
Captain of Girls Hockey
Captain of Netball
Captain of Boys Rugby
Captain of Girls Rugby
Captain of Squash
Captain of Fives
Captain of Ski-ing
Captains of Swimming
Captain of Girls Tennis
Captain of Boys Tennis
Captain of Dance
Senior Girls
Intermediate High Jump
Sophie W
Olivia D
Athletics Captain, Sophie W, sprinted her way into the record books by obliterating the 200m school record that has stood since 1990. Clocking in at a lightning-fast time of 24.6 seconds, she now holds a remarkable eight school records.
U20 1st Place 100m Sophie W
U20 1st Place 200m Sophie W
U15 2nd Place Long Jump James T
60m (PB)
200m (PB)
1500m (PB)
Matthew M
Matthew M
Lucy W
Sophie W
Alex D
Terrence W
Hailey H
Jason C
Ali T
Ed L
Millie G
Archie R
Emma F
Sophie B
Ben C
Tessa H
Hamish N
Melissa F-S
Chloe McM
Adam A
Nathalie R
Finn G-R
Ed L
Alasdair M
Owen C
Katelyn T
Maria M
Marcus M
Bella C

BOTH PREP AND SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS DAYS WERE MEMORABLE OCCASIONS, WHICH WERE ENJOYED BY ALL WHO ATTENDED. On both days, we were blessed with beautiful weather where we saw many outstanding performances both on the track and on the field. A huge well done to all the athletes who competed, especially to those mentioned below who won individual and team awards. A big thank you to all the staff who made both events so memorable.

Junior Girls Corinna S
Junior Boys Leo C
Intermediate Girls Flora R
Intermediate Boys Finlay T
Senior Girls Sophie W
Senior Boys Joe T

THIS YEAR HAS SEEN NOT ONLY SEEN BADMINTON GROW IN NUMBER OF PLAYERS, SESSIONS AT SCHOOL BUT ALSO OUR MATCHES/FRIENDLIES AGAINST OTHER SCHOOLS. In addition to friendly matches at our regular Fettes fixtures we can now add George Watsons to our list of victories! Mr Samson and Mr Giles provided opportunities for the team to practice outside of regular games slots and we would like to thank them and all the
other staff who have supported the Badminton players this year. In competitions we entered The Perth Junior tournament in March and the Perth & Kinross Secondary Schools Championships in November and both events saw victories for individual and mixed teams and the semi-finals of the girls’ doubles were entirely made up of Strathallan players. These were excellent opportunities for our teammates to experience the joy and intensity of matches against other opponents. I am sure that they had gained lots of experience and will be able to keep up the good work for the next academic year. Well done team!!
Hailey H — Captain of BadmintonCAPTAINS REPORT
2nd Place Women Singles U19 Mini L
3rd Place Women Singles U19 Hailey W
4th Place Women Singles U19 Yi W
1st Place Women Doubles U19 Yi W
3rd Place Women Doubles U19 Hailey W
3rd Place Women Double U19 Mini L
1st Place Women Singles Consolation Chloe T
2nd Place Women Singles Senior Hailey W
3rd Place Women Singles Senior Yi W
1st Place Women Double Senior Yi W
1st Place Women Double Senior Isla M
2nd Place Women Double Senior Hailey W
2nd Place Women Doubles Senior Mini L
1st Place Women Singles Intermediate Mini L
3rd Place Mixed Doubles Kyle F
HE SEASON STARTED WITH A MATCH AGAINST FETTES COLLEGE, THE GAME HAD BEEN NECK AND NECK SINCE THE FIRST QUARTER. We were down by one with 12 seconds left, with an offensive rebound followed by a midrange shoot, leaving the opponent 8 seconds to attack. With a successful defensive possession, we secured the win by one point, 34-33.
This game had strengthened the bonding between the team. However, we understand that we still have room to improve to push further. So, we worked on various aspects of the game, introducing new offensive and defensive tactics. We must say zone defence has been a game changer, which played a key role in the game against Glenalmond College.
The team have been constantly improving throughout the year. The game against Merchiston is proof, with a solid team performance and outstanding individual performance, we won the game 63-45 with ease.
In the summer term, again against Fettes College, we played the game we always wanted. It contained great teamwork and solid defence. It allowed us to end this incredible season with an 42-31 victory.
We as a team would like to show our appreciation to Mr Macleod for his coaching as well as organising extra morning practice for us and to Mr Thompson for his support and organisation of all the fixtures this term. I would like to thank my teammates as well and I look forward to working together again next year.
Jason C — Captain of Basketball
BASKETBALL AT STRATHALLAN HAS GROWN OVER THE PAST YEAR, AND WITH THAT HAS COME MORE GAMES. We have been lucky to have some talented players join us which has allowed us to become more competitive against other schools. Whilst there is more to come, I am proud of the progress the team has made and their general attitude to training and matches. A huge part of that progress must be attributed to Jason C, the basketball captain. He has motivated others off the court and lead the team to some excellent victories on the court.
Mr R Macleod

Scotland U21 World Junior Champion
Scottish Olympic Trap Programme
Colts World Champion
3rd Colts World Sports Trap
Ali T
Ali T
Ali T
Ali T 1st “C” Class overall World Title
Ali T
Alex M
Molly H
Hunter S
Ali T
Junior World Champion, Ali T has been invited to join the Scottish Olympic Trap Development programme following his myriad of successes this year.
2nd Place U18 Boys
Molly H
Molly H also became the first Scottish woman to win the Welsh Open Championship Junior High Gun this year. Speaking after the competition she said, “It feels amazing, to know that I’m the first girl to win it and the first Scottish person, is an incredible achievement. I have a tradition of not looking at the scores whilst I shoot so I didn’t know right until the prize-giving that I’d won. It was a memorable weekend.”

Selection to Scottish Squad
British J18 C2 Championship
British U23 C2 Champion
Scottish Schools C2 Champion
J18 C1 Scottish Schools Champion
Finlay M
Tally M (Institute Sport)
Finlay M
Finlay M
Finlay M
Finlay M
Scotland Women U17 Emerging Squad Emma F
National U17 Girls Squad Emma F
Scotland U17 Cricket Squad Robbie W
Ist Place U13 Girls Squad
Joe T (101)
TBritish J18 C2 Champion Tally M
British U23 C2 Champion Tally M
Scottish J16 K1W Champion Tally M
Scottish J16 C1W Champion Tally M
Scottish Schools C2 Champion Tally M

HE TEAM CAN LOOK BACK ON THE SEASON WITH A GOOD DEAL OF PRIDE FOR WHAT THEY ACHIEVED. In addition to some outstanding individual performances, I will also remember the team as a whole for always believing they could win from any position.
By the time we met Fettes College, we’d hoped to have played some cricket and got some matches underway, but sadly these were cancelled by the opposition. In “bowler friendly” conditions, we lost the toss and were asked to bat by Fettes. Runs were hard to come by but with Joe T holding the innings together, we were able to post a score of 95 by the lunch break. With the sun now shining, the opposition opening batters soon raced to 36 without any concerns and batting looked easy. Whatever Captain Archie R said to the team at the drinks break kickstarted the belief within the team and the bowlers. By the time the final Fettes wicket had been taken, new boy Robbie W had taken four wickets and Joe T three for not many runs between them. Fettes had been bowled out for 85 within 23 overs and a win by 10 runs was secured. Confidence was high going into the next match, an away trip to Glenalmond. Choosing to bowl first, Glenalmond were restricted to 110 with left arm spinner Magnus M proving hard to play and our pick of the bowlers. The target was achieved with some ease losing only two wickets in the chase.

Two outstanding individual performances in the matches that followed, resulted in drawn matches against both the Forty Club and MCC. Joe T scored his first senior century against the Forty Club (101 not out) and Robbie W despite a tireless effort, didn’t quite manage to take a 5th MCC wicket but finished with four for 29 runs.
We were to meet Edinburgh Academy in the Scottish Cup quarter finals after having our first round match forfeited by the opposition. Archie R chose to bat first on a very goodlooking wicket, and at 70 for one from seven overs, a good total looked very likely. Contributions from Robbie (45), Joe T (79) and Hugh T (58 no) managed to get us to a total of 209 for four from our 20 overs. The Academy’s batting in reply was always threatening, but good bowling restricted them to 181 for seven with Magnus M being the pick of the attack.

Robbie W has secured a place on the Scottish Cricket U17 squad after an impressive season both at school and with Ayr Cricket Club. LV1 Robbie took his passion for cricket into the classroom this year too. His EPQ project was to design and handcraft his own bat after extensive research into the methods used by renowned bat makers.

The win put us through to a semi-final tie against Merchiston Castle School. Electing to bowl first, we soon had them at three for two wickets, before then dropping a catch from the first ball the new batter faced. We paid heavily for this mistake as the batter having been given a lifeline, went on to score 120 runs in their total of 207 for 5. Robbie and Joe started well, putting on an opening partnership of 73 before Robbie was out. The target thereafter always seemed an impossibility with wickets falling too regularly and despite another heroic effort from Joe (76), we fell short of the target, finishing 60 runs adrift to the eventual Cup winners.
I would like to thank all the players for their efforts this season, and to those of you leaving the school — our best wishes. To Captain Archie — a special mention for leading the team for two years and congratulations on achieving full colours. Likewise to Magnus M and Joe T for full colours, Adam A and Robbie W on being awarded half colours. We wish Robbie every success with the captaincy for next season and with his National U17 duties over the holidays.
Mr G Robertson
A string of wins meant that the season culminated with a trip to Edinburgh to play in the Scottish Cup Finals Day alongside the 1st XI (playing in the u18’s finals). Unfortunately, it was not to be with the eventual winners George Watsons progressing through to the final played later that day. A great season with a strong foundation of players which will put Strathallan Cricket in a strong position in years to come.
IF ENTHUSIASM COULD BE THE BAROMETER ON WHICH TO MEASURE A SEASON, THEN THE U14’S HAD BUCKETS OF IT. It’s been sometime since I last remembered a group so wanting to play cricket.
Sadly, early season matches had to be cancelled by the opposition, so by the time Fettes came to visit, enthusiasm was sky high but match practice not so. Despite this, Sami L having won the toss, chose to have a go bowling first. The decision to do so was justly vindicated when at 35 for seven, Fettes looked down and out. But cricket can be a funny game sometimes and the Fettes lower order batters had other plans, managing to get themselves past the hundred and post 124-9. Hunter S was the pick of the bowlers picking up four wickets for just 28 runs. We set about our run chase in an orderly fashion, but failed to keep up with the required run chase, falling 38 runs short for the loss of just five wickets.
Next up — Glenalmond away. Sami once again opted to bowl first and on this occasion the bowlers and fielders kept on top of the job, bowling Glenalmond out for a miserly 55. The ensuing run chase was both successful and
quick, surpassing the total within eight overs with the loss of only one wicket. Mark A batted well for his 32 not out.
Our final match of the season was away to Stewart’s Melville College. James T deputising for the injured Sami as captain, elected to bowl first. The wicket was good and the outfield fast, both of which contributing to the Stewart’s Melville batting unit posting 122 for two. In reply, Hugo J opening the batting, went about his business with a fearless approach and soon went past 50 in good time. However, we were not able to rotate the strike as we would have wanted to and have Hugo facing the bowling. Needing 16 from the last over, we weren’t able to get Hugo back on strike soon enough and finished up with 122 for the loss of three wickets, but with Hugo having scored a very classy 71 not out.
Thanks to all the players for their enthusiasm and efforts throughout the season. Congratulations to those members of the team who contributed to the U15’s reaching the Cup semi-final in Edinburgh, losing out to the eventual National Champions George Watson’s College.
Mr G RobertsonThanks to all the players for their enthusiasm and efforts throughout the season.
THIS YEAR HAS PROVED TO BE YET ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL ONE AT STRATHALLAN WITH OVER 30 RIDERS REPRESENTING THE SCHOOL. The Strathallan Show jumping Competition was held at Howe Equestrian Centre on the 9th October. Over 100 riders from local schools and Pony Clubs gathered at for 8 hours of competitive Show jumping. Eilidh B won the 55cm individually as well as the team in the 55cm class with Deerpark Heather. We also had Elspeth W win the 85cm and Pebbles W win the 1m class with Maily.
In March we took part in Kilgraston School Championship Competition comprising of dressage and show jumping. The team of Sophie B, Alice E, Eliza E and Micha S won their dressage class, qualifying for the NSEA Championships. Isla A was placed 2nd in the walk and trot test.
In the show jumping the 90/95cm team came third as did the 1-1.05m team.
The last class was a clean sweep for Strathallan with Eliza E winning on her pony Paddy in the 1.10m followed closely by Pebbles W coming second and third.
In British Show jumping, Pebbles W was selected for the fourth time in a row to represent Scotland in Academy BS jumping teams at Stoneleigh. She was selected for both the Scotland Debut teams (115/120m) at English Home Pony International and helping the team by jumping a double clear to win team silver with Maily and at the Scottish Home pony International she won team Bronze. She has been in the top ten for silver league throughout this whole year qualifying for BS Nationals at Stoneleigh this August
Well done to all pupils who have competed this year, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know everyone and helping with the course walks when I can at competitions! I would also like to thank Mrs Waugh and Mrs Summersgill for all their help and support this year.
Lucy B, who has recently joined the school, has been on fantastic form and is ranked 3rd in the Gold League in Scotland jumping up to 1.25m. She has qualified for the 138 Championships at the Royal Highland Show in June and the Winter 138cm finals at the Royal International Horse Show at Hickstead in July.
WE STARTED THE SEASON OFF WITH SCOTLAND’S FIRST, AND IN MANY WAYS TOUGHEST EVENT, KIRRIEMUIR. With three top ten placings from Francesca W — ninth and Ava M — third in the BE100 section, and Pebbles W — sixth in the BE90 section, we were delighted with how many of our pupils managed to pull it out of the bag.
Next on the calendar for Scotland was Forgandenny. Our local event being less than a mile away allowed some of the Strath pupils the opportunity to spectate. Forgandenny brought yet another three Strathallan pupils in the top ten including; Mischa S — sixth and Eliza E - second in the BE100u18s section and Pebbles W — tenth in the BE90u18s class.
Soon came Floors Castle International Horse Trials which is one of Scotland’s largest competitions on the Eventing calendar. It is a massive privilege to compete in front of the beautiful scenery of Floors Castle. Strathallan pupils put on a good show with six top 10 finishes spanning over 3 classes. For the BE100Ou18, Alice E took 1 st place, Eliza E 4 th , Francesca W 9 th , and Kyle F 10 th . In the BE90Ou18 Pebbles W brought home 3 rd place and Matilda A 6 th in the BENoviceu18.
Shortly after this we were on the road again, travelling to Cumbia and the challenging Frenchfield event. However we more than rose to the challenge: Strathallians took home six top 10 finishes again. Ava M — 2 nd , Kyle F — 3 rd , Francesca W — 4 th , and Farrah C — 10 th , in the BE100O U18. In the BENovice U18 we have Farrah C — 7 th , and Matilda A — 9 th .
Still down in the North of England, came Belsay International Horse Trials where we see the big names and Olympic riders battling it out in the higher classes. Four Strathallians competed in the BE100O U18, and all took home prizes with Ava M — 10 th , Francesca W — 6 th , Kyle F — 5 th , and Alice E — 2 nd
Hopetoun House Horse Trials is renowned for its huge hills and large jumps: a taxing event for both the horses and riders. Three Strathallians came back with top 10 results including Alice E — 6 th and Francesca W — 5 th in the BE100Ou18, and an excellent result for Pebbles W riding 2 horses in the BE90Ou18 coming in at 2 nd and 5 th . To wrap up the Eventing season for this academic year we had Warwick Hall International where Eliza E finished 1 st , Francesca W 9 th , and Kyle F 10 th in the BE100Ou18s class
Special mentions to Farrah C who came 1 st at Lincolnshire, an event further south, in the beginning of the season and to Eliza E who received the massive achievement of placing 4 th at the Cirencester Park Pony Trials.

