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SOFTWARE BIM | Bridges | Building Components | CAD | Concrete Foundations/Retaining Walls | General Packages/Suites Light Gauge Steel | Masonry | Steel | Wood

ADAPT Corporation

Phone: 650-218-0008 Email: fl orian@adaptsoft.com Web: www.adaptsoft.com Product: PTRC Description: An indispensable production tool for the fast and easy design of concrete slabs of any form, beams, and beam frames. Uses equivalent frame method to design post-tensioned or conventionally reinforced projects. Easily switch between PT and RC modes. Updated with ACI 318-14 / IBC 2015.

Product: Edge Tributary Load Takedown Description: Edge off ers fast and reliable gravity load takedown of concrete structures. Easily model buildings from scratch or import from Revit. No need for FEM solution or complicated analytical modeling; just simple and fast results. Integrates with comprehensive column design module.

Product: Builder Shear Wall Design Description: Builder off ers the only fully integrated solution for the design of complete concrete buildings using one model: gravity design of reinforced concrete or post-tensioned fl oor systems, lateral analysis, column design, shallow foundation design, and automated inclusion of lateral frame actions in slab and foundation design.

American Wood Council

Phone: 202-463-2766 Email: info@awc.org Web: www.awc.org Product: Connection Calculator Description: Provides users with a web-based approach to calculating capacities for single bolts, nails, lag screws and wood screws per the 20 05 NDS. Both lateral (single and double shear) and withdrawal capacities can be determined. Wood-to-wood, wood-to-concrete, and wood-to-steel connections are possible.

Applied Science International, LLC

Phone: 919-645-4090 Email: support@appliedscienceint.com Web: www.extremeloading.com Product: Extreme Loading for Structures 5.0 Description: A new advanced level of nonlinear dynamic structural analysis. Allows users to effi ciently study structural failure from any number of actual or possible extreme events. Users can easily model highrise structures composed of reinforced concrete, steel composite and other structures with all as-built and as-damaged details.

Product: SteelSmart System 8.0 Description: SSS provides construction professionals with an essential tool engineered for both fast and accurate design. Available design modules include: Curtain Wall, Load Bearing Wall, X-Brace Shear Wall, Floor Framing, Roof Framing, Roof Truss, and Moment-Resisting Short Wall. ASDIP Structural Software

Phone: 407-284-9202 Email: support@asdipsoft.com Web: www.asdipsoft.com Product: ASDIP Suite Description: For more than two decades, ASDIP has provided state-of-the-art design tools for structural engineers. Footings, bearing walls, composite beams, concrete and steel columns, retaining walls, base plates, continuous beams, anchoring to concrete, and much more can be designed with our products.

Autodesk®, Inc.

Phone: 415-580-3872 Email: vanessa.bertollini@autodesk.com Web: www.autodesk.com Product: Steel Connections for Revit® Description: Provides access to a variety of parametric steel connections in Revit software, enabling connections to be modeled with a higher level of detail. is helps bridge the gap between design and fabrication. Both members and connections can be synchronized between Revit and Advance Steel for detailing.

Product: Advance Steel Description: Easy-to-use and comprehensive software for structural steel detailing built on the AutoCAD® platform. Intelligent 3D modeling tools help you accelerate more accurate design and detailing. Help speed time-to-fabrication by automatically generating shop drawings and deliverables. Interoperability with Autodesk® Revit® software supports a more connected BIM workfl ow.

Bentley Systems, Inc.

Phone: 800-BENTLEY Email: Samantha.Langdeau@bentley.com Web: www.bentley.com Product: STAAD.Pro Description: Ensure on time and on budget completion of steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, and cold-formed steel projects, regardless of complexity. Confi dently design structure anywhere in the world using over 80 international codes, reducing your team’s need to learn multiple software applications.

Product: RAM Elements Description: Analyze and design, including quickly performing 3D fi nite elements analysis, of almost any type of structure or structural component. Save time and money by performing your daily design tasks for all of your building projects, simple or complex, all within a single easy to learn and use application. CADRE Analytic

Phone: 425-392-4309 Email: jimhaynes@cadreanalytic.com Web: www.cadreanalytic.com Product: Zipwire Description: Classic single hanging cable application for point loads on taut cables or distributed loads on slack cables. Includes consideration of the slope and elasticity of the cable and fl exibility of the end supports.

