20 minute read
Recognizing Outstanding Structural Engineers
The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) proudly recognized the following recipients at the Structures Congress 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts on April 3, 2014:
Structural Engineering Institute Awards
2014 Chapter of the Year Award The 2014 SEI Chapter of the Year Award was given to the SEI Philadelphia Chapter. The Philadelphia SEI Chapter has been very active in a variety of activities including technical presentations, conferences, tours, student outreach events, and networking opportunities. Gene Wilhoite Innovations in Transmission Line Engineering Award The Gene Wilhoite Award honors an individual who has made significant contributions to the advancement of the art and science of transmission line engineering. The 2014 Gene Wilhoite Award was given to Michael Miller, P.E., P.Eng, M.ASCE. Mr. Miller has more than 25 years of experience in the design, analysis, and testing of high-voltage transmission structures. Mr. Miller is the current chair of the ASCE/SEI Electrical Transmission Structures Committee. Dennis L. Tewksbury Award The Tewksbury award recognizes an SEI member who has advanced the interests of SEI. The 2014 award was presented to Sam Rihani, P.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE. During his 36-year professional career, Mr. Rihani has specialized in the structural analysis and design of steel framing systems and buildings. Mr. Rihani has been an active member of ASCE since 1975, serving on the Executive Committee of the Structural Engineering Institute’s Business and Professional Activities Division, was a member of the ASCE Technical Region Board of Governors, and served as President of SEI from 2011 through 2013. Walter P. Moore, Jr. Award This award is presented for significant contributions to the development of codes and standards. The 2014 Walter P. Moore, Jr. Award was given to Ronald Hamburger, S.E., SECB, F.SEI. Mr. Hamburger has nearly 40 years of experience in design, failure investigation, research and building code and standards development. He has also given of his time to serve on many SEAOC, AWS, and NCSEA committees. SEI President’s Award The SEI President’s Award recognizes exemplary contributions to the success of SEI. The 2014 President’s Award was given to Stan R. Caldwell, P.E., SECB, F.AEI, F.SEI, F.ASCE. Mr. Caldwell’s experience includes the structural Award winners (left to right): Mike Miller, Todd Helwig, Maria Pia Repetto, Sherif El-Tawil, Sam Rihani, Herbert design and management of more Mang, Don Dusenberry, Stan Caldwell, Taka Kimura, Ron than 800 projects over his 40 year Hamburger, Lou Geschwindner, Chia-Ming Uang, Satish career. He has been very active in Nagarajaiah, Jennifer Goupil. professional organizations including ASCE. Mr. Caldwell was a member of the in the September-October 2012 issue of the SEI Board of Governors, participated in bet- Journal of Bridge Engineering. tering the Structural Engineering Certification Board, helped form the Structural Engineering Licensure Coalition, and helped in the creation of the SEI Futures Fund. Nathan M. Newmark Medal The Nathan M. Newmark Award is presented jointly by the Engineering Mechanics Institute and Structural Engineering Institute for
American Society of Civil outstanding contributions in structural engineering and mechanics. The 2014 medal was Engineering Structural Awards awarded to Herbert A. Mang, Ph.D., F.ASCE. A 40 year ASCE member, Dr. Mang has made Shortridge Hardesty Award outstanding research contributions in the area The Shortridge Hardesty Award may be given of nonlinear continuum and computational annually to individuals who have contributed mechanics that clarified the cause of collapse substantially in applying fundamental results of of important concrete structures and quantiresearch in the field of structural stability. The fied the influence of bending on the initial 2014 award was given to Todd Helwig, Ph.D., post-buckling behavior of metallic structures. P.E., M.ASCE. Dr. Helwig is currently in his 20th year of teaching and conducting research in the design and behavior of steel structures with an emphasis in structural stability and bracing. Raymond C. Reese Research Prize The Raymond C. Reese Research Prize is awarded for a paper published by ASCE that presents structural engineering research that Ernest E. Howard Award can be applied to design. The 2014 prize was The Ernest E. Howard Award recognizes an presented to Maria Pia Repetto, Ph.D., and ASCE member who has made contributions to Giovanni Solari, Ph.D., P.E., F.EMI, M.ASCE, the advancement of structural engineering. The for their paper titled “Closed-Form Prediction 2014 award was given to Louis Geschwindner, of the Alongwind-Induced Fatigue of Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE. Dr. Geschwindner was Structures,” published in the September 2012 a faculty member at Penn State for more than issue of the Journal of Structural Engineering. 40 years. He has published books on structural analysis and structural steel design, and is active in writing and presenting continuing education programs for the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). George Winter Award Candidates for the George Winter award must be highly accomplished civil engineers who are also proficient in the arts or have made social contributions to the community. Moisseiff Award Armen Der Kiureghian, Ph.D, M.ASCE, was The Moisseiff Award recognizes a paper con- presented with the 2014 award in recognition tributing to structural design, including applied of his contributions to structural engineering, mechanics, as well as the theoretical analysis or painting, and humanitarian work. Dr. Der construction improvement of structures. The Kiureghian’s research deals with development 2014 award was presented to Hyoung-Bo Sim, and application of probabilistic methods to Ph.D., and Chia-Ming Uang, for the paper solve civil engineering problems. Dr. Der titled “Stress Analyses and Parametric Study on Kiureghian was fundamental in the creation Full-Scale Fatigue Tests of Rib-to-Deck Welded of The American University of Armenia Joints in Steel Orthotropic Decks,” published (AUA) and is an accomplished painter.▪
