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Clifford Stott - Keele University
Professor of Social Psychology LOCATION
Dorothy Hodgkin Building 1.84 ROLE
Dean of Research PHONE
+44 (0) 1782 734529 EMAIL
c.stott@keele.ac.uk (mailto:c.stott@keele.ac.uk)
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Clifford Stott - Keele University
BIOGRAPHY I am currently a Professor of Social Psychology, Dean for Research in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, and Director of the Keele Policing Academic Collaboration (KPAC), one of Keele’s Strategic Research Centres.
I joined Keele in March 2016 from a position as Principal Research Fellow in Security and Justice in the School of Law at the University of Leeds. I have an interdisciplinary focus and specialize in understanding the nature and role of social identity processes and intergroup relationships in the psychology and dynamics of crowd behaviour, ‘riots’, ‘hooliganism’ and ‘public order’ policing. I have held Lectureships and Senior Lectureships at the Universities of Bath, Abertay Dundee and Liverpool. I have also held Visiting Professorships at Aarhus University in Demark, at the Leeds University Business School along with Visiting Fellowships and Scholarships at the Australian National University, the University of Exeter and Flinders University in Adelaide. I have been an Associate Editor for the British Journal of Social Psychology and currently sit on the Advisory Board of the journal Policing and Society. I have been a Consultant Editor for the British and the European Journals of Social Psychology and sat on the Editorial Board of Criminology and Criminal Justice. I have been a guest Editor of a special edition of Contemporary Social Science and Co-Editor of a special issue of Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice on the policing of crowds. I have been involved both as principle and co-investigator in research and consultancy projects worth in excess of £5 million provided by a wide range of organisations including the ESRC, Leverhulme Trust, the European Commission, UK Home Office as well as charitable foundations and a number of policing and other governmental organisations. I have recently concluded a collaborative ESRC funded project researching the social psychological dynamics of the spread of collective violence during the 2011 English ‘riots’ (ESRC ES/N01068X/1).
I am currently the Principal Investigator of an ESRC funded project exploring the social psychology of everyday police citizen encounters (ESRC ES/R011397/1). I am also the Director of ENABLE, a project constructing an evidence-based approach to the policing of football crowds funded by the English Football League. My research and its associated theory have high-level external impact at a national and international level. It has informed policy, guidance and practice in the management of crowds for a range of government and police organisations in the U.K. including the Home Office, the Association of Chief Police Officers, the College of Policing, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of the Constabulary as well as among others the Metropolitan Police Service, Staffordshire, Sussex and West Yorkshire https://www.keele.ac.uk/psychology/people/cliffordstott/#research-and-scholarship
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Clifford Stott - Keele University
Police. My research has also achieved high-level international impact affecting policy and guidance on the policing of crowds of the European Council, the European Union as well as a range of police forces globally including Portugal, Sweden, Denmark and Australia.
In 2004 I was involved in the developing of the policing approach for the 2004 UEFA European Championships in Portugal and between 2009 and 2011 I played a central role in designing and delivering the Pan European Football Police Training Project funded by the European Commission in partnership with UEFA. In 2014 I was awarded the Economic and Social Research Council’s ‘Celebrating Impact’ First Prize and in 2015 my work on policing crowds was acknowledged by the ESRC as one of its ‘Top 50’ achievements (https://esrc.ukri.org/about-us/50-years-of-esrc/50-achievements/understandingcrowds/) in its 50-year history.
RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP I specialise in research on crowds, ‘riots’, ‘hooliganism’ and policing, particularly as this related to ‘public order’. My research is underpinned by theoretical perspectives on social identity. More specifically my work is informed by Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979) and Self-Categorisation Theory (Turner et al, 1987). I also have a more recent focus on the social psychological aspects of Procedural Justice Theory. I use a range of methodological techniques but specialise in ethnography and participant action research. I have developed a strong interest in inter-disciplinary research on security and have also established an international profile in Criminology and policing studies. I have become widely regarded as a world leading academic expert on the psychology and policing of ‘public order’ during crowd events and have a substantial record of high-quality publications at a national and international level.
