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SEISMIC Codes | Buckling Restrained Brace Engineered Products | Software

Applied Science International, LLC

Phone: 919-645-4090 Email: support@appliedscienceint.com Web: www.appliedscienceint.com Product: Extreme Loading for Structures Description: A new advanced level of nonlinear dynamic structural analysis, which allows users to effi ciently study structural failure from any number of actual or possible extreme events such as blast, seismic, and progressive collapse. Easily model structures composed of reinforced concrete, steel composite, and other structures with all as-built and as-damaged details.

Product: SteelSmart System - Seismic Load Generator Description: Provides construction professionals with an essential tool engineered for both fast and accurate design. Use the Load Generator & Distributor to calculate lateral wind and seismic loads per ASCE 7 and distribute the loads to the building’s individual shear walls.


Phone: 416-806-3521 Email: info@castconnex.com Web: www.castconnex.com Product: High Strength Connectors™ Description: Simplify and improve brace member connections in seismic-resistant concentrically braced frames.

Product: Scorpion™ Yielding Connectors Description: Modular, replaceable, standardized hysteretic fuses that provide enhanced ductility and improved performance in the retrofi t of seismically defi cient structures or for use in the Seismic Force Resisting System of new structures.


Phone: 845-230-7533 Email: mark.ziegler@sbdinc.com Web: wanchors.dewalt.com Product: Screw-Bolt+ Description: A one piece, heavy duty screw anchor. Use with standard ANSI drill bits. Finishes available in bright zinc-plated and mechanically galvanized. Suitable for normal-weight concrete, sand-lightweight concrete, concrete over steel deck, concrete masonry, and solid clay brick. Code listed for seismic and wind loads. See ICC-ES ESR-3889 (concrete), ESR-4042 (masonry).

Dlubal Software, Inc.

Phone: 267-702-2815 Email: info-us@dlubal.com Web: www.dlubal.com Product: RFEM Description: Integrated automatic wind and snow load generators per ASCE 7-16 for general buildingtype structures. Calculate a Response Spectra Analysis for all structure types according to ASCE 7 or user-defi ned from accelerogram input data. Design and optimization are available with the latest design standards such as AISC, ACI, ADM, NDS, etc. ENERCALC, Inc.

Phone: 800-424-2252 ENERCAL C Email: info@enercalc.com Web: https://enercalc.com Product: Structural Engineering Library Description: Most projects require the calculation of wind and seismic loads. ENERCALC’s SEL has dedicated modules for the development of these loads using ASCE 7 and IBC methods. ese modules simplify the process of developing loads and allow you to spend more time solving engineering problems and optimizing your designs.

Gripple Inc.

Phone: 630-952-2113 Email: e.balsamo@gripple.com Web: www.gripple.com Product: Seismic Products and Services Description: We provide beginning-to-end engineering services, as well as a full line of Seismic Cable Bracing and Vibration Management products for use in seismic zones or AT/FP (Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection) situations. We provide you with free budget estimating, PE stamped drawings, BIM Modeling and Clash Detection, and Coordinated Site Reviews.

IES, Inc.

Phone: 800-707-0816 Email: terryk@iesweb.com Web: www.iesweb.com Product: VisualAnalysis Description: Helps you apply ASCE 7 wind provisions from chapter 27. Easily load surfaces through area loads, where automatic pressure values arebased on your settings. VisualAnalysis also tackles wind on open structures, like transmission towers, where loads are a function of member cross section, elevation and ice build-up.

Meca Enterprises

Phone: 918-258-2913 Email: support@mecaenterprises.com Web: www.mecaenterprises.com Product: MecaWind Description: A cost eff ective program used by Engineers and designers to perform Wind calculations per ASCE 7-05 and ASCE 7-10. e program is simple to use, and off ers a professional looking output with all necessary wind calculations. e user has a great deal of conrol to customize output to suit their needs.

PHP Systems/Design

Phone: 800-797-6585 Email: info@phpsd.com Web: www.phpsd.com Product: Solar Panel Support Description: Made from density/high impact polypropylene with UV-inhibitors and antioxidants. e carbon steel fi nish is hot dip galvanized per ASTM A 123. is system addresses many concerns with regard to solar panel installations, such as height issues, wind issues, heat issues, etc. RedBuilt

Phone: 866-859-6757 Email: rruim@redbuilt.com Web: www.redbuilt.com Product: Open-Web Trusses Description: Create effi cient and economical fl oor and roof solutions for commercial and light-industrial applications. RedBuilt’s open-web trusses provides the advantages of wood and steel – their high strength-toweight ratio and long span capabilities allows for large open spaces of more than 100 feet wide.

