Millfield - Senior School Prospectus

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Welcome Millfield School is a remarkable place. From the founding of the school by ‘Boss’ Meyer 75 years ago, the rich and interesting history of Millfield continues to be built upon. Millfield is still developing into one of the world’s most outstanding schools, bringing young people together to enjoy learning. Our school is rich in opportunities for pupils with a passion for learning. Millfield aspires to unlock that special something within each individual, providing many different learning contexts, options and challenges inside and outside the classroom. We rejoice in the spirit of our pupils and demand their contribution to the learning community we have established. Talented and committed staff work with our pupils to achieve these ends. The school is unpretentious and grounded in the strength of relationships that are the bedrock of all great communities. Millfield is tremendously diverse in terms of the academic, cultural and sporting backgrounds of its pupils. This diversity assists pupils in developing a sense of their place in the world and their ability to relate with others who have different skill sets, abilities and life experiences. Millfield delights in being known as a school for all-rounders. The capacity to engage at many different levels across various domains of learning is central to life at Millfield. Each pupil must balance their programme, meet commitments and understand the responsibilities they have. Pupils’ aspirations are nurtured throughout their time at the school; we know when to challenge and when to support our pupils to help them become the best that they can be. In this regard, we also recognise that parents are critical members of the support team. Thus, we keep parents updated about the progress and achievements of their children during the academic year and welcome them to attend school events. This booklet outlines our school – its facilities, academic programmes and co-curricular offerings – it cannot, however, encapsulate all that Millfield is. The people are at the heart of this great school and I encourage you to visit us to meet them and to explore all that is on offer.

Craig Considine – Headmaster

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AcAdemic excellence The Academic Programme Millfield aims to provide a broad and balanced education which not only prepares pupils for public examinations but also gives them the confidence to achieve success in their adult lives. We believe that education should open doors, not close them by premature specialisation. Up to the age of 16 therefore, every pupil receives a sound education in both Arts and Sciences. All pupils are taught in small sets – rarely more than 15 and usually far fewer – thanks to our staff:pupil ratio of 1:6.5. In order that every youngster can progress at an appropriate pace,


classes are streamed by general ability. Pupils are placed in sets by ability in Mathematics, Languages, Science and English until the end of their GCSEs. A specialist department deserves particular mention: The Learning Support Centre (LSC), which has built up an international reputation for helping pupils with specific learning difficulties. Once needs and difficulties have been identified, pupils have the benefit of being taught in very small classes and are assigned to one of our qualified and experienced LSC tutors for educational support and English teaching.

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The Curriculum Millfield offers an exceptionally wide range of courses, while implementing an academic programme which is consistent with the broad principles laid down in the National Curriculum. Thus, those moving to Millfield from independent preparatory and maintained secondary schools should find both common academic ground and unrivalled choice for GCSE and AS/A2 Level. All pupils entering Year 9 are timetabled to study English, Mathematics, three Sciences, at least one Language, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Physical Education, Information and Communication Technology, Art, Music and Design Technology. Additionally, they take the first stage of a five year course in Personal and Social Education and are involved in ongoing conservation efforts at the school’s 40 acre conservation site at Worley Hill. In Year 10 and Year 11, pupils follow courses leading to between 8 - 11 GCSEs, though fewer may be more appropriate for those with additional educational needs. In Year 10, all pupils take the core subjects of Mathematics,

English and Science, and the majority will study at least one Language. Other subjects are chosen by the pupils, allowing individual aptitudes to be developed around the academic core. GCSE Science courses are offered in Core and Additional Science to match individual ability. Brighter pupils are stretched beyond the syllabus. The decision on which Science course is most suitable is made at the end of the Year 9 programme. Sixth Form pupils have an enormous choice of AS and A2 Level subjects, as well as the Vocational Certificate of Education (Advanced) in Leisure and Recreation and the BTEC qualifications in Sport and Art & Design. In addition the Equestrian Centre offers BHSPIC courses and the Home Economics Department offers the Leiths Basic Certificate. Pupils choose four subjects in the Lower Sixth Form at AS Level, typically leading on to three A Levels in the Upper Sixth Form. Visiting lecturers provide extra opportunities for academic discussion and debate in the Sixth Form lecture programme and the meetings of the Academic Society throughout the year. -5-

