Flvr Series

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Each Each graphic graphic we we realize realize is is the the reresult sult of of aa meeting meeting with with an an artist artist and and its its works. works. Our Our boards boards are are aa medium medium wich wich links links skateboard skateboard practice practice to to other other creative creative expressions. expressions. We We propose propose you you an an evolutionary evolutionary concept concept and and ofoffer fer our our partners partners to to take take part part to to exhibitions, exhibitions, concerts concerts and and cultural cultural meetings. meetings.



Chaque graphique que nous réalisons est le résultat d’une rencontre avec un artiste et ses oeuvres. Les planches sont un support liant la pratique du skateboard à d’autres expressions créatives. Nous vous proposons un concept évolutif et offrons à nos partenaires de participer à des expositions, concerts et des rendez-vous culturels.



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