Product: Pro Description: Finite element structural analysis application. Loading conditions include discrete, pressure, hydrostatic, seismic, and dynamic response. Features for presenting displaying, plotting, and tabulating extreme loads and stresses across the structure and across multiple load cases simultaneously. Basic code checking for steel, wood, and aluminum.

Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada

Phone: 916-722-1700 Email: info@cmacn.org Web: cmacn.org Product: CMD15 Design Tool for Masonry Description: Structural design of reinforced concrete and clay hollow unit masonry elements for design of masonry elements in accordance with provisions of Ch. 21 2010 through 2016 CBC or 2009 through 2015 IBC and 2008 through 2013 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (TMS 402/ACI 530/ASCE 5).

Design Data

Phone: 402-441-4000 Email: sales@sds2.com Web: www.sds2.com Product: SDS/2 Description: Provides automatic detailing, connection design, and other data for the steel industry’s fabrication, detailing, and engineering sectors. SDS/2’s data sharing between all project partners reduces the time required to design, detail, fabricate and erect steel.

DEWALT Engineered by Powers

Phone: 510-364-6263 Email: jacob.olsen@sbdinc.com Web: dewalt.com Product: HangerWorks Plug-in Description: A tool that automates the placement and engineering design of hangers and seismic bracing for MEP systems such as duct, pipe, conduit, and cable tray. Prefabrication sheets, bill of materials, total station layout points, and engineering reports such as point load calculations are included. continued on page 11 Not listed? All 2017/2018 Resource Guide forms, including the 2018 TRADE SHOW IN PRINT, are now available on our website. www.STRUCTUREmag.org.

SOFTWARE BIM | Bridges | Building Components | CAD | Concrete Foundations/Retaining Walls | General Packages/Suites Light Gauge Steel | Masonry | Steel | Wood

Dlubal Software Inc.

Phone: 5267-702-2815 Email: info-us@dlubal.com Web: www.dlubal.com Product: RFEM Description: Non-linear FEA software complete with LRFD and ASD design of hot-rolled steel according to AISC, CSA, and other international standards. Serviceability defl ection checks, tapered and curved beam design, and automatic crosssection optimization. Stress analysis and design of steel surface and shell elements available, including optimization and serviceability checks.

Product: SHAPE-THIN / SHAPE-MASSIVE Description: Calculates the section properties of custom open, closed, built-up, and non-connected thin-walled cross-sections consisting of one or more materials. Perform an elastic or plastic stress analysis including torsion eff ects. Determines section properties of thick-walled cross-sections and performs a full stress analysis. Optimal integration with RFEM for further structural analysis.


Phone: 800-424-2252 ENERCAL C Email: info@enercalc.com Web: https://enercalc.com Product: Structural Engineering Library / Retain Pro / ENERCALC 3D / ENERCALC SE Description: ENERCALC’s Structural Engineering Library has been a design staple for over 3 decades. Now you can design anywhere using “ENERCALC SE,” our cloud-based structural engineering application suite. Delivers our Structural Engineering Library, RetainPro, and ENERCALC 3D (Finite Element analysis and design software) on any device.

GIZA Steel

Phone: 314-656-4615 Email: info@gizasteel.com Web: www.gizasteel.com Product: GIZA Description: Leading connection design software for steel framed structures. Compliant with AISC 13th & 14th editions using either ASD or LRFD methods. With extensive experience in the New York City market, GIZA also works with NYC building code. Save up to 80% of design time using GIZA.

Hexagon PPM

Phone: 214-448-9462 Email: geoff rey.blumber@hexagon.com Web: www.coade.com/products/gtstrudl Product: GT STRUDL® Description: Intergraph’s structural analysis and design modeling software; a market leader in its fi eld for nonlinear and linear dynamic and static analysis. A strategic database approach to all model data and analysis results, and fast, high-quality results. IES, Inc.