All too often after a disaster, affected communities are left on their own to struggle with assessing damage and determining whether buildings can be safely reoccupied. When evaluations are not performed in a rapid fashion by properly qualified individuals, residents can and most likely will reoccupy potentially unsafe buildings. The key to adequately evaluating the extent of damage to a community and keeping residents from occupying unsafe structures is to ensure that sufficient numbers of qualified “2nd responders” exist to rapidly and appropriately perform building damage evaluations. In an effort to help, NCSEA’s State SEER programs are taking the lead on compiling lists of engineers trained and qualified to provide post-disaster structure condition evaluations.
For the last 25 years, engineers and a hand full of architects have been serving as Structures Specialists (1st responders) on FEMA and State Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) teams. Structures Specialists are a select group of highly trained first responders working with FEMA and State US&R teams spread throughout the US. More recently, in the wake of numerous widespread natural disasters, two organizations have begun training 2nd responders to work with communities dealing with disasters. These 2nd responders are design professionals and code officials trained to perform post-disaster structure condition evaluations to National Incident Management System (NIMS) standards. The goal of NCSEA’s State SEER programs is to locate and compile lists of these 2nd responder engineers so that they can be made available to Emergency Operations Managers, Building Officials and community leaders dealing with disasters. Training Programs
The International Code Council (ICC) and the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) have developed recognized 2nd responder training programs. Based in part on ATC’s 20 & 45 manuals, these training programs also include concepts of operations and operating in disaster environments. The ATC 20, titled: Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings is a widely accepted standard for post earthquake safety review and tagging of structures. The ATC 20 was utilized in the wake of the 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994 Northridge California earthquakes. The ATC 45, titled: Safety Evaluation of Buildings after Windstorms and Floods was developed for the purpose of evaluating damage to buildings resulting from hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. This manual was developed in part based on the success of the ATC 20 and in response to the hurricanes of the 1990s, which included Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Fran, and Hurricane Iniki. Currently, these documents serve as the basis for ICC’s Disaster Response Inspector (DRI) program and CalOES’s Evaluator and Coordinator training programs. NCSEA’s Structural Engineers Emergency Response (SEER) plan is also based in part on these manuals. Credentialing Efforts
While comprehensive, the ICC and CalOES programs are only one of the criteria that exist to participate as a 2nd responder. A credentialing process is being developed at a national level through NIMS whereby properly qualified, trained and experienced volunteers can become certified. Having adopted this national credentialing model, The Florida Structural Engineers Association’s SEER programs have developed a summary of the qualifications required of 2nd responding professionals. The basic affiliation and training requirements of the Florida program can be found on the NCSEA website under both the SEER Committee page and under Resources/Emergency Response. To further expand the number of qualified 2nd responders, the NCSEA SEER committee is working with other stakeholders (ASCE, AIA, APWA, ICC, CalOES and FEMA) on a publicsector-driven certification program to validate and database the qualifications of individuals who wish to comply with the FEMA/National Incident Management System (NIMS) Resource Typing for Structure Condition Evaluators. This Resource Typing is essentially a ‘performance specification’ for assets (personnel and equipment) that may be requested by a municipality following a disaster. The specific Resource Type that this Certification will address is posted at www.
fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1918-25045-1327/ structureconditionevaluator.pdf
Getting Involved
To participate you need to be rostered, and to become rostered you need to be trained. To obtain training you can contact: ICC at www.iccsafe.org/Education/Courses/Pages/default.aspx, CalOES at www.calema.ca.gov/trainingandexercises/pages/ training.aspx or FEMA at https://training.fema.gov/IS/ NIMS.aspx. NCSEA also provides this training in the spring and fall as a full day of webinars. Following completion of your training, please register at the NCSEA SEER database homepage www.ncsea-seer.com/ in order to receive information regarding upcoming deployment opportunities and training updates. For more information on becoming rostered as a resource to Emergency Operations Managers, Building Officials and community leaders, please contact your State’s NCSEA SEER program coordinator.