My early research career focused on the development of theoretical understanding of role of intergroup group dynamics and social identity processes in collective violence in collaboration with Professor Stephen Reicher (St Andrews University) and Dr John Drury (University of Sussex). My research played a central role in developing the Elaborated Social Identity Model of crowd behaviour (ESIM). The ESIM is now widely acknowledged as the leading social psychological theory of crowd behaviour, particularly as this relates to theoretical conceptualisation of the underlying dynamics of the initiation and escalation of ‘rioting’. This theoretical insight highlights the importance of police strategy and tactics in the escalation of ‘disorder’ during political protest and football crowd events. As a consequence, my career https://www.keele.ac.uk/psychology/people/cliffordstott/#research-and-scholarship
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Clifford Stott - Keele University
focus has concentrated on extending these important theoretical developments toward an applied and impact agenda, primarily through integrating ESIM based analyses of rioting into professional policy and practice among police forces globally.
MAJOR RESEARCH FUNDING: English Football League. Enabling an Evidence Based Approach to Enabling an Evidence based approach to football public order and public safety policing in the UK. £200,000.00. Principal Investigator. ESRC ES/R011397/1 From coercion to consent: social identity, legitimacy, and a process model of police procedural justice (CONSIL). £964,029.00 (FEC) Principal Investigator. EPSRC. Co-Production and Creativity: ethos, typologies and innovation in public engagement practice. (SEEK-PER) £71,396.01. Co-Investigator UKIERI UGC Thematic Partnership. Social Identity, Well Being and Civic Participation among Social and Ethnic Groups in India. Co-Investigator. Value to Keele £107,979.00. Co-Investigator ESRC ES/N01068X/1. Beyond Contagion: Social identity processes in involuntary social influences. £923,134.50 (FEC) Co-Investigator Gålöstiftelsen, Stockholm. SEK ENABLE: Enabling an evidence-based approach to crowd safety and security in Swedish football. Phase 2. 2015-2019. 8.5 million SEK¬¬ Scientific Director. EU Horizon 2020 Psychosocial and cross-cultural theoretical framework of crowd behaviour and management. 2015-2018 grant agreement No 653383. €207,387. Coinvestigator. Stockholm County Administrative Board. Enabling an Evidence Based Approach to Policing Football in Sweden, Phase 1. 2014-2015. 200,000. SEK. Scientific Director. ESRC Knowledge Transfer Fund. ES/N01068X/1 Research co-production in policing. 2014-2015. £125,000. Co-investigator, College of Policing Innovation Fund. The N8 Police Research Partnership. 2014. £55,000 Co-investigator. European Commission. €1.1 million. Pan-European Football Police Training Project. 20112012. Educational Director. Leverhulme Trust. Representations of crowd behaviour in the management of mass emergencies. 2010-2012. Co-investigator. £100,000 Home Office Public Order Unit. A European study of the interaction between police and crowds of foreign nationals considered posing a risk to public order. 2006-2009. £85,000. Principal Investigator. ESRC. RES-000-23-617 Crowd dynamics, policing and 'hooliganism' at Euro2004. 20042005. £109,680. Principal investigator:
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UK Home Office Public Order Unit. Relationships between public order policing and levels of conflict surrounding football matches with an international dimension. £58,254. Principal investigator.
TEACHING Module coordinator: third-year module PSY-30124 ‘Groups, Crowds and Conflict: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives’ I supervise a number of undergraduate projects and MSc dissertations in the general areas of social psychology and criminology. Module Team Member PSY-10033 Introduction to Social and Developmental Psychology Module Team Member PSY-20012 Developmental and Social Psychology Module Team Member PSY-40077 Advanced Study in Applied Social & Political Psychology
FURTHER INFORMATION Economic and Social Research Council’s ‘Celebrating Impact’ First Prize 2014.
Policing crowds without force | Cele… Cele…
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Clifford Stott - Keele University
ESRC ‘Top 50’ achievements (http://www.esrc.ac.uk/about-us/50-years-of-esrc/50achievements/understanding-crowds/) in its 50-year history. University of Leeds Vice Chancellor’s Impact Award (http://www.law.leeds.ac.uk/news/2015/dr-clifford-stott-receives-vice-chancellorsimpact-award-for-research) for the Social Sciences 2015.
