Run with it!

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Run with it!

Run with it! There I was, at a sporting fixture, taking photos - if you’d told me before I visited Louisville that I’d have been doing it - I’d have probably laughed at the suggestion, but I had a great and intriguing time when I did, whilst experiencing one of the universal American activities. Football, the American game, is an institution probably more so than the English variations. In that it absolutely is core to the communities and souls of the American at every level. Michael Brohm, fellow photographer and host, took us both to the game - having gained permissions before - and we walked straight onto the sidelines; where many of these images were shot. To go to a typical high school on an average ‘fall’ evening and see two huge teams of young men, cheerleaders, coaches and fans - all amassed and absolutely focused on the game and because of a love of the sport and to support their community was inspirational and felt great to see.

There was an energy and excitement (despite the fact the home team was losing) and people were warm and welcoming - a few intrigued by the Brit in their midst - but equally intrigued by the fact I was shooting the off-field activities; rather than on-field excitment. Jon - Thanks for reading

Authors note. As part of my visit to Kentucky I undertook a series of images for a project called ‘Louisvillians’ This portrait was to be my contribution to that project from this game. Prior to this image, after answering a polite, interested question about my photography we talked at length. He had supported Seneca High for many years (perhaps he’d attended), he told me I was going to miss the

‘big game’ the following week and about his visit to the UK - driving on the wrong side, for example. However through all this and capturing his image I forgot one key thing – his name. And so, this section of this book is a little thank you to him for his time, and warm welcome and open demeanour and my apology that my mistake means he won’t appear in that project. Sorry - and “cheers!”

Run with it! On 22th September 2011 Seneca High played Dupont Manual High. It was a normal friday night football game. The difference of this night was it was the first time photographer, Jon Eland, had experienced the game first-hand – and he had all-access permission to shoot. This book forms his reaction to the evening. This book looks at the off-field, those on the sidelines, those who are there to keep the crowd entertained between the action and the supporters themselves. This is a portrait of the people who are to be found to one side of the action.

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