Tetrathlon BS
Eliza E
Kyle F
Francesca W
Pebbles W
Jacob H
Lucy B
TETRATHLON Scotland Team Windsor
Scottish Pairs Vaulting Champion 2023
Scotland BS Academy
Scotland Debut Teams (1.15/1.2m)
English Home Pony International
Scotland Debut Teams
Scottish Home Pony International
Top 10 Silver League
3rd Gold League Scotland 1.25m
Royal Highland Show 138 Championship Finalist
138 Winter Championship Finals RHS
National School Equestrian Association Finals
Alice E
Olivia K
Mischa S
Jacob H
Eva S
Pebbles W
Pebbles W
Pebbles W
Pebbles W
Pebbles W
Pebbles W
Pebbles W
Lucy B
Lucy B
Lucy B
Sophie B
Kyle F
Matilda A
Bertie A
CHAMPIONSHIPS DRESSAGE; Class 1 – Pony Club Walk and Trot (12 yrs and Under)
2nd Individual
Team (1st Place)
2nd Individual (Carrow Iroko)
5th individual (Rosshill Paddy) (Arkansas Rebel) (Coming Star)
Showjumping Class 8 90-95cm
Navy Team (Placed 3rd)
2nd Individual (Milo) (Coming Star) (Shannondale Star) (Arkansas Rebel)
Show Jumping Class 9 (1-1.05m)
Navy Team (Placed 3rd)
6th individual (Maily) (Rosshill Paddy) (Curraheen Playgirl) (Milo)
Show Jumping Class 10 (1.10) (b) Ponies
1st individual (Rosshill Paddy)
2nd individual (Maily)
3rd individual (Libby)
Pebbles W
Eliza E
Francesca W
Elspeth W
Isla A
Alice E
Eliza E
Mischa S
Sophie B
Elspeth W
Sophie B
Pebbles W
Mischa S
Eliza E
Pebbles W
Pebbles W
Class 1 –Navy Team: Team 1st
1st Individual Gold Team: 3rd Place
Class 3 – 85cm
Navy Team: 3rd Individual 4th Individual
Gold Team: 1st Individual
Class 4 – 100cm
Navy Team: 3rd Individual Team placed 2nd
1st Individual
Show Jumping Class 10 (1.10)
2nd Individual
3rd Place BE100
1st Place BE100 U18
2nd Place BE100 U18
2nd Place BE100O U18
3rd Place BE100O U18
2nd Place BE100O U18
2nd BE90O U18
1st Individual and Team
Anna M
Rory B
Eilidh B
Anna M
Sophie B
Kyle F
Francesca W
Ava M
Elspeth W
Pebbles W
Sophie B
Kyle F
Pebbles W
Pebbles W
Matilda A
Ava M
Alice E
Pebbles W
Ava M
Kyle F
Alice E
Pebbles W
Jacob H
Fencing scholar Josh B has continued to excel. This year he has represented Team GB in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria, finding the Scottish Youth Fencing Championship a high point of his season. He said, “I was down a lot of points in my first few rounds and knew I had to pull something out of the bag. I’m so happy that all the hard work has paid off.”
Currently ranked 8th in the United Kingdom for Cadet U17 Sabre Class, Joshua recently won Bronze in the Team U20s Commonwealth Games 2022. He has big plans for his future in Fencing, adding “Under 20s is much physically harder than anything I’ve competed in so far but I want to go to the Olympics. After the Commonwealth Games in the summer, I know that I want to keep fighting as much as possible.”
Josh’s achievements this year include:

Scotland Josh B
3rd Place Junior Commonwealth Fencing Championships
1st Place British Fencing Cadet Qualifier’s Champion Secondary Schools Champion
GOLD Scottish School Championships U16 Sabre
GOLD Schools Championships U17 Sabre
BRONZE Scottish Championships U15 Sabre
Ranked No 3 British Cadet Men’s Sabre (U17)
PLAYING THE GAME AND THE PLEASING MIX OF JUNIORS AND SENIORS, WHO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO PLAY WITH AND AGAINST ONE ANOTHER. In addition to the sessions on Monday and Friday afternoons throughout the school year, Fives is now a games option in the middle term for those who wish to play more seriously. It was also a valuable time for players preparing for the annual fixture against the Jesters in January and the Senior Team who went on tour to the North of England to play against Durham University and Sedbergh School, both fixtures being memorable for the competitive Fives played and for the fun had by all. Many thanks to Mr Watt who acted as tour driver and who spent hours sitting in the viewing gallery at Durham and hiding behind the back walls at the Sedbergh courts with his camera to capture those winning points. In April, the boys went to Fettes College to participate in the Scottish Schools Open and I am pleased to report that Ed L and Magnus M reached the final of the plate, and that Eric M won a medal in the final of the plate

AND OLIVER D-H won a medal in the final of the main competition. InterHouse Fives has also been a success this term and after some excellent matches, I am pleased to announce that Simpson won the competition.
In addition to Fives with the gloved hand, we have also tried an ancient variation played with a wooden bat. Given the speed of this game and the noise of the ball cracking off the walls, this appealed greatly to Ed L, Oliver D-H and Cole S. I am relying on Oliver and his nerves of steel to uphold this tradition for the next few years.
I would like to thank most sincerely Ed L for the excellent job he has done as Captain of Fives this year and Robbie W for organising the House tournament. For all girls and boys who have not played before, come along to the squash courts beside Simpson House and try it out.
Mr E Lee
STRATHALLAN FOOTBALL CONTINUES TO HEAD IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH ANOTHER POSITIVE YEAR WITH SOME IMPRESSIVE RESULTS. Wins against both Merchiston and Fettes College were outstanding considering the amount of time the boys were able to train together amongst the busy schedule of other sports and prelim examinations. It was also notable that our vice-captain of school, Ethan W, was able to officiate so much this season – Ethan, perhaps unsurprisingly given the range of his achievements, is also a qualified referee.
Ed L
Magnus M
Finn G-R
Max M
Adam A
Robbie W
Oscar P
Forbes S
Mark A
Hugh T
Cole S
Joe T
Gleb J
Louis B
Andrew P
Oliver D-H
Eric M
Alex C

The biggest announcement to come out of Football this year however is what is still to come. Once again, Strathallan’s 1st XI will be competing in the Independent Schools Scottish Cup where we look to grow the game further by entering one of the most competitive competitions in the country in the 23/24 season.
In addition to this, mention must also go to the formation of the Under-15 development squad who will also look to play competitive fixtures in the 23/24 season. Demand for football is clearly going from strength to strength at Strathallan and we cannot wait to see how far we can take the sport.
Mr J Ambrose

DESPITE COMING UP SHORT TO A VERY STRONG GORDONSTOUN SIDE, THE U18 FOOTBALL TEAM CONTINUED THEIR 2-YEAR UNBEATEN STREAK AGAINST FETTES COLLEGE, WITH A 2-2 DRAW AWAY. Goals from Raja W and Eve B combined with some lovely interplay from Issy W and Annabel B produced an exciting game to watch. In the return fixture against Fettes, Strathallan held out to a 2-1 win with goals from Eriskay M and Rachel F. This year has also seen the introduction of the U15 team, where they took part in the 7-a-side festival at Letham. It was brilliant to see girls from the younger years of the school playing football against some very strong club teams. Rosie E even managed to finish the day with a hattrick!
Overall, it has been a pleasure coaching this talented group, and the level of improvement seen over the year has been immense. With a whole host of fixtures lined up for next year, girls football at Strathallan is on the up, and I am excited to see how the team faces these challenges next year.
Mr W HerbertGOLF
GOLF SEASON IN SCOTLAND USUALLY MEANS A FEW THINGS TO SOME PEOPLE. WIND, RAIN AND NOT MUCH IN THE WAY OF SUNSHINE! For two of our pupils, however, the season could not have got off to a more surreal start. Edward L and Max M had the honour of representing Strathallan against the R&A in the Wayfarers Schools Championship held at none other than the Old Course itself in St. Andrews. For some, playing the Old Course is widely regarded as one of the greatest honours a golfer can have. But for Max and Edward, the sun was out and the weather played its part in what was an extraordinary day for the team. The three-course meal provided by the R&A was much appreciated by the boys too!
Congratulations also go to Max M with a winning score of 36 points in the Donald Turner Quaich. This stableford competition is held at Auchterarder where we look to crown Strathallan’s Golfer of the Year. Well done, Max. Building on the success of the nine-hole Centenary course which was opened last year, Strathallan can now boast a state-of-the-art golf simulator in its own purpose built studio. It means that pupils and staff alike can now tee-off at (virtual) courses all over the world. This sectorleading development is thanks to a generous donation from a former pupil and has been introduced in partnership with our PGA Professional, Gregor Wright. The high-end simulator features a TrackMan system which delivers jaw-dropping indoor precision measurement of club & ball data, impact location, full ball flight numbers, video analysis and data reports tailored to the pupil.
Mr J Ambrose

KICKING OFF THE YEAR WITH AN 8-0 WIN AGAINST KILGRASTON POINTED TOWARDS AN EXCITING SEASON. This, partnered with our pre-season training was crucial to setting up a cohesive team for the rest of the year. With positive momentum behind us, our team was put to the test in a hard-fought match against High School of Dundee. Coming away with a win from this match was made all the better as we had showcased excellent teamwork and sportsmanship on the pitch.
A narrow 3-2 loss to George Watsons meant we missed out on competing for the national cup. Despite this, we took away great positives from what was a fantastic game. Rachel F made her comeback on the pitch after a year of injury. With Rachel’s renewed presence our backline defence was boosted and provided strong competition for a skilful opposition. The tight score line is a testament to the fact we didn’t give up and all came off the pitch having worked our socks off. This match was an important point in our season as it suggested our team had real potential in a season which had barely begun.