Journal articles
Book chapters
JOURNAL ARTICLES Au‐Yeung, Terry; Philpot, Richard; Stott, Clifford; Radburn, Matt; Drury, John. . 'Spontaneous public response to a marauding knife attack on the London underground: Sociality, coordination and a repertoire of actions evidenced by CCTV footage'. British Journal of Social Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12703) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/660977) Hope, Mike; Radburn, Matthew; Stott, Clifford. 27-05-2023. 'Police discretion and the role of the ‘spotter’ within football crowd policing: risk assessment, engagement, legitimacy and de-escalation'. Policing and Society. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2023.2173193) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/425270) Davidson, Louise; Carter, Holly; Amlôt, Richard; Drury, John; Haslam, S. Alexander; Radburn, Matthew; Stott, Clifford. 25-12-2022. 'A social identity perspective on interoperability in the emergency services: Emergency https://www.keele.ac.uk/psychology/people/cliffordstott/#research-and-scholarship
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Clifford Stott - Keele University
responders' experiences of multiagency working during the COVID‐19 response in the UK'. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12443) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/425403) Radburn; Stott. 06-07-2022. 'Group processes and interoperability: A longitudinal case study analysis of the UK's civil contingency response to Covid-19'. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12424) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/424103) Savigar-Shaw, Leanne; Radburn, Matthew; Stott, Clifford; Kyprianides, Arabella; Tallent, Deborah. 02-07-2022. 'Procedural justice as a reward to the compliant: an ethnography of police–citizen interaction in police custody'. Policing and Society. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2021.1960332) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/403246) Stott, Clifford; Radburn, Matt; Pearson, Geoff; Kyprianides, Arabella; Harrison, Mark; Rowlands, David. 12-04-2022. 'Police Powers and Public Assemblies: Learning from the Clapham Common ‘Vigil’ during the Covid-19 Pandemic'. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paab060) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/433002) Vestergren, Sara; Stott, Clifford. 24-02-2022. 'Is it really “panic buying”? Public perceptions and experiences of extra buying at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic'. PLOS ONE. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0264618) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/422491) Stott. 22-12-2021. 'Relational and instrumental perspectives on compliance with the law among people experiencing homelessness.'. Law and Human Behavior. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000465) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/421959) Stott. 31-10-2021. 'Identity, Legitimacy and Cooperation With Police: Comparing General-Population and Street-Population Samples From London'. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1037/law0000312) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/421855) Stott. 11-10-2021. 'How riots spread between cities: Introducing the police pathway'. Political Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1111/pops.12786) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/420877) Drury, John; Mao, Guanlan; John, Ann; Kamal, Atiya; James Rubin, G.; Stott, Clifford; Vandrevala, Tushna; Marteau, Theresa M.. 23-06-2021. 'Behavioural responses to Covid-19 health certification: a rapid review'. BMC Public Health. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11166-0) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/420555) https://www.keele.ac.uk/psychology/people/cliffordstott/#research-and-scholarship
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Stott. 30-04-2021. ''PLAYING THE GAME': POWER, AUTHORITY AND PROCEDURAL JUSTICE IN INTERACTIONS BETWEEN POLICE AND HOMELESS PEOPLE IN LONDON'. The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azaa086) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/420401) Kyprianides, A.; Bradford, B.; Beale, M.; Savigar-Shaw, L.; Stott, C.; Radburn, M.. 27-04-2021. 'Policing the COVID-19 pandemic: police officer wellbeing and commitment to democratic modes of policing'. Policing and Society. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2021.1916492) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/420205) Stott. 29-03-2021. 'Re-opening live events and large venues after Covid-19 ‘lockdown’: Behavioural risks and their mitigations'. Safety Science. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105243) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/419836) Stott. 28-02-2021. 'Mass meets mosh: Exploring healthcare professionals' perspectives on social identity processes and health risks at a religious pilgrimage and music festivals.'. Social Science & Medicine. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113763) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/419314) Stott, Clifford; Ho, Lawrence; Radburn, Matt; Chan, Ying Tung; Kyprianides, Arabella; Morales, Patricio Saavedra. 04-02-2021. 'Patterns of ‘Disorder’ During the 2019 Protests in Hong Kong: Policing, Social Identity, Intergroup Dynamics, and Radicalization'. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paaa073) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432994) Stott, Clifford; Ho, Lawrence; Radburn, Matt; Chan, Ying Tung; Kyprianides, Arabella; Morales, Patricio Saavedra. 04-02-2021. 'The Right of Reply: On the Science and Politics of Crowd Psychology'. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paaa078) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432653) Stott, Clifford; Kumar, T K Vinod. 04-02-2021. 'Far from the ‘madding crowd’: An Introduction to the Special Issue of Policing Crowd Events'. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paaa062) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432467) Stott. 29-10-2020. 'Self-categorization as a basis of behavioural mimicry: Experiments in The Hive.'. PLoS One. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0241227) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/418611) Stott, Clifford. 12-09-2020. 'Crowds and public order policing: an analysis of crowds and interpretations of their behaviour based on observational studies: by Ibrahim Cerrah, London, Routledge, 1998, £27.99 (paperback), ISBN 9781138612471'. Policing and Society. DOI > https://www.keele.ac.uk/psychology/people/cliffordstott/#research-and-scholarship