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Reporting We keep parents fully informed of all developments in a pupil’s life at Millfield. Specific ways in which this is achieved involves the compilation of two full reports and one summary report each year and two internal reports. Parents of all year groups are also invited to the school to discuss progress and future options with relevant subject tutors.

Careers and Higher Education Advice At any stage in his or her school career, a pupil may consult one of a team of experienced tutors who advise on careers and all forms of higher education. All Year 11 pupils can subscribe to the Independent Schools’ Careers Organisation (ISCO), which uses psychometric profiling and individual interviews to suggest careers and relevant courses on the basis of interests and expected academic


performance. The school is also a member of ISCO, which provides other services designed to support pupils throughout their career at Millfield. Of our Sixth Form leavers, approximately 95% go on to some form of higher education and they receive ample help in choosing the right course and gaining admission. Where appropriate, pupils are prepared for Oxbridge entrance in small seminar groups. Assistance with Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs) is given to those applying to American universities and guidance is provided to help pupils understand the application process and the options available to them.

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English as an Additional Language (EAL) For overseas pupils whose first language is something other than English, the EAL Department offers: intensive, individual tuition in small classes, support for academic subjects, examination preparation in IGCSE and IELTS (university entrance), one to one language support when needed, guidance with university applications and interview skills and the option to join the International Student Association. EAL exists for pupils of all levels. New pupils are assessed on arrival and a flexible timetable is structured according to individual needs. Informal testing in grammar, vocabulary, listening, reading and writing is carried out throughout the year. Oral fluency is promoted through class discussions and interactive activities in the Games, MAP and PSE programmes.

Examinations: • IGCSE – International GCSE: This is taken by Year 11 pupils, most of whom take the ‘English as a Second Language’ exam (Core or Extended). Most British universities accept a C grade. • IELTS – International English Language Testing System: Lower Sixth pupils who have not attained an (I)GCSE (or equivalent) examination in English are prepared for the IELTS. This exam is recognised by all British and Australian universities, as well as many US universities. Subject Support is also given, and depends on individual pupil needs. The International Student Association: We are proud of Millfield’s international character. The International Student Association promotes the interests of international pupils and enriches the multi-cultural dimension of school life. -7-

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The cReATive ARTs Art, Design and Technology The marvellously equipped Fine Arts Centre (also a Royal Institute of British Architects building), which has large studio workshops, allows specialist tutors to teach pupils a wide range of Arts, including: Drawing, Painting, Print-making, Textiles, Sculpture, Photography and Fashion. Our nationally recognised Atkinson Gallery holds major contemporary art exhibitions, promoting and stimulating debate and provides pupils with access to the artists to talk about their work. The Art Department offers a number of Art scholarships to talented pupils and nurtures this talent with specific scholarship classes each week. It also offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities to allow those who do not study Art as an academic subject to participate in this rich and rewarding environment. Projects such as the Sculptor in Residence scheme give pupils exciting opportunities for contact with professional artists. Numerous gallery and cultural trips (in recent years pupils have visited locations in Britain, New York, Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt) -8-

provide direct experience of major works. The vitality of artistic endeavour at Millfield is infectious and it touches and enhances the lives of all our pupils. The Design and Technology Centre has an array of hi-tech equipment which allows our designers and would-be engineers to prepare for industry. CAD/CAM programmes, CNC machinery and 3D prototypers are amongst a plethora of equipment pupils can use to realise their designs. Design is a very popular subject at Millfield and the range of items produced is quite amazing. Large pieces of furniture, welded metal structures, laminated models and a variety of small scale items such as mobile phones, MP3 players, as well as shoe and fashion items, are amongst the design objects which our pupils produce. Food Technology is also housed in this new facility and has been fully resourced, enabling our pupils to produce some outstanding products in the food line. The Leiths course is a very popular Sixth Form option and has been very successful.