William C. Bracken, P.E., S.I., President of Bracken Engineering, Florida, is licensed in 33 states as a professional engineer, is a Special Inspector in Florida, serves as Vice-Chair on Florida’s Board of Professional Engineers and serves as a member of NCSEA’s Structural Engineers Emergency Response Committee. He is also certified as a FEMA/USACE StS2, an ICC DR Inspector and a CalOES Evaluator and Coordinator. Scott G. Nacheman, MSc.Eng., AIA, is a Vice President in the Chicago office of J.S. Held. He is Chair of NCSEA’s Structural Engineers Emergency Response Committee as well as a Structures Specialist with FEMA Urban Search and Rescue, State of Illinois US&R and MABAS Technical Rescue. He is certified as a FEMA/ USACE StS2 and CalOES Evaluator and Trainer.
The Newsletter of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE Structural Columns
Call for Abstracts Closes September 10, 2014
The conference will provide a forum for transmission and substation engineers to exchange ideas, concepts, and philosophies, while providing new engineers with the opportunity to learn more about the art and science specific to transmission lines and structures, substation structures, and foundation engineering. The Conference Steering Committee is currently accepting abstracts of papers to be presented in technical sessions, with case studies strongly encouraged. A poster session format may also be provided. Visit the SEI website at www.asce.org/SEI for more information and to submit your proposal. All proposals are due
September 10, 2014.
ASCE is seeking members to update existing SEI/ASCE Standard 32-01, Design and Construction of Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations. The intent of the standard is to address the design and construction of frost-protected shallow foundations in areas subject to seasonal ground freezing. This Standard includes foundation insulation requirements to protect heated and unheated buildings from frost heave presented in easy-to-follow steps with reference to design tables, climate maps, and other necessary data to furnish a complete frost-protection design. The intended outcomes of the application of this standard include improved construction efficiency over conventional practices, increased energy efficiency, minimized site disturbance, and enhanced frost protection. Interested parties may submit an application at www.asce.org/ codes-standards/applicationform/ to join this new committee by August 23, 2014. For more information, please contact James Neckel at jneckel@asce.org, Codes and Standards Coordinator.
Branson, Missouri September 27- October 1
Grid Modernization – Technical Challenges & Innovative Solutions
625x352px (Institute Homepage Slideshow)
Branson, Missouri | September 27- October 1
Grid Modernization – Technical Challenges & Innovative Solutions
400x100px ASCE Weekly News Banner
Branson, Missouri | September 27- October 1
Grid Modernization – Technical Challenges & Innovative Solutions
600x100px Email Banner
SELC Website Launched
The Structural Engineering Licensure Coalition has launched a new website covering all aspects of the initiative. Featured on the site are case studies and presentations that make the argument for licensure. In addition, there is a calendar of events, relevant news articles, and the status of SE licensure by state. Visit the website at www.selicensure.org/ to learn more.
2014 Ammann Fellowship Winners and Call for Nominations
In 2014 the SEI Technical Activities Division Executive Committee awarded five O.H. Ammann Research Fellowships in Structural Engineering. SEI continues to receive an increasing number of high-quality applications each year. This year’s winners are: • Mahdi Arezoumandi, Missouri University of Science and Technology • Donna Chen, University of Calgary • Julie Fogarty, University of Michigan • Adam Richard Phillips, Virginia Tech • Ravi Kiran Yellavajjala, University of Notre Dame See the SEI website at www.asce.org/SEI for more information about the winners and their research. The O. H. Ammann Research Fellowship in Structural Engineering is awarded annually to a member or members of ASCE or SEI for the purpose of encouraging the creation of new knowledge in the field of structural design and construction. All members or applicants for membership are eligible. Applicants will submit a description of their research, an essay about why they chose to become a structural engineer, and their academic transcripts. This fellowship award is at least $5,000 and can be up to $10,000. The deadline for 2015 Ammann applications is November 1, 2014. For more information and to fill out the online application visit the SEI website at www.asce.org/SEI.
Professional Activities Committee Call for New Members
The SEI Professional Activities Committee (PAC) is currently seeking membership applicants for this important national committee. The PAC works on initiatives, policies and tasks focusing on structural licensing, regulation, and professional development. If you are interested in communicating with professionals throughout engineering and related fields, or working behind the scenes in developing supporting documentation, visit the SEI website at
to apply.
