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ACI Publications on Formwork
By David W. Johnston, P.E., Ph.D., FACI, F.ASCE, NAC
ACI has published three documents Formed Concrete Surface Categories that will assist in selecting, designing, and specifying formwork systems Category Description for concrete structures. The first of these releases was a new document intended to provide a means of better communicating the desired formed surface finish and quality between the engineer/architect and the contractor. The most recent releases are revisions of documents that have been staples in the formwork community for years. ACI 347.3R-13, Guide to Formed Concrete Surfaces, is an entirely new document released Concrete surface finish with Basic requirements Normal requirements Special requirements CSC1 CSC2 CSC3 CSC4 Concrete surfaces in areas with low visibility or of limited importance with regard to formed concrete surface requirements, used or covered with subsequent finish materials. Concrete surfaces where visual appearance is of moderate importance. Concrete surfaces that are in public view or where appearance is important, such as exterior or interior exposed building elements. Concrete surfaces where the exposed concrete is a prominent feature of the completed structure or visual appearance is important. in spring 2014 by ACI Committee 347, requirements that would restrict the selection, 7-10 as modified by ASCE/SEI 37-14. Analysis Formwork for Concrete. Chapters within design, or layout of the formwork. ACI 347R-14 of the shoring and reshoring process for multiACI 347.3R describe formed surfaces, basics also contains recommendations for the form- story buildings, and evaluation of concrete and of layout and design, specification, construc- work engineer that will design the formwork and structure strength to withstand shoring loads, tion, and evaluation of formed surfaces. select the components. The recommendations has been expanded in a new chapter. Design of The document’s primary function is to pro- cover topics such as loads, factors of safety, and formwork has been divided into two chapters, vide a detailed method for classifying formed shoring and bracing. The design recommen- one focusing on bending, shear, and deflection concrete surfaces. Four levels of quality, called dations for concrete lateral pressure have been of wall, slab, and column formwork members, Concrete Surface Categories (CSC), are clas- revised to a tabular presentation for a more direct and a second focusing on shoring and bracing sified based on the visibility of the completed understanding, and the provisions for wind load members. Bridge formwork considerations have surface as well as the importance of its visual magnitudes and minimums have been clari- been moved into a separate chapter. A new chapappearance (see Table). For each CSC, quali- fied. The chapter on materials has been revised ter summarizing the recommendations of ACI ties such as texture, surface void ratio, color to reflect the changes in many material design 347.3R on specifying and evaluating formed uniformity, surface irregularities, and treat- specifications and standards used in formwork. concrete surfaces has been added. ments of construction joints are defined. The Additional information that can be helpful This edition also reflects changes in wood design guide also discusses phases of construction for all parties includes chapters on architec- recommendations of the AWC NDS-2012 with relating to concrete surfaces, from planning, tural concrete, special structures, and special 2013 addendum, and introduces load and resisselection of materials, and construction and construction methods. These have been gener- tance factor design (LRFD) for wood formwork repair procedures through the acceptance of ally revised to reflect current practice. members in addition to the primary coverage a concrete surface. Ultimately, ACI 347.3R- ACI SP-4 Formwork for Concrete, 8th edi- based on allowable stress design (ASD) proce13 can help the project owner, design team, tion, was released in October, 2014. Formwork dures. The recent recommendations of other contractor, formwork supplier, concrete sup- for Concrete has been and continues to be a ACI committees have also been considered in the plier, and all other parties involved in the cooperative effort supported by individuals, manual revisions and some related OSHA proviconstruction process in reaching a specific companies, public agencies, and industry and sions have been extracted for convenient reference understanding of how a desired as-cast con- professional associations. In large measure, in the appendix. The extensive glossary of terms crete surface can be defined and produced. this is due to the groundwork laid and respect has been updated to reflect the latest changes ACI 347R-14, Guide to Formwork for for Formwork for Concrete garnered through in ACI 347R and ACI Concrete Terminology. Concrete, presents the recommendations the pioneering efforts of the late Mary K. Revising and bringing an iconic document of ACI Committee 347, based on changes Hurd, the previous author of SP-4. up-to-date included reference to the latest design that have accumulated in the 10 years since As a member and past Chair of ACI Committee standards, design methods, procedures, products, the previous edition was published in 2004. 347, the author was tasked to revise and update and both revised and new worked examples. By providing guidance regarding contract for the new edition. The eighth edition, as all Nearly 500 modern color photographs were documents, selection of formwork, and use of previous editions, follows the most recent guide- selected to enable the eighth edition of Formwork formwork, the document serves as a reference lines established by ACI Committee 347 and for Concrete to be the first edition in full color.▪ for design architects and engineers, formwork documented in the committee report, now ACI engineers, and contractors. 347R-14, which is reprinted in full in the appen- David Johnston is the Edward I. Weisiger For easy reference, the document lists items dix. This new edition of Formwork for Concrete Distinguished Professor Emeritus in that should be indicated in the contract docu- considers the updated lateral pressure and Construction Engineering at North Carolina ments by the engineer/architect. Examples other provisions now provided by ACI 347R. State University. He is active in the technical include materials and accessories; finishes; design, Expanded coverage is provided in SP-4 for wind committees of ACI and ASCE. David can be inspection, and approval responsibilities; and any loads on formwork specialized from ASCE/SEI reached at johnston@ncsu.edu.
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