How to complete your ethics presentation

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Ethics Presentations

What to look out for in presentations?

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Consider this approach

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No 6: Generic Assessment Criteria: Presentations – HE 3

SMAC = Specific Module Assessment Criteria You will find below the kinds of areas that your tutors will be considering when assessing your written work. Remember, though, that your tutors will be looking at your piece of work as a whole when determining the final mark. They will be happy to discuss their assessment with you and show you how to maximise your strengths and firm up on your weaker points. Each section below is split into two parts, the first indicates the general criteria used within BA (Hons), the second indicates the specific criteria (otherwise known as SMAC). The additions will be used when relevant (if a specific box is blank then refer to the generic). Criteria may also be changed or added, weighting may also be changed.

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Consider the GAC

BA (Hons) Courses Level 3

Coverage & Relevance 50 43+

Sustains total focus on the topic throughout, while successfully identifying an all encompassing range of concepts and implications, considering them from a number of angles and in depth. Is always relevant. Has an original, creative and inventive approach to the presentation, and generates the student’s own ideas, data, interpretations or proposals. Offers audience new insights and could form the basis for further research.

Research Support 25 22+

Shows evidence of creative, critical and insightful reading, and exceptional use of other sources of data, including previous research in the field by others, personal research, observation and/or experience. Shows an outstanding degree of independence in finding and using sources in the presentation. Supports points well with extremely well chosen examples drawn from a large number of varied sources. Shows superb ability to synthesise information.

Define wide range 3542

Maintains total focus on the topic throughout, while still successfully identifying a wide range of concepts and implications, considering them from a number of angles and in depth. Is always relevant. Has an original and inventive approach to the presentation, and probably offers some of the presenter’s own ideas, data, interpretations or proposals. Offers group new insights and could form the basis for further research.


Shows evidence of wide, critical and insightful reading, and appropriate use of other sources of data, including previous research in the field by others, personal research, observation and/or experience. Shows a high degree of independence in finding and using sources in the presentation. Supports points with extremely well chosen examples drawn from a variety of sources. Shows outstanding ability to synthesise information.


Shows a sound understanding of, and focus on, the demands of the topic. Identifies a good range of concepts and implications of the topic and considers them from several angles and in some depth. Is always relevant.


Shows evidence of a range of relevant and critical reading. Shows some independence in sourcing ideas and data. Supports points well with examples drawn from research.

Audience Engagement 15 13+

1112 9-10

8 6-7

Recognises the importance of audience engagement and applies this knowledge by creative use of an exceptional range of devices which may include eye contact, reference to shared experiences, charisma, written and visual materials. Presenter ‘takes total charge’ of the session/exhibits ‘presence’ and may use humour/physical movement as additional devices.

Supporting media, written and visual materials 10 9+

Excellent, innovative and imaginative use of an appropriate range of supporting materials and media e.g. Video extract, tape recording, powerpoint, slides etc. Provides pictorial / diagrammatic material as well as written text. Written/visual materials are meticulously and imaginatively prepared, showing flair and originality in their selection and production. Content is analytical, concise, logical and coherent in summarising key points. Bibliographic and other sources that are cited are provided and additional useful sources included. You Tube, interviews, guests, scenarios, props.

The audience is engaged by use of a wide range of devices which may include eye contact, reference to shared experiences, written and visual materials. Presenter ‘takes total charge’ of the session/exhibits ‘presence’ and may use humour/physical movement as additional devices.


Innovative and imaginative use of an appropriate range of supporting materials and media e.g. Video extract, tape recording, powerpoint, slides etc. Provides pictorial/diagrammatic material as well as written text. Written/visual materials are well prepared, showing originality in their selection and production. Content is logical and coherent in summarising key points. Bibliographic and other sources, which are cited, are provided and additional useful sources included. Materials prepared and selected are of a high quality both in terms of content and aesthetics.

Audience is engaged by the use of a number of devices which may include eye contact, reference to shared experiences, written and visual materials. Presenter ‘takes charge’ of the session and exhibits a ‘presence’.


Imaginative, if not innovative, use of an appropriate range of supporting materials and media e.g. Video extract, tape recording, powerpoint, slides etc. Provides pictorial/diagrammatic material as well as written text. Written/visual materials are well prepared. Content

Lets look at Unilever • bilitynews/inspiring-sustainable-living.aspx • ion/vision/index.aspx • ve%20on%20Corporate%20Social%20Responsibili ty%20in%20the%2021st%20Century_tcm135520.pdf

Consider • How does this statement fit in with the theories? • How does Unilever compare with other major companies ? • Do they do what they say they will, can we trust them? • Conclusion

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