Phone: 800-707-0816 Email: info@iesweb.com Web: www.iesweb.com Product: VisualAnalysis Description: When you need answers, get them from models that are easy to create in IES structural software. VisualAnalysis is an excellent value for engineers who solve frames, trusses, or just about any kind of civil/structural problems. IES off ers free videobased training and email technical support.

Integrity Software, Inc.

Phone: 512-372-8991 Email: sales@softwaremetering.com Web: www.softwaremetering.com Product: SofTrack Description: Save money on monthly, quarterly and annual Bentley® license fees! SofTrack provides automatic control to prevent over-usage of Bentley licenses. Ensure licensed Bentley applications are used within your license limits. SofTrack includes support for all Bentley licensing policies. Automatically block usage of Bentley products you do not own.


Phone: 281-890-4566 Email: query.icas@intergraph.com Web: www.coade.com/products/gtstrudl Product: GT STRUDL® Description: For more than 45 years, structural engineers have trusted GT STRUDL for their structural analysis. e software off ers a comprehensive frame and fi nite element analysis solution for steel and concrete designs. GT STRUDL includes all the tools necessary to analyze a variety of structural engineering and fi nite element analysis problems.

Losch Software Ltd

Phone: 323-592-3299 Email: loschinfo@gmail.com Web: LoschSoft.com Product: LECWall Description: e industry standard for precast concrete sandwich wall design also handles multi-story columns. LECWall can analyze prestressed and/or mild reinforced wall panels with zero to 100 percent composite action. Flat, hollow-core, or double tee confi gurations are supported. Complete handling analysis is also included.

MDX Software

Phone: 573-446-3221 Email: support@mdxsoftware.com Web: www.mdxsoftware.com Product: MDX Software Description: MDX Software Curved & Straight Steel Bridge Design & Rating is in use by many top design fi rms and DOTs to design and rate steel girder bridges for compliance with LRFD, LRFR, LFD, and ASD AASHTO Specifi cations. Meca Enterprises Inc.

Phone: 918-258-2913 Email: support@mecaenterprises.com Web: www.mecaenterprises.com Product: MecaStack Software Description: Widely used software for designing self-supported and guy wire supported steel stacks. An easy to use Windows based interface allows designers to quickly model a stack. Load combinations and factors can be customized as needed. e output is easy to navigate and problem areas can be located quickly.

Mka Software and Engineering

Phone: 90 232 765 91 51 Web: www.mkasteel.com/en Product: Mergen Description: e fi rst, one dimensional nesting software that can take splices into account. Importing NC1 fi les, 3D simulation with IFC, optimization with the splices’ profi les, placing splices away from clearance holes and welded members, and transferring cutting plans on CAD environment.

MKT Fastening, LLC

Phone: 800-336-1640 Email: sales@mktfastening.com Web: www.mktfastening.com Product: MKT Website Design Software Description: New anchor design software now available to assist with calculations meeting ACI 318 and IBC design requirements. It runs on Windows operating systems; calculates in metric or imperial units for mechanical or adhesive anchoring systems. Visit the website to download your copy.

New Millennium Building Systems

Phone: 260-969-3582 Email: rich.madden@newmill.com Web: www.newmill.com Product: Steel Joists and Steel Deck Building Systems Description: New Millennium engineers and manufactures a full range of steel building systems. Including standard steel joists and deck, architecturally unique steel joist and deck systems, Versa-Floor® longspan composite fl oor systems, and stay-in-place bridge deck. New Millennium is a leader in BIM-based steel building systems supply.

Opti-Mate, Inc.

Phone: 610-530-9031 Email: optimate@enter.net Web: www.opti-mate.com Product: Bridge Engineering Software Description: Merlin Dash software for analysis, design or rating of bridges with steel and prestressed concrete girders. Descus software for grid analysis and rating of bridges with horizontally curved plate or box girders. TRAP software for truss bridges and SABRE for sign structures. AASHTO specifi cations are included.

SOFTWARE BIM | Bridges | Building Components | CAD | Concrete Foundations/Retaining Walls | General Packages/Suites Light Gauge Steel | Masonry | Steel | Wood

POSTEN Engineering Systems

Phone: 510-275-4750 Email: sales@postensoft.com Web: www.postensoft.com Product: POSTEN X Description: e most effi cient and comprehensive post-tensioned concrete software in the world that not only automatically designs the Tendons, Drapes, and Columns, but also produces highly effi cient, cost saving, sustainable designs with automatic documentation of material savings for LEED. e others simply Analyze – POSTEN DESIGNS.