Student Competition on ColdFormed Steel Design
The ASCE Committee on Cold-Formed Members is co-organizing the 2014 International Student Competition on Cold-Formed Steel Design. The competition promotes higher education in cold-formed steel structural design and encourages students to use creative thinking skills to solve engineering problems. Please encourage full time students (high school through graduate degrees) to participate. Submissions are due by September 30, 2014 and the top prize is $600. See the competition website at http://cfscompetition.unt.edu for more information.
Call for 2015 SEI/ASCE Award Nominations
Nominations are being sought for the 2015 SEI and ASCE Structural Awards. The objective of the Awards program is to advance the engineering profession by emphasizing exceptionally meritorious achievement, so this is an opportunity to recognize colleagues who are worthy of this honor. Nomination deadlines begin October 1, 2014 with most deadlines falling on November 1, 2014. Visit the ASCE Awards and Honors page at www.asce.org/leadership-and-management/awards/ for more information and nomination procedures. See the Spotlight on page [67] to read about the 2014 honorees.
Save the Dates Second ATC-SEI Conference
Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures
December 10-12, 2015 Hyatt Regency San Francisco
Call for abstracts and session proposals will open in Fall of 2014.
Join ASCE for the inaugural International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure 2014 in Long Beach, California November 6-8, 2014. The full conference program includes short courses, special events with riveting keynote speakers, and a technical tour. It promises to be an event you will not want to miss. Visit the conference website to learn more http://content.asce.org/conferences/icsi2014/.
SEI posts up-to-date errata information for our publications at www.asce.org/SEI. Click on “Publications” on our menu, and select “Errata.” If you have any errata that you would like to submit, please email it to Paul Sgambati at psgambati@asce.org.
Geotechnical & Structural Engineering Congress 2016
February 14-17, 2016 Phoenix, AZ
Special Joint Event: The 2016 congress will feature a total of 15 concurrent tracks: 5 tracks will be on traditional GI topics, 5 tracks on traditional SEI topics, and 5 tracks on joint topics. In addition, we will be offering interactive poster presentations within these tracks. Call for abstracts and session proposals
will open on October 15, 2014.
Call for Speakers on Technical Topics for SEI Local Group Events
Share your technical knowledge and expertise with local SEI Chapters, Graduate Student Chapters, and Structural Technical Groups. The SEI Speaker Bureau Committee is looking for experienced structural engineering professionals (consulting or academic) to give presentations on technical topics to SEI local groups. The Committee is seeking to expand its resource list of qualified speakers willing to give technical presentations on a voluntary basis, and make the list available to SEI local groups via their SEI e-room. If you would like to be included on the Speaker Bureau resource list, please complete the online form at www.asce.org/speakers-bureau/. Potential speakers are welcome to approach their local SEI Chapter/Technical Group directly to give a technical presentation. Any solicitation for personal or business gain is strictly discouraged.
CASE in Point
CASE #14B – Standard Form for Request For Information (RFI) The purpose of this document is to provide the design team with a standard Request for Information (RFI) form that can be included in the bid documents and used by all contractors and subcontractors on the project.
CASE #15 – Commentary on AIA Document A201 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, 1997 Edition The purpose of this Commentary is to point out sections and paragraphs of AIA document A-201 which, in the opinion of CASE, merit special attention, or which other reviewers have found to contain “pitfalls.” (See also CASE Contract Document 6.) CASE #16 – An Agreement Between Client and Structural Engineer for a Structural Condition Assessment The purpose of this Document is to provide a sample Agreement for structural engineers to use when providing a structural condition assessment directly to a client. Examples are – earthquake evaluation, seismic retrofitting, fire or wind damage, changes in occupancy or historic preservation. You can purchase all CASE products at www.booksforengineers.com.
Follow ACEC Coalitions on Twitter – @ACECCoalitions.
Member Firm CEOs to Forecast 2015 at ACEC Fall Conference in Hawaii, October 22–25
Three leading Member Firm CEOs will provide their forecasts of the 2015 business environment for engineering firms during the ACEC Fall Conference in Waikoloa, Hawaii, October 22-25. On the panel will be Jon Carlson, CEO, Braun Intertec Corp., Minneapolis; William Siegel, president/CEO, Kleinfelder, San Diego; and Donald Stone, CEO, Dewberry, Fairfax, Va. Also speaking at the Conference will be Business Stategist Erik Wahl, Political Analyst Charlie Cook, FERC Commissioner Tony Clark and a panel on Opportunities in Booming Energy Markets featuring Larson Engineering’s Steve Bakken, Pennoni Associates CEO Tony Bartolomeo, and Freese and Nichols Principal Kendall King. The Conference also features more than three dozen bottomline-focused educational sessions; CEO roundtables; exclusive CFO and CIO tracks; the CASE Convocation; and numerous ACEC coalition, council, and forum events. For more information and to register, http://conf.acec.org/.
