Jay Paul
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training
Family ministry: what’s on, what’s not (for now)
his is a season of intense and tender transition at St. Stephen’s. On one hand, we are gradually and joyfully emerging into a post-pandemic world and await with eager hope and gratitude the arrival of our interim rector in July. On the other hand, we are still missing some of what we once cherished, and we continue to process the deep and layered griefs of the past year and a half.
participants. Space is very limited and registration is required. Priority is given to those who pre-paid and registered for the cancelled summer 2020 training and to St. Stephen’s parishioners, for whom tuition is waived. Be in touch with Betsy Tyson (btyson@ststephensRVA.org) to sign up, learn more, or explore options for ministry with children.
Our staff has discerned with utmost seriousness and sincerity of heart those activities we feel we can safely offer and manage well—from Sunday in-person worship to opportunities for small groups to gather in person and from ongoing virtual offerings to our bustling café. We have also made difficult decisions about what we can’t yet safely or feasibly offer, particularly in large numbers. The following is a list of planned programming for this summer at St. Stephen’s and with specific contact information if you’d like more details or have further questions.
We will not host Vacation Bible School for summer 2021. We simply cannot safely accommodate all those who generally attend this week-long retreat and we look forward to other formation and fellowship opportunities for children. Be sure you are signed up for the eSpirit and the family ministry newsletter to receive announcements, news and links, and contact Betsy Tyson with specific questions about children’s ministry.
As always, we are grateful for your continued patience, vigilance, and goodwill as we navigate with you the complexities of our current reality.
We are planning for a return to in-person Sunday school for all ages, Confirmation preparation, and youth groups in the fall of 2021 and we will be in touch with further information about how to register, attend, volunteer, and stay connected this summer. Contact the Rev. John Jenkins with specific questions about youth ministry, including Confirmation preparation for rising 9th graders.
We will host training for Levels 1 and 2 of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. July 26 - July 30 is for Level 1, part 1 participants; August 2 - August 6 is for Level 2, part 2 12
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