TMidway through the season the girls enjoyed two brilliant weekends playing in the Boarding School and Midland Tournaments at Glenalmond. The tournaments were a brilliant opportunity to play teams again from earlier in the season we were able to see visible improvement within our team thanks to our commitment in training. Teamwork and camaraderie were both in abundance over both weekends. When the Scottish weather wasn’t on our side and the tired legs set in after-hours hockey, the girl continued to push each other on. It was also lovely to see the team welcoming new players in the younger years for their debut matches, an occasion we all remembered as being nerveracking but overwhelmingly exciting. The new additions to the team provided promise for how strong the team would be in the coming years.
Although the girls experience some hard losses such as the National Plate match against Fettes as the opposition scored in the final 30 seconds, we can wholeheartedly say these moments didn’t define our season. Instead, they showed us which areas of our game need focus and areas where we could build upon. This attitude led to some fantastic highlights at the latter end of the season with an 11-2 win against Morrisons Academy where Emma F and Rachel F both scored hat tricks. Erin M showcased her ball control and skill up the righthand side earning her a well-deserved player of the match.
The final highlight of the season was winning the Kilgraston tournament. This was an amazing way to finish the season as it showcased the hard work and commitment which paid off at the end of the season.
This season can be characterised by determination, commitment and teamwork. This is not only true for the girls but also our coaching staff Miss Sime and Mr Dick whose guidance and expertise saw us through, both the highs and the lows of the seasons. We greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into this team. Thank you.
Melissa F-S — Captain Girls Hockey
HE 2ND PLAYED 8 FIXTURES IN THE AUTUMN TERM AND WERE CO-CAPTAINED BY TESSA H AND KATIE M. The season started off with a few narrow losses including a nail-biting 2-1 loss to Dundee HS. A notable performance from Lucy W in goals denied Dundee HS from getting a third score and Orla M worked tirelessly in attack to create opportunities to score. The girls continued to train hard each week improving on their tactics, formations, and skills. They had an excellent team performance against Morrisons winning 9-0 and followed this up with wins over Hutcheson Grammar School and Robert Gordons College. A massive thank you to Katie M and Tessa W for their excellent captaining skills ensuring the team warmed up fully prior to matches, giving inspiring half time talks and helped with the off-field organisation of the team. Well done to the following pupils who have played a key role in the 2nd XI over the last few years and I hope they continue to play hockey on leaving Strathallan; Katie M, Tessa W, Laura B, Rosalind Q, Isobel W, and Ava M.
Ms A Wardlaw
AFTER A TOUGH START AGAINST DOLLAR, HIGH SCHOOL OF DUNDEE AND FETTES, THE U15A GIRLS SHOWED REMARKABLE PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENT TO BOUNCE BACK AND BEAT MORRISONS, LORETTO AND FETTES IN THE REPLAY FIXTURE. The season was defined by the team’s relentless effort, perseverance and willingness to push beyond their limits, regardless of the scoreline. A particular highlight was when the team finished 3rd in
Ithe Junior Midlands Tournament. Goals were scored by many members of the team but most noticeably from Olivia D, Juliana S and Flora R. Led by captain Rosie E, who also finished top goalscorer, the team’s cohesion and versatility allowed them to overcome setbacks and consistently display a resilient attitude. I'm excited to see this group challenging for the school’s top hockey teams next year.
N THE FACE OF TOUGH COMPETITION, THE U15B TEAM WORKED EXTREMELY HARD TO DEVELOP THEIR HOCKEY SKILLS AND EXHIBIT FANTASTIC TEAMWORK THROUGHOUT THE SEASON. This unity greatly contributed to their collective performance and the improvement at the end of the term was evident to see. Amelia C, Natalie DCT, and Mia B were some of the standout players who chipped in with some excellent goals over the course of the season. I hope that the group continues to play hockey next year and develop their skills even further.
THE 1ST XI BOYS QUALIFIED TO PLAY IN THE SCOTTISH CUP FINAL WHICH TOOK PLACE ON THE 17 TH MARCH 2023 AT PEFFERMILL IN EDINBURGH. The team beat Hutcheson's Grammar 5-3 and Edinburgh Academy 3-0 to qualify for the final vs Fettes College. As the previous year's Scottish Cup plate champions, it was our first appearance in the Scottish Cup final for some time. It was always going to be a close game as earlier in the season we drew to Fettes 1-1.
The final was played in an electric atmosphere provided by the large crowd and incredible Strathallan supporters. It was an even game with opportunities for both teams throughout the game. Unfortunately, we went 0-1 down in the second half after a 0-0 half time score. Strathallan pushed for the equalizer and came agonizingly close on multiple occasions, including hitting the post after some remarkable goalkeeping by the Fettes goalkeeper.
It was not to be for our courageous 1st XI boys hockey team who lost the final 0-1 but they can hold their heads high for what has been a superb season having only lost 1 regular competition match and 1 other match, the Scottish Cup final.
Mr R Halkett
The final was played in an electric atmosphere provided by the large crowd and incredible Strathallan supporters.
LED BY CAPTAIN FREDDIE L, THE U15A BOYS HOCKEY TEAM ONCE AGAIN HAD A FANTASTIC SEASON, AND AN EXCELLENT SET OF RESULTS. Despite harrowingly losing to Fettes 4-3 in the opening match of the season, the boys went on to beat Gordonstoun and Glenalmond College. The group has a keen interest in hockey and worked diligently to enhance their skills, build teamwork and
improve their understanding of the game. Notable goalscorers of the season were Beryl L, Ben B and Fin G, but the defensive capabilities of the team could not have been in place without the likes of Robert F, Joshua R and Freddie L. Overall, an excellent season and I am looking forward to seeing this talented group of boys challenge for the school’s top hockey teams next year.
DESPITE LOSING TO GEORGE WATSON’S IN THE CUP, THE TEAM PERSEVERED AND COMFORTABLE BEAT ROBERT GORDON’S IN THE PLATE QUARTER FINAL. Thanks to goals from Thomas D and Mark A, and some excellent goalkeeping from Barclay S, the team managed to overcome a strong Loretto side on penalties, to take us through to play the plate final at Peffermill. The final was made up of fine margins, and despite coming back from losing positions twice, the 3rd goal could not be found, and the match was won by Stewarts Melville on running penalties. Standout players from the final were Leo C, James T and Robert F, who stepped up when it mattered and displayed outstanding skill to keep us in the game.
The Junior Cup team had an outstanding season, characterised by tremendous individual growth, team cohesion and noteworthy achievements. While they fell short in the final to penalties, the journey to the final was testament to their talent, hard work and dedication. I hope the team learns from this amazing experience and I am looking forward to seeing how their hockey develops next year.
Mr W Herbert
An early season trip to Fettes College was a chastening experience. With the squad only having recently come together, it took us time to get to know how each other operated and by half time, we were trailing only by a goal, thanks mainly to the heroic efforts of our goalkeeper Leo C. The second half saw us improve markedly but in an attempt to chase for the equaliser, we were caught on the break and conceded a second goal in the closing minute. Although managing to get some training done, our next two matches had to be cancelled due to the weather.
With the half term break, came better weather and the chance to play matches in kinder conditions. The return match with Fettes proved to be a turning point for us,
as although losing it too, the squad appeared to grow in confidence from having more “game time” together. By the time Stewart’s Melville came to visit, we were taking the game to them and creating real opportunities to score. A one goal lead at half time energised the players in the second period, whereupon we were able to score an additional four goals to win comfortably in the end. Our final match was away to Glenalmond, at which and despite the awful rain, we managed to fire our attack efficiently at the oppositions “D” and won the match 7-1.
My thanks to the coaches for their time during the season and so too to all the squad players. We started as a group of hockey players but by the end of the season, finished as a team. Congratulations to those members of the year group that were selected for the Junior Boys Cup team, which so nearly won the plate final against a tough Stewart’s Melville College team.
Scotland U18 Rachel F
Speaking about her selection, Rachel said, “It's a great opportunity and I can't wait to get out there. Just putting on the Scotland shirt and knowing you are representing your country is an incredible feeling."
Scottish U18 Aspiring Hockey Squad Midlands U14 Hockey District Squad
Indoor Hockey Competition WINNERS

Ross T
Jing W
Jing W
Sophie D
Ruby A
Caledonian U13 Regional Hockey Team 2022
IAPS U13 Scottish Representative 2022 WINNERS
Caledonian U13 Regional Hockey Team 2023
Jing W
Ruby A
Aila D
Harriet R
Ross M
Cameron C
Brave Academy Training Group U18 GIRLS
Rachel F
Lucy W
Zoe W
Emma F
Erin M
Rossie E
Jake S
Ross T
Conor F
Ewan M
Freddie L
James T

Katelyn T earned her Shodan black belt in Chito Ryu Karate this year, fewer than five years after achieving her junior black belt. She said Chito Ryu Karate has given her a greater appreciation of balance and focus, attributes she uses daily in her academic studies and beyond the classroom.

NETBALL HAS BECOME ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR AND SUCCESSFUL OF ALL THE SPORTS IN STRATHALLAN. Few other sports can boast back-to-back National Champions; few other sports can claim the consistent national and district representation that netball has, and it is difficult to see how Mrs Waugh, in her first year as Head of Netball, is going to have a better year! This fantastic season has seen three teams reaching the final stages of the Scottish Schools Cup Competition; the 2nd form as National Champions, the Senior Independent schools Cup winners and both Senior and Junior teams representing the school in UK wide competitions. With the prospect of a senior tour to Dubai on the horizon, the netballers have undoubtedly earned their fun in the sun!
The 1st VII started off fantastically in the Scottish schools Cup winning all their matches in the highly competitive district pool. Further success followed as they progressed smoothly through the competition. Typified by the grit and determination of Chloe McM’s leadership, they kept winning to reach the semi-finals. The draw for the semis heralded the first of the epic netball road trips with a journey to Golspie to play Kirkwall Grammar. A closely fought game went to the wire with the 1st team narrowly losing to the eventual Scottish Schools Cup winners. Although disappointed
those who formed part of the inaugural team from last year. We regularly had 20 plus players come down to the pitch for our weekly Friday practices which enabled us to start to look at team tactics and match play in a more meaningful way than was previously possible. We were also lucky enough to have a visit from the Development Officer, Zoe Dickson from Lacrosse Scotland, who led a very informative and fun coaching session where she focused on developing skills in defending and gave our 1st Team goalie, Laura B, some top tips on goalkeeping. During the Spring term, which is traditionally the lacrosse term in the network of lacrosse-playing schools, the cold, snowy spell in late January/early February resulted in cancelled matches and we were only able to fit in two fixtures during the term. Both were away: the first being against Glenalmond and the second against St George’s. Both fixtures provided our 1st X Lacrosse team with invaluable match practice and, although we were defeated on both occasions, the spirit and determination shown by our players, combined with their growing skill set and tenacity bodes well for the future of lacrosse at Strathallan
Mrs Z Ettle
in the Schools Cup the senior team did achieve success in the Independent Schools Tournament. An intense pool competition saw the girls play Robert Gordon’s in the final emerging victorious by 17 goals to 9. The flexibility of the team and the depth of the squad was evident in these gruelling contests. In addition to their various school matches the girls also play weekly in the Perth Ladies League. This is a daunting arena with highly skilled players of all ages but the
valuable experience makes the girls more equipped to play in the school matches. The 1st team netballers undoubtedly play more games than any other team in the school so their final tally of winning 29 out of their 40 matches and scoring 1516 goals is a real testament to their perseverance and stamina.
The U15 team continued their unbeaten streak from last year winning 6 matches in a row to reach the Quarter finals where they lost to eventual Scottish school’s cup winners James Gillespie’s High School. The mighty 4th form team worked hard throughout the term winning many matches throughout the season with particular highlights being the 38-23 victory against Gordonstoun and the 41-15 defeat of St George’s. A victim of their own success the U15 team were frequently asked to field a weakened side but the strength, depth and flexibility of this talented squad was clear in their ability to adapt and cope. Olivia D was selected for the Scotland U15 team building on her successful selection for the Scottish team School Games team in 2022. We had 7 players selected for the Perth and Kinross District Team in U15, U17 and U19 age groups, Louise B, Chloe M, Olivia D, Flora R, Harriet R, Kim F and Olivia F. With even more girls attending District trials this year we hope to continue supporting pupils playing at this level.

Whilst winning is important, the success of Netball is also clear in the number of girls competing. Hosting the Independent Schools Netball Tournament at Strathallan allowed us to enter three teams giving more pupils experience of tournament play, it was lovely to see over 100 girls participating in the sport across three netball courts in the thriving, bustling Wilson Hall. In addition to playing weekly in the Ladies League at Bells throughout the school year, Strathallan also hosted the Perth and Kinross Ladies Senior Summer league in the Summer term, extending the season by allowing two teams to play weekly fixtures across May and June. Looking to the future we have a Netball tour to Dubai organised for February 2024 where the 1st and 2nd VII look forward
to playing 4 matches across 8 days. In a first for this year, teams have competed in National tournaments south of the border. The 2nd form team won the Prep Schools tournament in Scotland which meant they qualified to represent Scotland in The International Prep Schools’ tournament in Dorset. The 1st VII competed in the World Schools Netball Cup at Loughbourgh in June giving them tournament experience at a national level. They came a very creditable 3rd in the Plate section.

One hundred and thirty eight netball games have been played across all levels of the school this year giving lots of girls experience and increasing participation. None of this would be possible without the dedication and coaching of the staff. They deserve a huge round of thanks but particular mention must be made of Mrs Waugh whose organisation, professionalism and dedication have scaffolded much of the success garnered. Mrs Waugh has coached a number of teams traveling the lengths and breadths of the country to attend games; umpire matches and mastermind tournaments. Without Mrs Waugh, it is difficult to see netball being the force and success it is today.
Mrs A Tod
THE SPRING TERM HAS BEEN A SEASON OF SUCCESS FOR THE 1ST VII NETBALL TEAM, WITH A GOAL DIFFERENCE OF +218 FROM 35 GAMES PLAYED. The girls have worked hard throughout the term, progressing through the rounds of the Scottish cup as well as playing in a fierce Perth Ladies League. The term started with a convincing win, 51-23, against the Royal High School in the knockout rounds of the Scottish cup. We then met Perth High School in the quarter finals, the girls played with intensity from the start, forming great passages of attacking play whilst also applying pressure in defence, this allowed the girls to take the win 41-32 in front of a lively and supportive home crowd. The finals were played away against Kirkwall Grammar, an early leave and a breakfast stop made for some quality team bonding time. After a slow start we soon settled and our shotting combo of Lily T (GS) and Olivia F (GA) were able to create scoring opportunities with the hard work of our mid-court Lucy T (C) and Louise B (WA), feeding quick and direct balls into the shooting circle. Turnovers came from our defence of Lottie R, Anya M, Grace H and Chloe M, allowing the girls to go up after the second quarter, continuing to play a well-contested match with a great team effort. However, it was not meant to be, resulting in a close 53-58 loss. A highlight of the season was becoming Independent Schools tournament champions, winning all 6 of our matches. The girls played Robert Gordon's in the finals, taking control of the match from the first centre pass, great connections were made throughout the court, resulting in 17-9 victory. We started the netball season at the start of November with a fresh and young team that had never played together, to have reached a Scottish cup semi-final is a massive achievement and the girls should be so proud of all their work. This season could not have been done without the support and efforts of our amazing coaches Mrs Waugh and Miss Gibson, and I cannot thank them enough for their contributions. The 1st VII has been a pleasure to lead this season.