Engineers to Lead, Direct, and Get Involved with CASE Committees!
If you’re looking for ways to expand and strengthen your business skillset, look no further than serving on one (or more!) CASE Committees. Join us to sharpen your leadership skills – promote your talent and expertise – to help guide CASE programs, services, and publications. We have two committees ready for your service: • Contracts Committee: Responsible for developing and maintaining contracts to assist practicing engineers with risk management. • Toolkit Committee: Develops and maintains documents such as business practices manuals and policies for engineers under CASE’s Ten Foundations for Risk
Management. Expectations and Requirements To apply, you should • be a current member of the Council of American
Structural Engineers (CASE) • be able to attend the groups’ two face-to-face meetings per year: August, February (hotel, travel reimbursable) • be available to engage with the working group via email and conference call • have some specific experience and/or expertise to contribute to the group Please submit the following information to htalbert@acec.org • Letter of interest • Brief bio (no more than 2 paragraphs) Thank you for your interest in contributing to your professional association!
CASE Convocation at the ACEC Fall Conference
20 th Senior Executives Institute Class Now Open for Registration
For 20 years, ACEC has offered the premier executive leadership course designed specifically for the A/E/C community – the ACEC Senior Executives Institute (SEI). SEI is an intensive 18-month program taught by recognized experts and instructors from The Brookings Institution, national universities and business consulting organizations. The classes meet for five separate four or five-day sessions. The next class, SEI Class 20, is now open for registration and will begin in September, 2014. For more information, contact Dee McKenna, Deputy Director, ACEC Business Resources & Education Department, at dmckenna@acec.org or 202-347-7474.
October 22-25 ACEC is holding its Fall Conference at the Waikoloa Hilton Village, Hawaii. CASE will be holding a convocation on Thursday, October 23rd. Sessions include: Addressing Hidden Risks in Today’s Design Contracts – Brian Stewart, Collins, Collins, Muir & Stewart; James Schwartz, Beazley; Rob Hughes, Ames & Gough The Five Commandments of A&E Risk – Dan Buelow, Willis A/E Learning from the Past, Ready for the Future: Managing the Emerging and Enduring Risks of Professional Practice – Karen Erger, Lockton
Upcoming ACEC Online Seminars – September
Seize the Day! Strategies for Email Success
Tuesday, September 2, 2014; 1:30pm to 3:00pm Eastern
The Average person can spend up to 40% of their eight hour work day sending and receiving up to 200 messages a day! Some reports say people at work check their email and average of 35 times an hour! It’s no wonder that many of us always feel behind on projects and struggle to finish our work in a typical work day! Wouldn’t you like to have some of that time back in your day? Everyone can benefit from learning to control and manage email to improve productivity. This lively, interactive presentation provides strategies and solutions to boost productivity and efficiency with your email system and practices. You’ll walk away with tips you can use the same day as the training. Participants will: • Learn how to minimize email overload • Improve your inbox management skills • Develop more realistic response times • Learn tips and trick to utilize email more efficiently and effectively • Learn productive email etiquette strategies
You can register for these and other ACEC online seminars at www.acec.org/acecmainsite/education/webinars.
Find the Lost Dollars: 6 Steps to Increase Profits in Architecture and Engineering Firms
Wednesday, September 3, 2014; 1:30pm to 3:00pm Eastern Learn to get the most from people, processes and technology to gain a competitive edge and increase your firm’s profitability. This session will provide valuable best practices and advice that will show you how to improve your firm’s performance and prepare the firm’s future leaders to successfully take the reins.
Legal Issues Unique to Design-Build
Wednesday, September 10, 2014; 1:30pm to 3:00pm Eastern
Everyone knows that design-build and EPC projects are different from traditional construction, but very few people can identify and understand the differences. In this program, nationally noted design-build expert, Mark Friedlander, will identify and describe the business and legal issues that make design-build and EPC projects unique. In simple language, with no legalese, he will explain how the standard of care, change orders and warranties are different in design-build and EPC jobs, and will describe how the legal and business relationships among the parties change when the Engineer and Contractor form a design-build team. As part of the presentation, he will teach the participants how to prepare and negotiate design-build teaming agreements with contractors, and provide a checklist of issues that need to be discussed and resolved.