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Drama Drama is at the very heart of the Millfield community. We endeavour to produce creative and innovative theatre which is exciting, powerful and dynamic. Indeed, the annual school productions are highlights of the Millfield calendar. Whether devised ensemble projects, classical dramas or popular musicals, pupils of all ages are involved and have the opportunity to enjoy the results. Every year there are two full scale productions, as well as a festival of junior house plays in the Meyer Theatre. This theatre provides a multi-form performance space with full technical facilities and can seat approximately 500 people. It also has the capability for various stage configurations. Drama productions are supported by at least 30 smaller productions held in our studio spaces throughout the year. Providing opportunities for all pupils to produce and perform their own imaginative and creative work, Drama at Millfield also enables pupils to work with the very best practitioners in modern theatre. In recent years we have been fortunate to have worked

with directors and actors from companies as diverse as Kneehigh Theatre and Frantic Assembly to Théâtre de Complicité. We also invite touring theatre companies to perform and share our professional facilities. Drama provides a challenging and powerful environment that requires pupils to build links, maintain relationships and develop the skills of emotional literacy. Empathy, flexibility, consideration and risk taking are intrinsically woven into the fabric of the subject. These qualities encourage maturity and promote social wellbeing. The provision and development of these skills are essential in a dynamic, vibrant and eclectic learning community such as Millfield. Pupils wishing to study Drama and theatre at Millfield can do so at GCSE, AS or A2 Level. Many of our pupils successfully audition for the National Youth Theatre and a number are awarded places at accredited Drama Schools such as the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and the Central School of Speech & Drama. -9-

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Music Music is an important and highly enjoyable part of life at Millfield. With a wide range of orchestras, bands, choirs and instrumental ensembles at the school – which mount around 50 performances a year – pupils have many opportunities to be involved. Musical events range from classical concerts to modern musicals where pupils of all ages and abilities are able to perform. Millfield awards a number of Music scholarships each year. Some of our pupils reach a near-professional standard at school and go on to make a career in music. We are proud of our pupils’ achievements in this wonderful arena. Many have secured places at major conservatoires and with national orchestras and choirs. However, musicmaking is not confined to the outstandingly talented. All pupils are

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encouraged to express themselves musically. At Millfield, Year 9 pupils follow a course which gives them some experience of singing, listening, composing and playing and many go on to take Music and Music Technology at GCSE, AS or A2 Level. In addition, every pupil may study an instrument of his or her choice with specialist tutors. With over 35 full and part-time staff and a purpose-built Music School, the Music Department offers young people exceptional opportunities for making and enjoying music. The Music School facilities include: 6 classrooms equipped with iMac computers and state-of-the-art music software, 22 practice rooms, 2 recording studios, an orchestral percussion room, a library and a specially designed 325seat Concert Hall.

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PAsToRAl cARe House Life Every Millfield pupil belongs to a house - whether they are a boarder or day pupil - which provides the secure base on which he or she can build emotional stability and self-confidence. There are 19 boarding houses at Millfield which offer an excellent standard of accommodation for over 960 pupils. Each house is run by Houseparents, Day Matrons and Assistant Houseparents, who create a warm and supportive atmosphere for the pupils in their care. A further network of Liaison Tutors and Live-out Assistant Houseparents completes the house provision for pupils. Sixteen of the houses are either on the campus or located nearby. Pupils in the three country houses come into school by coach for breakfast and for the rest of the school day, returning ‘home’ to their house for prep in the evenings. They enjoy having meals as a house community on a number of occasions during the week. Each house has its own team spirit and its members develop a strong sense of loyalty to it. Pupils remain in the same house throughout their school careers and are encouraged to take on increasing levels of responsibility as monitors or house prefects. Senior pupils may help organise events at weekends and take a leading part in the thriving programme of inter-house competitions, which are an enjoyable part of house life.