THE MIGHTY 4THS HAD A TOUGH START TO THE SEASON LOSING BOTH HOME MATCHES AGAINST FETTES AND ESMS but we brought it back for our third and final match away against Fettes, with the final score being 21-26 in our favour. The girls and I trained hard every week with different drills and switching up positions to perform our best when it came to game day. The support from our coaches and teammates was unmatchable and I wish the future team all the best for next season.
Eilis H — Captain IV Team Netball
E STARTED OUR SEASON OUT WITH NEWFOUND CONFIDENCE IN THE GAME, FOLLOWING OUR HUGELY SUCCESSFUL AND UNBEATEN SEASON LAST YEAR WE HAD SET OUR GOALS ON GETTING FAR IN THE SCOTTISH CUP COMPETITION. With a new team member, Farrah C we were ready to take on the first round of our cup, the regional stages, in this stage we first took on a much-improved Bertha Park High School giving us a real shock into what this season would entail and just how much work we needed to put in to achieve.
Our defensive unit of Rosie E, Cecilia Q, Klara T and Kim F began to form even stronger connections, protecting our score line. Our mid court of Nisha B, Lilly G, Farrah C and Niamh C worked hard to be able to deliver the ball with ease to our strong shooting duo of myself and Flora R. the behind the scenes work from all the girls, Ms Waugh and new coach Ms Gibson helped us to make our way to the knockout round where we travelled down to Kirkcaldy to take on Kirkcaldy High school. After a strongly played game by our girls, we ended that round of the Scottish cup with an extremely convincing win of 50–18. Once reaching the quarterfinals we knew this would be tough match and we will have to work hard for every opportunity we would get. After a very tough fight against an extremely strong James Gillespie High School, we, unfortunately, ended our two-year undefeated streak against the eventual winners of the cup. Every single one of the girls put up an amazing fight and worked so hard and did not let their heads fall once.
Olivia D and Flora R Captains U15A Netball
Chloe M — Captain 1st VII NetballU14A NETBALL U14B NETBALL
THE U14A NETBALL TEAM STARTED OFF WITH SCOTTISH CUP MATCHES IN SEPTEMBER AND THEY LOST TO KILGRASTON, PERTH HIGH SCHOOL AND BEAT PERTH ACADEMY. During Spring term the team picked up their form having worked on developing their centre passes, communication and execution of shots in the D. This led to them having a very successfully Spring term winning 5 matches and losing only 1. There most notably win was beating Kilgraston in a rematch where they won 15-8. In this match Layla M (Captain) was able to chase and intercept numerous balls as centre court player, Corinna S played goal defence and ensured there shooters were marked tightly throughout the match and the whole team played to the best of their abilities.
Ms A WardlawTHE U14B TEAM HAS GROWN IN STRENGTH THROUGHOUT THE SEASON. The whole team improved hugely over the course of the season, with particular mention going to Rose C, Juliette S and Rebecca S for great improvement. Many of the team have had the opportunity to captain the team, with Apple M showing exceptional organisational skills and being incredibly supportive of her teammates. Of their 6 matches this season, they won 3 and drew 1. The team has shown great sportsmanship, improved their communication on court and shown great determination. Well done on the successful season.
Ms I Gill
National Representation
U15 Scotland Team
District Representation
Olivia D
Flora R
Louis B
Kim F
1st VII Independent School Tournament Winners
Olivia D
Chloe M
Olivia F
Harriet R
Emily G
Emily G
Olivia D
Flora R
Perth City Netball Cup
U17 Quarter Finalist
Olivia D
Semi Finalists Scottish School Cup 2022/23
Louise B
Lucy T
Grace H
Chloe M
Katie M
Lottie R
Rachel F
Ella S
Mia L
Emily S
Lily T
Anya M
U15A Quarter Finalists Scottish School Cup School Team of the Year 2023 P&K Sports Award
Nisha B
Niamh C
Farrah C
Olivia D
Rosie E
Scottish Youth U15 Cup Winner 2023
Kim F
Lilly G
Cecilia Q
Flora R
Klara T
Flora R
Kim F
1 st XV
THE SEASON KICKED OFF IN AUGUST AS A SQUAD OF 60 BOYS AND 5 STAFF TRAVELLED TO ITALY TO PREPARE FOR THE HARD SEASON AHEAD. It was a good opportunity to create cohesion between the squad from U16s to 1st XV and gain valuable experiences and lessons to take into the season, such as playing two physical U19 Italian sides Villbora and Valpolicella. The boys returned to Scottish Schoolboy rugby with a harsh reality check, digging deep to score in the final play of the game to clinch a 10-0 victory over Fettes. Then we welcomed our first home fixture of the season as Edinburgh Academy travelled across the Forth to play us on Big Acre. After going 14-0 down within 20 minutes, we replied with tries courtesy of Cole S and Archie R. After half time the boys controlled the game but failed to capitalise on the opportunities created. A penalty kick which would have won the game was unsuccessful, leading 14-12 loss. Next up was George Watsons. After a frustrating first loss, the boys wanted to make a name for themselves against the eventual unbeaten conference winners. With a strong first half performance with the wind against us the boys were 10-5 down going into the half. The second half was a battle which swayed back and forth which eventually in Watsons’ favour: 17-15. There were a lot of positives to take away from this including giving Watsons the closest game of their conference campaign. The boys were now depserate to make amends for the nail-biting back to back defeats against EA and Watsons as they faced Dollar in their next fixture. Playing into
a strong Perthshire wind it was a very even first half with Dollars penalty giving them a 3-0 lead at halftime. The second half told a different story as the boys used the wind effectively to run Dollar off the park. Four tries came first with the classic Cole S pick and go, then Murray O sliced open the Dollar defence with a good running line. Then two well executed set piece plays resulted in Colby T and Archie R dotting the ball down. This gave the boys a very well-deserved victory to run out 28-10 winners. This was a big confidence booster as the boys then travelled down to Ipswich to take part in the National Rugby Festival at St Joesph’s college. Going into unknown waters, the boys opened
1st XV RESULTS 2022-23

strongly against QEGS Wakefield. This translated into a 12-10 victory over a strong team with a very fast start from the boys in Blue and Gold, particularly Murray O and Hamish C. The second game of the day was against Millfield School known across the world as one of the best rugby playing schools. It was a valiant fight from the boys who eventually went down 24-0 but there was a lot of positives to take away. We never gave in and under a lot of pressure at key points. Then it was onto RGS Newcastle, and the boys were brought back down to reality in this game as fatigue set in and we struggled to match their physicality. Day 2 came around quickly with a very early start against the home team, St Josephs College. The fatigue from Day 1 resulted in a slow start and a scrappy game causing the boys to go down 10-5. Our final game of the tournament saw us face Malborough College; a team who beat eventual finalists, Trinity, in the group stage. After 12-0 in the first half, the boys regrouped and fought back for a well-deserved 14-12 victory, scoring in the dying seconds of the game. The tournament was a great experience for the team who put themselves up against some of the best schools in the UK.
In the final game of the Conference, we faced strong Merchiston side at Big Acre, where they dominated the early affairs. The momentum swung in the second half, with team leaving too little, too late resulting in a 12-33 loss. Then it was into the cup where we had drawn Hutchesons’ Grammar in the quarters. Due to poor weather, the game was shifted onto the unfamiliar playing surface of a 3G pitch, giving Hutchesons’ a 13-0 lead at half time with the strong wind behind them. Knowing they had to dig deep in the second half, the boys came out like a new team using the wind well through the boot of Adam A and our big forward runners dominated the rest of the game, running out 17-13 winners. Next up in was Merchiston again in the Semi Final. A repeat of the weekend before, the boys were going in as underdogs with a point to prove. A quick start went amiss as we were sloppy and gifted Merchiston a 19-point advantage but the boys never gave up. Two tries inside five minutes gave hope to huge Strath crowd but despite relentless pressure in the final play of the game, Merchiston’s defence stood strong to cling onto a final victory.
Adam A — Captain of Rugby Murray O — Vice-Captain

The tournament was a great experience for the team who put themselves up against some of the best schools in the UK.
AS A COACH ONE IS ALWAYS SEEKING OUT VIEWPOINTS AND APPROACHES THAT MAY RESONATE WITH YOUR OWN, that challenge you to think about how you work alongside players to seek improvements and how they could motivate you to review and reflect upon your delivery.
Listening to Kris Van Der Haegen, Director of Coach Education for the Royal Belgian Football Association , at the Scottish Rugby annual Game Development Conference provide such a stimulus and at the centre of his speech was the establishment of a “One North Star” that all players and coaches agreed upon.
In preparation for the tour to Italy we were able to get an early start on the training and structure of how we wanted to play as an U16 squad. This led to our own North Star and the boys were clear that they wanted to perform to the best of their abilities throughout the Schools Conference, make it through the knockout stages of the Cup Competition to then arrive at the national u16 final at Murrayfield. As an able group they had performed well at U15 level but the step up to U16
presented a different challenge and we highlighted the need for everyone to buy into these values. “Hard work, Humility, Have fun” are detailed upon all of the U16 and 1st XV shirts and such values were a constant message that we adhered to in the months ahead. These three statements not only helped us develop as a group but also as a tool to highlight development opportunities. As a group of young men this squad brought impressive focus to all they did across the various demands of this highly competitive level of school rugby
The Italy tour provided an excellent base from which to build but until you hit the week in week out environment of the Conference games there can still be an uncertainty as to how secure the boys are in their individual, unit and team skills. Little Acre at Strathallan is a wonderful pitch to play upon as it provides a focused environment, with supporters close by and the players have a constant stimulus towards playing to their best. There was no doubting the nerves when the large squad started in their first match of the
“Hard work, Humility, Have fun” are detailed on all of the U16 and 1st XV shirts and such values were a constant message that we adhered to in the months ahead.
season, but an accurate, skilful and highly motivated performance resulted in a 36-7 win vs Fettes College. The boys were disappointed with the single score against – the coaches have a game day prize of donuts for all if the score stays at 0 – but were undoubtedly pleased with the energy they all brought to the jersey that day.
Good weather down in Edinburgh allowed for an excellent display of running rugby vs Edinburgh Academy with forwards and back combining to create quick ball and a real sense of purpose to the team’s approach. 52–0 allowed a breaktime treats of doughnuts before the start of the next training week. The squad fully understood the challenges George Watsons presented and the preparation for this home game was focussed and thorough. The first half of this match was an excellent display of controlled, confident rugby and Strathallan were worthy of their lead at half time. Sadly Fergus O-L sustained an injury which signalled the end of his season but the boys responded well to maintain the lead. In ensuring that Watson’s last push towards the line was repelled back towards
the 22, Captain Fergus T produced what was later to be awarded as our defensive performance of the season. This was a statement win for the group and one that set the standard to keep working towards.
An away trip to Dollar Academy is always a challenge and in wet conditions the team had to work hard in the first half. Ellis A (N) was relentless with ball in hand and the half backs Conor F and Adam W worked with increasing accuracy as the game progressed. A solid 20–0 victory was perhaps not our best performance, but it did provide a range of challenges that the squad responded well to.
With some players away at Stirling County RFC, we were able to provide opportunities for the extended squad to gain valuable experience at this level of play. A fast-flowing game was expertly controlled by Adam W at 10 and the team were able to run in a series of excellent team and individual scores. Tom S ran well with the ball and Ramsay S was tireless around the pitch. Fionn T at full back produced two try saving tackles to help ensure that the score remained at zero and all 23 players contributing to a most pleasing 57-0.

Illness prevented our training match vs Bishop’s Stortford from England and we headed into the start of half term with a fair sense of achievement.
The top of the Conference table clash vs ESMS was the first weekend back after half term and sadly the momentum built in recent weeks slipped away. ESMS maintained pressure throughout the game and were worthy winners 3-38. With Merchiston away up next the squad needed to regain their focus and seek improvements in training.
After a slight slow start to this away match Strathallan found their rhythm and produced an excellent display of rugby on both sides of the ball. Defensively strong, the team coped with and broke up the Merchiston attack with Max E, Max C and Jamie L all contributing. In attack the team were able to reproduce much of the work done in training and the final tries of the game were superb examples of players working hard for each other to ensure that one made it over the line with Alex M being a constant threat throughout the game. A 33-8 victory was a good reaction to the disappointments of the previous week.
With the runners up position secured in the conference the focus now turned to the quarter finals of the Scottish Schools Cup and a home fixture vs Fettes College. A spirited performance by the away team presented a range of challenges but Strathallan were able to maintain their focus and whilst the scoreline of 14-0 suggested a close encounter, the squad felt they had the game under control throughout.

For the semi- final we were drawn away to Marr College to face a team that had not been beaten in over two years. A large home support provided an excellent backdrop to this highly contested fixture. At times Strathallan were just one pass away from the breakthrough but nerves and, perhaps, a desire to take a risk resulted in a below par performance for much of the game. With the last play of the game, and Marr leading by 5 points, Tom C kept to the right attack option, and we were able to score under the posts. The final kick went through for a 20-18 victory and a rather stunned feeling for both sides. The home of Scottish rugby now lay ahead, and the squad returned to school to be met by a large crowd of pupils cheering their arrival.
Preparations for the final at Murrayfield were pleasing and the boys worked hard to ensure that they were ready for the challenges ESMS presented. The arrival of the team bus to the doorway for the international team, the first walk out onto the pitch and the opportunity to play in front of such a large crowd will hopefully stay with this group for many years to come. The game passed in a blur, an early score showed what Strathallan could do when they kept to the structure and game plan. ESMS maintained pressure throughout the encounter and at times we simply went away from our core aims. ESMS were worthy winners 22-43 and finished their season unbeaten – Strathallan only lost to one school across our season and finished scoring 283 for and 133 against in our fixture card.

