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SEI Structural Columns
The Newsletter of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE Structural Columns
The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) proudly recognized the following recipients at the Structures 2013 Congress in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 4, 2013:
Structural Engineering Institute Awards
2013 Chapter of the Year Award The SEI Chapter of the Year Award recognizes an SEI Chapter for its exemplary activities and efforts to advance the structural engineering profession. The 2013 SEI Chapter of the Year Award was given to the SEI Sacramento Chapter. The Sacramento SEI Chapter has been very active in a variety of activities including technical presentations, conferences, tours, community outreach events, and networking opportunities. Gene Wilhoite Innovations In Transmission Line Engineering Award The Gene Wilhoite Award honors an individual who has made significant contributions to the advancement of the art and science of transmission line engineering. The 2013 Gene Wilhoite Award was given to Richard F. Aichinger, P.E., M. ASCE. Mr. Aichinger has spent much of his career in the tubular steel transmission pole fabrication industry, especially in the area of unique structural solutions to meet specific customer needs. In addition, Mr. Aichinger has served on several committees that developed ASCE standards and manuals of practice in the area of transmission line engineering. Dennis L. Tewksbury Award The Tewksbury award recognizes an individual member of the Structural Engineering Institute who has advanced the interests of SEI. The 2013 award was presented to Roberto Leon, Ph.D., P.E., F.SEI, F. ASCE. Dr. Leon is currently the Past President of SEI and was an active member of five SEI technical committees. He is also an active member of the American Institute of Steel Construction, received the AISC T.R. Higgins award, and is a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute. He is currently serving on the editorial boards of four journals in the field of structural engineering, and has chaired or co-chaired the organization and delivery of six international conferences. Walter P. Moore, Jr. Award This award is presented for significant contributions to the development of codes and standards. The 2013 Walter P. Moore, Jr. Award was given to Satyendra K. Ghosh, Ph.D., M. ASCE.
Award winners, left to right: Dennis Mertz, William Melbourne, Ahsan Kareem, Samuel Lewis, Satyendra K. Ghosh, Gintaris Kaklauskas, Masayoshi Nakashima, Joyce Copelan, Craig Copelan, Roberto Leon, Bob Nickerson, Sam Rihani, Ron Ziemian and Jennifer Goupil.
Dr. Ghosh is known internationally for his work in earthquake engineering. He has influenced seismic design provisions in the United States for many years. Dr. Ghosh is active on many national technical committees and is a fellow of the American Concrete Institute and Pre-stressed Concrete Institute. He is a member of ACI Committee 318 and the ASCE 7 Standard Main Committee and Seismic Subcommittee. He is a former member of the Boards of Direction of ACI and the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. SEI President’s Award The SEI President’s Award recognizes exemplary contributions to the success of SEI. The 2013 President’s Award was given to Robert Elliott Nickerson, P.E., F.SEI, M. ASCE. Mr. Nickerson has been very active in the Technical Activities Division of SEI and is the current secretary of the Executive Committee of the Technical Activities Division. He is the past chair of the Special Design Issues Committee and the Electrical Transmission Structures Committee, and is current Chair of the Gene Wilhoite Awards committee. Mr. Nickerson is the Chair of the ASCE Standards Committee on Design of Lattice Steel Transmission Structures (ASCE 10) and has been a key member of the ASCE Standards Committees on Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures (ASCE 48). In addition, he has served on the committees that developed the Guidelines for Electrical Transmission Line Structural Loading (Manual No. 74) and the Guide to Design of Guyed Transmission Structures (Manual No. 91).
American Society of Civil Engineering Structural Awards
Jack E. Cermak Award This award was created by the Engineering Mechanics Institute/Structural Engineering Institute to recognize Dr. Jack E. Cermak’s lifetime achievements in the field of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics. The 2013 award was given to William Melbourne, Ph.D., in recognition of his significant contributions through his life-long studies to increase the understanding of the effects of turbulence in problems of bluff body aerodynamics pertinent to wind engineering applications. In addition, he has made key contributions to international and local codes and standards in the field of wind engineering. Shortridge Hardesty Award The Shortridge Hardesty Award may be given annually to individuals who have contributed substantially in applying fundamental results of research to the solution of practical engineering problems in the field of structural stability. The 2013 award was given to Ronald D. Ziemian, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE. Dr. Ziemian’s research into direct analysis modeling of inelastic and elastic stability issues enables professional engineers to quickly and accurately model structural behavior. He has also served as editor of the Structural Stability Research Council’s Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures, the guiding reference for developers of structural stability design provisions.