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Day pupils – who make up over one fifth of the school population – also take part in house competitions and activities alongside boarders. They are organised into five houses in order to integrate them fully into all aspects of school life. These are also run by Houseparents with the support of Assistants. All houses are single-sex, but boys’ and girls’ houses are linked in groups for many competitions and events.

Houseparents and Group Tutors Houseparents have overall responsibility for a pupil’s welfare and guidance through his or her school career. To assist in this task each pupil has a Group Tutor. Each Group Tutor is attached to a boarding or day house and cares for approximately a dozen pupils in the house who are also within the same year group. They take a close personal interest in the academic and all-round development of each pupil in their group. Pupils and their parents are encouraged to contact Houseparents and Group Tutors on any matters which concern them. To ensure that the broad implications as well as the day-to-day management of pupils’ programmes are kept in perspective, Group Tutors work in teams, each supervised by a Senior Tutor. Senior Tutors themselves report to their Head of Year and the Second Deputy (who has curricular responsibility within the school).

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Dining Hall The Dining Hall is a superb building which stands at a central point on the campus and is a natural focus of social life at Millfield. The cafeteria-style menu is varied and well balanced, offering choices of hot, cold and vegetarian dishes at every meal and catering, where necessary, for special dietary needs.

every Thursday or on request. Additionally, there is a fully licensed physiotherapist who is at the school on a full time basis. During term-time, boarders are automatically included on the list of the school’s Medical Officer.

Counselling Health Care Located at the heart of the Millfield campus and open to both boarders and day pupils, the Millfield Medical Centre is staffed 24 hours a day and seven days a week during the academic year by a highly competent and dedicated health care team. The skilled team consists of six fully qualified nurses and a health care assistant. Millfield pupils also have access to an onsite GP with a doctors’ surgery held every morning, Monday to Friday and on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. A female doctor is available

The teenage years are a time of change – even turmoil – and we are alert to the need for emotional support. Pupils who wish to confide in an adult have many people to turn to: their Houseparents, Group Tutors, the Chaplain and other staff who are always ready to listen. The School Doctor can be approached at any time in confidence, and a pupil may also visit one of the School Counsellors for further private discussion and advice.

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sPiRiTUAl And PeRsonAl develoPmenT Faith As an international school, we encourage children of all religions to explore and develop their own faith in an atmosphere of tolerance towards other beliefs. The Chaplain ensures that the school Chapel is dedicated for use as a place of worship for all faiths. Here, several services are held every week. They are primarily aimed at Christians of all denominations, but the focus on spiritual, social and moral development excludes nobody. Short addresses have a key role in this respect. The issues tackled are almost always aimed at a broad audience and have general appeal, so that those of any religion (not just Christianity) or those of none are equally at home.

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Each year a course leading to Confirmation is arranged. Roman Catholic pupils, like those of other denominations, are welcome to worship in Chapel, though some attend Mass in Glastonbury. Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists meet regularly, responding to need. Several of the larger services in the year are held in the magnificent setting of Wells Cathedral and one of the most uplifting of these is the Start of Year Service. Every faith represented at Millfield takes an active part in Wells Cathedral and to hear spiritual works from so many different times and places, all searching for truth in their own way, is a profoundly moving experience.