Phone: 866-859-6757 Email: info@redbuilt.com Web: www.redbuilt.com Product: RedSpec™ Description: Quickly and effi ciently create fl oor and roof design specifi cations using Red-I joists, open-web trusses, and RedLam for a variety of applications. A central component is FloorChoice™; allows a fl oor to be evaluated while still in the design phase, providing an easy-to-understand numerical rating system. RISA Technologies

Phone: 949-951-5815 Email: info@risa.com Web: risa.com Product: RISAFloor ES Description: RISA off ers everything you need for concrete design. For concrete fl oors, including beams and two way slabs, nothing beats RISAFloor ES for ease of use and versatility. e design of columns and shear walls with RISA-3D off ers total fl exibility. Integration between RISA-3D and RISAFloor ES provides a complete building design.

SCIA, a Nemetschek Company

Phone: 443-393-3616 Email: b.follett@scia.net Web: www.scia.net/en Product: SCIA Engineer Description: SCIA Engineer links structural modeling, analysis, design, reporting and interoperability in ONE program. Design and optimize to the most recent AISC, AISI, and international code, including composite beam design. Learn how you can start boosting your productivity with SCIA Engineer today!

ADVERTISEMENT–For Advertiser Information, visit www.STRUCTUREmag.org S-FRAME Software

Phone: 604-273-7737 Email: info@s-frame.com Web: s-frame.com Product: S-FOUNDATION Professional 2017 Description: New pile features include soil defi nitions to calculate defl ections, axial forces, compression, and tension along each pile length. Quickly and easily model, auto-detail, and optimize pile supported foundations. Seamlessly transfer model data Analysis or easily import support data from 3rd party analysis software.

Product: S-FRAME Analysis Description: Model, analyze and design structures regardless of geometric complexity, material type, loading conditions, nonlinear eff ects, or design codes. S-FRAME effi ciently integrates concrete, foundation, and steel design as well as BIM and DXF data sharing links within a single work environment to ensure maximum productivity.

Listings are provided as a courtesy,

STRUCTURE magazine is not responsible for errors. continued on page 18

Live Instructional Webinars Scheduled Every Wednesday DeWALT HangerWorks plug-in for Autodesk Revit is a tool that automates the placement and engineering design of hangers and seismic bracing for MEP systems such as duct, pipe, conduit and cable tray. Prefabrication sheets, bill of materials, total station layout points and engineering reports such as point load calculations are included.

SOFTWARE BIM | Bridges | Building Components | CAD | Concrete Foundations/Retaining Walls | General Packages/Suites Light Gauge Steel | Masonry | Steel | Wood

Simpson Strong-Tie®

Phone: 800-925-5099 Email: web@strongtie.com Web: www.strongtie.com Product: Strong-Wall® Shearwall Selector Description: Helps Designers select the appropriate shearwall solution for a given application in accordance with the latest code requirements.

Product: CFS Designer™ V 2.0.2 Software Description: With the CFS Designer, you can design CFS beam-column members according to AISI specifi cations and analyze complex beam loading and span conditions. Intuitive design tools automate common CFS systems such as wall openings, shearwalls, fl oor joists, and, with the newest software update, up to eight stories of load-bearing studs.

Standards Design Group, Inc

Phone: 806-792-5086 Email: info@standardsdesign.com Web: www.standardsdesign.com Product: Wind Loads on Structures Description: WLS4 software allows wind load computations for the ASCE 7-98, 02 or 05, Section 6 and ASCE 7-10, Chapters 26-31. WGD5 performs calculation to design window glass according to ASTM E 1300-09. BRDG 2007 fi nds its basis in the ASTM F 2248.

Strand7 Pty Ltd

Phone: 252-504-2282 Email: info@strand7.com Web: www.strand7.com Product: Strand7 Description: A general-purpose FEA system comprising integrated pre- and post-processing and solvers. It is used for linear and nonlinear analysis of structures and components (static, dynamic and heat transfer) by engineering companies of all sizes and disciplines. Worldwide acceptance as a powerful tool for structural analysis, particularly nonlinear analysis.