Once the emotions had settled the team were able to reflect on the progress made and the end of season presentations were a fitting end to our time together. As a group they came together and worked hard for each other. They had their “north star” and kept true to the direction they wished to travel. It was a pleasure to work alongside this group and now they have a new set of challenges ahead and I hope that they gain much more from the opportunities to develop that sport presents. I look forward to watching from the sideline at Murrayfield in 2024 and very much hope that they get on the other side of the scoreboard to get that win. They know that such an achievement requires even more than the experiences gleaned from this season, but they have the building blocks in place.
Mr M TodThe Strathallan School U16 2022/23 season was a journey of dedication and teamwork. From preseason training in Italy to the final of the Schools Cup the boys grew as a team and as individuals pushing each other to uphold the values of hard work and having fun. Thanks to the great coaching staff and the grit of the players we were able to make it to the finals of the cup only losing to one team in the entire season. Being runners-up in the school cup has me really excited for the next two years of Strath rugby
Fergus T (Captain U16A)

“I think the boys knew when we were in Italy that the season we had ahead of us was going to be tough and if we wanted to make something of it we had to work hard. From the first game to the last game at Murrayfield the boys came on miles and each individual game the boys had to put everything into each one”.
This epic season for the Under 16B team began with some lessons in the rules of the game: the basics of passing and tackling and lots of good humour.
Alas the first game against George Watsons came a little early for our team most of whom had never seen a real scrum or line out before. The ‘internationals’ were ably abetted by the wider U16 — A squad members who were hungrily looking for a game and provided welcome assistance to our new breed of rugby player. Early heroes emerged with Fynn H tackling like a demon and Lochie B alongside Bailey L providing silky skills in the backline.
By the second match we were ready to blood our full German contingent although Constantin B appeared a little like a giraffe on ice for much of the game — an experience he will never forget he tells me. The first signs of raw talent were seen by Benedikt V-R — an extraordinarily strong young man who scored in his second ever game of rugby. A brave effort sadly thwarted by a highly-trained Dollar side away from home. The third game at home to ESMS was the real blood and thunder encounter of the season with a plethora of injuries and much blood spilt and muscles strained. An epic display saw an incredibly narrow defeat by 5 points to a very good side. The forwards were magnificent with Max M and Fraser M standing out and our speedy German wingers were beginning to get a feel for the game.
Conor F 130 The StrathallianOur final cup match this year was the triumph to complete the transformation from novices to winners with a magnificent thumping of Merchiston in their own back yard — Lochie B scoring a hattrick and wonderful contributions from Ellis A, Murdo H, Ali T, Christy A and the mercurial Finn J. To win by over 50 points in the backyard of Merchiston is no mean feat — the donuts were well deserved!
A final flourish came with a comfortable friendly win over High School of Glasgow but the highlight reel had already been produced and replayed and a season to remember was coming to a close.
Thanks to everyone who played for the glorious U16B team in season 2022-23 particularly Simon Rose for his stellar work as my fellow coach.
Rev J WylieU15A RUGBY
THIS YEAR THE UNDER 15A SQUAD SHOWED GREAT ENTHUSIASM AND PROGRESSED SIGNIFICANTLY THROUGHOUT THE TERM. The team emphasis throughout the term was on encouragement as well as not dwelling on mistakes and always concentrating on the ‘next job’. I was impressed with how the group bought into this culture and this helped with their overall development as players. There were many positives to take from the season despite a lack of victories, and there is real potential within the group. The side was captained by Jasper FI and as well as being an excellent player he demonstrated mature leadership skills throughout the season, especially during the more challenging fixtures. During the term we had particularly good wins against Edinburgh Academy (29-5) and Stirling County (33-19). Here, the team played some excellent flowing rugby and this style of offloading, fast paced play was at the core of everything we did in the season. I was extremely pleased to see many of the
THE U14A RUGBY TEAM HAD A REALLY POSITIVE TERM OF RUGBY. I WAS IMPRESSED WITH THE DEDICATION OF THE SQUAD. They always work hard at training to improve, not only as individuals but as a team.
We started with an away fixture to Fettes where a 36-19 loss showed up the areas where we needed to make improvements. A comfortable 59-12 victory over Edinburgh Academy showed how dangerous we can be with ball in hand. A competitive loss to George Watson's was following by two excellent winning performances away to Dollar Academy by 19-5 and at home to Stirling county by 71-14. After half-term we struggled to compete

skills learnt in training stating to take shape and the 2-4-2 pattern we had been working on provided structure to our game, enabling us to generate space out wide where our wingers took advantage of the opportunities. However, from a coach’s point of view our most impressive result was in the final game of the season in difficult conditions away to The High School of Glasgow. This fixture highlighted the progress made throughout the season and the character of the boys in the group. Having gone behind early in the game the team regrouped and started to control territory. They were calm under pressure and became more clinical in the final third of the pitch which had been a key focus in the week leading up to the game, an excellent way to end the season.
I must congratulate the boys for their commitment during the season and I look forward to seeing how they progress as they move towards senior rugby in the future.
Mr C Swailewith a powerful Stewart's Melville side before beating Merchiston 31-7, Glasgow Academy 45-14 and East Kilbride by 53-14.
This is a talented group for whom I have high hopes. If they can continue to make the necessary improvements they have all the attributes, to become a top year group over the coming years. The team was led superbly by Buzby W with vice-captain James T contributing 95 points over the course of the term. The hard work and energy that was applied by all the boys during every session from the team was impressive.I would like to thank the all the players for their efforts and application over the season.
Mr J ThompsonU14B RUGBY
PUNCTUATED WITH SOLID, TECHNICALLY SOUND PERFORMANCES WHICH NEVER QUITE GOT THE REWARDS THAT SUCH PERFORMANCES DESERVED. The team always set up in a strong fashion proving hard to break down whilst at the same time incorporating wee bits of flair and handling ability which created some outstanding offensive moments. Standout performances this year included Max S with ball carrying of the highest order plus super dedication and commitment to the cause. Hector C proved to be an able leader, skilled in possession, and able to make the most of any opportunities that came his way. Alec P learnt quickly on the job at stand-off, Hamish B proved to be terrier like on the ground where he won numerous turnovers and the Gilchrist twins were a constant thorn in the opposition’s side. Above all things, rugby remains very much a team game and as ever, we have many players who have not encountered the game before the season started so they can be rightly proud of the efforts they put in and we hope

they take away many memories from the 2022 season. All in all, whilst not being quite the level of some of the ‘super B’s seasons’ of yore, the 2022 season can be considered a success and we look forward to the coming year in anticipation.
Mr S Mitchell
Mr J Thompson

"I've never really played 7s at a high level before, so it has been a really interesting change of pace," said Lottie, a Strathallan Rugby Academy scholar who also plays for Stirling County. "Going from a forward in 15s to a back in 7s has taught me so much that will carry across. I can already see the benefits of my 7s training starting to pay off. I’m extremely happy to be named in this training squad, the girls are fantastic. We are always pushing each other to be the best we can be.”
Scotland U18 7s Squad
Captain of School for 2023/24, Joe was selected for the Scottish U18 team earlier this year.
“I’m really excited, it’s an amazing experience. It’s a high-level tournament but we have an exceptional team who are working well together.”
Joe, who first started playing rugby when he was 7 years old, fell in love with the sport at Belhaven Hill School before moving to Strathallan in Third Form. Now, a Strathallan Rugby Academy player, Joe relished the challenge of transitioning from the traditional 15s game to the lightning-fast 7s format.
“It's a whole different ball game," he said. "The fitness demands are intense, but I'm enjoying the change of pace. It's fast and furious.”

Scotland U18 Training Squad
Scotland U18 International Development team
Caledonia U16
Archie C
Derek M
Fergus T
Tom S
Caledonia U18 Girls
Joe T
Robert C
Archie R
Logan W
Robert C
Max E
Finlay T
Tom C
Adam W
Jos N
Anna S
Nathalie R
Lottie R
TGlasgow Warriors U18
Ellis C
Robert C
Murray O
Scottish School Cup U16
Scottish School Cup U18
Lathallan 7s U18
National U18 Cup Winners
National U18 Shield Winners
Hamish C
Archie R
Joe T
Runners up Semi-Final Winners
Nathalie R
Lottie R
Jos N
Anna S
HIS HAS BEEN ANOTHER EXCELLENT YEAR FOR THE SQUASH CLUB, NOTABLY DUE TO THE INCREASING NUMBER OF PLAYERS IN THE PREP SCHOOL WHO HAVE BEEN ATTENDING THE FRIDAY SESSIONS WITH VERY PLEASING REGULARITY. They have certainly benefited from the experience of some of the senior players, notably Isla M, Reuben L, Oliver D-H and the Captain of Squash, Finn G-R. They have all shown great willingness to welcome new players, nurture and instruct them in the rudiments of the game, showing them all what fun it is! I have also been very encouraged by the healthy numbers of Senior pupils who have chosen squash as a games option and pleased that they were able to take part in two successful matches against Fettes College. Thanks to Dr Mitchell for hosting these matches and to our professional, Mr Beaumont, for his excellent coaching. I would encourage more people to come and try out squash; the courts are there for your use and you may use them at any appropriate time during the school day. For those who don’t know their location, they are beside Simpson House. I look forward to next season.
Eva d L
Finn G-R (Captain)
Reuben L
Cole S
Valentin E
Alec P
Charlie M
Paul B
Will M
Oliver D-H
Isla M
James D-H
Kieran R
Andrew G
David A
Sebastian L-P
Fynn H
Douglas P
Gleb J
Harris C-H
Rohan M
Matthew T
Lewis M
Jude N
Harry T
Lisa B
They have all shown great willingness to welcome new players, nurture and instruct them in the rudiments of the game, showing them all what fun it is!

Alasdair M
Captain of Skiing, Alasdair M has been selected for the Scottish Alpine Ski Team for the second time. Moving up to the adult ranks of ski-racing this year, he said, “It’s been a difficult year, moving up to the adult ranks and competing with some of the world’s top skiers but I’ve had a great season on the slopes. I’m delighted to ski for Scotland again.”
Scotland JU18 – ISF World Winter Games
Scottish Alpine Ski Team for 2023/24
2nd U18 Male Lecht Open
4th GBR U18 Ranking

Murdo H became U19 Boys Champion at the British Schools Indoor Ski Championship 2023. Murdo, who has been training with the Scottish Alpine Ski Team in Norway this year, said of his victory, “It’s an incredible feeling to emerge as the champion in my age group. I’m proud of my results this season.”
Scottish U18 Alpine Ski Team for 2023/24
Children’s Championships
14th/100 males
2 x Silver Medals EOLA GBR Outdoor Series
2nd Place Welsh Indoor Championships
6th Place English Indoor Championship
2nd Place Craig McFie Classic
2nd Place GSR Indoor Challenge
1st Place BSC West Coast Bairns and Lassies Championship
2nd Place Gordon Skiers Lecht Open
2nd Place Firpark Twin Peaks Slalom
THE START OF SEPTEMBER 2022 SAW SEVERAL NEW FACES FROM THIRD FORM THROUGH TO SIXTH FORM IN THE PERFORMANCE SQUAD AT STRATHALLAN. They joined a strong core of swimmers who competed regularly at Club, District, National and International level throughout the season. November saw the return of Tayside Schools Swimming Championships for the first time since 2019. 14 Strathallan swimmers competed in ages from 12 to 18yrs.
12 & U Boys: SILVER
Ross M
George M
Bertie A
James S 13/14 Boys: GOLD
15/16 Girls: GOLD
Boys 13/14: 200 IM GOLD
200 back GOLD
Jacob H
Finlay B
Euan W.
Harrie W
Matilda A
Ella S
Grace H.
100 free SILVER
100 free BRONZE
200 free SILVER
200 free BRONZE
Girls 13/14: 200 IM GOLD
100 fly GOLD
100 breast GOLD
Boys 15/16: 200 free GOLD
100 fly GOLD
100 back GOLD
Girls 15/16: 200 breast BRONZE
100 breast BRONZE
EEuan W
Euan W
Jacob H
Finlay B
Finlay B
Jacob H
Kristin M
Kristin M
Kristin M
Evan D
Evan D
Evan D
Grace H
Grace H
Harrie W

Boys 17/19: 200 IM GOLD
100 b/c SILVER
100 free GOLD
100 breast GOLD
Girls 17/19
100 free GOLD
100 free SILVER
200 free GOLD
100 fly GOLD
Owen C
James G
Owen C
James G
James G
James G
Elise C
Katelyn T
Elise C
Katelyn T
VAN D TRAVELLED TO SHEFFIELD TO COMPETE IN THE BRITISH CHAMPIONSHIPS AT THE START OF APRIL. These Championships doubled as trials for British Teams over the Summer period. Evan swam very well across the board and gained QT for European Youth Olympic Festival as well as Commonwealth Youth Games.
EIGHT STRATHALLAN SWIMMERS COMPLETED 57 EVENTS, REACHED 36 FINALS, AND ACHIEVED 39 PERSONAL BEST TIMES. This alone was extraordinary and it was topped off with 22 medals won. This five day meet is one of the major events in the swimming calendar for all Age-Group swimmers.

Evan D (age 16)
National Open Champion – 100/200/400 free, 200 IM, 100/200 fly, 100/200 br plus relay medals.
Euan W (age 15)
National Open Champion – 400 IM, 50 br Bronze – 400 f/c, 100 br, 800 free.
4th – 200 IM/ 200 Br.
Finlay B (age 14)
National Open Champion – 100/200 back, Open Silver & Scottish Age-Group Champion – 200 IM Bronze – 200 free.
5th – 400 f/c, 8th 100 free.
KRISTIN M TOOK PART IN EAST DISTRICT OPEN WATER CHAMPIONSHIPS IN JUNE WINNING AGE 15/16YRS JUNIOR CHAMPION She then went onto the SNOW championships winning a bronze medal in 15/16yrs age group.
Elise C (age 17-18)
Bronze – 200 IM, Finals in 50/100/200/400 free, 50 fly.
Kristin M (age 15)
Finals in 400/800/1500 free, 400 IM
James G, Harrie W and Grace H all competed and swam very well over the week.

TOn the back of outstanding swimming at the British Championships Evan D (5F) was selected to compete for GB in the European Youth Olympics in Slovenia in July, learning a lot of lessons from 2022 Evan went on to win Bronze in the 200IM in an outstanding personal best time. Evan then went to compete for Scotland at the Commonwealth Youth Games in Trinidad. Evan recorded several excellent personal best times but to end the season winning a bronze medal in 400 IM and taking 5.5 seconds off his personal best time was amazing and testament to the hard work put in.
HE FINAL MEET OF THE SEASON FOR MOST SWIMMERS SAW, ONCE AGAIN, OUR SQUAD PERFORMING EXCEPTIONALLY WELL AND WINNING A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF MEDALS; recording substantial personal best times and finishing what was a long tough season on a high. Well done to Kristin M, Elise C, Euan W, Finlay B, Harriet W and Owen C.
Girls Champions – Glenbrae Boys Champions - Freeland
The inter-House swimming galas took place in November. Both events were extremely well contested with some outstanding swims.
In the Girls’ event there were 5 new records set and another 4 swims that were within the previous record. New Records were achieved by Elise C in 200 free, 50 free and 50 Br (senior), Kristin M 50 Br (junior) and Open freestyle relay Thornbank.
In the Boys’ event we had 3 new records set by Evan D 50 Br and 50 fly ( senior) and Euan W 25 fly ( junior). The results were:
Girls Champions – Glenbrae Boys Champions - Freeland
SPS SWIMMING GALA TOOK PLACE IN MARCH AND SAW A LOT OF VERY EXCITED AND NERVOUS PREP SCHOOL SWIMMERS TAKE TO THE POOL. The swimmers swam very well and there were some excellent races The overall winners were Balmanno.
Our Captains for 2022-2023 have been Owen C and Katelyn T. We wish them every success in and out of the water as they move onto their next chapters.
Elaine JohnstonTENNIS
ONYX L (SPS), MARIA M AND MARCUS M. Great results have been achieved across the board. But it's not all about competition and winning or losing. # StrathTennis is about opportunity, inclusion, fun, development and just giving it a go.
From Year 3 to U6th there is an opportunity for every pupil at school to play tennis, at least once a week throughout all 3 terms. From cold winter nights in the Wilson Hall to the two weeks of warm weather this summer - the pupils continue to turn up and give their best — which as a coach, is so pleasing.
With the addition of Kyle Fleming we were able to offer new sessions for SPS. Ryan Martin continued his work with the performance players, so as a coaching team we have been able to really offer a fantastic programme for the pupils this year.