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(https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2020.1819277) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432372) Stott. 08-07-2020. 'On order and disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic.'. British Journal of Social Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12398) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/420130) Stott; Radburn. 19-06-2020. 'How do police officers talk about their encounters with ‘the public’? Group interaction, procedural justice and officer constructions of policing identities'. Criminology & Criminal Justice. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1177/1748895820933912) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/417107) Stott. 15-06-2020. 'COVID-19 in context: Why do people die in emergencies? It's probably not because of collective psychology.'. British Journal of Social Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12393) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/417442) Stott. 15-06-2020. 'COVID-19 in context: Why do people die in emergencies? It's probably not because of collective psychology.'. British Journal of Social Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12393) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/417351) Stott. 30-04-2020. 'The two psychologies of coronavirus'. PSYCHOLOGIST. view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/417353) Stott. 28-04-2020. 'A Turning Point, Securitization, and Policing in the Context of Covid-19: Building a New Social Contract Between State and Nation?'. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paaa021) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/417355) Stott. 18-04-2020. 'Policing the Coronavirus Outbreak: Processes and Prospects for Collective Disorder'. Policing. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paaa014) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/416871) Stott; Radburn. 18-03-2020. 'Understanding crowd conflict: social context, psychology and policing.'. Current Opinion in Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2020.03.001) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/416534) Stott. 01-12-2019. 'A social identity model of riot diffusion: From injustice to empowerment in the 2011 London riots'. European Journal of Social Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2650) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/415234) Ball, Roger; Stott, Clifford; Drury, John; Neville, Fergus; Reicher, Stephen; Choudhury, Sanjeedah. 11-11-2019. 'Who controls the city?: a microhistorical case study of the spread of rioting across North London in https://www.keele.ac.uk/psychology/people/cliffordstott/#research-and-scholarship
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August 2011'. City. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/13604813.2019.1685283) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/414844) Stott. 31-08-2019. 'The Social Psychological Processes of ‘Procedural Justice’: Concepts, Critiques and Opportunities'. Criminology and Criminal Justice. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1177/1748895818780200) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/411046) Stott. 07-01-2019. 'Enabling an Evidence Based Approach to Policing Football in the UK'. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/police/pay102) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/412223) Stott. 13-12-2018. 'The value of Supporter Liaison Officers (SLOs) in fan dialogue, conflict, governance and football crowd management in Sweden'. Soccer and Society. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/14660970.2018.1553777) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/412256) Stott. 30-09-2018. 'The evolving normative dimensions of 'riot': toward an elaborated social identity explanation'. European Journal of Social Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2376) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/410081) Stott, Clifford; Havelund, Jonas; Williams, Neil. 19-09-2018. 'Policing football crowds in Sweden'. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/14043858.2018.1513679) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/411572) Stott, Clifford; West, Owen; Radburn, Matthew. 01-01-2018. 'Policing football ‘risk’? A participant action research case study of a liaison-based approach to ‘public order’'. Policing and Society. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2015.1126267) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/433016) Stott, Clifford. 03-07-2017. 'Public disorder and globalisation'. Policing and Society. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2017.1332129) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432873) Stott. 22-09-2016. 'When is policing fair?: groups, identity and judgements of the procedural justice of coercive crowd policing'. Policing and Society: an international journal of research and policy. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2016.1234470) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/406864) Stott. 07-04-2016. 'On the role of a social identity analysis in articulating structure and collective action: the 2011 riots in Tottenham and Hackney'. The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azw036) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/405717)
