Sydney, Australia
Collaborating sponsor:
Tuesday, 16 August 2016 8:00-9:00 a.m. (0800-0900)
Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (0800-1700)
9:00-10:30 a.m. (0900-1030)
Welcome and Greetings Dr. Cathy Catrambone, STTI President
Welcome to Country Aunty Joan Tranter, Elder in Residence
Session 1 Clinical Leadership Capacity Building, Quality, and Safety Debra Jackson, Professor, Oxford Brookes University
10:30-11:00 a.m. (1030-1100)
Morning Beverage Break & Networking
11:00 a.m.-noon (1100-1200)
Session 2 The Next Generation of Clinical Leaders: Future Proofing Preparation Angela Brown, Associate Professor, University of Wollongong
Noon-1:30 p.m. (1200-1330)
Lunch & Networking
1:30-2:30 p.m. (1330-1430)
Session 3 Clinical Leadership Development: The Heart of the Matter Kim Olesen, Director, Nursing and Midwifery Services, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Karen Tuqiri, Acting Director of Nursing, Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
2:30-3:30 p.m. (1430-1530)
Session 4 WHO Collaborating Centers Leadership Program
Michele Rumsey, Director, World Health Organization Collaborating Centers Operations and Development
3:30-4:00 p.m. (1530-1600)
Afternoon Beverage Break & Networking
4:00-5:00 p.m. (1600-1700)
Session 5 Panel: Developing Leaders for the Future Professor Debra Jackson, Oxford Brookes University Kylie Ward, CEO, Australian College of Nursing Michele Rumsey, Director, World Health Organization Collaborating Centers Operations and Development Kim Olesen, Director, Nursing and Midwifery Services, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Karen Tuqiri, Acting Director of Nursing, Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital John Daly, Professor and Dean, University of Technology Sydney Lesley Siegloff, Associate Dean, Flinders University, Adelaide Summation Dr. Patricia E. Thompson, STTI Chief Executive Officer, Chair
Hospitality sponsored by
N U R S I N G A N D M I D W I F E R Y: T R A N S F O R M I N G L E A D E R S H I P, E D U C AT I O N , P R A C T I C E , A N D R E S E A R C H
Wednesday, 17 August 2016 8:00-8:45 a.m. (0800-0845)
Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (0800-1700)
8:45-10:35 a.m. (0845-1035)
Welcome and Greetings Dr. Cathy Catrambone, STTI President
Contextualising Translational Research in Clinical Nursing Part 1: The Evolution of Academic Clinical Chairs: Are They Still Necessary?
Debra Thoms, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Australian Department of Health
Part 2: Academic Clinical Chairs: Strategies and Advice - Voices from the Field
Debra Thoms, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Australian Department of Health Sandy Middleton, Professor, Australian Catholic University Val Wilson, University of Technology Sydney Ritin Fernandez, University of Wollongong Bronwyn Everett, Western Sydney University
Professor Jane Phillips, Chair
10:35-10:50 a.m. (1035-1050)
Morning Beverage Break & Networking
10:50 a.m.-12:35 p.m. (1050-1235)
Improving Stroke and Cardiovascular Outcomes Part 1: Nurses Improving Stroke Outcomes
Sandy Middleton, Professor, Australian Catholic University
Part 2: Snapshot – Overview of Heart Failure in Australia Dr. Philip Newton, University of Technology Sydney
Part 3: Optimising Approaches for Stroke Prevention for Atrial Fibrillation
Dr. Caleb Ferguson, University of Technology Sydney
Part 4: Wrist to Heart – Keeping the Artery Open: Reflections on the Evidence and Current Practices Dr. Ritin Fernandez, University of Wollongong
Louise Hickman, Associate Professor, University of Technology Sydney, Chair
12:35-1:15 p.m. (1235-1315)
Lunch & Networking
1:15-4:00 p.m. (1315-1600)
Improving Cancer Symptom Management Part 1: Cannabis: Building the Evidence for its Use in Advanced Cancer Symptom Management Part 2: Improving Self-management for People with Chronic Breathlessness: Web-based Evidence Dr. Tim Luckett, University of Technology Sydney
Part 3: Defining and Addressing Opiate Errors in Cancer and Palliative Care Part 4: Managing Older People’s Pain: The Role of Pain-Self-Management Apps Ms. Priyanka Bhattarai, University of Notre Dame Australia
Summation Elizabeth Halcomb, Professor, University of Wollongong, Chair
4:00-4:10 p.m. (1600-1610)
4:10-4:30 p.m. (1610-1630)
Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository Dr. Cathy Catrambone, STTI President
4:30-4:45 p.m. (1630-1645)
Summation and Closing Remarks Dr. Patricia E. Thompson, STTI Chief Executive Officer, Chair Schedule subject to change
S Y D N E Y, AU S T R A L I A | 1 6 - 17 AU G U S T 2016
| Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Thes eports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools | Patient Education To y-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers entation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools | Patient Education Tools | Guidelines | Facu s | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | Pre s | Outcomes | QI Tools | Patient Education Tools | Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Obje apstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Pap Patient Education Tools | Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP Only| Presentation a fractionSlides of nursing research | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools and EBP materials reach the public via | Thes Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects eports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Papers |publishing Outcomes | QI Tools | Patient Education To traditional paths. y-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers Ensure that| your hasTools global impact.| Facu entation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools Patientwork Education | Guidelines sertations | Dissertations | DNP Capstone | Graduate | Reports | Posters | Pre | DNP Capstone ProjectsProjects | Theses| Theses | Graduate Papers Papers | Reports | Posters | Presentat s | Outcomes | QI|Tools | Patient Education | Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning tcomes | QI Tools Patient Education Tools |Tools Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning ObjectsObje | D apstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | Presentation and Pap ne Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers | Henderson Reports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Papers | The Repository is: Slides Patient Education Tools | Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP atient Education Tools | Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP Ca GLOBAL. Anyone with access to the Internet may view, browse, | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | the Presentation and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools and cite materials in theSlides repository. Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Thes INCLUSIVE. Nurses and nursing students from accredited eports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools | required. Patient Education To programs may submit items. STTI membership is not Faculty-created Learning Objects y-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Thesescosts, | Graduate Papers FREE. There is no charge to submit, no participation and no access entation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QIfee. Tools | Patient Education Tools | Guidelines | Facu PEER-REVIEWED. Submissions to collections under | Posters | Pre s | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers | Reports the Independent Submissions community are peer-reviewed (singles | Outcomes | QI Tools | Patient Education | Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Obje blind) and allTools other submissions go through an evaluation process. apstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Pap PERMANENT. All items are accessible via persistent identifiers Patient Education Tools | Guidelines Learningdisplayed Objectsin |theDissertations | DNP (i.e., |noFaculty-created dead links) and are permanently repository DON’T MISS THIS! once approved. | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools STTI President Cathy Catrambone Four Submission Options: | DNP Capstone Projects | Thes Guidelines |presents Faculty-created Learning Objects | Dissertations on the • Individual Nurse/Nursing Student Henderson Respository, eports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools | Patient Education To • School of Nursing Wednesday, 17 August y-created4:10-4:30 Learning | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers • National/International Nursing Organization p.m.Objects (1610-1630) • Hospital/Health Care System entation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools | Patient Education Tools | Guidelines | Facu To learn more, visit s | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | Pre or email s | Outcomes | QI Tools | Patient Education Tools | Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Obje apstone Projects | Theses | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Pap Patient Education Tools | Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP | Graduate Papers | Reports | Posters | Presentation Slides and Papers | Outcomes | QI Tools Guidelines | Faculty-created Learning Objects | Dissertations | DNP Capstone Projects | Thes