Product: RedLam™ LVL Description: Can be used as main carrying beams, fl ush beams, headers and wall framing. RedLam LVL manufacturing process removes and dispenses the natural defects inherent in wood and produces a product that is strong, dimensionally stable, and reliable.

Product: Red-I™ I-joists Description: Engineered to provide strength and consistency, Red-I joists are an integral part of fl oor, ceiling, and roof construction for commercial applications. Comprised of laminated veneer lumber fl anges and RedBuilt’s propriety oriented strand board web, Red-I joists resist warping, twisting, and shrinking that can lead to squeaky fl oors.

RISA Technologies

Phone: 949-951-5815 Email: info@risa.com Web: www.risa.com Product: RISA-3D Description: Feeling overwhelmed with the latest seismic design procedures? RISA-3D has you covered with seismic detailing features including full AISC-341/358 code checks. Whether you’re using RISA-3D’s automated seismic load generator, or the built-in dynamic response spectra and time history analysis/design capabilities, designs and reports will meet all your needs.

Simpson Strong-Tie®

Phone: 800-925-5099 Email: web@strongtie.com Web: www.strongtie.com Product: Strong-Rod™ Anchor Tiedown System Description: Addresses many of the design challenges specifi cally associated with multi-story buildings that must withstand seismic activity. Strong-Rod ATS takes into account such issues as rod elongation, wood shrinkage, construction settling, shrinkage compensating device defl ection, incremental loads, cumulative tension loads, and anchorage.

Product: Strong Frame® Special Moment Frames Description: Features our patented Yield-Link® structural fuse, which is designed to bear the brunt of lateral forces during a seismic event.

SEISMIC Codes | Buckling Restrained Brace Engineered Products | Software

Standards Design Group, Inc.

Phone: 806-792-5086 Email: alwaysalice2003@yahoo.com Web: www.standardsdesign.com Product: Wind Loads on Structures 4 Description: Performs computations in ASCE 7-10, Chapters 26-31 also ASCE 7-98, 02, 05, Section 6 and computes wind loads by analytical method rather than the simplifi ed method, provides basic wind speeds from a built-in version of the wind speed, allows the user to enter wind speed. WLS4 has numerous specialty calculators.

Struware, LLc

Phone: 904-302-6724 Email: email@struware.com Web: www.struware.com Product: Struware Code Search Description: Provides all pertinent wind, seismic, snow, live and dead loads for your building in just minutes. e program simplifi es ASCE 7 and IBC (and codes based on these) by catching the buts, ifs, insteads, footnotes, and hidden items that most people miss. Demo available at website. Trimble

Phone: 770-426-5105 Email: kristine.plemmons@trimble.com Web: www.tekla.com Product: Tekla Structural Designer Description: Built-in loading wizards automatically calculate all wind and seismic forces, generate design cases, and optimize the design of steel and concrete members to the latest AISC, ACI and ASCE 7 design codes. Review detailed calculations with code clauses and print complete reports for review submittals.

Product: Tedds Description: Automate wind and seismic calculations and perform member designs. Built-in library of calculations allows quick calculation of ASCE 7 wind and seismic forces. Use one of our component design modules to design your beams, columns and foundations. Link the modules to create a professional report for review submittals.

Listings are provided as a courtesy, STRUCTURE magazine is not responsible for errors. The Steel Network, Inc.

Phone: 919-845-1025 Email: support@steelnetwork.com Web: www.steelnetwork.com Product: Stiff Wall Shear Wall Description: A stick build system designed to carry loads concentrically from the point of applied loads to the foundation or other termination point. Utilizes light gauge straps on both sides of the wall for shear resistance. Superior quality with high yield ASTM A1003 steel and hot-dipped galvanized coating.

WoodWorks Software

Phone: 800-844-1275 Email: sales@woodworks-software.com Web: www.woodworks-software.com Product: WoodWorks® Design Offi ce Suite Description: Conforms to IBC 2015, ASCE 7-10, NDS 2015, SDPWS 2015; SHEARWALLS: designs perforated and segmented shearwalls; generates loads; rigid and fl exible diaphragm distribution methods. SIZER: designs beams, columns, studs, joists up to 6 stories. CONNECTIONS: Wood to: wood, steel or concrete.

Not listed? All 2017/2018 Resource Guide forms, including the 2018 TRADE SHOW IN PRINT, are now available on our website. www.STRUCTUREmag.org.

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