The senior teams all had a pleasing season, with competition for places in the girls’ teams remaining fierce. Well done to those who stepped up to cover when senior pupils were missing due to exam pressure. The junior teams have improved a lot throughout the season, and this has shown in the results, with the U13s having an unbeaten season.
Individual results in local, regional and national competitions were also fantastic — but a special mention must go to Marcus M on winning his first professional match while competing in Tunisia — we look forward to watching Marcus' progress in the coming years.
Well done to everyone who represented the school in fixtures this summer, and I look forward to building on what has already been achieved with the teams, next year.

Congratulations to our boys’ team on another successful run in the cup this year, finishing as runners-up in the Scottish Schools Championships. With victories over Dunbar Grammar, Mackie Academy, Aberdeen Grammar and the High School of Glasgow, the boys faced Merchiston Castle in the final — after a closely fought final, with the scores tied at 3 all, unfortunately we lost a shootout, to go down 4-3. Well done to Marcus M, Ben C, Jed M, Thomas D, Jona VDL and Nicholas B on their efforts in the cup this year.
In their respective sections, 12, 16s and 18s we achieved team success at the Kilgraston Tournament this year — with each team winning gold! Congratulation's to Madi E, Eilidh B, Sophie D, Grace D in the 12s. The 16s team of Freya C, Anna P, Rosie E and Nancy Z. And our 18s Victoria B, Zoe W, Anni W and Cecilia N.
On a sunny day in June our U18 mixed team of Anni W, Ben C, Anna P and Thomas D performed wonderfully well to pick up the prizes at the Loreto Mixed Tournament — well done team!

OUR WEEK STARTED WITH A LONG DRIVE DOWN TO NOTTINGHAM ON THE MONDAY MORNING OF THE 26TH OF JUNE. The boys team of Marcus M, Nicholas B, Jed M, Thomas D and Ben C were all excited in the car down with lots of confident chat, but no one expected to get the result we ultimately achieved.
We arrived at the venue around 5pm on the Monday evening, for a nice light hit to get used to the courts and stretch out legs from the long drive. As we were there our first opponents Sevenoaks School from Kent arrived on the court beside us to warm-up, that gave us all an opportunity to scope out the players and start planning for our first-round matches. This gave us lots of confidence as we knew that this match would be ours for the taking and as we had hoped, the next day went well for us. All the boys won all their singles matches to put us 4-0 up and the tie sealed. This win also gave us the rematch against Merchiston that we were all wanting — they had beaten us in a tense shoot-out the week before in the Scottish Schools Championships final.
The Merchiston tie started with 3 and 4 playing singles, with Thomas up against a very talented German boy and Jed had one of his biggest rivals, Sushanth.
Thomas had the best possible start by winning the first 10 points of the match, he was taking control of all the points by using his forehand to dominate and force errors from his opponent. This was too much for the Merchiston player and Thomas ended up winning his match in 2 straight forward sets.
Jed on the other hand had a much more even match. Both players came out playing a very high level, but it was Jed who was the one who was mixing it up more with his slice backhand and he was able to secure a 2-0 head start for Strathallan.
Our second round of matches were 1 and 2 singles. Ben was up against Lance N and Marcus had the huge hitting
Tsz-Him C. Ben gave it his best effort but Lance was too strong for him, Ben fell in 2 straight sets which then put the pressure on Marcus to get a win. Marcus came firing out the blocks and won 10 of the first 11 games going 6-1 4-0 up. In the 12th game the boys had a disagreement over a line call, which went in favour of Merchiston. This rattled Marcus and his level dropped, which allowed his opponent to get himself into the match, the 2nd set went to a tiebreak but Marcus being the fighter he is put his foot down and took control of it and secured the win. This put us 3-1 up after the singles meaning we just needed to win one out of the two doubles, to win the match.
The confident and established pairing of Thomas and Jed faced Thure and Sushanth. With Thomas hitting huge ground strokes and Jed all over the net, they were far too good for their Merchiston opponents and Strathallan were through to the Semi-finals.
After a celebratory dinner, the next day was back to business and we were drawn against number 1 seeds Ewell Castle School. This was a very strong team with their number 4 player being ranked top 10 in Britain for under 14s. Ewell were just too strong for us and won all 4 of the singles matches.
This put us in a 3rd/4th playoff against Milfield, who again were a very strong team. The first round of matches ended in a 2-2 draw with Jed and Marcus getting singles wins. This put us in a great position as all our boys are good doubles players. Jed and Thomas got the first win which then meant Marcus and Nic were stepping up to try get the job done. They came out starting at a very high level and won the first set very quickly. The second set was much tighter and ended up going to a tie-break. But with the boys’ experience on a doubles court they were able to clinch an incredible 3rd place at the National School Finals.
Huge congratulations to coach Ryan Martin and Mr Ambrose for his support with this tremendous achievement.
STRATHALLAN GIRLS TENNIS HAS BEEN FULL OF SUCCESS THIS YEAR. The U18 A team consisted of Maria M, Anni W, Cecilia N, Rosie E, Anna P and Freya C coming up from fourth form. This year the girls won 9 out of 11 matches, winning 3 rounds of the national cup, losing closely to a strong St Peter’s team. The U18 B team, consisting of Katie C, Orla M, Lucy T, Zoe W, Victoria B, Rachel F and Eriskay M won a strong 5 out of 6 matches with a highlight of winning 8-1 against Fettes college. The U18 C team, With Adriana F-K, Isla M, Rosie M, Charlote M, Emma F, Sofia E, won all their matches with a highlight of 7-2 against Glenalmond College. The U18D team also had a strong 7–2 win here. The younger teams at Strathallan have showed huge improvement and interest in tennis this year which has been amazing to see. The U15 A team won 7 out of 8
matches; well done to Rosie E, Nancy Z, Olivia D Flora R, Anna P, and Freya C. The U15 B team won 3 out of 4 matches with a highlight of winning 7-2 against dollar academy. Lastly, the U14 A team of Lois M, Frankie W, Layla M, Jess B, Corinna S and Tina W won 5 out of 6 matches, with the highlight of the 7-2 win against Dollar Academy. PULL OUT: All teams this year have shown commitment and determination throughout the tennis season, with many girls showing their interest in tennis out of the tennis season as well. I would like to personally thank all the girls for showing up to training every week and performing to their best ability. I would also like to give a big thank you to our coach Tommy for giving his time so generously, allowing everyone to play tennis and giving everyone a helping hand.
Maria M – Captain of Girls Tennis
All teams this year have shown commitment and determination throughout the tennis season, with many girls showing their interest in tennis out of the tennis season as well.
IT HAS BEEN A VERY GOOD YEAR FOR THE BOYS’ TENNIS TEAMS THROUGHOUT THE SEASON THIS YEAR. There have been a lot of closely contested matches in both the Scottish schools, and British schools and our friendly matches against other Scottish schools which gives more people the opportunity to play and represent the school.
In the Scottish Schools Cup, we had a good run to the final, winning 4 matches against schools with high level players. After winning a tight semi-final against the High School of Glasgow 4-2 we went on to play Merchiston Castle in the final, where sadly we lost on a shootout - this was a tough one to take as it was a repeat of last year’s result.
In regular school matches we were very successful throughout the boys 1st and 2nd team level which is good to see the strength in depth throughout the players at school, well done to Jona VDL, Philipp H, Joe T, Angus G, Magnus M, Tom P, Zac H, Philippe L, Jack F, Freddie L, Max E, Lucas B, on representing the school so well this year.
In the British schools (Glanville Cup) we were entered into a regional qualifying draw with 16 teams in it which to qualify for the finals you had to win 4 matches in a knockout draw to qualify for the national finals which take place in Nottingham every year, after 4 tough matches against 2 Scottish schools and 2 English schools we qualified for the finals which take place at the end of term. This is a extremely good achievement, it shows the level of all the 5 players involved in the 1st team and how we are a good team who win important matches
The team we have now is still young so we will be even better over the next few years and can hopefully go and win the Scottish schools next year.
The coaching and help from Tommy Ogilvie and Ryan Martin this year towards all players has been exceptional throughout the course of the season which has made us all perform better and created a good team atmosphere whilst playing matches and during training.
Marcus M – Captain of Boys’ Tennis
In the Scottish Schools Cup, we had a good run to the final...

Freya C
North of Scotland County Cup representation
Represented Scotland at the Four Nations Championships
Represented Tayside in Inter District Championships
Winner of Grade 4 St Andrews County Tour 16s Runner up in Grade 3 Tennis Tayside 16s.
Scottish Junior Double Champions 16s
Ben C
Represented North of Scotland County Cup 18s
Represented Tayside in Inter District championship
Representing Strathallan at British Schools Championships in Nottingham Tennis World Middlesbrough Winner, Grade 3, 18s Singles and Doubles
David Lloyd Men's County Tour Winner
County Tour winner, Craiglockhart, Grade 4
Marcus M
Men's semi-final Trit Tour Edinburgh, Clay Court Championships
Quarter final Glasgow Brit Tour with a win over an ATP ranked player
M15 Monastir ITF first win at ITF men's pro level.
Men's Doubles champ at East and West of Scotland championship's.
U18 National Doubles Champion
U18 Scottish Indoor Doubles Champion
North of Scotland County Cup representation
Winning Scottish Club Cup with Newlands
Winter U18, Men's Winter and Summer 2023
North of Scotland County Selection
Anni W
Kilgraston U18 Doubles winner
Loretto Mixed Doubles Winner
East Lothian Womens Doubles Winner
Central Open 16U Girls Doubles Runner Up
Cecilia N
Kilgraston U18 Doubles Winner
Victoria B
Kilgraston U18 Doubles Winner
Zoe W
Kilgraston U18 Doubles Winner
Nancy Z
Kilgraston U16 Doubles Winner
Rosie E
Kilgraston U16 Doubles Winner
Grace D
Winner of the Inter District Championships held at Strathallan
Kilgraston U12 Doubles winner
Nicholas B
Scotland County Tour Runner-up
U18 Tayside Open Runner-up
3rd place in Scottish Indoor Doubles
Anna-Sophie P
Kilgraston U16 Doubles Winner
Loretto Mixed U18 Winner
Jed M
U18, Men's Summer and Winter
County cup selection
U18 Inter District selection
Selected for National training Programme
U18 Scottish & British Schools Finalist
U16 Scottish Indoor Runner-up
U18 Waverley Doubles Winner
U18 Tayside Open Winner
Thomas D Runner up Broughty Ferry Open
Grade 4 men
Winner Bridge of Allan Grade 4 18U
Winner Bridge of Allan Grade 4 18U
Winner of the Inter District Championships held at Strathallan Runner-up Scottish Schools Team Championship
Qualified for the School National Tennis Championships in Nottingham
Lucas B
U14 County Cup selectionprogressing to National Finals
At the Silver level we have had seven completions with a further one awaiting an expedition assessor report, and at Gold we have had three. A full list of those pupils attaining their Awards is given below.
I am also pleased to report that after a review by the Colours Committee we have been able to award a number of full and half colours to DofE pupils. Full colours are awarded for completion of all three levels of the Award, with half colours being awarded for either Bronze and Silver or a direct entrant Gold Award.
Two notable successes with the Award this year are Constantin S and Timothe E who both competed their awards within two terms. The boys were highly motivated and fully committed to the programme. Their success has been an example to others and they are, in part, responsible for the high level of engagement in the Bronze Award this year.
We have run expeditions at all levels of the Award this year and have focussed on the Trossachs National Park as the venue for many of these expeditions. Bronze pupils walked from Aberfoyle to Brig o’Turk, Silver pupils did a loop around the back of Ben Ledi, walking from Brig o’Turk to Strathaye and the Gold group have completed the circuit by walking from Strathyre north to Balquidder and then back south to Callander. We have also made use of Dunkeld for the Bronze practice expedition and the Gold teams headed north to the Cairngorms for a classic loop of Glenfeshie and Glentromie with an expedition munro of Càrn Bàn Mòr. The Silver team headed to Blair Athol and completed a linear hike down Glen Tilt, over the saddle to Glen Loch and finishing on the road

Two notable successes with the Award this year are Constantin S and Timothe E who both competed their awards within two terms. The boys were highly motivated and fully committed to the programme.

to Kirkmichael. Pupils at all levels of the Award have done exceptionally well and Outlook Adventures did a fantastic job of looking after our pupils whilst they were on expedition.
The increased number of completed Awards in School has been due to a change in the structure of our delivery of the Award with Bronze Award pupils being required to attend a short 15-minute drop in on a Monday evening with Mr Miles, and Mrs Ailinger has assisted in meeting with the Silver and Gold Award pupils at the same time every week. This increased contact time has greatly helped pupils in completing their Awards. I am very grateful for the assistance Mrs Ailinger has provided.
Whilst expeditions continue to be one of the most exciting elements of the Award, DofE pupils have been involved in a large range of other activities inside and outside of School to complete their Awards. The number of staff involved in helping pupils in these areas is huge, and pupils have access to a fantastic range of opportunities at Strathallan. SPS has been instrumental in allowing senior pupils to volunteer in sports, prep. and music activities, as well as CCF who have provided a number of volunteering opportunities. The Chaplain has created an excellent volunteering programme which has provided valuable opportunities for Silver and Gold participants.
DofE at Strathallan continues to develop and I would actively encourage any pupils who are interested in starting the Award to come and speak to me. A Bronze and Silver Award are achievable within an academic year, and the Gold level is fully attainable within the two years of Sixth Form.
Melissa F-S
William K
Vanja Z
Emma F (CoA)
Angus G
Grace H
Jamie L
Jayden M
Eriskay M
Alexandra M
Angus B
Ellie B
Victoria B
Connie D
Timothe E
Kya-Mei K
Grace H
Reuben L
Zac L
Rohan M
Charlie M
Constantin S
Matthew T
Zoe T
Lucy W
Harriett W
Isabella A
Melissa F-S
Nadira A
Hannah C
Angus G
Grace H
Jamie L
Jayden M
Alexandra M
Ethan W

THE STRATHALLAN CCF CADETS HAVE HAD ANOTHER FULL, ACTION-PACKED YEAR. They have been out and about training, having fun and developing their leadership skills. This has been no mean feat and is due to the dedicated staff and cadets that have made this happen. Particular mention should go to Cadet RSM, Katelyn T who has been a dedicated leader along with excellent Senior NCOs in the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Army Sections.
With no biennial inspection until 2024, this year we held two parades at school instead. Firstly, our 4th Form Army Cadets were presented with their Red Hackles by Alasdair Halford-MacLeod, Commandant Black Watch Army Cadet Force (ACF). It is great to see the cadets marching smartly around campus on a Wednesday afternoon with their distinctive red hackles. The cadets were explained the importance of the headdress and how privileged they are to wear it.