StrucSoft Solutions

Phone: 514-538-6862 Email: a.gordon-stewart@strucsoftsolutions.com Web: strucsoftsolutions.com Product: MWF Description: A template-based and rule-driven extension to Autodesk® Revit® for framing. It empowers users to automate the modeling, clash detection and manufacturing of light gauge steel and wood framing, including shop drawings, cut lists, BOM, CNC output & more. StructurePoint

Phone: 847-966-4357 Email: info@structurepoint.org Web: www.structurepoint.org Product: Concrete Design Software Suite Description: StructurePoint, formerly the PCA Engineering Software Group, off ers concrete design software programs updated to ACI 318-14 for concrete buildings, concrete structures, and concrete tanks. Reinforced concrete structural software includes programs for design of columns, bridge piers, beams, girders, one and two-way slabs, shearwalls, tilt-up walls, mats, foundations, tanks, and slabs-on-grade.


Phone: +44 (0)133 25458-00 Email: j.hardy@strumis.com Web: www.strumis.com Product: STRUMIS Description: Steel estimating and fabrication management information software which provides unrivalled features and benefi ts globally. Our software is driven by our continuous collaboration and communication with our customers. Our customers speak; we listen, ensuring the best material and time savings, in turn reducing overheads and increasing effi ciency and productivity.


Phone: 770-426-5105 Email: kristine.plemmons@trimble.com Web: www.tekla.com Product: Tedds Description: Perform 2D frame analysis, access a large range of automated structural and civil calculations to U.S. codes, and speed up your daily structural calculations.

Product: Tekla Structural Designer Description: Revolutionary software that gives engineers the power to analyze and design buildings effi ciently and profi tably. Fully automated and packed with many unique features for optimized concrete and steel design. Quick comparison of alternative design schemes, cost-eff ective change management, and seamless BIM collaboration.

Product: Tekla Structures Description: Create and transfer constructible models throughout the design, from concept to completion. Allows you to create accurate and informationrich models that reduce RFIs and enable structural engineers proven additional services. Models are used for drawing production, material take off s and collaboration with disciplines like architects, consultants, fabricators and contractors. Struware, LLC

Phone: 904-302-6724 Email: email@struware.com Web: www.struware.com Product: Structural Engineering Software Description: Struware provides easy to use structural engineering software. So quick and easy, the software pays for itself the fi rst time you use it. Programs include a wind, seismic, snow, dead and live loadings program, CMU walls, tilt-up concrete walls, steel fl oor vibration, and concrete beams. Demos at website.

Veit Christoph GmbH

Phone: +49 (0)711 518573-30 Email: info@vcmaster.com Web: www.vcmaster.com/en Product: VCmaster Description: A comprehensive, aff ordable, userfriendly software solution for compiling professional structural design calculations. Off ers a unique combination of reliable calculation capacity and extensive text processing features. Includes numerous predefi ned design calculations according to AISC and ACI. With VCmaster, engineers can work effi ciently while making fewer mistakes.

WoodWorks Software

Phone: 800-844-1275 Email: sales@woodworks-software.com Web: www.woodworks-software.com Product: WoodWorks® Software Description: Conforms to IBC 2015, ASCE 7-10, NDS 2015, SDPWS 2015; SHEARWALLS: designs perforated and segmented shearwalls; generates loads; rigid and fl exible diaphragm distribution methods. SIZER: designs beams, columns, studs, joists up to 6 stories. CONNECTIONS: Wood to: wood, steel or concrete.


Phone: 581-235-8710 Email: yves.rossignol@yrtechnosoft.com Web: www.yrtechnosoft.com Product: Weld Design Description: Software for calculating welding beads according to permissible stresses and the Blodgett method. 14 diff erent forms of cord and the fl ows are calculated in 3 locations. e cdn price includes updates for one year. English, French, 32 and 64 bit version as well as student version available.

Listings are provided as a courtesy, STRUCTURE magazine is not responsible for errors.

The TRADE SHOW IN PRINT is available online! www.STRUCTUREmag.org

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