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Charity Work and Community Service Millfield pupils are encouraged not merely to think about others, but to translate concern into action. At Millfield, we try to look at ‘charity’ in the broadest sense and to that end, we carry out a great deal of charity and community service work. Pupils enter with enthusiasm into all kinds of imaginative projects resulting in a number of fundraising activities and events throughout the academic year. By being involved in this way, pupils become increasingly aware of the needs of others around them and they are often encouraged and empowered to take action. The Charity Committee, which has approximately 20 pupils, meets every week to discuss various fundraising initiatives and has the important task of voting for the school’s nominated charity for each calendar year. Individual boarding houses and year groups also carry out their own charity initiatives, resulting in vibrant talent shows, fairs

and concerts, to name just a few of the types of charity events that have been highlights of the Millfield calendar in past years. Pupil fundraising efforts have also included: tandem skydives, sponsored swims and weekly sales of Fair Trade products. In Year 9, pupils are able to take part in ongoing conservation work at Worley Hill and gain experience of helping with projects that support local ecosystem preservation. Additionally, as part of the Millfield Activities Programme (MAP) and our community service work, a group of pupils visit local residential care homes to spend time making new acquaintances and chatting to the residents. Furthermore, the school stops teaching for a day in June, to enable groups representing Mencap from all over the South West to spend the day at Millfield and take the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of games, activities and entertainment.

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Personal and Social Education (PSE) At Millfield, we strive not just to give our pupils a standard academic education but to give them an all round education, to prepare them for the outside world after they leave Millfield as well as the responsibilities and realities of adult life. Citizenship and Personal and Social Education (PSE) at Millfield is a compulsory non-examined programme for all pupils. PSE aims to give students the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead happy, healthy, confident and independent lives. PSE is a five-year structured programme of weekly discussions at which pupils consider with their tutor both practical and sensitive issues. Group Tutors help to deliver the PSE programme once a week in a 30 minute lesson. The Year 9 programme focuses on developing study skills, key to future success at Millfield. Additionally, pupils are taught about the importance of good diet, sleep habits and relationships as well as being given the support needed to identify their own key strengths and learn how to best use them. In Year 10, pupils engage in conversation about stress and coping. Additionally, pupils are given training in the basics of First Aid. - 16 -

In Year 11, pupils are involved in the Social Entrepreneurs Project, which raises awareness and funds for HOPEHIV. This programme of study introduces pupils to entrepreneurial skills and raises their social awareness; pupils come up with creative business ideas and then develop commercial skills as they work on their chosen projects. Furthermore, pupils in Year 11 also tackle the theme ‘rights and responsibilities,’ looking in particular at successfully handling money. In the Lower Sixth, pupils develop a community project, helping pupils to become more aware of the community around them whilst developing their leadership skills. Additionally, the programme moves on to look at HIV and gender related cancers. This work supports the work done by the sex education team which delivers the core part of the sex and relationship programme to our pupils. While in the Upper Sixth, pupils prepare for life after school by exploring topics that look at their impact on other people and the world around them. The PSE programme aims to add to the academic programme, increasing pupils’ awareness of social and cultural aspects of life and the world we live in.

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GAmes And sPoRTs Millfield’s approach to sport is in line with the school’s central belief that education is concerned with the whole human being and that every pupil has the capacity to achieve something worthwhile. The main objective of the sports programme is to identify and develop skills in every pupil, because achievement in one area so often proves to be the key to the will to succeed in school life as a whole. Choice, therefore, plays a crucial part in the sports programme but this does not mean that there is no direction. Junior pupils normally play set games on certain days of the week and also follow a comprehensive Physical Education course which prepares them for safe and effective participation in all physical activities. In addition to compulsory games and PE, the school offers a wide range of sports from which even the youngest pupils may choose. As a pupil grows in seniority, choice from the 40 or more sports played and taught in the senior school becomes more and more a matter of

personal inclination and interest. Outstanding performers in any sport are given every help and encouragement. If necessary, we may, after consultation with the pupil’s parents and teachers, arrange for a degree of flexibility in his or her timetable to allow for special coaching. Over 200 members of staff, many of whom are first-class coaches and players, help run the games programme. It is their varied skills, together with the school’s exceptional sports facilities, which have given the programme its comprehensive nature and its reputation. We are extremely proud of our sporting record and achievements. Many internationally famous sportsmen and sportswomen received their early coaching at Millfield. We encourage competition and in addition to regular fixtures against other schools, which involve as many pupils as possible, many school teams compete against adult and county standard opposition across a variety of sports. - 17 -