Cadet RSM Katelyn T
It is great to see the cadets marching smartly around campus on a Wednesday afternoon with their distinctive red hackles.

We hope to grow our link with the ACF who we share much in common with. Our second inspection was carried out by the Headmaster: a former Royal Navy Cadet Officer with an eye for detail! He inspected the CCF on parade in the Spring term and it was great for the cadets to experience an inspection. Mr Lauder explained the importance of a smart appearance and he chatted to the cadets about their weekly training.
Congratulations to all the 6th Form cadets who have passed their Cadet Forces Instructional Techniques (CFIT) Course. This has enabled them to teach and develop the younger cadets in the CCF and the staff have been impressed by their fun and engaging lessons. We hope to develop this further next year, where 6th Form cadets will have the opportunity to take the Leadership Award at SCQF Level 5. We were also honoured to take part in Poppy Scotland’s annual collection on the lead up to Remembrance Day. Cadets from all three sections collected donations and sold poppies in Perth Highstreet. The cadets were professional, dedicated, smarty dressed and great ambassadors for the school and CCF. Along with the collection at school, we were one of the largest collectors of donations in Perth and we look forward to helping again in November 2023.
The SSI, Jim Shoebridge, has re-started cadet small bore shooting for all three sections. Once cadets have completed the training and weapon handling test, they can shoot anytime over Thursday lunchtimes as we have our own indoor range. Looking in the range log, cadets have not shot for over 13 years, so we are hugely grateful to the SSI and SMI Vikki Paul who have got this up and running again.
Two of our staff were recognised for their service and awarded the Cadet Forces Medal, which recognises 12-year dedicated service to the cadets — congratulations to Captain Iain McGowan and Lt Col Stuart Robertson. Without dedicated adult volunteers, we cannot provide exciting and challenging training to the cadets and we look forward to welcoming more staff into the CCF next year to begin their CCF journey.
Major Charlotte Marjoribanks Contingent Commander

THE ROYAL NAVY SECTION HAS GROWN AGAIN THIS YEAR AND HAS BEEN LED BY ETHAN W ASSISTED BY JONNY I AND ANDREW P. The year started, as seems to be the tradition now, with uniform issue and then two weeks at Willowgate Activity Centre to start afloat training. This really develops teamwork, resilience (it can be quite chilly in Scottish water in September!) and friendships across the year groups.
The first field day was held at school as unfortunately the Clyde Fleet Tender was diverted to other Royal Navy duties before we were due aboard. The day was run by the senior cadets where the younger cadets carried out practical leadership tasks (PLTs), ship and submarine recognition before a trip to Willowgate for kayaking and group sea shanties! A great day had by all and good to see leadership abilities being demonstrated during the PLTs.
The cadets spent the following term training on the Royal Navy Cadet Field Gun which involved leadership, teamwork, skill and once more experienced and competent, speed! We held our first joint field day and hosted the Navy Cadets from Queen Victoria School. Due to weather and vehicle breakdowns we had to adapt the plan at the last minute! The cadets took part in PLTs, a leadership problem solving task involving trading, skill at arms (weapons) and orienteering. The day was great fun and the cadets loved working with another school with may new friendships forms. Many thanks to the QVS staff led by Lt Russel Newham, Strathallan staff Lt Siobhan Birrell, SSI Jim Shoebridge and Tina Rankin, who delivered such a fun day of activities.
We had amazing sailing conditions this year and it meant that many of the cadets qualified with their RYA Stage 2 sailing qualification. Many are going on to develop their sailing this summer with offshore sailing courses over the holidays.
In the summer term the 4th Form cadets along with some 5th and 6th From cadets sailed at Port Edgar for the first 5 weeks. PULL OUT: We had amazing sailing conditions this year and it meant that many of the cadets qualified with their RYA Stage 2 sailing qualification. Many are going on to develop their sailing this summer with offshore sailing courses over the holidays. Congratulations to all the cadets for qualifying this summer (Hannah C, Natalie D, Sophia G, Isla C, Iona F, Constantin S, Constantin B, Nancy Z, Skye R) – we have more than enough qualified now to crew a boat or two! A huge thank you to the instructors at Port Edgar and to the CCF Association for supporting us to get all our Royal Navy cadets on the water and qualified.

In the summer holidays we have four cadets attending offshore sailing and powerboating off the south coast of England working towards RYA Competent Crew, Day Skipper and Powerboat Level 2. Six 5th and 6th Form cadets have been selected to attend the RN Senior Leadership Course in Devon and Cornwall, and we wish them the best of luck and look forward to all the leadership skills and fun activities they will be running for the younger cadets next year. We are hugely grateful to the RN CCF who are providing train and air travel to get these cadets on these courses. I would encourage all cadets to try these courses. The RN CCF 5 day residential courses count as a Gold Duke of Edinburgh residential course and are approximately a tenth of the cost of civilian courses.
A big thank you as always to Chief Petty Officer Stevie O’Neil from the Royal Navy Youth Team who has supported us hugely over the year and is always there to help our training to be as fun and varied as possible. And of course, our staff; Lt Siobhan Birrell and SLt Caroline Lauder who have focused on leadership and developing the cadets. The RN cadets are hugely enthusiastic this year and it is down to the staff that have produced an excellent training programme
THE ROYAL MARINE CADETS HAVE BEEN DEDICATED AND KEEN THIS YEAR, LED BY FINN G-R. The first task of the year was to train and attend the Pringle Trophy. The Trophy is the annual competition, held at CTCRM Lympstone, Devon, between RM CCF Sections from around the country and is a hugely competitive and fierce competition.
CTCRM is the training camp for all regular and reserve Royal Marines and so we felt hugely privileged to be able to stay and compete on this prestigious camp. The training was led by the team captains, Oliver K

and Chloe M, and consisted of many early runs, skill at arms refresher training, drill, first aid, section attacks and military history. The team which included those travelling as well as non-travelling reserves worked hard through this intense training period to ensure they were prepared for what lay ahead. They enjoyed the training they received from our area instructor, WO2 Smith, Sgt Quinn from RMR Scotland, and Lt Col Robertson. They really rose to the challenge and by the time of departure, a team of nine dedicated cadets were ready to travel to Lympstone.

The cadets completed most of the obstacles that regular and reserve Royal Marines do so it was amazing to see them tackle this and demonstrate their physical and mental robustness.

There is much to look forward to next year and with a strong base, we look forward to welcoming new Cadets who join from the Army recruits.
On arrival, the team immediately impressed — as the only RM CCF in Scotland, they arrived in their kilts and looked incredibly smart and ready to compete! The first night consisted of briefings and preparing for the following day. Day 1 started with the obstacle course. The cadets completed most of the obstacles that regular and reserve Royal Marines do so it was amazing to see them tackle this and demonstrate their physical and mental robustness. They then went onto the other stands; observation, CQB (Close Quarter Battle), command tasks, military history, section attacks, first aid, navigation, stretcher race and camouflage and concealment — an action-packed day! That evening, they prepared their drill kit, shining boots and ironing kit. Day 2 consisted of the drill test followed by the famous endurance run across Woodbury Common. This was a three-mile run over undulating ground and had obstacles along the way. The most fun and notorious obstacle being the sheep dip, a submerged tunnel that they had to get through as a team. It was impressive watching these cadets take part in this event and a proud moment as they crossed the finish line. The team did a brilliant job, winning the first aid stand, led by Jacy E, and bringing home the First Aid trophy. Congratulations to all the Team: Katelyn T, Finn G-R, Oliver K, Chloe M, Jacy E, Ross T, Angus G, Rohan M and Caitlin M.

TFor the rest of the year, the cadets started training for next year’s Pringle Trophy and have completed training on section attacks, first aid, drill and military history. Throughout the summer term they worked on fitness and water skills, visiting Willowgate for paddle boarding, running and skill at arms training. Cadets are taking part in the RM CCF Summer Camp at Lympstone in July, and this will stand them in a good position to compete again next year. The year will finish with a visit to HMS Prince of Wales, one the Royal Navy’s aircraft carriers who is alongside in Edinburgh. Finally, the senior cadets will be smartly dressed in their number one dress for speech day, representing the RM Cadets and finishing off the year in style!
A huge thank you to the RM CCF staff this year — led by Katherine Bergin who is looking forward to her CCF Officer’s course at Lympstone in November. We are hugely grateful to Lt Col Stu Robertson who has been back again this year to help train and advise the Royal Marines
Section The staff’s enthusiasm and dedication has kept the RM section moving in a positive direction and we look forward to another fun packed year in September. Finally thank you to the Cadets for their enthusiasm and dedication to the Royal Marine Cadets this year. There is much to look forward to next year and with a strong base, and we look forward to welcoming new Cadets who join from the Army recruits.
The recruits started off by learning everything green from badges of rank, patrolling, navigation, drill (military marching) and they were issued their uniform and boots. The recruits had a field day in November, where they focused on their military fieldcraft, perfecting their patrolling, they learnt how to build bashers (military shelters) in the woods and camouflaged up using cam cream for the first time. The lessons were led and taught by the NCOs (6th Form cadets), using their knowledge gained in their CFIT courses. The senior cadets have really stepped up this year, planning lessons, delivering lessons, reviewing their lessons and ensuring that the 4th Form cadets have engaging, challenging and enjoyable lessons. I know the CCF staff are hugely grateful and impressed by all that these 6th Form cadets do. The term finished with the Red Hackle presentations and the cadets now look the part!
2023 started off with a field day for the 4th Form with a focus on skill at arms training, to teach the cadets how to safely operate the weapon system (cadet rifle). This training is technical, difficult and requires many hours so congratulations to all the cadets for their efforts in this — we were training from November up until June before annual camp, so it is a long period of time. In between weapons lessons, the cadets rotated around visiting military guests. They were from the Scottish and Northern Irish Yeomanry (SNIY), based in Cupar, who brought in the equipment they use and let the cadets get hands on this kit. We were thrilled to host the Royal Regiment of Scotland Engagement Team who visited with VR and STEM activities and the highlight, Corporal Cruachan IV, a Shetland pony who is the mascot of the Royal Regiment of Scotland and his companion Nightcap.
This year training has been building up to ensure cadets can operate safely when they attend annual camp. The cadets will attend a field day in school, were we are lucky enough to have large enough grounds to carryout blank firing. They will also get the chance to try paint balling, first aid and try some rations. The summer camp being held in Altcar, Liverpool and it is
brilliant to have these nationally sort after places for our cadets. Cadets have an amazing week ahead and will be tested, challenged and hopefully have fun. It will develop resilience, leadership, military skills and a sense of fun. The cadets will spend a day on military activities which will include an obstacle course. They will then be on a two-day exercise, patrolling and carrying out section and platoon attacks (blank firing). The cadets will finish the week with an excellent two-day package on the live ranges, firing from 100m and 200m.
Thank you to all the staff who have trained the Army cadets this year; Captain Iain McGowan, SSI Jim Shoebridge, Sgt Tony Dukes and SMI Vikki Paul. We are hugely grateful to them for volunteering their time and enthusiasm into training our cadets, attending training courses and the cadets have benefited from their experience, Skill at Arms training as well as all the new shiny bits of uniform they have been issued! It is great to have these experienced instructors on board, to help develop our new staff who join us next year and develop continue to develop the CCF to offer the cadets an amazing experience and develop their leadership skills

The senior cadets have really stepped up this year, planning lessons, delivering lessons, reviewing their lessons and ensuring that the 4th Form cadets have engaging, challenging and enjoyable lessons.

IN EARLY OCTOBER THE OUTDOOR EDUCATION GROUP VISITED WILLOWGATE FOR THE FIRST TIME. Willowgate is an activity centre that does lots of water-based activities. It is located on the Tay just down-stream from Perth.
Shortly after lunch, when lessons had finished, we all rushed to the minibus, excited to be off! The drive to Willowgate only takes about 15 minutes which is really handy for making the most of our time.
On arrival, we got our wetsuits, got changed and before we knew it we were on the water. We started with Paddle boarding, bobbing about the pond. Once we all go the hang of things the instructor said that we were going to have a race, we went around the island, under the wooden bridge and the first one back was the winner. Rose C, Peter W, Max S and I were battling it out at the front, paddling as hard as we could, bumping into each other like bumper karts trying to push each other off course. After the hard battle Rose made it to the finish line first.
After the race we all paddled to the top of the pond, with a strong headwind, to learn to surf. We got the boards into shallow water, making sure that the fins were not in the sand. We put our paddles down and lined up about 5m behind our boards. The instructor told us to run along and jump onto them. When we did this with speed – only, inevitably, for us all to fall off, belly flopping into the water. Once we had done that we went out to the middle and did a series of challenges.

After we put our boards on the bank the instructor got the kayaks out. While we waited, we played a fun game where you held the paddle vertically while standing in a circle. The instructor called left or right and you had to leap to the next paddle. Once we had done that a few times the boats were ready
152 The Strathallianand we got on the water and paddled round to the bay. Some of us were in two seaters and some in singles. After paddling around getting confidence the instructor called us over. He told us to choose a country and stick with it. Each boat had a different country name, the aim of the game was to spread your name to others by tapping your paddle on the back of their boat and shouting out your country name at the top of your voice. Italy and India were battling for the win and India came out on top!
The day finished with us docking up our boats and heading to the changing rooms. Once worm and dry we headed back to the bus carrying heavy wet wetsuits up the steep hill was not fun, but it was all worth it to have snacks on the way back to school. The next day we were walking around like penguins because our legs were so stiff we knew we had had some good exercise!
Since then, we’ve gone to Willowgate several times, developing our skills and having great fun as part of our weekly programme of Outdoor Education. We’ve also done hillwalking, camp craft, mountain biking at Comrie Croft and all sorts of other activities. Thanks to Ms Haddick and the other staff who make these events happen.