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Stott. 31-03-2016. 'Contemporary understanding of riots: classical crowd psychology, ideology and the social identity approach'. Public Understanding of Science. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1177/0963662516639872) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/405719) Stott, Clifford. 01-01-2016. 'Revisiting the Classics: policing coercion and liberty: a review of P.A.J. Waddington's Liberty and Order (1994) and Policing Citizens (1999)'. Policing and Society. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2015.1107297) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432800) Drury, John; Novelli, David; Stott, Clifford. 31-05-2015. 'Managing to avert disaster: Explaining collective resilience at an outdoor music event: Collective resilience at an outdoor music event'. European Journal of Social Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2108) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432585) Stott. 12-11-2013. 'Crowdedness Mediates the Effect of Social Identification on Positive Emotion in a Crowd: A Survey of Two Crowd Events'. PLoS One. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0078983) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/406298) Drury, John; Novelli, David; Stott, Clifford. 31-10-2013. 'Psychological disaster myths in the perception and management of mass emergencies: Psychological disaster myths'. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1111/jasp.12176) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/432894) Stott, C.; Scothern, M.; Gorringe, H.. 31-05-2013. 'Advances in Liaison Based Public Order Policing in England: Human Rights and Negotiating the Management of Protest?'. Policing. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1093/police/pat007) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/425450) Drury, John; Novelli, David; Stott, Clifford. 31-03-2013. 'Representing crowd behaviour in emergency planning guidance: ‘mass panic’ or collective resilience?'. Resilience. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/21693293.2013.765740) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432851) Schreiber, Martina; Stott, Clifford. 30-09-2012. 'Policing international football tournaments and the cross-cultural relevance of the social identity approach to crowd behaviour'. Police Practice and Research. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1080/15614263.2011.627742) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432921) Stott, Clifford; Hutchison, Paul; Drury, John. 31-08-2001. '‘Hooligans’ abroad? Inter‐group dynamics, social identity and participation in collective ‘disorder’ at the 1998 World Cup Finals'. British Journal of Social
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Psychology. DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1348/014466601164876) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/649565)
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BOOKS Pearson, Geoff; Stott, Clifford. 12-12-2022. 'A New Agenda For Football Crowd Management: Reforming Legal and Policing Responses to Risk'. . DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-16298-5) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/514851) Stott, Clifford; Bradford, Ben; Radburn, Matthew; Savigar-Shaw, Leanne. . 'Making an Impact on Policing and Crime: Psychological Research, Policy and Practice'. . DOI > (https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429326592) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432575)
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BOOK CHAPTERS Stott, C; Radburn, M; Savigar, L. 31-03-2021. 'Crowd Theory, Communication and Policing'. . view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/649542) Stott, Clifford; Radburn, Matt. 03-08-2020. 'Social Order and Disorder'. . view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/649715) Drury, John; Ball, Roger; Neville, Fergus; Reicher, Stephen; Stott, Clifford. 2104-2020. 'How crowd violence arises and how it spreads'. . DOI > (https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429197420-17) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/406472) Stott, Clifford. 31-12-2019. 'Social Order and Disorder'. . view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432644) Stott, Clifford. 31-12-2013. 'Getting over the shock of Milgram: To understand 'Obedience' is to move beyond mere replication'. . view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/649637) https://www.keele.ac.uk/psychology/people/cliffordstott/#research-and-scholarship
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Stott, Clifford. 31-12-2013. 'Policing Football ‘Hooliganism’: Crowds, Context and Identity'. . DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137347978_12) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/432942) Stott, Clifford. 31-12-2013. 'Policing Football ‘Hooliganism’: Crowds, Context and Identity'. . DOI > (https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137347978_12) view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/432471) Stott, Clifford; Gorringe, Hugo. 31-12-2012. 'From Sir Robert Peel to PLTs'. . DOI > (https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203435946-21) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/649694) Stott, Clifford; Gorringe, Hugo. 31-12-2012. 'From Sir Robert Peel to PLTs: adapting to liaison based public order policing in England and Wales'. . view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/432491) Pearson, Geoff; Stott, Clifford. . 'Farewell to the hooligan? Modern developments in football crowd management'. . DOI > (https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315692883) view in repository > (https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/432366)
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OTHER Stott. 03-05-2020. 'ICS Evidence: West Yorkshire Police on the uptake and delivery of Keele Research'. . view in repository > (https://keelerepository.worktribe.com/output/416495)
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VIDEO Policing crowds without force | Celebrating Impact
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12/13/23, 11:52 AM
Clifford Stott - Keele University
Accessibility Accessibility information for Dorothy Hodgkin Building can be found on its AccessAble (https://www.accessable.co.uk/keele-university/access-guides/dorothy-hodgkin-buildingstaffordshire) page.
12/13/23, 11:52 AM
Clifford Stott - Keele University
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12/13/23, 11:52 AM
Clifford Stott - Keele University
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12/13/23, 11:52 AM
Clifford Stott - Keele University
Keele University, Staffordshire, UK, ST5 5BG
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