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However, we are equally gratified to see pupils of all abilities develop skills and realise potential they themselves may not have suspected. We believe that all pupils have it in them to derive enjoyment, success and personal satisfaction from the challenge of sport, and we provide the facilities and dedicated teaching to make this possible for all of them. Games and activities take place every day and most pupils are expected to take part a minimum of three days a week. Junior boys (under 14) are generally required to play the ‘Game of the Term’, which is Rugby or Hockey in the Autumn Term, Hockey or Football in the Spring Term and Cricket or Athletics in the Summer Term. Under 15s can also choose Football in the Autumn Term and Rugby in the Spring Term.

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In Year 9 and Year 10, girls play the Game of the Term, which is Hockey or Netball in the Autumn and Spring Terms and Athletics, Swimming or Tennis in the Summer Term. In addition to these team games, there are opportunities for junior pupils to pursue a specialism from the outset. Senior boys and girls may choose from the following activities: Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing, Chess, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Climbing, Cricket, Croquet, Cross Country, Fencing, Fitness Training, Golf, Hockey, Karate, Modern Pentathlon, Polo, Riding, Sailing, Skiing, Squash, Swimming, Tennis, Ten Tors Training, Trampolining and Volleyball. In addition to the above options boys may choose Football or Rugby. Girls may opt for Aerobics, Ballet, Dance, Netball, Rounders, Self-Defence, Pilates or Yoga.

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The Millfield Activities Programme (MAP) MAP encourages pupils to enrich their lives by exploring interests outside their normal school curriculum. With Millfield’s superb facilities to call upon, as well as the expertise and enthusiasm of our staff, we are able to introduce pupils to an exciting range of pursuits. Indoor and outdoor, practical and creative, adventurous and reflective, mentally and physically challenging, there is a rich variety of activities to choose from.

Challenge; others prefer community service, environmental conservation, adventure sports, computer clubs, academic societies or artistic pursuits. Year 9 pupils take part in two MAP activities, while all Year 10 and Lower Sixth pupils must take part in at least one activity, but many choose more. Even in the main examination years – when participation is not compulsory – many pupils take advantage of the opportunities offered.

In Year 9, pupils may choose a balanced selection of these pursuits within a structured programme. From Year 10 onwards, they may choose freely from more than 120 activities. Some youngsters take on the exciting challenge of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme or the Ten Tors

Pupils usually find the Activities Programme an enjoyable process of self-discovery. Hidden skills and aptitudes often come to light, and many pupils gain a real sense of achievement from success in unexpected areas. It is also great fun and an excellent way to make friends.

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millfield enTeRPRises

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Millfield Enterprises – the commercial arm of Millfield School – runs regular academic, sports and activity courses and hosts a full range of events at national and international levels. Additionally it hosts corporate hospitality functions, exhibitions, conferences, concerts, charity events, courses and shows during the holiday periods. A dedicated team works full time to ensure professional support.

The English Language Holiday Courses (Easter and Summer) are widely acclaimed. Students aged 7-17 years from approximately 50 countries annually, are provided with English Language tuition, excursions, academy tuition, activities and social programmes. Course options include the Preparation for UK Schools Course which is extremely beneficial for students entering the UK school system.

The Easter Revision Course (residential or non-residential) offers high quality specialist tuition in a broad range of subjects to small groups. GCSE, AS & A2 students from all schools are welcome.