Strathallan Staff News
Farewell to:
David FosterAfter five incredible years, during which time he established Drama as an academic subject at the heart of our junior curriculum; established the successful delivery of the subject at GCSE, A Level, Higher and Advanced Higher as well as putting on three major productions a year, David is moving on — not for the rest some might say he deserves, but to the challenge of a much bigger department in Bahrain. His time at Strathallan has certainly been a whirlwind of creativity, ambition and energy. For those whose passion is theatre, the last five years have provided an incredible opportunity. David’s discipline and expertise have seen a number of students follow their dreams beyond school. In a touching gesture, many of the students who had David as their drama mentor and supporter contributed to a video which commemorated the impact he has had on their lives and, hopefully, careers. And for others, the ambitious range of his dramatic vision has given them memories and skills which will last a lifetime. David’s first Strathallan production indicated just how vibrant his vision can be — ‘Macbeth’ opened to AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ and a stunning lighting plot. Music was really important to David — not many productions escaped without a little Depeche Mode to help them on their way! But what struck audiences most was how humble David was when the accolades were made. He handed all praise over to his cast. But they know, as did the audience, that the joy of Strathallan theatre over the last five years has been the love, care and attention the Head of Drama has given it. David did demand a lot from his cast and crew – but he returned it ten-fold, something which was acknowledged after every single performance. David’s standards are fearsomely high, but so is his generosity and care. He
carried this forward to his tutoring in Nicol House and to Boxing activities he ran as part of the Games programme. As a colleague, David has established friendships which will endure — the true legacy of this Marvel obsessed, surprisingly sentimental, always funny and supportive friend. We will miss him and wish him every success in his new ventures.

David’s discipline and expertise have seen a number of students follow their dreams beyond school.
Thank you to:
Rhett Halkett, ex International Hockey player and Olympian, who joined Strathallan in 2019. Whilst his contribution to the school game has been immense, the lure of International coaching has been significant for Rhett. Alongside his time enriching the Hockey provision at Strath, Rhett took a year’s sabbatical to become assistant coach to the Netherlands women’s Team during their Gold medal winning campaign at the Tokyo Olympics. He has now taken up the full time position as coach to the India national men’s team. We are excited to see what successes he will have here.
We would also like to thank the colleagues who have been with us just for this year.
Katrin Goundry made invaluable contributions to the English department with her meticulous focus on detail and accuracy. She threw herself into the wider life of the school with equal enthusiasm. We wish her every success as she moves, in the short term, to find a job more compatible with a very young family.
Claire Leadbetter joined the Maths department in September making an equally valuable contribution to both the department and the life of the school as a whole. A career change is now in store for Claire who has taken on the challenge of the Actuarial profession.
Finally, our rugby programme was enriched by Nick Hill Nick was a talented coach and who put in a substantial amount of work into the rugby programme with highlights being the tour of Italy, reaching the semi-final of the Scottish cup and attending the rugby school invitational 7s tournament. Nick has returned to England where he is now based at Bristol Grammar School.
Welcome to:
Jonathan Mace — Senior Deputy Head
I joined Strathallan as Senior Deputy Head in September 2022 having previously been a Housemaster at Cheltenham College for 7 years. I have found, from the off, a real warmth of community at Strathallan — it is a wonderful place to work (despite the inevitable roller-coaster and unpredictability that a job of this nature inevitably brings!). I have really enjoyed getting to know the school and, having navigated my first full year, now have a real sense of the rhythm of the year and a far greater appreciation of the unique ‘feel’ that pervades life at Strathallan. Away from school life we are thoroughly enjoying exploring Scotland as a family and having St Andrews on the doorstep provides the opportunity for me to escape to the links for a game of golf now and again!

Helen Shere — Head of Support for Learning
After graduating from Exeter University with a BA Ed in Fine Art and Education, I began my teaching career at Bishop’s Stortford College where I met Elizabeth Waller — a pioneer in Dyslexia, who was teaching in the nextdoor broom cupboard — the usual habitat for learning support at that time! Her inspirational support encouraged me to qualify in dyslexia very early on in my career and I have never looked back- always balancing my passion for classroom and specialist teaching. I have taught and been a SENCO in a wide variety of day and boarding schools across the age ranges in Surrey, Devon, Kuala Lumpur and most recently in Sevenoaks.
Alongside teaching, I have followed my interest in counselling as well as working for Samaritans over the global pandemic. It is a charity that is close to my heart, especially when working in schools with teenagers.
Having recently got engaged and my children all happily settled in jobs and universities, I moved up to Edinburgh in August 2020 for the start of a new chapter in my life. The moment I came to Strathallan for interview, I knew that this was a family community I would be proud to be part of. I have thoroughly enjoyed leading the Support for Learning department and have been overwhelmed by the support and dedication of the Strath staff, particularly my department. Being a Thornbank tutor has been a real privilege and I have relished the opportunity to forge strong relationships outside the classroom. It was a huge decision to leave the sunny South but I am loving the best of both worlds — living in the vibrant city of Edinburgh and working in the beauty and serenity of Perthshire.
Simon Rose — Housemaster of Freeland House, Physics Teacher

I moved to Strathallan with my family; Kate, Ollie, Freddie and our dog, Ralph, from our home town of Warwick. We soon added to our family with a not so small puppy, Mac, a Fox red Labrador. Moving to such a beautiful rural setting has changed our lives and we have all settled extremely well thanks to Strathallan’s community of staff, pupils and parents. Previously teaching Physics and being an Assistand Housemaster in the behemoth of Stowe school, Buckingham, I wanted to progress my career to a full Housemaster position, without compromising my ethos on education. I am pleased to say, finding Strathallan has achieved just that and look forward to continuing to work and develop myself, Freeland House and the school. Moving up to Scotland and rural Perthshire has made access the mountains and outdoors so much easier, the scenery is beautiful, and it has been great to tick off a few more Munros and ride a few more trails and, of course, sample a few more wee drams.

Ian Simon — English Teacher
After graduating from UEL with an honour degree in English Literature, I went on to complete my PGCE at the University of Greenwich. The last 14 years have seen me teach English at both secondary and college level in London, the Middle East and Australia where I have been extremely privileged to work with some fantastic and enthusiastic young people. Working abroad and in London, has really helped me develop as a teacher and enabled me to not only understand the many challenges facing young people, but also discover some solutions to improve student outcomes.
After moving to Scotland and before joining Strathallan, I worked for the Developing the Young Workforce, a Scottish government organisation that facilitates a smooth transition for young people from the classroom to the workplace further giving me a chance to work with teachers and pupils from several East Lothian secondary schools. It was therefore an exciting and obvious transition to make when I was offered the role of English teacher here at Strathallan.
Away from teaching, I am a huge sports fan, particularly football and hope to see Arsenal win many trophies this coming year! Perth is a wonderful place to live with some stunning scenery and my wife and three-year-old son have enjoyed getting to know the surrounding countryside.
I have really enjoyed my first year here. Both pupils and staff have been kind and welcoming and there is a great positive family feeling to the school. I am really looking forward to an exciting year ahead by working with Strathallan students in helping them achieve success.

I have really enjoyed my first year here. Both pupils and staff have been kind and welcoming and there is a great positive family feeling to the school. I am really looking forward to an exciting year ahead by working with Strathallan students in helping them achieve success.

Rebecca Morris — SPS
Having grown up in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park in the Scottish Highlands, I have always had a passion for the Great Outdoors. With two outdoor enthusiasts as parents I was privileged to have a childhood filled with sports, travelling and adventure. I competed internationally and represented Scotland in sailing. On leaving school I studied Outdoor Education at the University of Strathclyde, followed by Adventure Tourism Management (BA Hons 1st Class) and a PGDE in Primary Teaching. I hold coaching qualifications in a number of outdoor activities and spent 15 years exploring the world’s remote and wild places as a Wilderness Expedition Guide. My passion for coaching naturally led me into a career in teaching which started with a position at Aiglon College, Switzerland. On returning to Scotland I taught within Highland Council and spent the last two and a half years of this appointment as Principal Teacher of the Ardgour and Lochaline Primary Schools Cluster on the Ardnamuchan Peninsula. The post also gave me a wonderful opportunity to experience teaching a composite primary 1 to 7 class within a single teacher school. A core element of my teaching ethos is using Outdoor Learning and adventurous play to support academic attainment, develop life skills and empower my pupils to make good life choices.
I have enjoyed my first year at Strathallan immensely, it is a privilege to work in a school which shares my passion for teaching and learning, my belief in inspiring young people to develop through exploration of self and the world around them and my love of fun, laughter and adventure.
India Gill — DT and Glenbrae Resident Tutor
After working as a Gap Student at Harrow International School Hong Kong, I realised my passion for teaching.
I spent the following 4 years studying Architecture MAHons at The University of Edinburgh. I was also fortunate to spend time in Portugal managing children’s camps in the holidays and working at an Architecture firm in Lisbon. During covid lockdown, I worked as a Boarding and Activities Assistant at Benenden School in Kent. Aspiring to combine my interest in Design with my passion for teaching, I undertook the PGDE Secondary Design Technology course at The University of Edinburgh. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first-year teaching at Strathallan, both working in the DT department and as Glenbrae’s Resident Tutor. I have particularly enjoyed the variety that comes with teaching from year 3 up to 6th Form. As Resident tutor, it has been a privilege to get to know the girls in Glenbrae over the past year. I hugely appreciate the warm welcome I have received both from Glenbrae, and the wider school community.

I I have enjoyed my first year at Strathallan immensely, it is a privilege to work in a school which shares my passion for teaching and learning
Jack Johnstone — History Teacher and Freeland Resident Tutor
I am originally from Glasgow, where I completed my BA Honours degree in History at Glasgow Caledonian University. Anyone that knows me knows the passion I have for my subject. This was what that brought me into teaching, as I wanted a job that would enable me to share my passion for History with others every day. I completed my PGDE at Strathclyde in 2021 and I have never looked back.
I taught for my first year at Madras College, before joining Strathallan in September 2022. What drew me to Strathallan was not only the chance to focus entirely on History during lesson time, but also the opportunities to get to know the kids beyond the classroom in the boarding house and through co-curricular activities. I was entirely new to the world of boarding schools and coming to Strathallan has been a genuinely life changing experience for me. I have had the chance to try so many new things working here. If you told me a year ago I would now be playing badminton three times a week and wearing a tweed jacket to work, I wouldn’t have believed you.

Chloe Roome

Eilidh Grubb — English Teacher and Thornbank Resident Tutor
Having graduated in 2020 from the University of Stirling with a degree in English Studies and then again from the Heriot-Watt University in 2021 with a Masters in International Business and Marketing, I was ready for a new challenge. I was lucky enough to complete a teaching placement at Strathallan as part of my PGDE. It was because of this placement, the warmth and kindness of pupils and staff, that I was able to confirm to myself that teaching was for me. I thoroughly enjoyed my time and really soaked up the experience. I was delighted then, when I was able to officially join the department last year. Life has been incredibly busy since! I have been well and truly welcomed into the Thornbank House community as resident tutor and have loved seeing first hand just how important and impactful positive relationships inside and outside of the classroom can be. The opportunity to watch and support pupils thrive in a multitude of extra-curricular activities has been an invaluable one. I’ve had lots of fun coaching the U14A hockey team this year and can’t wait to launch prep school drama club next year!
I studied French and History at the University of Aberdeen, spending a year in France. Following this, I completed an MA in Modern History where I had the opportunity to teach my dissertation topic to others in my cohort. This attracted me to the idea of teaching others about history which led me to completing a PGDE in History.
After six years in Aberdeen, I taught at Bearsden Academy for my probation year. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to join the community here at Strathallan School and have thoroughly enjoyed my first year here. It has been a privilege seeing pupils excel inside, and outside the classroom. I have built strong relationships with pupils and colleagues and have enjoyed tutoring my girls through their GCSEs.
Alongside teaching History and Modern Studies, I coach dance and it has been a joy to impart my years of experience in dancing onto pupils, as well as working alongside our choreographer, Robyn. I have especially enjoyed teaching Highland Dancing as I think it so important that we embrace Scottish culture as a Scottish school, and I am looking forward to more opportunities to explore this with the trad music department. I hope that dance can grow during my time here.
After summer, I will be moving into Glenbrae House to take up the position as resident tutor and I am excited to embrace this new opportunity!

Carlos Timofey
Ashton Adam
David Isabella Sofia
Linus Jemima Albert Digby Cara
Laura Austin
Khrystyna Gaspard Oscar Michel
Sophie Annabel Zheel
Owen Esther Archie Hamish Ellis
Olivia Amanda Isabella Robert Ishbel
Bei Alexander Timothe Valentin
Johann Emma Jacy George
Amy Ashleigh Melissa Katherine Alejandra Alisa
Elizabeth Isabell
Polly Millie
Finn Nieve Ella
Philipp Thitaree Naomi Tessa
Aurelian Ziyi
Jonathan Abdalla Momen
William Oliver
Angus Zhen Zhen
Bennett Yan Ki
Philippe James Edward Jiayang Ruihong Beryl Onyx
Sophie Fergus
Maria Ewan
Creating Opportunities for Everyone...
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Regular giving by our loyal donors allows us to plan ahead year on year to Regular giving by our loyal donors allows us to plan ahead year on year to offer bursaries to as many worthy recipients as we can reach and offer bursaries to as many worthy recipients as we can reach and implementing projects to benefit all pupils. implementing projects to benefit all pupils
Legacy Giving Legacy Giving
We are fortunate to have been remembered by alumni and friends over the
We are fortunate to have been remembered by alumni and friends over the years with legacy gifts that have made a real-life impact to pupils in our years with legacy gifts that have made a real-life impact to pupils in our school today school today
If you are interested in leaving a legacy to the school, however large or small, If you are interested in leaving a legacy to the school, however large or small, your gift will be greatly valued and will make a profound difference to your gift will be greatly valued will make a profound difference to Strathallians of the future Strathallians of the future
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