Ernest E. Howard Award The Ernest E. Howard Award recognizes a member of the Society who has made a definite contribution to the advancement of structural engineering through research, planning, design or construction. The 2013 award was given to Masayoshi Nakashima, Ph.D., M. ASCE. Dr. Nakashima has been engaged in research and education in the field of structural and earthquake engineering for 30 years. He was the first director of the E-Defense shake table, one of the largest in the world, and had led more than 40 large-scale tests. He also pioneered the use of “pseudo-dynamic” tests in which quasi-static loading tests and numerical analyses are conducted side-by-side. Moisseiff Award The Moisseiff Award recognizes a paper contributing to structural design, including applied mechanics, as well as the theoretical analysis or construction improvement of engineering structures, such as bridges and frames, of any structural material. The 2013 award was presented to Gintaris Kaklauskas, Ph.D., Dr.Habil, M.NASc, and Viktor Gribniak, Ph.D., for the paper titled Eliminating Shrinkage Effect from Moment Curvature and Tension Stiffening Relationships of Reinforced Concrete Members, published in the December 2011 issue of the Journal of Structural Engineering. Raymond C. Reese Research Prize The Raymond C. Reese Research Prize may be awarded to the author(s) of a paper published by ASCE that describes a notable achievement in research related to structural engineering, and recommends how the results of that research (experimental and/ or analytical) can be applied to design. The 2013 award was presented to Zhongguo John Ma, PH.D., P.E., F. ASCE; Samuel Lewis; Zhiqi He; Qi Cao, PH.D., A.M.ASCE; Edwin G. Burdette, Ph.D., P.E., F. ASCE; and Catherine E.W. French, PH.D., P.E., M. ASCE, for their paper titled Transverse Joint Details with Tight Bend Diameter U-Bars for Accelerated Bridge Construction, published in the October 2011 issue of the Journal of Structural Engineering.
ASCE Library Features Free Collection of Tornado Articles
In response to the powerful tornado that devastated a 20-milelong and 2-mile-wide path through Moore, Oklahoma, the ASCE Library has provided free access to a selected group of papers that discuss strategies for reducing loss of life and property damage when this natural hazard occurs. These articles are free to registered users and subscribers through July 31, 2013; see Rebuilding after a Tornado on the ASCE Library at http://ascelibrary.org/ to download the articles. Monday’s tornado occurred almost two years to the day after the deadly events in Joplin, Missouri. ASCE/SEI sent a postdisaster assessment team to Joplin; the team’s findings and lessons learned are included in the Joplin, Missouri Tornado of May 22, 2011 report, also available from the ASCE Bookstore at www.asce.org/bookstore/.
Two New Books from SEI
Structural Identification of Constructed Systems: Approaches, Methods, and Technologies for Effective Practice of St-Id offers an overview of nearly 20 years of research directed at bridging the gap in structural engineering between models and real structural systems. Structural identification, known as St-Id, can be defined as the process of creating and updating a model of a structure (for instance, a finite element model) using experimental observations and data. By developing reliable estimates of the performance and vulnerability of structural systems, St-Id produces improved simulations that, in turn, assist in decision making and the transition to performance-based civil engineering. This report was prepared by SEI’s Structural Identification of Constructed Systems Committee. Structural engineers, educators, and researchers working in the areas of structural modeling, health monitoring, assessment, forensics, performance evaluation, predictive analysis, and decision making will find this book useful in covering critical and practical aspects of these concepts. Tensile Fabric Structures Design, Analysis, and Construction
Tensile Fabric Structures: Design, Analysis, and Construction summarizes the range of tensile membrane structure forms and their applications, and documents the current state of knowledge regarding loading, form finding, and nonlinear analysis of membrane structures. Structural forms and details are generally left exposed in tensile membrane designs and are strongly tied to architecture and aesthetics. These environmentally friendly and economically competitive structures are found in a wide range of recreational and transportation facilities. This report was prepared by SEI’s Task Committee on Tensioned Fabric Structures, and the will provide practical guidance to structural engineers, architects, and builders of tensile membrane structures.
To purchase these and other structural engineering books visit the ASCE Bookstore at http://www.asce.org/bookstore/.