Activity holiday courses for children (mainly non-residential) include: Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Drama, Football, Multi-Activity, Squash (includes a residential option), Swimming and Tennis. Additionally there are a number of National Pool Lifeguard Qualification training courses for adults available. Further details about Millfield Enterprises and their course offerings can be found on their website:

millfield - hoW To find Us


M1 A1M

Luton Q



Oxford Cardiff

Bristol Q Bath


A12 London

M4 Heathrow



Glastonbury A303 Street







Q Gatwick M23







ME A38















Shepton Mallet



Street Bridgwater


51 B31


Castle Cary (no taxi rank)





A3088 A303


Sherborne Yeovil

How to Find Us

Travel Arrangements

Millfield Senior School is situated in the rural southwest of England in the town of Street, Somerset. The school is close to and within travelling distance of the ancient Roman city of Bath. London is 135 miles away and major air, rail and road links are all within easy reach:

For those families living in London and the surrounding area, a coach service runs to and from Richmond, London at the beginning and end of each half term (except each end of the long summer break). Transport is also arranged usually by taxis to and from airports as required. Rail tickets are also available through the Travel Office and coach travel is available to Bristol Temple Meads Station at each end of half terms (except the long summer break). For weekend exeats a minibus or coach service is provided to Bath Spa Station, twice on Saturday afternoons with one return journey to school on Sunday evening. Weekend exeat requests must be requested in House by Wednesday evening of the week prior to travel. All transport is arranged through individual Houseparents but information can be obtained at the Travel Office: 01458 444351 or email: For day pupils, there is a morning Millfield minibus run Mondays through Saturdays during the term. The service includes routes from: Bridgwater, Castle Cary, Crewkerne, Farrington Gurney, Langport, Melksham, Wedmore, Wells and Yeovil.

By Air

– Bristol Airport is within easy reach of Millfield (25 miles) and has regular scheduled flights.

By Rail – Rail users may travel to Castle Cary (12 miles), Bath (30 miles), Bristol (29 miles) or Yeovil Junction (19 miles). By Road – From the M5 leave the motorway at junction 23 and join the A39 eastwards. – From the M3 leave the motorway at junction 8 and join the A303 westwards and then the B3151.

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Admissions And scholARshiPs

Preliminary Enquiries To find out more about the school, parents can explore our website ( and are most welcome to pay us an informal visit. This will involve a school tour with a current pupil and a general discussion with the Tutor for Admissions.

Registration Interest in joining Millfield is growing annually and a waiting list is applied each year. It is therefore important to register early. Registration reserves a provisional place dependent upon a good school report and interview. Please complete and return the Registration Form together with a nonreturnable registration fee of ÂŁ120. In the academic year prior to entry, the Tutor for Admissions will request a confidential school report and, if shortlisted, your child will be called for

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interview. If successful, the applicant will be offered a place. To confirm acceptance you should complete the Acceptance Form and return it with the acceptance fee and deposit.

Scholarships and Bursaries Academic, Art, Music and Sport scholarships are awarded annually to candidates who are exceptionally talented in any one of these disciplines. All-rounder scholarships are also available to candidates who exhibit well above average academic potential plus ability in another area such as Music, Art, Sport or Drama. One Chess scholarship is also awarded annually. Scholarship assessments take place in the academic year preceding entry and are open to pupils who have an excellent school report and recommendation from their head teacher. Year 9 scholarships are available for pupils who are under 14 years of age on the 1st September of their academic year of entry. Sixth Form scholarships are available for pupils in Year 11 of their existing school. If awarded, scholarships range from 10% to 15% of fees. If the level of the scholarship is not sufficient, parents in genuine financial need can also apply for a means-tested bursary, with a combined value of up to 100% in exceptional cases. For more information about scholarships, please contact the Tutor for Admissions on 01458 444296 or email:

Designed by

Entry to Millfield does not depend solely on examination results. The majority of places offered are conditional upon a satisfactory performance at Common Entrance for entering Year 9 or GCSE results for Sixth Form entry. As well as gifted and academically average pupils, there are always some who, because of dyslexia or other difficulties, cannot shine in a written examination. Therefore the main criteria for acceptance is evidence of sound character and a willingness to work, together with a keenness to take full advantage of what we offer and a genuine wish to enter Millfield.

Street, Somerset BA16 0YD UK Tel: +44 (0) 1458 442291 Email:

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